单词 | 读 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 读verb—studyv读—commaphrase marked by pauseExamples:读者n—readerspl readershipn 可读adj—readableadj 读数n—readingspl readoutn
以 下 论 述 与 分 析 应 与 本 报 告 所 列 之 本 集 团 财 务 报 表 及 其 附 注 同 时阅读。 zte.com.cn | The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the Group’s financial statements and the accompanying notes as set out in this report. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
(E) 董事会在按本公司细则(A)段作出决定时,如董事会认为向登记 地址位於任何一个或多个特定地区的任何股东或存托人配发股份或传达选择权的要 [...] 约属或可能属不合法或董事会认为在缺乏登记说明或其他特别手续下属或可能属不 [...] 合法,可於任何情况下议决不向其配发股份或授出将发行股份的选择权,在此情况 下,上述规定应在该决议案的规限下阅读及理解,而任何一个或多个有关地区的股东 [...]的唯一权利将为以现金形式收取议决派付或宣派的有关股息。 asiasat.com | (E) The Board may on any occasion when it makes a determination pursuant to paragraph (A) of this Bye-law, resolve that no allotment of shares or rights of election for shares to be issued pursuant to such determination shall be made available or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any particular territory or territories or to a Depositary where the allotment of shares or the circulation of an offer of such rights of election would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful in the absence of a registration statement or other special [...] formalities, and in such event the provision [...] aforesaid shallberead andconstrued subject [...]to such resolution and the only entitlement [...]of shareholders in any such territory or territories shall be to receive in cash the relevant dividend resolved to be paid or declared. asiasat.com |
就本公司细则而言,董事向董事会发出载有下列内容之一 般通知,即被视作已根据本公司细则就任何有关合约或安排充分申报利益,该通知须 申明(a)该董事为个别公司或商号之股东,而将被视作在可能於该通知日期後与该公司 [...] 或商号订立之任何合约或安排中涉及利益或(b)该董事将被视作在可能於该通知日期 後与其关连人士订立之任何合约或安排中涉及利益;惟须在董事会会议上呈交该通 [...] 知,或该董事采取合理步骤确保该通知可在发出後下一个董事会会议上获得提呈及阅读,该通知方为有效。 asiasat.com | For the purposes of this Bye-law, a general notice to the Board by a Director to the effect that (a) he is a shareholder of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with that company or firm or (b) he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with a specified person who is connected with him, shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-law in relation to any such contract or arrangement; provided that no such notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or [...] the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it [...] is brought up andread atthe next Board [...]meeting after it is given. asiasat.com |
弟妹派位优先权 的目的是帮助拥有多名子女的 家长为子女申请入读同一间学 校,而非在多所学校提供入学 优先权。 sfusd.edu | The purpose of the sibling priority is to assist families with multiple children to enroll their children in a school together, not to provide a placement priority at multiple schools. sfusd.edu |
(C) 董事向董事会发出的一般通知指明其将被视为於通知日期後在与指定 人士、商号或法团订立的任何合约或安排中拥有权益,即被视为就如此 订立的任何合约或安排作出充分利益申报,惟有关通知须於董事大会上 [...] 发出,或有关董事采取合理步骤确保通知发出後於下届董事大会上提出 及宣读,始能生效。 wuling.com.hk | (C) A general notice to the Directors by a Director that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person, firm or corporation after the date of such notice shall be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Directors or the Director [...] takes reasonable steps to ensure that it [...] is brought up and readatthe next meeting [...]of the Directors after it is given. wuling.com.hk |
这是一份法律合同,因此您应该仔细阅读,确保 自己对租约感到满意,然後再签署租约。 tuv.org.au | This is a legal contract [...] so youshould read it carefully [...]and make sure that you are happy with it before you sign. tuv.org.au |
经扩大集团之未经审核备考财务资料应与本集团已刊发财务资料(如本通函附录一所 载)、目标集团之经审核综合财务资料(如本通函附录二所载)及本通函其他部分收录之 其他财务资料一并阅读。 equitynet.com.hk | The unaudited pro forma financial information of the Enlarged Group should be read in conjunction with the published financial information of the Group as set out in Appendix I to this circular, the audited consolidated financial information of the Target Group as set out in Appendix II to this circular and other financial information included elsewhere in this circular. equitynet.com.hk |
投资者作出任何投资决定 前,应详细阅读有关 之销售文件(包括当中所载之风险 [...] 因素之全文)及风险披露声明。 hangseng.com | Investorsshould readthe relevant offering [...] documents (including the full text of the risk factors stated therein) and risk [...]disclosure statements in detail before making any investment decision. hangseng.com |
(5) 管理任何楼宇(不论属於本公司与否)或於任何期间以本公司认为适当之 [...] 租金及条件租赁该楼宇或其中之任何部分:收取租金及收入及向租户、 [...] 占用人及其他人供应照明、热力、空调、茶点、服务员、通信员、接待 室、阅读室、盥洗室、洗衣设施、电子设备、车库、娱乐设施及本公司 [...]不时认为适合之其他利益,或如上文所述透过聘用任何人士、商号、或 [...]公司以按本公司认为适当之条款进行或从事或提供该等管理、租赁及利益 。 mmg.com | (5) To manage any buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants and occupiers and others light, heat, [...] air-conditioning, refreshments, attendants, [...] messengers, waiting rooms, readingrooms, lavatories, [...]laundry facilities, electric conveniences, [...]garages, recreation facilities and other advantages which from time to time the Company shall consider desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit. mmg.com |
(b) 其被视为於通知日期後与其有关连的特定人士订立的任何合约或安排中 拥有权益; 就任何上述合约或安排而言,应视为本细则下的充分利益申明,惟除非通知在董事会会 [...] 议上发出或董事采取合理步骤确保通知在发出後的下一董事会会议上提出及宣读,否则 通知无效。 mainland.com.hk | shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-law in relation to any such contract or arrangement, provided that no such Notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or [...] the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it [...] is brought upand read at the nextBoard [...]meeting after it is given. mainland.com.hk |
(e) 建造、维持、改善、发展、运作、控制及管理任何水务工程、气体工程、水库、道路、电车 [...] 轨道、电力、热力及照明供应工程、电话工程、酒店、会所、餐厅、浴室、崇拜场所、消闲 场所、游乐场地、公园、花园、阅读室、货铺、商店、乳品店、以及本公司可能认为直接或 [...]间接有助於上述宗旨之其他工程及便利设施,并且对以上各项的建造、维持、改善、发展、 [...]运作、控制及管理,作出贡献或以其他方式协助或参与。 cre.com.hk | (e) To construct, maintain, improve, develop, work, control, and manage any waterworks, gas works, reservoirs, roads, tramways, electric power, heat and light supply works, telephone works, hotels, clubs, restaurants, baths, places of worship, [...] places of amusements, pleasure grounds, [...] parks, gardens,reading rooms, stores, shops, [...]dairies, and other works and conveniences [...]which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to these objects, and to contribute or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, maintenance, development, working, control and management thereof. cre.com.hk |
(4) 如果在没有登记陈述书或其他特别手续的情况下於任何地区提呈本细则 第(1)段下的选择权利及股份配发按董事会的意见将会或可能属违法或不实际可行,则董 事会可於任何情况下决定不向登记地址位於该地区的股东提供或作出该等选择权利及 股份配发,而在此情况下,上述规定须按此决定阅读及诠释,因上一句子而受影响的股 东不得就任何目的作为或被视为一个独立的股东类别。 mainland.com.hk | (4) The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (1) of this Bye-law shall not be made available or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any territory where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable, and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination. mainland.com.hk |
为了加强民研计划的公民教育工作,我们在过去一年,都在我们的定期新闻公报中附加一个关於民意研究的小栏目,与读者分享和讨论民意研究的经验和心得,今日的专题栏目是「民研计划简介」。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the whole of last year, we have included in our regular press releases a small educational section for the purpose of sharing our research experience with the readers and the general public, and the subject of our education section today is "About HKUPOP". hkupop.hku.hk |
吾等已阅读半年度 财务报告所载其他资料,并考虑当中是否包含任何明显错误陈述或与简明财务报表中资料有重大不致之处。 glencore.com | We have readthe otherinformation [...] contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any [...]apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements. glencore.com |
学生签证持有者的学龄眷属可入读满足国内注册相关要求的任何学校。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | School-aged dependents of student visa holders can attend any school that meets relevant requirements for domestic registration. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
对飞安自愿报告系统第六期简讯中更新安全资讯交 流 栏 内,摘 译 QF-1 航机於雷雨过境曼谷国际机场时,着 陆後冲出跑道之失事报导读後感言。 tacare.org.tw | After reading the article in TACARE Newsletter Vol. 6, regarding the accident report of QF-1 running off the runway after touchdown in Bangkok International Airport in the thunderstorm, there are some personal feelings about the case. tacare.org.tw |
在股东特别大会及股东周年大会上处理的事项均被视为特别事项,惟宣派及批 准股息、根据公司细则条文作出催缴、阅读、考虑并采纳账目、资产负债表、 董事会报告及资产负债表需附加的其他文件、於大会上选举董事以替代轮席退 [...] 任或以其他方式退任的董事、委任核数师(倘根据公司法,毋须就委任意向发 [...]出特别通告)及厘定董事或核数师薪酬的厘定方式除外。 wuling.com.hk | All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at a special general meeting and at an annual general meeting, with the exception of the declaration and sanctioning of a dividend, making a [...] call in accordance with the provisions of [...] the Bye-Laws, the reading, consideration and [...]adoption of the accounts, balance sheet [...]and the reports of the Directors and other documents required to be annexed to the balance sheet, the election of Directors in the place of those retiring at the meeting whether by rotation or otherwise, the appointment of the auditors (where special notice of the intention for such appointment is not required by the Act) and the fixing, or the determination of the method of fixing, of the remuneration of the Directors and of the auditors. wuling.com.hk |
行动不 便或有视障的学生若有弟妹想 与其同读一所学校,校区会按 现时的派位政策及程序给这些 弟妹申请人分派学位。 sfusd.edu | If a student with a vision or mobility impairment has a sibling or siblings who wish to enroll in the same school as the child with a vision or mobility impairment, those siblings will be placed in accordance with the current enrollment policies and procedures. sfusd.edu |
豁免英语水平入学要求: (1) 成功修毕修读年期不少於两年及以英语授课的香港高级文凭课程或副学士学位课程;或 (2) 修读英国海外学士学位课程或以遥距学习模式修读英国学士学位课程并在英国高等教育体制下在级别4最少取得120学分及在级别5最少取得120学分; 3) 修读以英 语授课的高中课程及修毕高级程度考试/国际学士学位课程/美国高中文凭;或 4) 成功修毕美国/澳洲/加拿大的海外学士学位课程。 ipass.gov.hk | Exemption from English Language Requirements: (1) Applicants, who have successfully completed a Hong Kong Higher Diploma or Associate Degree, taught and assessed [...] in English and [...] studied it for at least two years; or (2) Applicants whohavestudied a UK degree overseas or by Distance Learning and who have successfully completed a minimum 120 credits at Level 4 and 120 credits at Level 5 within the UK Higher Education framework. 3) Applicants who havestudied inEnglish medium at upper secondary and graduated [...]with Advanced levels [...]/ International Baccalaureate / United States High School Diploma; or 4) Applicants who have successfully completed a degree at a United States / Australian / Canadian university campus overseas. ipass.gov.hk |
教 育 签 账 类 别 之 合 资 格 交 易 包 括 但 不 限 於 : (i) 於 网 上报读本地及 海 外 各 大 院 校 / 办 学 机 构 举 办 之 课 程 ( 根 据 持 续 进 修 基 金 可 获 发 还 款 项 课 程 名 单 为 准 ) 或 / 及 (ii) 於 网 上 支 付 本 地 及 海 外 学 费 , 而 所 有 交 易 均 须 以 港 币 签 账 ; 合 资 格 之 交 易 并 不 包 括 以 信 用 卡 於 网 上 银 行 缴 费 或 / 及 於 商 户 编 号 为 非 教 育 / 考 试 之 商 户 / 机 构 ( 根 据 恒 生 银 行 有 限 公 司 ( 「 恒 生 」 ) / Visa 国 际 组 织 / Master Card Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 不 时 界 定 ) 或 个 别 商 户 之 收 单 银 行 所 监 定 之 商 户 编 号 为 非 有 关 行 业 之 正 确 商 户 编 号 或 其 他 未 经 许 可 之 签 账 。 bank.hangseng.com | Eligible transactions in Education category include but not limit to: (i) online payment on courses held by local and overseas universities/ institutions (according to the reimbursable course list of The Continuing Education Fund); and/ or (ii) online payment on local and overseas public tuitions and all transactions must be in HKD. Eligible transactions do not include online bill payment with credit card via internet banking and/ or transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as education / examination by Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) / Visa International / MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited from time to time, transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as correct codes of related business by the merchants’ acquiring banks and any unauthorized transactions. bank.hangseng.com |
以保证等级第二、第三及第四级运作的凭证机构,电子稽核日志 系统(Electronic Audit Log [...] System)必须包含保护机制,手动的稽核资 讯亦应加以保护,以确保不会遭未经授权的阅读、修改及删除。 epki.com.tw | CA that operates under assurance levels 2, 3 and 4 the electronic audit log system shall comprise of protection [...] mechanism and the manually audited information shall also be protected to ensure [...] no unauthorizedreading,revision and deletion. epki.com.tw |
卑诗省法律要求任何自称为「护士」的人士必须是注册护士、持有执 [...] 照的执业护士、持有执照的护士毕业生、注册精神科护士、或者就读於核准的护理学校或执业护士训练课程或精神科护理教育课程的其它 [...]人士。 multilingolegal.ca | BC legislation requires that anyone using the title “nurse” be any of the following: a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a [...] licensed graduate nurse, a registered [...] psychiatric nurse, orenrolled in an approved [...]school of nursing, or a training course [...]for practical nurses, or a program of psychiatric nursing education. multilingolegal.ca |
(k)# 凡述及签立文件,乃指以亲笔、印鉴或电子签署或任何其他方式签立,而凡述 及通知或文件,均包括以任何数码、电子、电力、磁力或其他可读取形式或媒 体纪录或储存的通知或文件,以及可见形式的资料,而不论是否以物质形式存 在。 soundwill.com.hk | (k)# references to a document being executed include references to it being executed under hand or under seal or by electronic signature or by any other method and references to a notice or document include a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not. soundwill.com.hk |
(20) 经营旅行社及旅游承包商之业务;促进旅游业务;提供或安排提供各类方便 [...] 游客及旅客之服务,形式包括直通票、来回票、卧卡、膳食、留位、酒店及 住宿、导游、保管、查询服务、资料库、盥洗室、阅读室、行李运送或其他 服务。 equitynet.com.hk | (20) To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors, and to facilitate travelling, and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in the way of through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars or berths, meals, reserved places, hotel and lodging accommodation, [...] guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaux, [...] libraries, lavatories,reading rooms, baggage transport [...]or otherwise howsoever. equitynet.com.hk |
就 任 何 上 述 合 约 或 安 排 而 言 应 视 为 此 细 则 条 文 下 的 充 [...] 分 利 益 申 明 , 惟 除 非 通 知 在 董 事 会 会 议 上 发 出 或 董 事 采 取 合 理 步 骤 确 保 通 知 在 发 出 後 的 下 一 [...] 次 董 事 会 会 议 上 提 出 及宣读,否则 通 知 无 效 。 golikmetal.com | shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-law in relation to any such contract or arrangement, provided that no such notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or [...] the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it [...] is brought up and readatthe next Board [...]meeting after it is given. golikmetal.com |