

单词 说来话长

See also:

说话 n

word n


tell stories


It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative)


now we come talk about it, ...
interpret a topic (from a certain point of view)
have one's say

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 造成过度不利影响之后,这样做不仅仅是迫切的,而 且用秘长的话来说,是 一种紧急需要。
In the wake of the multiple crises and adverse disproportionate
impacts of climate change, this has become not only urgent but an emergency,
[...] even in the words of the Secretary-General.
用扎巴里长谈到伊拉克和更广大的区 域话来说:“ 一党国家和执政党的时代已经过 去……这种时代已经结束。
In the words of Foreign Minister Zebari, speaking of Iraq and the wider region: [...]
“The time of the single-party State and
the ruling party is over … This era is at an end.
话说,如 果不进行 技术性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零 长 预 算的总额之上,活动的水平则势必会 降低。
In other words, the level of activities will inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as technical adjustment, on top of the ZRG budget level indicated above.
用欧洲委员会关于欧洲委员会成功经验的正式评论 话来说 , “ 主要问题既 不是标准,也不是会计政策,而是项目管理”。
In the words of an EC official commenting on the successful EC experience, “the main issue is neither the standards, nor the accounting policies, it is project management”.
借用国际海事组织(海事组织)现任秘长兼海事研究所董事会主席 话来说 , 海事研究所 帮助确保了我们——特别是在发展中国家——有足 够的、具有适当知识和技能的海洋法专家,以便帮助 编制、执行和实施法律,使各国政府所加入的国际文 书发挥效力。
In the words of
[...] the current Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization and Chairman of the IMLI Governing Board, IMLI has helped to ensure that a sufficient number of maritime [...]
law experts, armed with
the appropriate knowledge and skills, would be available — especially within developing countries — to help with the preparation, implementation and enforcement of legislation giving effect to the international instruments to which Governments have become parties.
长指出,无论是从本组织 支持使用多种系统的能力方面,还是从缺乏适当的信息管理政策和工具 造成效率低下方来说,这 种情况均不可持续。
The Secretary-General states that this situation is unsustainable, in terms of both the Organization’s ability to support the various systems utilized and the inefficiencies resulting [...]
from the lack
of appropriate policies and tools for information management.
虽 然索马里局势仍存在重大挑战,但过渡联邦政府—— 用秘长的话来说——“如果有足够的决心和适当 的支持,能够开始在索马里全国站稳脚跟” (S/2011/759,第 89 段)。
While the situation in Somalia still involves significant challenges, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), in the words of the Secretary-General, “with determination and proper support … can begin to anchor itself across Somalia” ( S/2011/759, para.89).
某些代表团强调了维持年会的特别理由:鉴于许多发展 中国家缺乏进行危险性评估的资源,及时提供法典食品安全标准用于国家层面非常重要; 对许多国来说,参 加食典委会议具有能力建设的功效;两年期会议可能需要 长 的时 间解决所有的议题,将造成实际困难;应认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会议做出的巨 大努力。
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very
important for use at
[...] the national level; participation in the Commission had a capacity building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to [...]
address all items of
work, which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts made by governments to prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
军人来以长话短说、直 接切题而著称;我不 知道我们外交官是否也是如此。
Military people are known for being succinct and to the point; I do not know if the same can be said of us diplomats.
这正是阿维格多·利伯曼长说下 面一 番 话 时的意思,他说,我们必须把以色列的阿拉伯人问题摆到 谈判桌来,因 为一方面要求以色列作为一个两民族 国家,另一方面建立一个没有犹太人存在的单一民族 的巴勒斯坦国,在这样的基础上无法实现持久、真正 和牢固的解决办法。
This is exactly
[...] what Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman meant when he said that we must place the problem of the Arabs of Israel on the negotiating table, for there can be no lasting, [...]
genuine and solid
solution based on a homogeneous Palestinian State without a Jewish presence at a time when Israel is being asked to be a bi-national State.
应当再次强调的是,本次区域很多国家经历长 期冲突,这体现在它们继续处于持续不安全、不稳定、 贫困以及用一话来说赤贫局面。
It should be emphasized once again that many of the
countries of our subregion
[...] have undergone long-term conflicts, as reflected in the ongoing insecurity, instability, poverty and, in a word, destitution, that they continue [...]
to experience.
专家提说,尽管能来长期收 益,实施“巴塞尔协议三”可能对发展中国家产 生不利影响,因为信贷成本可能增加,而资金的供应可能减少。
It was cautioned that, despite long-term gains, implementation [...]
of Basel III could produce adverse effect for developing
countries due to possible increase in the cost of credit and lower availability of funds.
我们非常赞赏科索沃特 派团采取一致行动,以便在科索沃北部——用报告话来说—— “缓和紧张局势并集中力量满足共同需 求”(S/2010/169,第 12 段)。
We greatly appreciate UNMIK’s concerted efforts to, in the words of the report, “decrease tensions and focus on common needs” (S/2010/169, para. 12) in north Kosovo.
近年来,一座水坝的建设明显减少了河水泛滥,而该河的水对野生甜瓜 长来 说是必不可少的。
In recent years, the construction of a dam has significantly reduced the flooding of the river essential for the wild melon.
这场双重革命用牙买加已故总理迈克 尔·曼利话来说,是 历史的一个转折点。
The dual revolution was, in the words of the late Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley, a hinge of history.
在作出所有这些努力的时候,我们知道,秘书长 将以他长期承 诺为指导——用《联合国宪章》话 来说—— “欲免后世再遭战祸”,重申我们对“人格 尊严与价值”的共同信念,并且“促成大自由中之社 会进步及较善之民生”。
In all those efforts, we know that the SecretaryGeneral will be guided by his abiding commitment — in the words of the Charter of the United Nations — to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”, to reaffirm our common faith “in the dignity and worth of the human person” and “to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”.
为此原因,我们同意盖莱总统的观点,即出路 在于国际社会——用他话来说—— 解决索马长 期冲突的根源。
For that reason, we share President Guelleh’s view that the
way forward is for the international community to tackle —
[...] in his words — the root causes of Somalia’s enduring conflict.
来自 4 5 个国家的 900 多人出席了论 坛,其中包括部长、市长、国家和地方政府高级官员、学术界人士、 民间社会组织、私营部门代表和记者,在论坛上进行小组全体讨论、 讨论了 30 多个议题,并按照次区域举行分组会议和举办各种会边活 动,包括由亚太经社会同泰国政府和亚洲住房联盟共同组织的关于无 贫民窟城市的长级对话。
Over 900 participants including ministers, mayors, senior national and
[...] [...] local government officials, academics, civil society organizations, private sector representatives and journalists from 45 countries participated in Forum, which comprised plenary panel discussions, and more than 30 issue and subregion based break-out sessions and side events, including the Ministerial Dialogue on Cities Without Slums, which ESCAP co-organized with the Government of Thailand and the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR).
敢于站来说话并捍 卫人民尊严的波多黎各人 遭到联邦安全机构和情报机构的迫害。
Puerto Ricans who had spoken out and defended the dignity of their people had been persecuted by the federal security and intelligence agencies.
在审查信息社会世界首脑会议成果执行进展情况时,与会者强调了下列关键 问题:自 2005 年来移动电话的迅速增长,以 及诸如移动保健、移动交易、电 子政务、电子商务和发展服务等新服务和应用的出现,为信息社会的发展提供了 [...]
对绝大多数穷人而言,包括信息和通信技术在内的科学和技术带来的发展希望仍 未实现。
In reviewing the progress of World Summit on the Information Society implementation, the participants
highlighted the following key
[...] issues: the rapid growth in mobile telephony since 2005 and [...]
the advent of new services and
applications, including m-health, mobile transactions, e-government, e-business and developmental services, provide great potential to the development of the information society, while at the same time, many developing countries lack affordable access to information and communications technologies (ICTs), and for the majority of the poor, the promise of science and technology, including ICTs, remains unfulfilled.
据称气候变化的象征性画面一直是一块融化浮 冰上的北极熊,但用人类话来说, 更 能说明问题的 形象应该是,随着时间的推移,沦为农业缺乏、基础 设施凋零、人口减少以至最终无法居住的岛屿国家上 的公民。
It has been said that the iconic image of climate change has been the polar bear on a melting ice floe, but in human terms the more compelling image should be the citizen of an island State that could over time become devoid of agriculture, diminished in infrastructure, reduced in population and, ultimately, uninhabitable.
2011 年 9 月,各大社交网站播 出有史来首次与秘长的全球对话 , 吸 引了全世 界 1 300 万次浏览,其中绝大多数来自中国,而且问 [...]
In September 2011, the first ever global conversation with the Secretary-General [...]
held on major social networking sites had
attracted 13 million views from around the world, the majority from China, and questions had been posed in multiple languages.
这一承诺包括,用我国《独立宣言》 话来说 , 给 予“人类见解 以应有的尊重”,并始终努力保持和保护所有人的尊严,因为我们所珍视的价值 观适用于全体地方和全体人民。
This commitment includes, in the words of our Declaration of Independence, according “decent respect to the opinions of mankind,” and seeking always to preserve and protect the dignity of all persons, because the values that we cherish apply everywhere and to everyone.
但是我们祷读圣经,重复经上话来 向 神祷告,意思并不 说 , 我 们忽略了 平常的读经,以及仔细研读神的话。
However, the fact that we pray-read the Bible, repeating the words of Scripture in prayer to God, does not mean that we neglect the ordinary reading of the Scriptures or the careful study of the Word of God.
[...] 广泛,对自然资源出口的依赖性就会下降,进而使易受出口商品外部价格波动影 响的脆弱性下降,来长期经 济稳定(见以下方框 3,举说明如何利用生产能力 投资促进私营部门经济多样化)。
A broader productive base results in lower dependency on natural resources for exports, which in turn leads to reduced vulnerability to external price
shocks in export
[...] commodities, providing longer-term economic stability (see box 3 below for an example of using investments [...]
in productive
capacity to promote private-sector economic diversification).
大会第六十五届会议欢迎太平洋岛屿论坛领导人和秘书长承诺加强太平洋 岛屿论坛成员与联合国之间的高级别 话 ; 邀 请秘 长 考 虑 采取措施,促进和扩 大同太平洋岛屿论坛成员及论坛秘书处的合作与协调;并且请秘书长向大会第六 十七届会议提出关于决议执行情况的报告(第 65/316 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the commitment by Pacific Islands Forum leaders and the
Secretary-General to
[...] enhanced high-level dialogue between the members of the Pacific Islands Forum and the United Nations; invited the Secretary-General to consider [...]
ways to promote and
expand cooperation and coordination with Pacific Islands Forum members and the Forum secretariat; and requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the implementation of the resolution to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 65/316).
不过,因为有数百万人在数百万个频道中谈话,所以在社交媒体中倾听和参与的挑战是识别谁在谈论你和你的品牌,他们 说 什 么并且保持这些 话长 盛 不 衰。
The challenge, though, in listening and engaging within social media is identifying who is talking about
you and your brand and
[...] what they are saying, and maintaining this ebb-and-flow of conversation, simply because there [...]
are millions of folks
talking across millions of channels.
2005 年,有10 个相关缔约国没有报告有无制订方案和提供服务来推动地
[...] 雷幸存者和/ 或其家庭重新融入经济生活,或者报 说长 期 以 来 相 关 方案和服务 的发展并不充分。
In 2005, in 10 relevant States Parties there were no reported programmes and services to promote the
economic reintegration of mine survivors and/or their families or programmes
[...] and services were chronically underdeveloped.
当被要求说明此推进系统地优点时,德里克勒达夫,美国救火船 的一名长说:“常规的船移动来 像 笨拙的泰迪熊,而我的船像是一名优雅的芭蕾舞女演员在跳舞,这都是因为福伊特施耐德推进器。
When asked to explain the advantages of this propulsion
[...] solution, Derek LeDuff, one of the captains of this US fireboat, responds: [...]
"While conventional boats
move like clumsy teddy bears, my ship dances like a graceful ballerina thanks to the Voith Schneider Propellers.




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