

单词 说曹操曹操就到

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简 单说,客户只操心其核心业务,而机器让我们管就行。
In short: the customer looks after his core business – we look after his machines.
对实验室人员说这意味着仅使用一 操 作 界 面 就 可 以 得 到 多 个 结果的集合。
For laboratory personnel this means they only have to learn how to use one user interface and can enjoy the benefits of easy integration of data.
Given this historical background, Mr CHING Cheong and others started probing into the matter and found the article written by Mr CAO Erbao.
我很高興在今日的會議前,到曹紹 偉 議員告訴我,他會支 持我的修訂動議。
I am glad that Mr Alfred TSO told me before [...]
today's sitting that he would support my amendment motion.
这样瓶形转换操就变的 更简单,甚至对于一个没有经验的 操作者说,只要按照程序指操作 就可 以正确完成工作。
In this way, it is much more simple to complete size changeover operations (even for unskilled operators), being sure to carry out the various operations in the correct order.
对于实验室操作人员来说,这 意味着他们可以只学习如何使用一个用户界面 就 可 以 享受数据集成的好处。
For laboratory personnel this means they only have to learn how to use one user interface and can enjoy the benefits of easy integration of data.
具体说,就是讨论了对两个提议的培训方案的需要:一个由环境规划署负责执行, 向该国的维修技术人员提供良好维 操 作 培 训(62,000 美元),另一个包括在向汽车空调 行业提供技术援助的方案中(71,000 美元),该方案也是由环境规划署负责执行;考到 制冷 剂间的价格差异,还讨论了将 10,000 台氟氯化碳汽车空调设备改装为采用 HFC-134a 制冷剂的改装工作的可持续性;同时,考虑该国的气候条件,讨论了使用氟氯化碳的汽车 空调设备的估计寿命。
Specifically, discussion took place on the need for two training programmes proposed, one under UNEP’s implementation to provide good servicing practices to the country’s service technicians (US $62,000), and another included in the technical assistance programme for the MAC sector under UNDP’s implementation (US $71,000); the sustainability of the proposed [...]
retrofit of 10,000
CFC-MAC units retrofitted to HFC-134a refrigerant taking into consideration the high price differential between refrigerants; and the estimated lifetime of the CFC-based MAC units, taking into account the climatic conditions in the country.
[...] 但我不會支持㆒些不切實際的目標。因此,我會就周梁淑怡議員的原動議和馮智活議 員的修訂動議投棄權票,就曹紹偉 議員的修訂動議投反對票。
In conclusion, Mr President, while I support pressure on the United Kingdom to help in the ways I have mentioned above, I cannot support unrealistic
objectives and I will, therefore, abstain on Mrs CHOW's motion and Mr Fung's amendment
[...] and vote against Mr TSO's amendment.
所以,當程翔先 生展開追查時,便到曹二寶 的一篇文章。
Therefore, when Mr CHING Cheong started probing into the matter, he found the article written by Mr CAO Erbao.
日内瓦排 雷中心补说,乌 克兰将采用的销毁方法安全、负担得起、易于按照国家排放标 准到更新,易于维护操作、 利用易于获得的材料建造,而且能够保持较高的 产出率。
The GICHD added that the destruction method to be used by Ukraine is safe, affordable, easily upgradable to national emission standards, simple to maintain [...]
and operate, built using readily-available
materials and capable of sustaining high rates of output.
在这种情况下,不能指望提交人在庇护程序的最初阶 就说 出他 的妻子和他自己到虐待的情况。
Under these circumstances, it could not be
expected that the
[...] author would have mentioned in an earlier phase of the asylum procedure the ill-treatment of his [...]
wife and himself.
执行局不妨注到这一报告就道德 操 守 职 能的发展及其对开发署使命和 任务的贡献提出意见。
The Executive Board may wish to take note of the report and comment on the development of the ethics function and its contribution to the mission and mandate of UNDP.
确保遵循本规范的供应商实现之间可 操 作 , 也 就 是 说 , 在 一个供应商的实现上的 Web 服务必须能够与在另一个供应商实现上执行的 Web 服务进行交互。
Ensure that vendor implementations of this specification inter-operate, i.e. a Web service client on one vendor's implementation must be able to interact with Web services executing on another vendors implementation.
既然部署共享已更新,而且用于该构建的任务 序列已准备就绪,现就可以将该操 作 系 统实例部 到目 标虚拟机并应用优化。
Now that the Deployment Share has been updated and the Task Sequence for the build has been prepared, it is time to deploy the OS instance into the target virtual machine and apply the optimizations.
他们须能阅到本操作说明 书的内容并将之付诸实施。
The contents of this manual should be made available to these personnel and put into practice by them.
無 論如何,針 對 目 下的情況,標 榜 要“與民休息、無 為而治 ” 的唐司長, 其預算案還 是 引 起 了 議 論 紛紜的 反 響 , 有 說 是 了無新 意 的 “等到 ” , 有 說 是 蕭曹 隨 , 也 有 說 是 穩 健務實 。
In the light of the current situation, Secretary Henry TANG has highlighted the importance of "giving the community a respite and charting a course of governance that does not go against nature".
曹紹偉議員所 指出,擬議興建的新界西北鐵路不但可改善整個新界西及新界南的交通擠塞情況,並 [...]
The proposed Northwest New Territories Railway, as the
[...] Honourable Alfred TSO pointed out, will [...]
not only ease traffic congestion throughout
the New Territories West and the New Territories South, but will also be conducive to Sino-Hong Kong economic developments.
然后,厌倦了没有一个真正的儿子,杰佩 说 服 比 利是他的“儿子”,而匹 曹 变 得越来越嫉妒和吃比利的肉体,成为一个真正的男孩,并获得杰佩托的父爱和感情。
Then, tired of not having a real
[...] son, Geppetto convinces Billy to be his “real son”, while Pinocchio becomes increasingly [...]
jealous and
is set on eating Billy’s flesh to become a real boy and gain Geppetto’s fatherly love and affection.
因此,我希望隨 我們最近聽到的㆒些言論而來的是㆒些有建設性 的行動。我還希望我們不要再像過去多個月來那樣,只是透過傳播媒介發表㆒個又㆒個的意 見,而是要實際㆞去做香港㆟希望我們做的事 就 是 以 香港本身及其作為㆞區性交通樞紐的利 益為重,而不是為了到操縱大局的隱晦政治目的,㆒同在談判桌㆖把這些問題解決。
So, I hope that constructive actions can follow some of the words that we have heard recently and that instead of offering one another advice across the airwaves, as has been happening for month after month after month, we will actually do
what people in Hong
[...] Kong would like us to do, which is to resolve these questions around the table with the interests of Hong Kong and Hong Kong's position as a regional transport hub at heart rather than some [...]
perhaps more obscure
political reason dictating the pace of events.
只要您会使用打印机,此软件的使用对您 说就 不 存 在难度,一切都与平 操 作 一 样,连启动此程序的步骤都可以免去,可外挂于所有支持打印的软件,如用 ACDSee [...]
打印照片为 PDF,或是用 Word 打印文案为 PDF,甚至连 PDF 加密和 PDF
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As long as you use the
[...] printer, the use of this software does not exist for you more difficult, [...]
everything is operating
as usual, and even the steps to start this procedure can be removed, can print all the support plug-in software, such as ACDSee print Photos for the PDF, copy or print with Word for the PDF, and even PDF encryption and PDF compression provide additional support have been of Chinese support for better, you just import the font for Chinese readers to create the PDF .
日本高兴地到就 2006 年主说明对 提高安理 会工作效率的有用性所作的许多积极评论。
Japan is pleased with the many positive comments on the usefulness of the 2006 note by the President in enhancing the efficiency of the work of the Council.
3.如果下载的超星文件有损坏的页,打印时可能要卡页,若发现打印停在某页上很长时间 说 明 该 页文件可能损坏了,克服的办法有二,一是等你的网速快的时候再下载一次,有可能就解决了,二是把那一页删掉,缺了这个臭鸡 就 做 不 成 曹 子 糕
If the downloaded file is damaged Chaoxing page, print pages when the cards may be found parked in print
for a long time a page
[...] is illustrated in the page file may be damaged, there are two ways to overcome, first, you faster speed of the download time when there may be resolved, the second is to delete the page, and none of the rotten eggs on the cake Cao done?
说到底,大会并不指望法就一个 它并未向法院提出的问题提供法律意见, 这个问题就是由一百来个与联合国无关的人发出的一份宣言。
Ultimately, the General Assembly does not expect the Court to provide its legal opinion on a question which it has not put to it, i.e., a declaration issued by a hundred or so persons, unconnected with the United Nations.
沙特阿拉伯注到不丹 对人权的承诺,普遍定期审议报告所载它对大多数 建议的接受,以及它与联合国人权系统所有机制和程序的合 就说 明 了 这一点。
Saudi Arabia noted Bhutan’s commitment to human rights, as illustrated by its acceptance of most recommendations contained in the universal periodic review report, as well as its cooperation [...]
with all mechanisms
and procedures of the United Nations human rights system.
海水养殖的其他鱼类包括鰤鱼、鲻鱼、鲷鱼、 鲈鱼、黄鱼、石斑鱼、石首鱼、大菱鲆和其他比目鱼、笛鲷、 曹 鱼 、 鲳鲹、鳕 鱼、河鲀和金枪鱼。
Other finfish species cultured in marine water include amberjacks, seabreams, seabasses, croakers, grouper, drums, mullets, turbot and other flatfishes, snappers, cobia, pompano, cods, puffers and tunas.
縱使不是他們所說的百分之一百,不是好像很多人所擔憂的事情 ⎯⎯ 即有另一支管治隊伍,跟特首的隊伍平起平坐,或是有一份大家 也不太清楚的10點協議,有關人士已簽署並蓋印,然後全面執行 ⎯⎯ 縱使不是這樣,但這篇文章和這篇報道, 曹 二 寶 的文章和有關黎桂康 的報道,究竟反映了甚麼事情、甚麼現象呢?
Even if that is not 100% identical to what people have said, nor is it like what many people have found worrying ― meaning the existence of another governing team working along side the team of the Chief Executive, or a 10-point agreement, the details of which are hardly known, signed and stamped by relevant parties for full implementation ― even if that is not the case, what are the matters and phenomena that have been reflected by this article and the report, which I mean the article written by Mr CAO Erbao and the report concerning Mr LI Guikang?
政府专家小就集束 弹药开展的工作值得赞扬,因为这种弹药在违反国际 人道主义法及操作说明使用时构成严重威胁;相反,它们的正确使用和技术升 级将有助于减少与之相关的人道主义风险。
The Group of Governmental Experts was to be commended for its work on cluster munitions, which posed a serious threat when used in violation [...]
of international humanitarian
law and their operating instructions; conversely, their proper use and technical upgrading would help to lessen the humanitarian risks associated with them.
网站访问信息按照不同参数分组– 时间(年、月、日、小时)、国家、ISP、推荐人等。每次访问的信息都非常详细 就 像 您 在 操 作 员 控制面板中 到 的 一 样,还附带访问日期和时间。
Information about visits to your website grouped by different parameters – time (year, month, day, hour), country, ISP, referrer, etc.
Information about each
[...] visit is very detailed, just as you see it in our Operator Console, plus [...]
date and time of the visit.
就本案而言,到指控的缔约国从 来没有质疑提交人关于将其父亲和叔父作为受害人的权利。在这种情况下,委员 会能够做的就是核实他们是否确实具有受害人的地位;换句 说就 是 : 在这个案 件中《公约》所规定的权利是否到 了 侵 犯。
In the Benaziza case, the respondent State has never questioned the author’s right to present her father and uncles as victims, and, under those circumstances, all that remains for the Committee to do is to verify whether they do indeed have the status of victims, in other words, whether in their case one or more [...]
the rights contained in the Covenant has been violated.
英国的伯明翰大学正在建设一个所有会员国都受邀加入的全球通览 ASP 网。在这个网 络总的框架中,已经由 16 个国家签约,承诺在国家层次上对网络的运作做出深入的研究和 分析,展示主要的结果和就,说明 所 遇 到 的 困 难及解决办法,提出未来的方案以及今后加 强 ASP 网的建议等等。
Within the framework of the overall ASPnet Global Review being conducted by the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) and in which all Member States have been invited to participate, 16 countries were contracted to undertake an in-depth study and analysis of the implementation of the Network at the country level indicating main results and achievements, challenges encountered, solutions sought, plans for the future and proposals for the future strengthening of ASPnet.




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