

单词 说法

说法 ()

way of speaking
one's version (of events)
expound Buddhist teachings


带倾向性的解释(或者说法) n

spin n


talk from one's personal experience
use oneself as an example

External sources (not reviewed)

两个月后他又改变说法,声称他被逼 离开阿塞拜疆是因为警察在追捕他。
After two months he changed his story, and claimed that he was forced to leave Azerbaijan because he was sought by the police.
她认为,关于本案仍在审理之中 说法 , 会 妨碍在国际舞台上采取使其发生作用 的任何行动、步骤或程序。
On the argument that the case is sub judice, she submits that such an argument would preclude the taking of any acts, steps or procedures in the international arena and render them nugatory.
发达”、 “工业化”或“发展中”说法是为 了统计之便,不一定表示对某个国家或地区的发展进 [...]
Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” or “developing” are intended for
statistical convenience and do not
[...] necessarily express a judgement about the stage [...]
reached by a particular country or area in the development process.
此外,亚美尼亚方面所谓历史说的一个生动例子是,亚美尼亚总统把占领阿 塞拜疆的 Daghlyq Garabagh 说成是占领者的“祖祖辈辈的故土”或“祖国”,这说法都是 荒谬虚假的,唯一目的是误导国际社会并使暴力扩张领土政策合理 化。
Moreover, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers historical assertions of the Armenian side, a vivid example of which is the reference by the President of Armenia to the occupied Daghlyq Garabagh region of Azerbaijan as allegedly the occupiers’ “historical land” or “fatherland”, as false and having the sole purpose of misleading the international community and justifying the policy of violent territorial expansionism.
[...] 理(尤其是总部)做辩解,针对每个问题都具体编造了 说法 , 如 总部的专家过多,应该去 掉一些,以应对全球化的需要,或者又反过来说,总部专家不够,需要雇用顾问和其他合同 [...]
In order to justify its non-management of human resources (especially at Headquarters), HRM invents specific theories for each problem:
there are too many specialists at Headquarters
[...] who must be got rid of in order to [...]
deal with globalization, or, on the contrary,
there are not enough specialists at Headquarters and consultants and other contractors must be employed in order to meet the needs of the programme.
尽管人们广泛承认这个概念,政治辩论仍在继 续,首先是关于安全-发展关系的性质;其次是应当 采取何种政策来实现持久和平、安全与可持续的发 展,包括解决冲突的根源和动因;以及第三,鉴于冲 突和安全-发展关系的多变性质,以及巴西代表团编 写的概念说明(S/2011/50,附件)中 说法 , 安全理 事会如何着手防止冲突的爆发、延长或死灰复燃。
Despite that broad conceptual acknowledgment, the political debate continues, first, on the nature of the security-development nexus; secondly, on the types of policies that should be pursued to achieve durable peace, security and sustainable development, including to address the root causes and drivers of conflicts; and thirdly, on the way forward for the Security Council to prevent the eruption or protraction of, or relapse into, violence, given the changing nature of conflicts and the security-development nexus, as well expressed in the concept note prepared by the Mission of Brazil (S/2011/50, annex).
[...] 章》的情况下提供人道主义援助,并在这方面重申,不结盟运动拒绝接受所谓 的人道主义干预“权”,这说法无 论 在《联合国宪章》还是在国际法中都没 [...]
The Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to enhance international cooperation to provide humanitarian assistance in full compliance with the UN Charter, and in this regard, they reiterated the rejection by the Movement of
the so-called “right” of humanitarian intervention, which has no basis either in the
[...] UN Charter or in international law.
虽然委员会 根据所收到的证据,认为没必要在审议案情时讨论这一可能的违约问题,但宣布 来文可以受理表明委员会准备考虑提交人的这 说法 , 并反映了当代国际人权法 中的一种趋势,即不再假定地、人为地把各种权利分为不同“类别”,而认为所 有人权都是普遍的、相互依存的。
While in this case the Committee, on the basis of the evidence before it, did not find it necessary to address this possible violation in its consideration of the merits, the declaration of admissibility shows that the Committee is prepared to consider such arguments and reflects the trend in contemporary international human rights law away from the fictitious and artificial division of rights into “categories” and towards the view that all human rights are universal and interdependent.
对于缔约国所谓提交人由于没有在国内法院援引《公约》第三条因而没有 用尽国内补救法的说法,提 交人申明,他们在刑事诉讼期间没有机会援引《公 [...]
5.2 Regarding the State party’s contention that the petitioners failed to exhaust domestic remedies as they
did not invoke article 3 of the Convention
[...] before domestic courts, the petitioners [...]
affirm that they did not have the possibility
to invoke the Convention during the criminal proceedings.
但 这一过说法也受 “就其本身而言”这一措辞的限定:虽然法院并不认为自己受 [...]
罗马尼亚单方面提出的解释约束,但这也不排除单方面解释作为一种证据手段或 可能确证法院根据《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一条所作解释的一份资料的效 果。
Such a radical remark is qualified,
however, by the use of the expression “as
[...] such”: while the Court does not consider [...]
itself bound by the unilateral interpretation
proposed by Romania, that does not preclude the unilateral interpretation from having an effect as a means of proof or a piece of information that might corroborate the Court’s interpretation “in accordance with Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”.
The Delegation of Hungary, speaking as the Chair of the Committee, pointed out that the
Draft Guidelines were technically sound;
[...] however some expressions were ambiguous and could be interpreted in different ways.
虽然申诉人要求延长他对缔约国关于案情的意见作出 回应的截止期限,以使他能够从他在刚果民主共和国的联系人那里获得更多证 据,但他并未提交任何有助于证实他 说法 的 新 文件。
While the complainant requested an extension of a deadline for his response to the State party’s observations on the merits with a justification of the need to seek further evidence from his contacts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he did not submit any new documents that would help to substantiate his allegations.
然而,按照报告说法,我 们还是没有办法相信这些指控,即奥罗莫解放阵 线的官员发挥了重要作用。
According to the narrative in the report, however, and again we are by no means lending any [...]
credence to the allegations,
it is OLF officials who allegedly played the key role.
尽管许多成员琪,sthe大以及小,教师以及学生,都提到的各 说法 和 决 策的作者,由于参加的讨论和争议,部分学者认为其中一些是值得的记录单一句话帐户,背景的犹太法典,或者说对这些元素,其作者是关于发言的背景下,成立了由这些谁生产,工作辛劳的团结努力。
Although many members of the academie-sthe great as well as the small,
teachers as well as pupils-are
[...] mentioned as the authors of various sayings and decisions, [...]
and as taking part in the discussions
and controversies, some of them being deemed scholars worthy of record on account of a single remark, the background of the Talmud, or rather the background for those elements regarding whose authorship statements are made, was formed by the united efforts of those who labored to produce that work.
[...] 运案件数目明显下降的积极影响;但目前还没有评价报告可以对这 说法 加以 核实。
One speaker cited the positive impact of increased sanctions in terms of the perceived drop in the
number of cases of trafficking in his
[...] country after new criminal sanctions had [...]
been introduced; however, no evaluation report
was yet available to verify that view.
此项规定在对残疾人的照顾政策上采用了与第 733-2008VIVIENDA 号部长决议相同说法。
This decision contains the same definition of “disability” as Ministerial Decision No. 733-2008-VIVIENDA.
委员会就切尔诺贝利事故所做的工作在无乌克 兰作为成员参与的情况下得以完成 说法 是 自 相矛 盾的,他希望大会将根据第 63/89 号决议核准其正式 成员资格。
It was paradoxical that the Committee’s work on Chernobyl accident had been done without Ukraine’s participation as a member and he hoped that the General Assembly would approve its full membership, as envisaged in resolution 63/89.
至于阿根廷提出的抗议,2008 年 12 月 3 日,联合王国拒绝接受关于 2008 年《福克兰群岛宪法法令》从实际上或精神上违背联合王国与阿根廷达成的联合 声明的任何方面或违反大会任何决议 说法 (见 A/63/589)。
With reference to Argentina’s protest, on 3 December 2008 the United Kingdom rejected the assertions that the Falkland Islands Constitution Order 2008 was contrary, either in practice or in spirit, to any aspect of the Joint Statements agreed between the United Kingdom and Argentina or that it contravened any General Assembly resolutions (see A/63/589).
[...] [...] 你们必须与在美国的人民建立新的友好关系,而且你们必须以前所未有的方式利用接触信息的机会,使你们自己真正地了解, 而不是靠别人说法,要靠自己了解美国和中国的性质,两国关系的性质,以及在前进的过程中,它怎样能够有助于促进亚洲乃至全世界人民的利益。
It means you must better understand the relationship, you must forge new friendships with people in the United States, and you must use access to information like never before in truly
understanding for yourself -- not based on
[...] what other people say, but for yourself [...]
-- what the nature of the United States
and China, what the nature of the relationship is, and how it can serve the better interests of the people of Asia and indeed the world going forward.
但两个案文之间存在着两处不同:㈠ 国际法学会的决议只涉及武装冲突各
方之间有效的条约的命运,委员会的草案则应涵盖条约缔约方与武装冲突当事方 之间、以及冲突单一当事国与“第三”国(即未参与冲突的条约缔约国)之间的武 装冲突的影响;㈡
[...] 国际法学会的案文使用了“当然” 说法 , 而 委员会所拟定 的第 3 条草案用“自动”、再用“必然”加以取代。
However, there are two differences between these two provisions: (i) whereas the Institute’s resolution is concerned only with the fate of treaties in force between the parties to the armed conflict, the Commission’s draft is intended to cover the effect of armed conflicts either between parties to the treaty that are also parties to the armed conflict, or between a single State party to the conflict and a “third” State, that is, a State party to the treaty which is not a party to
the conflict; (ii) the Institute’s text uses
[...] the term “ipso facto”, whereas, in [...]
the Commission’s draft article 3, that term
was replaced by “automatically” and, later, “necessarily”.
你知道吗,由于2004 -
[...] 工党通过法律,医务委员会现在可以采用的小时医务人员来自欧洲(普通外科手术的人在这里付出了那么多,他们不想工作周的结束,或晚上,这样的GMC获得几千东部欧洲GP的(通过机构),但他们被禁止欧盟法律,以把他们通过的英语能力测试!(不 说法 国 人采取不通知的这疯狂的一块立法和做试验他们)。
Did you know that since 2004 - when Labour passed the law, that the General Medical Council can now employ out-of-hours medics from Europe (as ordinary surgery ones here get paid so much they don't want to work week-ends or evenings, so the GMC gets several thousand
Eastern European GP’s (through agencies), but they are
[...] prohibited by EU law to put them through [...]
an English competence test!
显然有必要建立区域一级的能力,以核实烟草行业 说法 , 也 需促进能 力建设和分享最佳做法,以加强国家一级的监管机制。
There is a clear and demonstrated need to build capacity at the regional level to verify the claims made by the tobacco industry; there is also a need to promote capacity-building and the sharing of best practices in order to strengthen regulatory mechanisms at the country level.
[...] 无限制的保障手段,但其他国家却无权掌握核武器来保护自己所认为的安全 需求,这说法既非 正当有理,也毫无依据。
It is neither defensible nor sustainable for some states to argue that nuclear weapons are an indispensable, legitimate and open-ended
guarantor of their own and allies’ security, but
[...] that others have no right to acquire [...]
them to protect their own perceived security needs.
当世界经济越来越走向一体化的时候,全球化时代 说法 已 经 成为陈词滥调,而国际社会 坚信,按适当方式走向世界经济一体化是世界发展的必要条件。
It is an article of faith in the international community that integration on appropriate terms into the world economy is a necessary condition for development.
由于救护车无法到达他们所在的地方,在该地区找到的这些儿童 和其他伤者不得不用手推车送往等着向他们提供紧急医疗的救护车,而这些救护
[...] 车在加沙已经非常稀少,因为那里的医疗服务按照世界卫生组织 说法 已 经是 “处于崩溃的边缘”。
Due to the inability of ambulances to reach them, the children and other wounded found in the area had to be transported by carts to ambulances waiting to provide them
with emergency medical care, which is already
[...] scarce in Gaza since the health services [...]
there are, according to the World Health
Organization, “on the point of collapse”.
有效的技术转让通常需要“心照不宣的”知识转让,而整 理这些知识并不容易(如专利说明或 法说 明 手 册)。
The effective transfer of technology also often requires
the transfer of “tacit” knowledge, which
[...] cannot be easily codified (for example, [...]
as in patent disclosures or instruction manuals).
The Commissioner provides an opinion on whether the principle of equal treatment has been violated in a particular legal relationship.
[...] 指南将讨论起草特定类型合同涉及的各种问题;考虑这些问题的不同解决法;说明这 些解决办法的影响和优缺点;并建议在特定情况下采用某些 [...]
Parties can be assisted, however, by a
legal guide that discusses various issues
[...] underlying the drafting of a particular [...]
type of contract; considers various solutions
to those issues; describes implications, advantages and disadvantages of those solutions; and recommends the use of certain solutions in particular circumstances.
所有机构和设施都应有与本导则一致的书面政策和 法说 明 , 明确阐明其 目标、政策、以及招募、监督、监管和评估合格和适当的照料者的适用方法和标 准,以确保实现这些目标。
All agencies and facilities should have written
[...] policy and practice statements, consistent with the present Guidelines, setting out clearly their aims, policies, methods and the standards [...]
applied for the
recruitment, monitoring, supervision and evaluation of qualified and suitable carers to ensure that those aims are met.




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