

单词 请愿书

See also:

请愿 n

petitioner n


petition (for action be taken)


wish n


External sources (not reviewed)

妇女团体举行 示威游行,并向委员会和政府提 请愿书 , 要求在选举法中纳入针对妇女的临时 [...]
Women’s groups demonstrated
[...] and submitted petitions to the Council [...]
and the Government for the inclusion of temporary special
measures for women in the election law.
如果包括这些权利,请提供及时更新的资料说明委员会收到请愿书的件 数和内容,以及如何处理指控政府当局侵犯经济、社会和文化权利的 [...]
If so, please provide updated information [...]
on the number and content of petitions it has received and dealt with alleging
violations of economic, social and cultural rights by public authorities
提供保护以免遭受歧视的行动”可能包括在关于提供保护以免遭受歧视 的诉讼程序中递交一请愿书或一 个信号、提出索赔或见证。
Actions for protection against discrimination” may include submission of a petition or a signal, filing of a claim or witnessing in a proceedings on protection against discrimination.
对于那些接受个体沟通的条约机构来说 请愿书 的 数 量与日俱增(2011 年平 均有 480 [...]
For those treaty bodies that consider individual communications, the
[...] increasing number of petitions (an average of [...]
480 individual communications pending in
2011) has also led to significant delays in this procedure.
奉我国政府指示,谨随信转递七位诺贝尔和平奖获得者和其他人士签名的给 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国首相 请愿书 , 促 请 联 合王国政府遵守联合国大会 和其他许多国际论坛关于马尔维纳斯群岛问题的各项决议,与阿根廷共和国进行 [...]
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a petition addressed to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, signed by
seven Nobel Peace Prize winners and other
[...] eminent persons, requesting the British Government [...]
to comply with the resolutions
on the question of the Malvinas Islands adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and by many other international entities and to negotiate with the Argentine Republic in order to find a just and lasting solution to the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas (see annex).
但是,缔约国指出,这请愿书只提 到刚果民主共和国图西人的整体状况,因此 并不涉及申诉人及其子女,特别是考虑到在庇护程序中瑞士当局对申诉人及其子 [...]
The State party notes,
[...] however, that this petition refers to the general situation of the Tutsi [...]
in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo and therefore does not concern the complainant and his children, especially since, in the course of the asylum proceedings, the Swiss authorities had called their Tutsi origins into question.
如果在 条约得到批准之前,议会两院、41 名众议员、17 名参议员或共和国总统提请 愿书,要 求由宪法法院对该条约进行初步管制,则宪法法院应就条约与宪法的兼 容性做出决定(宪法第 87 条第 2 款)。
If a petition is filed, prior to the ratification of a treaty, by the Chambers of the Parliament, 41 Deputies, 17 Senators or by the President of the Republic, for preliminary control of such treaty by the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court shall decide about its compatibility with the constitutional order (article 87, paragraph 2, of the Constitution).f The treaty may not be ratified before the decision by the Constitutional Court on this issue.
一个非政府组织的代 表要求消除种族歧视委员会充分履行其职责, 请愿书 转 交给适当的联合国机 构。
A delegate from an NGO called upon the Committee on the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination to fully implement its
[...] mandate by transmitting petitions to the appropriate [...]
United Nations bodies.
它提到国内判例法,指出:只有当拖延是“无理取 闹、任性、和压迫”的时候,才可将其视为侵犯了“毫不拖延审判的权利”。2
[...] 它指出,补救方法仍有待用尽,如果提交人认为,最高法院法官非法忽视采取行 动,她可以提出要求履行义务 请愿书 , 或 向最高法院提出控诉法官延误的行政 [...]
It refers to domestic case law, to the effect that the right to a trial without delay is only deemed violated when the delay is “vexatious, capricious, and oppressive”.2 It submits that remedies remain to be exhausted, and that if the author believes that the
Supreme Court judge unlawfully neglected to
[...] act, she may file a petition for mandamus [...]
or an administrative case against the
judge before the Supreme Court for delay.
其他少数族裔地区 也提交类似请愿书,包括 Zallq/ZAĆ 和 Dragash/Dragaš等地。
Similar petitions were forwarded from other minority areas, including [...]
Zallq/Zać and Dragash/Dragaš.
Al Uteibi 先生还是呼吁推动沙特的政治改革,尤其主 张具体建立议会君主制并尊重分权制原 请愿书 的 签 名人之一。
Mr. Al Uteibi is also said to be one of the signatories of a petition calling for political reforms in the Kingdom, more specifically for the institution of a parliamentary monarchy and respect for the principle of separation of powers.
宪章》规定,托管理事会有权审查并讨论管理当局就托管领土人民的政治、经济、社会和教育方面进展提出的报告,会同管理当局审查托管领土 请愿书 , 并 对托管领土进行定期的和其他特别的视察。
Under the Charter, the Trusteeship Council is authorized to examine and discuss reports from the Administering Authority on the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the peoples of Trust Territories and, in
consultation with the Administering
[...] Authority, to examine petitions from and undertake [...]
periodic and other special missions to Trust Territories.
2007年8月7 日,他向征兵办事处提请愿书,解 释说,他是耶和华见证人信徒,由于他的宗教信仰无法服兵役。
On 7 August 2007, he
[...] submitted a petition to the Military Recruitment Office, explaining [...]
that he was a Jehovah’s Witness
and could not perform military service because of his religious beliefs.
示威和平地举行,示威者向该部工作人员递交 了一份要求其关闭该分支机构 请愿书。
The demonstration took place peacefully, and the demonstrators handed a petition to the Ministry’s workers, asking them to close the branch.
(a) 布加勒斯特联合国新闻中心与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国大使馆合 作举办了一个在线的博客竞争,让 17 岁到 35 岁不等的年轻人计算他们在网站上 留下的碳足迹,并签署“达成协议” 请愿书
(a) The United Nations Information Centre in Bucharest, together with the Embassy of the United Kingdom, organized an online blog competition where young people ranging from 17 to 35 years old were asked to calculate their carbon footprint on a website and to sign the “Seal the Deal” petition
新闻部继续对公众通请愿书、信 函、电子邮件、电话和亲自查询等形式直 接表达的意见作出回应。
The Department continued to respond to direct
communications received from the public
[...] in the form of petitions, letters, e-mails, [...]
telephone calls and in-person enquiries.
1996年6月和7月 Benaziza 先生向君 士坦丁军事法院的检察官、总统办公室以及各部委提出 请愿书 , 其明显结果 是:在司法部的指示下,警方应君士坦丁市法院检察官的要求开展了一项调查。
In the present case, the petitions filed by Mr. Benaziza with the prosecutor of the military court of Constantine, the Office of the President and various ministries in June and July 1996 apparently led to the opening of an investigation by the judicial police at the request of the public prosecutor of the Court of Constantine, acting on instructions from the Ministry of Justice.
同一天,卡梅雷先生提出了最高法院所收到的唯一一 请愿书 , 其中指出, 由于选举过程据称有违规行为,要求委员会宣布临时结果无效。
On the same
[...] day, Mr. Kamerhe filed the only petition [...]
received by the Supreme Court of Justice calling for the nullification
of the provisional results announced by the Commission due to alleged irregularities in the process.
如果客户,个人,或作为一个公司,如果客户的任何合伙人的破产令,或申请临时命令,根据1986年破产法第八世的一 请愿书 的 主 题是,或者如果客户,是一家公司,其债权人或委任接管人或经理,其资产就全部或任何部分或第1部分的主题是应用程序的管理秩序,或任何自愿安排的建议下1986年破产法,或是否强制或自愿合并或重组的目的,或者如果承包商有合理理由相信,上述事件即将发生,则承包商应有权立即进入清算,并在其后任何时间,立即终止任何合同或合同的任何未完成的部分。
If the Customer, being an individual, or being a firm, if any partner in the Customer is the subject of a petition for a bankruptcy order or of an application for an interim order under Part Vlll of the Insolvency Act 1986, or if the Customer, being a company, compounds with its creditors or has a receiver or manager appointed in respect of all or of any part of its assets or is the subject of an application for an administration order or of any proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or enters into liquidation whether compulsorily or voluntarily otherwise than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction, or if the Contractor reasonably believes that any of the above events is about to occur, then the Contractor shall be entitled immediately, and at any time thereafter, to terminate forthwith any  Contract or any unfulfilled part thereof.
不 过,该部继续对公众通请愿书、信 件、电子邮件、电话以及亲自查询等形式发 [...]
出的直接通信做出答复,并对网站访问者提出的有关联合国的常见问题提供在线 回答。
However, the Department continues to respond
to direct communications from the public
[...] in the form of petitions, letters, e-mails, [...]
telephone calls and in-person enquiries
and provides online answers to frequently asked questions about the United Nations to website visitors.
3.5 与检察长的意见相反,关于种族歧视的文件和咨询中心 (DACoRD) 有权作为 提交人的法律代表提出反对仇恨言论 请愿书。
3.5 Contrary to the prosecutor general’s opinion, DACoRD has a right, as the author’s legal representative, to file a petition against hate speech on her behalf.
[...] 100 多万件通信作出答复,其中包请愿 书、信件、电子邮件、电话和亲自查询。一般资料网站(www.un.org/geninfo)对 [...]
The general information website (www.un.org/geninfo) [...]
provides answers to frequently asked questions about the United Nations
to hundreds of thousands of online visitors.
除了表显示支付多少税,我们买的每一件事情, 活动网站 也有一请愿书,更好地利用税收。
Besides a table showing how much tax is paid on every thing we buy, the campaign
[...] website also has a petition that taxes are [...]
better utilized.
除了与阿拉伯叙利亚高 级代表定期举行会议之外,部队指挥官/代表团团长还定期和不断地与叙利亚军
[...] 事及政治官员、隔离区指挥官以及地方保安当局接触,包括通过正式的书面通信、 正式的外交场合以及东道国举行的仪式场合,并代表秘书长接 请愿书。
In addition to regular meetings with the senior Syrian Arab delegates, the Force Commander/Head of Mission engages on a regular and ongoing basis with Syrian military and political officials, command officers in the area of separation and local security authorities, including through formal written communications,
formal diplomatic functions and host nation ceremonial
[...] functions, and accepts petitions on behalf of the SecretaryGeneral.
大会第九届会议根据 1954 年 10 月 11 日通过的第 844(IX)
[...] 号决议通过了六条特别规则,规定审议关于西南非洲领土14的 报告请愿书所应采取的程序。
At its ninth session, the General Assembly, by resolution 844 (IX) of 11 October 1954, adopted six special rules designed to
govern its procedure for the examination
[...] of reports and petitions relating to the [...]
Territory of South West Africa.14 17.
多家民间社会组织签署 了《达喀请愿书》, 回顾指出,“近来为满足私人利益或第三国利益进行的大 [...]
规模土地掠夺涉及土地数千万英亩,无论是为了粮食、能源、采矿、环境、旅 游、投机还是出于地缘政治的原因,这些掠夺行径侵犯了人权,因为它们剥夺了 当地土著农民、牧民和渔民社区的生计,限制了他们获得自然资源的机会,或者
剥夺了他们自主生产的自由,而且加剧了妇女在获得和控制土地问题上的不平 等”。
During the World Social Forum, La Via Campesina [...]
and the West African Network of Peasants and Agricultural Producers (ROPPA),
with the support of other organizations, including FIAN International, facilitated the adoption of the Dakar Appeal Against the Land Grab.30By signing the Dakar Appeal between February and June 2001, more than 500 civil society organizations have recalled that “recent massive land grabs targeting tens of millions of acres for the benefit of private interests or third States – whether for reasons of food, energy, mining, environment, tourism, speculation or geopolitics – violate human rights by depriving local, indigenous, peasant, pastoralist and fisher communities of their livelihoods, by restricting their access to natural resources or by removing their freedom to produce as they wish, and exacerbate the inequalities of women in access and control of land”.
4.6 缔约国进一步指出,本申诉所附的2007年11月13 日指控仍然存在种族灭 绝威胁的刚果图西人群体请愿书只 提 交了委员会,并未提交缔约国主管当局。
4.6 The State party further notes that the petition from the Congolese Tutsi community denouncing the continued threat of genocide, dated 13 November 2007 and appended to the present complaint, was submitted only to the Committee, not to the authorities of the State party.
第十四条规定:“美洲人权委员在收到涉及被迫失踪 请愿书 或 来 文后,其执行秘书处应立 即与相关国家政府秘密联系,并请该国政府尽快提供资料,说明所称失踪人员的下落,并提 供其认为可能相关的其他资料,这类请求不影 请愿书 的 可 受理性。
Article XIV stipulates that “when the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights
[...] receives a petition or communication regarding an alleged forced disappearance, its Executive Secretariat shall urgently and confidentially address the respective government, and shall request that government to provide as soon as possible information as to the whereabouts of the allegedly disappeared person together with any other information it considers pertinent, and such request shall be without prejudice as to the admissibility of the petition.
Garretón先生的个人背景帮助了他从事人权律师的工作,和他目前参加联合国任意拘留工作组的工作,即审核个人或团体有关专政剥夺自由案例 请愿书。
Mr. Garretón’s personal background lends itself to his work as a human rights lawyer and his current role as a member of the
UN’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention,
[...] which considers petitions from individuals [...]
or groups concerning cases of arbitrary deprivation of liberty.




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