

单词 说话不当话

See also:

说话 v

say v
talk v


tell stories

不当 pl

irregularities pl

External sources (not reviewed)

话说,如果不进行 技术性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零增长预算的总额之上,活动的水平则势必会 [...]
In other words, the level of activities will
[...] inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as [...]
technical adjustment, on top of the
ZRG budget level indicated above.
用一位受访者话说,“不仅是 我们需要接受两性平 等问题的培训,与我们合作的两性平等问题专家也应该接受有关我们的实质性工 作领域的培训”。
In the words of one interviewee, “Not only do we have to be trained in gender issues, but the gender expert working with us also has to be trained in our substantive area of work”.
声音文 档显示,使说当地话的人 记录了地名的英语和爱尔兰语读音,成为数据库的一 [...]
Sound files indicating the pronunciation of names in English and Irish were
[...] being recorded using local speakers and were [...]
being added as an important component of the database.
当然,如果任何当 事方对争议法庭的最后裁不服的话 , 当 事 人 可以上诉,而且如有必要从速上诉。
Of course, if either party is unhappy with an appealable final judgement of the Dispute Tribunal, that party may lodge an appeal, on an expedited basis if necessary, against the judgement.
履约协助方案分析国家状 况,向国家当局提供信息和建议,听取私营部门的关切事项,促进与高级 当 局 的 对 话, 启 动了针对政府工作人员的能力建设活动,并协 说 服 私 营部门有必要找出适当的替代 品。
CAP analyzed the national situation, provided information and advice to national authorities, listened to
concerns of the private
[...] sector, promoted dialogue with high level authorities, initiated capacity building for government workers and assisted in convincing the [...]
private sector of the
need to find successful alternatives.
全范围音量控制和语音切换以消除客服代 不说话 时 的 背景噪音。
Full-range volume control Voice switching to eliminate
[...] background noise when agent is not speaking.
同样也是因为 Coteba 公司表现出对工不感兴 趣,今天司法顾问解 说 : “当 Coteba 公司的代表[该公司的总裁 ]对我承认说 Coteba 公司对联合国教科文组织的这个工 地不再感兴趣时,我认为司法威胁将不会是有效的武器”。
It may also be explained by the fact that Coteba had a clear lack of interest in the site: “When Coteba’s representative [...]
[who was the
head of the company] admitted in front of me that Coteba was no longer interested in the UNESCO site, I understood that legal threats would not be an effective weapon”, the legal adviser has now explained.
You want to be able to hear what
[...] the other person is saying, and you want to be [...]
comfortable when you have it on.
然而,就像人们常常强调的那样,对冲突如何使 妇女成为受害者的关注不应导致我们看不到妇女在
[...] 解决冲突及恢复中所能发挥的促进作用;或者用诺贝 尔委员会话说,不 应当使我们忽视妇女所代表的推 动民主与和平的巨大潜力。
However, as has so often been emphasized, a focus on the way that conflict can victimize women should not lead us to obscure the role that women can play
as agents of conflict resolution and
[...] recovery or, in the words of the Nobel Committee, [...]
lead us to ignore the great potential
for democracy and peace that women can represent.
话说,不仅是主席在发言开篇正 确地提到的那些国家,而且还有大量第三世界国家也 [...]
In other words, it is not only the States [...]
that the President correctly mentioned at the opening of his statement, but there
is also a large group of Third World nations that also supported the convening of this emergency special session.
其它发展中国家,还有许 多最不发达国家,如果出席话,当 前 最多 只 不 过 是 世界贸易组织和世界知识产权组织的 观察员。
The rest of the developing countries, including many of the LDCs, are currently little more than spectators in WTO and WIPO, if they are present at all.
对于合作为何作为一种单独成立的义务,有 不 很 清 楚;目前的 措辞有问题,无法得到赞同,应当在更清楚地阐明合作义务与本专题的关联之后 重新审议;更具体说,应当说明引 渡或起诉的义务同国家之间彼此合作的义务 到底有什么关系,不是合 作义务同打击有 不 罚 现象有什么关系。
It was not entirely clear why it was subject of a self-standing obligation; the formulation was question-begging, not supportable in its current form, and should be reconsidered once the implications of the duty to cooperate in the context of the topic were more clearly elaborated; more particularly, there ought to be an explanation of an explicit [...]
relationship between
aut dedere aut judicare and the duty of States to cooperate with each other, as opposed to the duty to cooperate and the fight against impunity.
对于这些社区说,当务之 急是能够确保它们 的传统知识和管理这些知识的惯例法得到保护和尊重, 不 是 得 到金钱补偿。
For such communities, the imperative is to be able to ensure that their traditional knowledge and the customary laws governing it are preserved and respected, rather than to obtain monetary compensation.
学校组织的讲座、放映和话不仅在 新美术馆进行,也包 当 地 社区的非正式场合。
[...] screenings, and conversations took place in the New Museum itself, as well as at informal locations throughout the local neighborhood.
恰恰相反不用说,当特定 保留的内容的确载于保留条款本身,则与该规 定相一致的保留不必经受与条约的目标和宗旨的兼容性测试。
(5) A contrario, it goes without saying that when the content [...]
of a specified reservation is indeed indicated in the reservations
clause itself, a reservation consistent with that provision is not subject to the test of compatibility with the object and purpose of the treaty.
可以这说,如果开展了文化话, 不 同 的政 治见解就比较容易处理,因而文化对话也是促进和平共处的一个参数。
It could be argued that political differences become more manageable if a cultural dialogue is under [...]
way, thus representing
a parameter to foster peaceful coexistence.
其他的差异是由于译者本人不说话 的 解 释对他们施加影响,他们的方法工作,从不同的固有困难的工作,他们或大或小知识希腊和希伯来文,现在他们翻译,然后马所拉学士,因为他们阅读的文本不同,这是自然的,因为,希伯来文写在方的人物,在形式和某些辅音被非常相似,很容易混淆,所以他们偶尔给一个错误的翻译,而且,他们的希伯来文正说话的书面without various任何间距之间的对象,它们可以很容易的话一mistake在分离,最后,由于处置希伯来语text at中没有元音,他们可能会提供不一样的,元音的马所拉学士后来从那些使用。
Other discrepancies are due to the translators personally; not to speak of the influence exerted on their work by their methods of interpretation, the inherent difficulties of the work, their greater or less knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, they now and then translated differently from the Massoretes, because they read the texts differently; that was natural, for, Hebrew being written in square characters, and certain consonants being very similar in form, it was easy to confound them occasionally and so give an erroneous translation; moreover, their Hebrew text being written without any spacing between the various words, they could easily make a mistake in the separation of the words; finally, as the Hebrew text at their disposal contained no vowels, they might supply different vowels from those used later by the Massoretes.
此外它还包括全范围音量控制和语音切换,以进一步减少客服代 不说话 时 的 背景噪音。
Additionally, it includes full range volume control, voice switching to further reduce background
[...] noise when the agent is not speaking.
说:"我尝试把我经常从诺贝尔奖得主那儿听到 话 , 当 作 生 活的座右铭:爱,生活,并给予别人",他感谢爱彼一路走来对他的基金会的支持。
I try to live according to the words I often hear from Nobel laureates, which are: Love, live, and give,” added Jones, thanking Audemars Piguet along the way for its support of his foundation.
帕尔多大使在其晚年 的一次采访说,他 当时的打算是把那一 话当 作连接未来的一座桥梁,把国际社会团结在一起,为了后 世保护好我们的星球。
Ambassador Pardo stated, in an interview in his later years, that he had intended that the speech could serve as sort of a bridge to the future and unite the world community in its quest to preserve our planet for generations to come.
华盛顿邮报》的消息来源说:“在2003年6 月发表的报道披露站点情 况后,泰国官员敦促中央情报局将其关闭”。182 《纽约时报》后来称,说当 地官 员对“曼谷市郊一个代号‘猫眼’的黑点”日益感 不 安 , 而这是中央情报 局想拥有“自己的更永久拘留所”的一个原因。
The sources of the Washington Post stated that, after “published reports revealed the existence of the site in June 2003, Thai officials insisted the
CIA shut it
[...] down”.182 The New York Times alleged later that local officials were said to be growing uneasy about “a black site outside [...]
Bangkok code-named
Cat’s Eye” and that this was a reason for the CIA to want “its own, more permanent detention centers”.185 110.
提交人说,当时, 他只能按照口授书写俄语或 照抄已有的文字;不能自 行写出一段文字,也听不懂俄语。
The author adds that at that time, he could only write in Russian, following dictation, or copying existing text; he was unable to elaborate a text himself, and could not understand the language.
本报告力求着说明从UNSAS 向 IPSAS 过渡所涉及的障碍、制约因素和风 险,即,选择最佳 ERP 系统或将现有系统升级所需的时间、与立法机关的话 不够、 缺乏远景规划和对变革进程的集体拥有感、或缺乏高级管理层的承诺。
This report has endeavoured to highlight the obstacles, constraints and risks in the transition
from UNSAS
[...] to IPSAS, be they the time required to select the best or to upgrade the existing ERP systems, poor dialogue with legislative bodies, lack of vision and sense of collective ownership of the change process or [...]
lack of commitment of senior management.
这几乎对当前俄超联赛冠军说就是 一个 话 , 当 前 主 场只有3胜和2平的战绩。
It’s almost a joke against the current Russian Premier League champs, with a recent home record of 3 wins and 2 draws.
总之,这些为数不多的协商并没有显示压倒性支持或反对举办缔约方会议的 倾向,也没有就重新召开《日内瓦第四公约》缔约方会议对受影响平民有何帮助 形成看法;换话说,不确定 哪些问题能期待产生什么样的结果。
In conclusion, these consultations, which were limited in number, did not reveal a dominant trend for or against the holding of a Conference of High Contracting Parties, or a view on the contribution to the civilian population affected of a reconvened Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention; in other words, it was uncertain what results could be expected for what issues.
查比女说,“当他们来到这个中心时,他们才开始意识到自己失去了很多,他们有权规划自己的未来,生活中他 不 需 要 成为被他人剥削的人。
When they come to the centre, they begin to realize that they are missing a lot, that they have the right to plan their future, that they needn't just be people who are exploited by other people in their lives.
若因我方违反次级合同责任,使得合同物品不能按照合同规定使用,甚至是在订立合同之前;例如,因为疏忽或不当意见、 不当说 明 ; 则除非买方提出额外索赔,则第六款第 5-8 条中规定的我方责任应适用。
If the contractual object cannot be used as stipulated in the contract due to culpable violation of secondary obligations to which we are obligated, even prior to conclusion of contract; for example due to omitted or incorrect consulting, or incorrect instructions, then under exclusion of additional claims on the part of purchaser, the provision set forth under Roman numeral VI no. 5 - 8 shall apply accordingly for our liability.
信息的传播是如此生动和瞬时, 以致任何孤立的国家或人民不会感 觉到其边界的 幽禁地理环境的束缚,即便这些边界一直延伸到,或 许我们当说,接 近于世界最偏远的地区。
So graphic and instantaneous is the transmission of information that there are no isolated nations or peoples
who might feel themselves imprisoned
[...] by the confining geography of their borders when those borders extend as far as, or should we say as close to, the most distant regions of the world.
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