

单词 请您回复

See also:

回复 v

reply v
restore v
revert v
recover v


Re: in reply (email)
return (to a previous condition)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果您迫切需要开始服务,您的牙医 请求 快速回复,我们将在收到请求后 48 小时之回复您和您的牙医。
If your dentist asks for a quick
response because you have an
[...] urgent need before the dental service begins, you and your dentist will get an answer within 48 hours.
请注意 :我们一直受到垃圾邮件的困扰,所以在Carrot.org,我们使用了一个反垃圾邮件系统,在您第一次联系我们的时候,需 您回复 一 封 确认邮件。
Please note: We all suffer from e-mail spam so at Carrot.org we use an anti-spam system that requires you to respond to a challenge e-mail the first time you contact us.
如果您的牙医在牙科服务开始之前请求福 利限制例外,我们将在收请求后 2 个工 作日之回复您和您的牙医。
If your dentist asks for a benefit limit exception
before the dental service starts, you and the
[...] dentist will get an answer within 2 business days of when we get the request.
如 果 您 的 牙 医 在 完 成 牙 科 服 务 后 请 求 , 我们将在收到请后 30 日之回复您和您的 牙医。
If your dentist asks after the dental service is finished,
[...] you and your dentist will get an answer within 30 days.
如果您对此隐私政策有任何问题或评论 请 联 系 我们,我们将有法律代 回复您 的 问 题/评论。
If you have any questions or comments regarding this
[...] privacy policy, please contact us and a legal representative will respond to your question/comment.
您向我们发送电子邮件请求响 应时,我们将使用您所提供的电子邮件地址和其他信息 回复您 的 询 问。
When you send
[...] us an email and request a response, we use the email address and other information you provide to respond to your inquiry.
大会第六十五届会议表示深为关切伊朗伊斯兰共和国虽向所有专题特别程 序任务执行人发出了长期有效的请 , 但 五年来并没有满足这些特别机制提出的 任何关于访问该国的要求,也没 回复 这 些 特别机制多次函询中的绝大多数;强 烈敦促伊朗伊斯兰共和国政府与这些特别机制充分合作,包括为其访问该国领土 提供便利,使其能够对所有侵犯人权指控进行可信而独立的调查;请秘书长向大 [...]
会第六十六届会议报告决议执行进展(第 65/226 号决议)
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly expressed deep concern that, despite the Islamic Republic of Iran’s standing invitation to all thematic special procedures
mandate holders, it had
[...] not fulfilled any requests from those special mechanisms to visit the country in five years and had left unanswered the vast majority of the numerous and repeated communications [...]
from those special
mechanisms, and strongly urged the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to fully cooperate with the special mechanisms, including facilitating their visits to its territory, so that credible and independent investigations of all allegations of human rights violations could be conducted; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution (resolution 65/226).
如果您有任何关于2013亚洲移动通信博览会的查询 请 填 写 下面的表格,我们会及 回复您。
Please complete the form below if you have any query about Mobile Asia [...]
Expo 2013
若想收回复,您必须 提供有效的email地址。
You must provide a valid email address in order to receive a response.
(d) 鼓励各会员国向专家组转递与其职权范围相关的信息,而不是仅对专家 组的正请求作出回复。
(d) To encourage Member States to transmit relevant
information to the Group of Experts on the basis of its mandate and not only in response
[...] to the Group’s official enquiries.
交还药物的请求没有得到及回应, 虽然一 些人经复请求后得到了药物。
Requests for these
[...] medications to be returned were not met promptly although some people did receive their medication later after repeated requests.
此外,大请筹备委员会 2010 年和 2011 年的 4 次会议考虑到会员国回复所表明的意见和提出的建议(见 A/62/278(第一和第 二部分)及 Add.1-4),以及政府专家组的报告和不限成员名额工作组的报告所载 [...]
高的常规武器转让共同国际标准的有效、平衡、具有法律约束力的文书需要哪些 要点,并向大会第六十六届会议提交一份载列这些要点的报告。
In addition, the Assembly requested the Preparatory Committee, at its four sessions in 2010 and 2011, to make [...]
recommendations to the
Conference on the elements that would be needed to attain an effective and balanced legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms, bearing in mind the views and recommendations expressed in the replies of Member States (see A/62/278 (Parts I and II) and Add.1-4) and those contained in the report of the Group of Governmental Experts and the report of the Open-ended Working Group, and to present a report containing those elements to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.
对临时回申请复审或 上诉,或者对异议提交答辩的时限 (时限应合理),以及受理复审或上诉的主管机关;如果复审或上诉申请必 [...]
须通过其地址在宣布驳回的主管局的缔约方领土上的代理人提出,亦应 说明。
the time limit, reasonable under the
[...] circumstances, for filing a request for review of or appeal [...]
against the provisional refusal
or for filing a response to the opposition, and the authority to which such request for review or appeal shall lie; if such request for review or appeal must be filed through the intermediary of a representative whose address is within the territory of the Contracting Party whose Office has pronounced the refusal, this will also be indicated.
如果您是这种情况,您必须在您的 H&C 申请中包 括有关医疗状况的资料,以及您原居住国专家的医疗资料,确认如果被迫回您的原居住国,您或您的家庭成员所面临的风险。
If this is your situation, you must include information about the medical condition in
your H&C application, as well as
[...] medical information from experts in your home country confirming the danger you or your family member faces if forced to return to your home country.
我们强烈建您,请先划一张原始草 图,以便错误或意外时的复。
And we strongly recommend making a notated
[...] drawing before beginning work so that you can recover if your work gets disturbed.
请注意 :如果您已经在加拿大安顿立足,不能 回您 的 原 居住国,因为您在那里不 被承认是一名公民,或那里没有政府负责,您则应该请 H&C。
Please note: If you are already established in Canada and can’t return to your home country because you are not recognized as a citizen there or there is no government in charge, you should apply [...]
for H&C.
回复您的询问或请求而 需获取信息的Atkore员工,我们对其信息获取进行部分限制。
We restrict access to
[...] information about you to those Atkore employees [...]
who need to know the information to respond to your inquiry or request.
如果您在尝试做什么事情的时候发现不得不写大量的代码请回过头来复审一下 bsd.port.mk, 看看是否您正打 算做的事情的现成实现。
If you find yourself having to write a
[...] [...] lot of new code to try to do something, please go back and review bsd.port.mk to see if it [...]
contains an existing implementation of what you are trying to do.
请填写 下面的表格,并连同您的问题或要求详情以及相关必要文件,通过电子邮件发送给我们,我们将在下一个工作日内 您回复。
Email us by filling out the form below, with your question or detail of requirements, and attach any necessary files, and we’ll respond by the end of the next working day.
您怀疑自己或认识的某个人因为提出一项关于合规性或道德规范方 面的问题而遭到复,请立即联系道德规范委员会。
If you suspect that you or someone you know has been retaliated against for raising a compliance or ethical issue, immediately contact the Ethics [...]
工作组商定将于 2010 年 5 月 11 日格林尼治时间 16:00
[...] 时举行一次远程会 议,并视收到对上文第 9 段所述请的回复情况,就是否需要在委员会第五十 三届会议期间于 [...]
6 月 9 日至 11 日举行一次非正式会议的问题作出决定。
The Working Group agreed to hold a
teleconference on 11 May 2010 at 1600 hours GMT
[...] and, subject to replies received to the [...]
invitation referred to in paragraph 9 above,
to make a decision on the need to hold an informal meeting from 9 to 11 June, during the fifty-third session of the Committee.
请填写下表,Edwards 的代表回复您的问题。
Please complete the form below and an Edwards' representative will respond to you.
11.2 在参赛者或与个人信息有关的当事人提出获得其个人信息 请 求 时 ,反兴奋剂组织必须做回复,除 非由于所涉及的个人信息的性质,这种做法会给反兴奋剂组织在费用或工作方 面带来过多负担。
11.2 Anti-Doping Organizations have to
[...] respond to requests from Participants or person to whom the Personal Information relates seeking access to their Personal Information, [...]
except if doing so imposes
a disproportionate burden on the Anti-Doping Organizations in terms of cost or effort given the nature of the Personal Information in question.
萨克米上海(机械)设备预先公司-市中心办公室:中国上海卢湾区淮海中93号时代广场办公楼25楼06-07室200021,电话:+86-21-53062455/5306247/53066443/53069384,传真:+86-21-53061464;萨克米上海机械贸易有限公司,仓库地址:中国上海外高桥保税区华京路461号39号厂房C部位 200131,电话:+86-21-5046 0860,传真+86-21-5046
[...] 在保留区域、要约或信息中使用,iii)为履行合同义务和以保护公司权益为目的;iv) 根据您的要求提供技术支持;v) 回复您 要 求 成为萨克米上海供应商的 请 ; vi )发送新闻;vii)管理发给萨克米上海的简历或要约等。
(Warehouse), Section 102C, Building 1, No.379 North Fute Road, Waigaoqiao Bounded Zone, PC 200131, Shanghai, China - Tel: +86-21-50460860 / 50462010 / 50462033, Fax: +86-21-50462729, (hereinafter referred to as “SACMI SHANGHAI”), as holder of your personal data, hereby informs you that personal data supplied in the course of business relations with SACMI SHANGHAI shall be processed for the following purposes: i) fulfilling obligations provided by laws and regulations, and, if applicable, by the EC rules; ii) providing access to reserved areas, information and offers; iii) for fulfilment of contractual obligations and for the purposes of protecting the rights and interests of the Company); iv) processing your
requests for technical
[...] assistance; v) reply to your candidacies as suppliers of SACMI SHANGHAI, vi) newsletters [...]
sending, vii) managing
any CVs and offers to collaborate or work with SACMI SHANGHAI that may be forwarded to us.
除非需要补充材料,否则 Keystone Mercy 将在收到例外请求的 2 个工作日内批准或 拒绝您的例请求, 如果您的医疗服务提 供者注明需要快回复,您将在 24 小时内 得到答复。
Keystone Mercy will approve or deny the
[...] exception request within 2 business days of getting the request, or within 24 hours of getting the request if your provider indicates an urgent need for a quick response, unless additional [...]
information is needed.
如果您想更详细的了解我公司的产品或信息 请 填 写下表中相关信息,并点击「发送」,我们会按照您的要求,尽快 您回复。
If you have any
[...] specific inquiries, please use the form below to send us your quetions and comments, then click the "Send" button so that we can send you the information and printed material you have requested.
调查还发现,使用GlobalEnglish在线服务的企业员工中有86%的员工可以更有效率地口头回答提问 回复请 求 , 92%的人马上就能在工作中使用新学到的英语语言技能。
The same survey shows 86% of employees using the
GlobalEnglish online service can
[...] verbally respond to questions and requests more effectively [...]
and 92% of users are immediately
able to use their new skills on the job.
在您的网站上设置即时聊天可以使您的客户支持工作变得更快速、更高效,可以为您带来更高的销售额,而且您的客户不必再等 您回复 邮 件 ,或花费时间打电话给您。
Having it on your website will make your customer support faster and
more efficient, will bring you more sales and your customers will not
[...] wait for email replies or spend time on [...]
phone calls.
如果你选择在部门网站上通过完成网上表格或向我们发送电子邮件这些方法向我们提供个人信息,我们将使用该信息帮助我们向您提供所要求的信息或服务,或 回复您 的 留 言。
If you choose to provide us with PII on a Department website, through such methods as completing a web form or sending us an email, we will
use that information to help us provide you the information or service you
[...] have requested or to respond to your message.




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