

单词 说明...的理由

See also:

说明 v

explain v
show v
advise v
demonstrate v
tell v



理由 n

reasons pl
reason n
ground n
basis n
rationale n
sake n
argument n

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 决定在审批增加此类拨款时,须以在相关两年期拟议方案预算的范围内 充说明的理由和大 会对这些理由的审议为依据。
(c) Decide that approval of such increases is
[...] subject to full justification in the context [...]
of the proposed programme budgets for
the relevant bienniums, and consideration thereof by the General Assembly.
例如,基于第 7 段中说明的理由,各国很可能希 望重申对其领空范围内大气层的主权。
For example, States may well wish to reaffirm
their sovereignty over the atmosphere that exists within their
[...] airspace for the reasons stated above in paragraph seven.
出于准则2.5.9( 保留国或国际组织可单方面确定撤回保留生效日期的情况)的 评注中已说明的理由,委员会也感到有必要通过一项部分相似的准则草案,以 包括这样一种假设情形,即提出反对的国家或国际组织自己单方面确定撤回该项 反对的生效日期,而不必完全照抄前一准则草案。
(1) For the reasons given in the commentary to guideline 2.5.9 (Cases in which the author of a reservation may set the effective date of withdrawal of the reservation), the Commission felt it necessary to adopt a guideline that was analogous in order to cover the situation in which the objecting State or international organization unilaterally sets the effective date of withdrawal of its objection, without, however, entirely reproducing the former guideline.
说明的理由是为 纠正内罗毕和日内瓦两地书记官处人员配置 不合常规的情况,其人员配置分别是一名书记官长(P-5)以及 P-4 和 P-3 职等法 律干事(A/66/275,第 44 段)。
The reason given for this is that it would rectify an anomaly in the staffing of the registries, as those in Nairobi and Geneva are staffed with a Registrar (P-5) and Legal Officers at the P-4 and P-3 levels (A/66/275, para. 44).
在下列情况下,国际组织应为其指挥和控制国家或另一国际组织实施 的国际不法行为承担国际责任: (1) 第 15 条的案文与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第
[...] 17 条相对应,178其理 由与本条款草案第 14 条评注中说明的理由相似
(1) The text of article 15 corresponds to article 17 on the responsibility of States for
internationally wrongful acts,178 for reasons
[...] similar to those explained in the commentary [...]
on article 14 of the present draft articles.
有关国家在其承认声 明中还将说明持有这些不同意 的理由 , 并 说明 它 是 否预计将来能够完全承认该项 通用标准,如果能够,何时。
The country concerned will further
include in its declaration of
[...] acceptance a statement of the reasons for these deviations, [...]
and also indicate whether it expects
to be able to give full acceptance to the general standard and, if so, when.
经要求,咨询委员会获得秘书长提的详细理由说明,包括 D-1 员额职能的完整清单。
Upon request, the Advisory Committee was provided
[...] with a detailed justification of the Secretary-General’s proposal, including [...]
a full list of the functions of the D-1 post.
还有成员要求作出澄清说明因责 任的变化而导致提议改变员额 的职称,是否足以构成二次公 的理由。
Clarification was also sought regarding whether the change in responsibilities that had led to the proposal to change the title of the post were substantial enough to necessitate its re-advertisement.
大会还请秘书长在 2012-2013 两年期拟议方案预算 中,就目前正在进的业务 连续性管理工作所需员额和非员额资源提出提议,并 充说明理由。
The Assembly further requested the Secretary-General to submit a fully justified proposal for post and
[...] resources in relation to the work currently under way on business continuity management in the context of the proposed [...]
budget for the biennium 2012-2013.
如果捐助者选择使用其他渠道,并依靠国家系统以外的援助提供机制(包括平行 的项目实施单位),它们将以透明的方 说明 这 样 做 的理由 , 并定期检讨其立场。
Should donors choose to use another option and rely on aid delivery mechanisms outside country systems (including
parallel project implementation
[...] units), they will transparently state the rationale for this and will [...]
review their positions at regular intervals.
一成员指出,没说明执行拖延 的理由 , 并 要求今后的报告应载有关于拖延的最重 要理由的分析,以便能够就进一步减少此种拖延的可能办法向执行委员会提出建议。
One member remarked that the reason for implementation delays was not provided, and asked that future reports contain some analysis of the most important reasons for delays in order to be able to provide recommendations for the Executive Committee, if relevant, on possible ways of further reducing such delays.
大会鼓励会员国通知秘书长在使用标准汇报 制度方面可能出现的问题,以及不提供所要求的数 的理由 , 并继续向秘书长提 出看法和建议说明改进 标准汇报制度的今后运作和扩大参与的方式和方法(第 64/22 号决议)。
The Assembly encouraged Member States to inform the Secretary-General about
possible problems with
[...] the standardized reporting system and their reasons for not submitting the requested data and [...]
to continue to provide
the Secretary-General with their views and suggestions on ways and means to improve the future functioning of and broaden participation in the standardized reporting system (resolution 64/22).
如果组成这样一个单的组织 不可行,申请书 说明理 由。
If the formation of such a single organization is not feasible, the application should explain why this is so.
[...] 款和应付款,“X21”结余记录了给予实施伙伴的预付款与实施伙伴财务监测报的说明理由的支出 之间的差额,使难民署能够监测每个次级项目或伙伴的财务情 况。
In the absence in the UNHCR accounting system of receivable and payable accounts that could be used to record advances to implementing partners, the X21
balances, which record the difference between the instalments disbursed to
[...] partners and the expenditure justified by implementing [...]
partner financial monitoring
reports, allow UNHCR to monitor the financial situation of each subproject or partner.
当食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会决 定不认同某些添加剂规定(该添加剂的使用或在 最终产品的含量)时,应明 说明理由。
When the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants decides not to
endorse specific additives provisions (use of the additive, or level
[...] in the end-product), the reason should be clearly stated.
咨询委员会注意到,秘书长并没有按大会的要求(第 61/264 号决议 第 15(e)段),提出为离职后健康保险负债全额供 的 任 何 供资备选办 法,也没有提理由说明为何建议这三个部分供资备选办法采用上述百 分比。
The Advisory Committee notes that the Secretary-General does not propose any funding alternatives that would provide full funding for the after-service health insurance liabilities, as requested by the General
Assembly (resolution
[...] 61/264, para. 15 (e )), nor does he provide reasons why certain percentages have been proposed [...]
for the three partially funded alternatives.
会上提出的意见包 括由于《 规则》不仅对仲裁作出规定,而且也对谈判和协助下调解作出规 定,应当注意不使《规则》的这些方面无法适用,特别是如果绝大多数案件是 在仲裁前的阶段理的话 ;就该提案意在提出一条实体法规则而言,在一套合 同规则中放入这样一条规则有可能造成问题;不妨考虑作为协助下调解规则而 不是作为仲裁规则来重塑《规则》,以此避免该提案意在解决的问题;借用 《贸易法委员会电子商务示范法》第 1 条的说明中的 措词似可达到预期结果, 大意是,其规定并非意在减损旨在保护消费者的法律规范。
These included the following
[...] observations: that since the Rules provide not only for arbitration but for negotiation and facilitated settlement as well, care should be taken not to render those aspects of the Rules inapplicable, particularly where the vast majority of cases are disposed of at the stages prior to arbitration; that to the extent the proposal purports to state a rule of substantive law its presence in a set of contractual rules may be problematic; that consideration could be given to re-casting the Rules as facilitated settlement rules rather than arbitration rules and thus avoiding the problem that the proposal is intended to address; and that the intended result might be achieved by using wording found in a note to Article 1 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce to the effect that its provisions [...]
are not intended to
derogate from legal norms aimed at consumer protection.
开发计 划署没有提供关于通过该示范项目可以淘汰的氟氯烃数量的资料,而且秘书处认为,开发 计划署也没有提出令人信的理由, 说明 为 什 么执行委员会应该根据第 56/56 (i)号决定的 规定选择该项目。
UNDP had not provided information on the amount of HCFCs that might be phased out through the demonstration project nor, in the Secretariat’s view, did it present a compelling case why the project should be chosen by the Executive Committee pursuant to decision 56/56(i).
即使有关人员是所考虑的唯 一候选人,也只能在发生不可抗力的情况下才可破例雇用其为顾问,条件是在甄 选之前记录了这种破例的有理的、有文件明的理由说明 ”。
On an exceptional basis, and only in case of force majeure, a consultant may be engaged even though he or she was the only
candidate considered,
[...] provided a reasoned and documented justification for such exception is recorded prior to the selection.
[...] 求秘书处对所有这些文书,特别是第 7(d)段所载文书继续进行分析,提供更多的信息, 尤其说明理由,为何有的更新 ,有的不更新。
In order to make the selection, the members requested the Secretariat to pursue the examination of all those instruments, in particular those listed in
paragraph 7(d), and to provide further
[...] information, in particular giving reasons for their continued relevance [...]
or otherwise.
无论是条约法委员会的工作或1969年和1986 年维也纳公约都没有以这样 或那样的方式规定提出保的国家或国际组织应当提 理由 , 说明 为 什 么似乎有 必要排除或修改条约的某些条款或整个条约在某些方面的法律效力。
(1) Neither the Commission’s work on the law of treaties nor the 1969 and 1986 Vienna Conventions establish any requirement that a State or international
organization that
[...] formulates a reservation must give its reasons for doing so or explain why it considered [...]
it necessary to
exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects.
最后,我愿重申,斯洛伐克仍然充分致力于增强 安理事会 透明度、效力及效率的事业,这一进程是 在 2005 年世界首脑会议上作出的各国国家元首和政 府首脑的决定所发的,并由说明 S/2006/507 和随 后的各项说明所启动的。
In conclusion, I wish to reiterate that Slovakia remains fully committed to the cause of increasing the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency of the Security Council, a process initiated by the decision of heads of State and Government at the 2005 World Summit and put in motion by the note S/2006/507 and subsequent notes.
[...] 所有人创造他们可借以行使其全部人权的条件时”实施干预。76 尽管咨询文件 并未明,但有理由说英国法律的最 终 目的是帮助重债穷国创造实现其公民的基 本权利和发展权所需的必要条件。
Governments have a responsibility to intervene “when markets fail to create the conditions in which all people, including the poorest and most marginalized, can exercise the full range of their human rights”.76
Although the
[...] consultation paper does not explicitly state so, it can be argued that the British legislation [...]
is ultimately
intended to help HIPCs create the necessary conditions for the realization of the basic rights of their citizens and the right to development.
如果 采取了这些步骤,采购实体必须在记录中提供理由(第 25 条第(1)款(v)项):这 些保障措施的用意是确保豁免条款的潜在重要性得到适当考虑,(在确定是否 有充分理由取消通常都适的透明度要求时,)采购实体可以对其采 的 行动 作出解释说明理由。
If it takes these steps, the procuring entity must provide reasons in the record article 25(1)(v): these safeguards are designed to ensure that the potential significance of the exemptions is appropriately considered, and that the procuring
entity (which determines
[...] whether sufficient grounds exist to lift normal transparency requirements) can explain and justify its actions.
[...] 關產品")接受付款或其他代價時,該商戶意圖不供應有關產品, 或意圖供應與有關產品有重大分別的產品,或沒有 理理由相 信該商戶將能在所明的期間內或在合理時間內,供應有關產 品,則該商戶即屬不當地就有關產品接受付款。
Under the new section 13I, a trader wrongly accepts payment for a product if, at the time of accepting payment or other consideration for the product, he intends not to supply the product, intends to supply a
materially different
[...] product, or there are no reasonable grounds for believing that he will be able [...]
to supply the product
within the period specified by him or within a reasonable period.
的说来,正如在按工作重点所作简要介绍中所示,在传播和信息计划之下开展的各项 活动所取的成就表明,总 体而言,在执行 31 C/5 的 18 个月中,在争取实现《2002--2007 年 中期战略》(31 C/4)为该计划确定的三项主要战略目标方面取得了实质性进展,这些战略目 标是:(i) 鼓励思想的由交流和普遍利用信息;(ii) 在传媒和世界信息网络中促进多元化和文 化多样性的表现形式;以及(iii) 提倡全民利用,尤其是在公有领域利用信息和传播技术。
All in all, as shown in the succinct presentation by main lines of action, the achievements of the various actions undertaken in the
communication and the
[...] information programme indicate that, in general, during the 18 months of implementing document 31 C/5, substantial progress has been made towards reaching the three principal strategic objectives which the Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007 (31 C/4) assigns to the Programme: (i) promoting the free flow of ideas and universal access to information; (ii) promoting the expression of pluralism and cultural [...]
in the media and world information networks; and (iii) promoting access for all to information and communication technologies, especially in the public domain.
该标准模式是在对行动第一年的初始环境中实际可取 得的成果进行评估的基础上建立的,其中包括针对特
[...] 派团实务和支助部门的具体任务并注重成果的预算编 制框架;详说明理由的人员 配置数;根据最符合南 苏丹特派团任务规定的情景和类别确定的财政资源。
The standardized model comprised mandatespecific results-based budgeting frameworks for the
substantive and support components of the
[...] Mission; detailed justification of staffing levels; [...]
and financial resources based on
the scenario and profile that most closely resembled the mandate of UNMISS.
尽管人们广泛承认这个概念,政治辩论仍在继 续,首先是关于安全-发展关系的性质;其次是应当
[...] 采取何种政策来实现持久和平、安全与可持续的发 展,包括解决冲突的根源和动因;以及第三,鉴于冲 突和安全-发展关系的多变性质,以及巴西代表团编 写的概说明(S/2011/50,附件)中的说 法 ,安 全理 事会 如何着手防止冲突的爆发、延长或死灰复燃。
Despite that broad conceptual acknowledgment, the political debate continues, first, on the nature of the security-development nexus; secondly, on the types of policies that should be pursued to achieve durable peace, security and sustainable development, including to address the root causes and drivers of conflicts; and thirdly, on the way forward for the Security Council to prevent the
eruption or protraction of,
[...] or relapse into, violence, given the changing nature of conflicts and the security-development nexus, as well expressed in [...]
the concept note prepared
by the Mission of Brazil (S/2011/50, annex).
他表示,经秘书处要求, 工发组织提供了如何确保氟氯烃淘汰管理计划遵受联合国安 理 事 会 各项相关决议的信 息,且工发组织和环境规划署都提供了在执行活动中将采用的资金发放方法、组织结构和 监测程的说明。
He said that, upon request by the Secretariat, UNIDO had provided information on how it would ensure that the HPMP would comply with the relevant United Nations Security Council
Resolutions, and
[...] that both UNIDO and UNEP had provided a description of the methodologies for disbursement, the organizational structure and the monitoring procedures to be used in implementing the activities.
他转而谈到秘书长关于 2009 年 7 月 1 日至 2010
[...] 年 6 月 30 日期间联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团) 经费筹措安的说明(A/64/728),说鉴于 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地发生破坏性地震,理会在 其第 1908(2010)号决议中赞同增加联海稳定团的兵力总 数,以支持近期恢复、重建和稳定工作,并决定联海 [...] [...]
稳定团的构成如下:军事部分,各级官兵人数不超过 8 940 人;警察部分,警员人数不超过 3 711 人。
Turning to the Secretary-General’s note on the financing arrangements for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) for the period from 1 July
2009 to 30 June 2010
[...] (A/64/728), he said that, in the light of the devastating earthquake on 12 January 2010 in Haiti, the Security Council, in [...]
its resolution 1908 (2010),
had endorsed the increase in the overall force levels of MINUSTAH to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts, and had decided that MINUSTAH would consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and a police component of up to 3,711 police.




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