

单词 诺亚


诺基亚 n

Nokia n




Nokia (company name)

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External sources (not reviewed)

古埃及新年始于 Meskerem (即埃塞俄比亚新年),时值尼罗河水位最高点,标志 诺亚 洪 水 时代的结束。
The new year of the ancient Egyptians started in Meskerem (just like the Ethiopian New Year) signalling the end of Noah's flood, in the highest point of the Nile.
根据这一诺,亚太经合组织部长于 2004 年确定了有效出口管制制度的关 键要素,并诺在亚太经 合组织中继续努力将各经济体和私营部门联合起来,促 使货物流向合法最终用户,同时防止非法贩运大规模毁灭性武器、其运载系统和 有关物品。
Building on this commitment, APEC Ministers in 2004 identified key elements of effective export control systems, and committed to continue [...]
work in APEC to unite
economies and the private sector to facilitate the flow of goods to legitimate end-users while preventing illicit trafficking in weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, and related items.
以 色列常 驻
[...] 联合国日内瓦办事处代表阿哈龙·莱诺·亚阿 尔 阁 下 指 出,以色列非常严 [...]
肃 地 看 待 参 与普遍定期审议一事,把 它 作 为 在以色列国内进行 真 正 的 反 省 、开展坦率 的讨论一个 机会,尽 管 以 色列对理事会某
些 方 面 的工作持 保留态度。
H.E. Aharon Leshno Yaar, Permanent Representative [...]
of Israel to the United Nations at Geneva indicated that Israel took very
seriously its participation in the Universal Periodic Review as an opportunity for genuine introspection, and frank discussions within the Israeli system, despite their reservations about some aspects of the Council's work.
在 2008 年 12 月 4 日举行的第 8
[...] 次会议上,以色列大使兼常驻联合国日内 瓦办事处代表阿哈龙·莱诺-亚阿 尔 阁下介绍了国家报告,指出以色列是以谦逊 [...]
At the 8th meeting, on 4 December 2008, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Israel
to the United Nations Office at Geneva,
[...] H.E. Aharon Leshno-Yaar, introduced the [...]
national report, indicating that Israel appeared
in an attitude of humility and respect.
汽车:比萨市位于高速公路A12(及诺亚 - 罗 斯 亚诺) 和高 速公路A11(比萨-佛罗伦萨)的交汇处,还有 SS67国道通往佛罗伦萨,SS1国道通往南方的罗马和 北方的拉斯柏加,以及连接利沃诺、比萨和佛罗伦 萨三个城市的公路。
By Car: Pisa is served by two large motorways (“Autostrade”): A12 (Genoa - Rosignano), and A11 Pisa-Florence). There are state highways such as SS67 to Florence and SS1 (the Roman “via Aurelia”) which connects Pisa to Rome in the south and La Spezia to the north, and a “super road” from Livorno-Pisa-Florence.
2011年亚太经社会年会(2011年5月 举行的第67届会议)的专题研究“社会保护诺:亚洲及 太平洋区域的社会保护与发 展” 展示了亚太经社会对关于亚太区域社 会保护方向问题的政策辩论的贡献。
The theme study of the 2011 Commission session of ESCAP (67th session in May 2011) “The Promise of Protection: Social Protection and Development in Asia and the Pacific” demonstrates ESCAP’s contribution to the policy debate on the direction of social protection in Asia and the Pacific.
鄂木斯克在 22 个城市之间建立了兄弟般的关系:普霍夫市(斯洛伐克共和国)、彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克、巴甫落达尔( 哈萨克斯坦共和国)、新非罗波尔(乌克兰)、普洲(朝鲜共和国)、卡罗维发利(捷克共和国)、开封(中华人民共和国)、格但斯克、卢布林、罗丝(波兰);俄罗斯城市:新西伯利亚、加里宁格勒、车里雅宾斯克、布良斯克、奔萨、乌兰乌德、克拉 诺亚 尔 斯 克、布拉茨克、安加尔斯克;白俄罗斯:明斯克、戈梅利。
Omsk has partners’ and friendly relations with 10 foreign cities: Puchov (Slovak Republic), Petropavlovsk and Pavlodar (Republic of Kazakhstan), Simferopol (Ukraine), Jinju (Republic of Korea), Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Kaifeng (People’s Republic of China), Gdansk, Lublin and Lodz (Poland), Gomel (Republic of Belarus), and with such Russian cities as Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Ulan-Ude, Bryansk, Penza, Gorno-Altaisk.
有一个传统,在犹太人中的电流,亚当头骨后,被吐露了他的儿 诺亚 闪 , 及由Melchisedech后,终于被存放在有个地方叫出于这个原因,墓地。
There was a tradition current among the Jews that the skull of Adam, after having been confided by Noah to his son Shem, and by the latter to Melchisedech, was finally deposited at the place called, for that reason, Golgotha.
在卡亚诺卡, 科凯亚沃雷恩街 (Kruunuvuorenkatu) 的街角有一家药店,外墙雕刻了猫头鹰、狐狸和松鼠的装饰图案。
In Katajanokka, on the corner of Kruunuvuorenkatu, you can see something quite remarkable: an Art Nouveau chemist’s with owl, fox and squirrel motifs.
不 到 1 个月前,9 月 23 日,墨西哥外长帕特里夏·埃斯 皮诺萨·坎特亚诺和我 国外交大臣卡尔·比尔特在 纽约这里共同主持了促进全面禁止核试验条约生效 的会议,又称第十四条会议。
Less than a month ago, on 23 September here in New York, the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Espinosa Cantellano and my Minister, Carl Bildt, co-chaired the Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, also known as the Article XIV Conference.
严谨精神。小组还感亚诺什·帕 斯托尔领导的小组秘书处提供的实务和行政支 持与投入。
The Panel also extends its gratitude to the Panel secretariat, led by Janos Pasztor, for its substantive and administrative support and commitment.
(d) 开展的其他活动还有:2008 年度向瓜拉尼人民议会提供谷物、家具和办 公用品,价值 1 958 779.19 玻利亚诺。
(d) Another initiative was the provision of seeds, furniture and office equipment, valued at 1,958,779.19 bolivianos, to the Guaraní People’s Assembly in 2008.
三klutzy是绑匪:埃德加“埃迪”毛瑟(乔Mantegna),诺伯特“Norby”LeBlaw(乔·潘托 亚诺 ) ,维克托“威高”莱利(布赖恩·海利)将自己伪装成摄影师的文件,并绑架了他。
Three klutzy would-be kidnappers: Edgar “Eddie” Mauser (Joe Mantegna), Norbert “Norby” [...]
LeBlaw (Joe Pantoliano), and Victor
“Veeko” Riley (Brian Haley) disguise themselves as the photographers from the paper and kidnap him.
在意大利人文主义和他的藏书辅导人埃斯泰尔戈姆大主 亚诺 什 ·维 特兹的影响下,匈牙利的马蒂亚斯·科维努斯(1443–1490年)培养了对书籍和学习的热情。
Under the influence of Italian humanism and of his book-collector tutor János Vitéz, Archbishop of Esztergom, Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (1443–1490) developed a passion for books and learning.
为保障这项工作采取的三项基本措施是:(a) Avelino Siñani 法,该法是 与土著和农村组织制定的,规定推行多元文化、文化内和双语的去殖民化教育; (b) Juancito Pinto 补助券,向小学一至八年级的所有公立学校学生发放 200 玻利亚诺,这 项公共政策的主要受益者是土著男童和女童,可防止辍学;(c) 公 共政策“我能”国家方案推动玻利维亚扫除了文盲,最终于 2008 年 12 月 20 日 发表宣言,确认玻利维亚成为拉丁美洲第三个无文盲国家。
To that end, three basic measures have been implemented: (a) the Avelino Siñani Education Act, formulated with indigenous and rural organizations, which provides for intercultural, intracultural, bilingual, decolonizing education; (b) the Juancito Pinto bonus programme, under which the sum of 200 bolivianos is disbursed to all public school students from the first to the eighth grades, as a public policy aimed primarily at indigenous children to prevent them from dropping out of school; and (c) the public policy and national programme “Yes, I can”, which made it possible to eradicate illiteracy in Bolivia, as recognized on 20 December 2008 in a declaration proclaiming Bolivia as the third illiteracy-free zone in Latin America.
2007 年 1 月,政 府通过了《塞尔维亚南部长期经济发展战略》(普雷舍沃、 亚诺 瓦 茨和梅德韦 贾直辖市),这是政府关于塞族、阿尔巴尼亚族和罗姆族人居住的三个市的第一 个战略文件。
The Government adopted the Strategy of Long-Term Economic Development of the South of Serbia – Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveda Municipalities in January 2007, as a first strategic document of the Government relating to the three municipalities inhabited by Serbs, Albanians and the Roma.
EVG创建于1980年,总部在奥地利圣弗洛 亚诺 , 公 司通过全球客户支持网络运营,并在亚利桑那州坦佩、纽约州奥尔巴尼、日本横滨和福冈、韩国首尔和台湾中坜设有子公司。
Founded in 1980, EVG is headquartered in St. Florian, Austria, and operates via a global customer support network, with subsidiaries in Tempe, Ariz.
主席在致开幕词时还欢迎玛亚·诺 兰 女 士首次以多边基金秘书处主任身份与会。
In her opening remarks, the Chair also
[...] welcomed Ms. Maria Nolan on the occasion [...]
of her first meeting as Chief Officer of
the Multilateral Fund Secretariat.
虽然本报告中提出的大部分结论都是以小组 2012 年 5 月 21 日至 24 日对海 地的访问为依据,但小组与负责海地问题秘书长特别代表兼联合国海地稳定特派 团(联海稳定团)团长马亚诺·费尔南德斯、秘书长副特别代表兼驻地协调员奈 杰尔·费希尔和世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)驻海地代表的初步会议也为本报告 的编写提供了重要资料和分析。
While most of the conclusions in the present report are based on the visit of the Group to Haiti from 21 to 24 May 2012, the Group’s preliminary meetings with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Mariano Fernández, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Resident Coordinator, Nigel Fisher, and the Representative of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Haiti also provided important information and analysis that facilitated the preparation of the report.
梅南先生(多哥)(以法语发言):首先,我愿感谢 秘书长特别代表马亚诺·费尔 南德斯先生介绍秘书 长关于联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)的报告 (S/2012/128)。
(Togo) ( spoke in French ): I would like first of all to thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mariano Fernández for introducing the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (S/2012/128).
代表忆及在本届会议开幕时曾提到,粮农组 织新当选总干事何塞·格拉亚诺·达 席 尔瓦先生表示在当前私营标准泛滥的情况下, [...]
The Conference also noted the need to broaden participation of FAO Members in CODEX” and recalled that, as mentioned in the
opening session, the FAO Director-General
[...] elect, Mr. José Graziano da Silva, indicated [...]
his support for Codex as the world’s
leading, science-based food standards body, in the face of the proliferation of private standards.
塞尔维亚表示,调查表 明,亚诺瓦奇和普雷舍沃市共有
Serbia indicated that a survey resulted in suspected hazardous areas totalling 3,800,000 square meters in the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo.
所有的个 案研究将在为期两天的讨论会上提出,讨论会将在项目实施一年后由马 亚诺 马科斯国立大学赞助举行。
All case studies will be presented in a two-day symposium, which will be sponsored by MMSU after a year of project implementation.
[...] 在他们参加足够多的课程之后,将他们派到普雷舍沃、 亚诺 瓦 茨 和梅德韦贾市 派出所工作。
The activities are implemented with due care in the municipalities of Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveda, wherein, among other things, the candidates from the local
community were employed (the majority of
[...] them from the Albanian community) who [...]
were assigned to be policemen at the Preševo,
Bujanovac and Medveda police stations after attending adequate courses.
本案主要涉及《时效公约》的适用范围。1 卖方是一家营业地点在德国柏林的公司(是之前位于德意志民主共和国东柏林 的一家国有公司的合法继承人),买方是一家营业地点位于塞尔 亚诺 维 萨德 的股份制公司,双方于 1989 年 12 月 12 日就购买价格为 212,500 美元的 25,000 只手表的销售订立了销售合同。
This case deals primarily with the scope of application of the Limitation Convention.1 The seller, a company having its place of business in Berlin, Germany (acting as legal successor of a State-owned company formerly located in East Berlin, German Democratic Republic) and the buyer, a joint-stock company having its place of business in Novi Sad, Serbia, entered into a sales contract on 12 December 1989 for the sale of 25,000 watches for the purchase price of 212,500 United States dollars.
莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生(葡萄牙)(以法语发言): 首先,我谨欢迎秘书长特别代表马 亚诺 · 费 尔 南德 斯先生提交了非常有益的报告(S/2012/128),报告提 醒我们注意所取得的进展,但最重要的是还有艰巨的 任务有待完成。
(Portugal) ( spoke in French ): I would like at the outset to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Mariano Fernández, for his most useful report (S/2012/128), which reminds us of the progress that has been made but above all also of the immensity of the task that remains to be accomplished.
同样,我们确认《《兵库宣 言和行动框架》、《巴巴多斯行动计划》、《美洲可持续发展方案》和国际人道主义 援助机制签署国第二次区域会议发表的《兵库宣言行动框架》、《巴巴多斯行动计 划》、《美洲可持续发展计划》和国际人道主义援助机制第二次区域会议《弗洛亚诺波利 斯宣言》在应对灾害所带来的问题方面的重要性。
We similarly recognize the importance of the Hyogo Declaration and Framework for Action, the Barbados Action Plan, the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development, and the Florianópolis Declaration of the Second Regional Meeting of International Mechanism on Humanitarian Assistance for the countries that are signatories thereto, in dealing with the problems posed by disasters.
委员会在5月17 日的第1 次会议上举行了关于“后续跟进和落实信息社会 世界首脑会议成果”问题部长级圆桌会议,参加这次会议的有:莱索托通信、科 学和技术部部长莫泰约亚·梅青先生、意大利伦巴第大区卫生部长卢 西 亚诺 ·布 雷夏尼先生和巴基斯坦科学技术部部长穆罕默德·阿扎姆·汗·斯沃蒂先生。
At the 1st meeting, on 17 May, the Commission held a ministerial roundtable on “The follow-up to and implementation of the outcomes of the World Sumit on the Information Society”, in which the following participants took part: Mr. Mothetjoa Metsing, Minister of Communications, Science and Technology of Lesotho; Mr. Luciano Bresciani, Minister of Health of Region of Lombardia of Italy; and Mr.Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, Minister for Science and Technology of Pakistan.
培训的主要目的是,在这些领域建立一个区域专家库,从而与马亚诺马科 斯国立大学合作把地球空间和遥感技术及系统建模作为解决气候变化 问题和通过精准农业提高农作物产量的一个平台。
The main objective of the training is to build a pool of regional experts in these areas who will collaborate with MMSU to harness geospatial and remote sensing technology and system modelling as a platform of addressing climate change issues and in improving crop productivity through precision farming.
联合国儿童基金会驻危地马拉代表阿德 亚诺 . 冈 萨 雷斯.丽圭尔洛 (Adriano González-Regueral) 说道,“对于社会对家庭暴力的沉默,现在有一股反抗的力量正在加强,而联合国儿童基金会正在支持这种努力。
There is a growing fight against this type of silence that prevails in the communities and UNICEF is supporting these efforts.




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