

单词 诺鲁

See also:


promise v



stupid adj

External sources (not reviewed)

诺鲁孜节 中的各种传统和仪式的基础反映了东西方文明的文化和古老 [...]
Bearing in mind that the foundations of the traditions and
[...] rituals of Nowruz reflect features [...]
of the cultural and ancient customs of
the civilizations of East and West, which influenced those civilizations through the interchange of human values
在两天后 3 月 21 日诺鲁孜节 上,卡尔扎伊总 统将宣布被挑选作为第一批向阿富汗人主导的安全 [...]
In a couple of days
[...] from now, at Nowruz on 21 March, [...]
President Karzai will announce the first tranche of areas selected
for transition to an Afghan lead in security responsibilities.
听了一位兽医的演讲之后,家禽商贩 诺鲁 瓦 坡女士了解到禽流感是件严重的事。
After listening to a presentation made by a veterinarian, one poultry seller, Ms. Anuoluwapo, realized that bird flu was to be regarded as a serious matter.
又铭诺鲁孜节 ,作为文化遗产和悠久传统和睦的象征,对加强各国人民建 [...]
Mindful also that Nowruz, as the embodiment [...]
of the unity of cultural heritage and centuries-long traditions, plays a significant
role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good-neighbourliness
在2010年3月19 日的第33 次会议上,伊朗伊斯兰共和国的代表就国诺 鲁孜节作了发言。
At the 33rd meeting, on 19 March 2010, a statement in commemoration of the International Day of Nowruz was made by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
诺鲁孜节 在波斯大地上成为节日之时起,在波 斯作为各种文明和族裔大熔炉的悠悠世纪中,直至今 [...]
日,它一直是世界各地亿万人的共同语言,3 000 多 年来在巴尔干、黑海盆地、高加索、中亚、印度次大 陆、中东等很多地区一直如此。
From the
[...] time that Nowruz was established [...]
in the land of Persia and thereafter, throughout all the long centuries that Persia
has been a melting pot for civilizations and ethnicities and until today, Nowruz has served as the common language for millions of people all around the world, including for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and many other regions.
2010年在阿塞拜疆的倡议下,联合国大会在其第A/RES/64/253号决议中宣布,阿尔巴尼亚、阿富汗、阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、塔吉克斯坦、土耳其、土库曼斯坦、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、印度共同庆 诺鲁 孜 节
International Nowruz Day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/64/253 of 2010, at the initiative of several countries that share this holiday (Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan.
[...] 于瓦罗沙以南在土耳其部队控制下的雷区,另外三个是位 诺鲁 吉 纳 飞地在国民 警卫队控制下的雷区。
During the reporting period, the sides continued to withhold access to the four remaining mined areas in the buffer zone for the purposes of demining, namely, one located south of
Varosha under the control of the Turkish Forces and
[...] three in the Louroujina pocket under [...]
the control of the National Guard.
[...] 就不要錯過3/16在菲利蒙圖書館诺鲁 孜 節 新年慶典, 屆時將有Ebrahimi兄弟為你演奏傳統的波斯音樂,而且還有Shahrzad舞蹈團助慶。
Nowruz is the traditional New Year celebration  [...]
(spring festival) in Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan.
颠沛流离辗转欧洲各地后,鲁诺于 1591 年回到意大利。
After adventurous wanderings
[...] all over Europe, Bruno came back to Italy [...]
in 1591.
通过提供市场互联网服务的质量最快的国家,我们支持当前和未来的速度需要的带宽饥渴的消费者,“ 鲁诺 埃 里 克说,Verizon公司产品管理副总裁。
By offering the fastest mass-market Internet service in the nation, we’re supporting the
immediate and future speed needs of bandwidth-hungry
[...] consumers,” said Eric Bruno, Verizon vice president [...]
of product management.
[...] 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、鲁、挪 威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马诺、斯 洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy,
[...] Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, [...]
Somalia, Spain,
Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
会议期间,安理会成员与主管 维持和平行动助理秘书长阿图尔·哈雷先生、维持和平行动军事顾问奇卡迪比 亚·奥比亚科中将、维持和平行动部警察司阿塔·耶尼京先生和外勤支助部埃米 尔·彼鲁诺夫先 生及与会的部队派遣国和警察派遣国代表交换了意见。
During the meeting, Council members exchanged views with Mr. Atul Khare, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Lieutenant General Chikadibia Obiakor, Military Adviser for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Ata Yenigun of the Police Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Emil Petrunov of the Department of Field Support and the representatives of participating troop- and police-contributing countries.
2009 年 11 月 23 日,
[...] 澳大利亚外交部长、议员斯蒂芬·史密斯阁下在访问古巴期间,对古巴外交部长鲁诺·罗德 里格斯阁下讲:自 1996 年以来,澳大利亚政府一贯支持呼吁终止 [...]
Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Honourable Stephen Smith MP, advised
Cuba’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, His
[...] Excellency Mr. Bruno Rodriguez, during [...]
his visit to Cuba on 23 November 2009, that
since 1996, the Government of Australia has consistently supported United Nations General Assembly resolutions calling for an end to the trade embargo against Cuba.
一些意大利科学家获得了重要奖项,诸如卡西尼——惠更斯飞行任务团队 被授予 2012 年史密森国家航空和航天博物馆奖杯,AGILE
[...] 小组的一名科学家获 得了 2012 年鲁诺·罗西奖,意大利航天局一名科学家获得了 [...]
2012 年妇女航空 航天领袖奖。
Some Italian scientists have received important awards, such as the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Trophy
for 2012 assigned to the Cassini-Huygens
[...] flight team, the Bruno Rossi Prize for [...]
2012 awarded to a scientist of the AGILE
team, the Woman in Aerospace Leadership Award for 2012 to an ASI scientist.
Bruno posited an infinite [...]
and homogeneous universe (both spatially and materially), without a center, embracing an infinite
number of worlds and innumerous solar systems.
米斯郡(County Meath)的特里姆城堡(Trim Castle)
[...] 是爱尔兰最大同样也最重要的城堡,拥有数百年的历史,当时盎 鲁诺 曼 人 就驻扎在内注视着下面所谓“危险的国民”,他们采取一切手段保证这个城堡不被人进入。
Trim Castle in County Meath. The largest and most important
castle in Ireland for several centuries, its
[...] garrison of Anglo Normans watched over [...]
the ‘dangerous natives’, and took every
precaution to ensure the castle was seriously unwelcoming.
56. 主席还向鲁诺·佩洛 先生(博士) 表示感谢,感谢他作为这次边会的副主席 [...]
和报告员所提供的协助、参与和贡献,并向瑞士表示感谢,特别是于尔格·劳伯 先生,即瑞士常驻裁军谈判会议代表和大使,他为佩洛先生参加会议提供了便 利。
The Chair offers a
[...] special thanks to Mr Bruno Pellaud (Doctor) [...]
for his assistance, participation and contributions as Vice-Chair
and Rapporteur of this event, and expresses his gratitude to Switzerland, and in particular to Mr. Jürg Lauber, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the Conference on Disarmament, for facilitating Mr. Pellaud’s participation.
比如布拉尼城堡(Blarney Castle) 有着著名的巧言石(Stone of Eloquence)、利普城堡(Leap
Castle)——被认为是欧洲闹鬼最凶的城堡、特里姆城堡 (Trim
[...] Castle)——爱尔兰最大的盎鲁诺曼城 堡( Dunluce Castle), the [...]
spectacular castle-crowned crag on the famous north  Antrim
coast, which was shaped when the sea cut deep into the rock, 以及基尔肯尼城堡(Kilkenny Castle)——被重建后熠熠生辉。
Try out Blarney Castle with its famous Stone of Eloquence, Leap Castle, which is reputed to be the
most haunted castle in Europe, Trim Castle,
[...] the largest Anglo-Norman castle in Ireland, [...]
Dunluce Castle, the spectacular castle-crowned
crag on the famous north Antrim coast, which was shaped when the sea cut deep into the rock, and Kilkenny Castle, which has been beautifully restored.
正 如各位所知,会外会由我国驻日内瓦大使伍尔科特先生主持,协助他的是瑞士专 家鲁诺·佩洛 先生,会议聚集了来自裁军谈判会议成员国和观察员国的专家和 [...]
As you know, it was chaired by Ambassador Woolcott, our
Ambassador here in Geneva, assisted by a
[...] Swiss expert, Mr. Bruno Pellaud, and brought [...]
together experts and diplomats from
Conference on Disarmament member and observer States.
安东尼家族被这片区域,这篇葡萄园和十分独特地土壤所吸引,决定挑战本地风土而开始一个项目,到今天,这个项目使得 鲁诺 托 晋 身为皮尔蒙特最领先的酿酒坊之一。
The Antinori family, conquered by all of these factors, by a zone endowed with vineyards and soils so distinctive, decided to confront the challenge of this terroir with the conviction of beginning a program, a course of action which, today, has enabled Prunotto to occupy a position among the leading wine-producing houses of Piedmont.
鲁诺托坐 落在皮尔蒙特朗格地区最重要的城市阿尔巴,到巴巴罗斯科和巴罗洛的距离相等,是一片被朗格和罗埃罗地区包围的绵延起伏的平原。
Prunotto is located in Alba, the most important city of the Langhe district of Piedmont, equidistant from both Barbaresco and Barolo, in a rolling plain surrounded by the vineyards of both the Langhe and Roero areas.
400多位嘉宾获邀参加这次音乐会,其中包括德‧布拉干萨公爵(Duke de Bragança)、西班牙教育部长梅赛德斯‧卡布雷拉女士(Mercedes Cabrera)、保加利亚卡丹姆亲王(Prince Kardam)及匈牙利米里亚姆王妃(Princess
Miriam)、西班牙首相夫人安娜‧波特利亚(Ana Botella)、时装设计师Agatha Ruiz de la
[...] Prada、西班牙王室成员索菲娅女王陛下的侄子 鲁诺 ‧ 戈 麦斯‧艾斯博(Bruno Gómez [...]
Acebo)及夫人、以及索菲娅王后博物馆馆长安娜‧马丁内斯‧德‧阿奎拉尔女士(Ana Martínez de Aguilar)。
Over 400 guests were invited, including the Duke de Bragança, Ms Mercedes Cabrera, Spain’s Minister of Education, Prince Kardam of Bulgaria and Princess Miriam of Hungary, Ana Botella, the wife of José Maria Aznar, the fashion designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, members of the
Spanish royal family like Her Majesty Queen
[...] Sophie’s nephew, Bruno Gómez Acebo, accompanied [...]
by his wife, and Ana Martínez de
Aguilar, Directress of the 'Queen Sofia Museum'.
柯克先生、孙燕燕女士、精密管材部总裁萨尔瓦多·比尤斯卡( Salvado Biosca)先生、欧亚挤压铝材部总裁拉法耶尔·福尔特斯(Rafael Fuertes)先生、挪威驻上海代总领事思丽女士、佩尔·达尔先生、CSEE公司总经理 鲁诺 · 弗 雷 德里克斯(Bruno Frederix)先生共同完成了传统的剪彩仪式。
In pouring rain, but luckily inside a tent, the opening ceremony continued with a traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony by Mr. Hans-Joachim Kock and Ms. Sun Yanyan, Mr. Salvado Biosca, President of Precision Tubing, Mr. Rafael Fuertes, President of Extrusion Eurasia, Ms. Siri Borgen, Acting Consul General, Mr. Per Dale, Mr. Bruno Frederix General Manager CSEE.
ASTRAIOS——世界上最大、最先进、功能最强大的大尺寸轴承测试平台在舍弗勒施韦因富特正式投入使用:(从左至右)施韦因富特市长塞巴斯蒂安•莱米雷、舍弗勒集团合伙人乔治•F. W•舍弗勒和玛利亚•伊丽莎白•舍弗勒、测试平台经理瑞霍德•克恩、舍弗勒股份公司首席执行官约根•M•盖辛格博士、议会议员安加•韦斯盖博博士、温德海克公司技术总监海科•罗伯、舍弗勒集团工业事业部产品发展总裁阿伯嘉斯• 鲁诺 博 士
Astraios”, the largest, most modern, and most powerful large-size bearing test stand in the world, is officially put into operation at Schaeffler's Schweinfurt plant (from left): Sebastian Remelé, mayor of Schweinfurt, Georg F. W. Schaeffler and Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler, partners in the Schaeffler Group, Reinhold Korn, project manager responsible for the design and construction of the test stand, Dr. Juergen M. Geissinger, CEO of Schaeffler AG, Dr. Anja Weissgerber, MEP, Heiko Roß, Technical Director of Windreich AG, and Dr. Arbogast Grunau, President of Product Development at Schaeffler Group Industrial.




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