

单词 说明性

See also:



说明 v

explain v
show v
advise v
tell v
demonstrate v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 表认为,尽管有所改善,更加侧重于可计量的预期结果看来是可取的,并强调需要 说明性 的 指 标,以便于对 成果进行评估。
One delegate was of the view that, despite improvements, a yet tighter focus on measurable expected
outcomes appears desirable and emphasized
[...] the need for descriptive indicators to [...]
facilitate the assessment of achievements.
有人表示,由于演示文稿中包含的一 说明性 地 图 标示海洋空间的方式与某 个国家的国内法和国际法不相符,因此不应分发该演示稿。
A view was expressed that,
[...] because one of the illustrative maps included [...]
in the presentation represented maritime spaces
in a manner inconsistent with the domestic legislation of a certain State and international law, the presentation should not be circulated.
该股协助主管管理事务副秘书长及时向提出评价请求的工作人员提供有 关管理评价结果的书说明性答复
The Unit assists the Under-Secretary-General for Management in providing staff members
requesting management evaluation with timely,
[...] written and reasoned responses regarding [...]
the outcome of management evaluations.
在该模板内,阴影区域包含信息 说明性 文 本,白色区域用于报告并需要由报 告实体填写相关数据或叙述性信息。
Within the template, shaded areas contain
[...] information and explanatory texts, while white areas are for reporting purposes and [...]
need to be filled in by the
reporting entities with relevant data or narrative information.
该股需要在这些严格和短暂的时限内审查管理评价 请求的可接受性,并在裁定请求不能接受的情况下编写对工作人员 说明性答 复,指出这一裁定的法律依据,这项工作常常需要广泛的法律研究。
Within these strict and narrow time frames, the Unit is required to review the receivability of requests for management evaluation and, where requests are determined to be not receivable, to draft a reasoned response to staff members setting out the legal grounds for such determination, a task often requiring extensive legal research.
在有这说明性阐述 后,可考虑将 同一主题下先前已有的议程项目列在这 说明性 阐 述 下。
When such a descriptive formulation exists, consideration may be given to subsuming earlier agenda items on the same subject under the descriptive formulation.
网上公布的信息包括法律、各国技术专家的联系信息 说明性 统计数字和一份选定的书目。
Information published online includes laws, contact information of technical experts
[...] for each country, descriptive statistics, and [...]
a selected bibliography.
通过键盘或PC端Dinitools免费软件,可设置30种不同的打印格式(常用打印格式、累计打印格式、产品累计打印格式、部分累计打印格式、通用累计打印格式、总累计打印格式、打印标题行格式);每个打印格式包含2048个储存位,每个储存位可输入ASCII码或打印模块(例:公司名称、批次及称重序数、毛重、皮重、净重、累计和、产 说明性 文 字、日期时间等)。
Programmable printing from keyboard or from PC (through the free Dinitools.net software) of 30 print formats linkable to various functions (Print key, Input weigh, Output weigh, Single weigh, Partial total, General total, Grand total, Customer total, Article total, etc.); each print format can contain 2048 positions which may be direct ASCII codes or preset print blocks (i.e. Company name, weigh and lot progressive, net weight, memory storage number, customer description, article description, date and time, etc.).
该指引就如何解决实务中的复杂事项提供了见解,并通 说明性 示 例 阐明了各项准则如何在实务中应用。
The guide
[...] provides insight into how complex practical issues should be resolved and illustrative examples [...]
to demostrate how the standards work in practice.
本节描述了 Web Services for J2EE 的一说明性部署过程。
This section describes an illustrative process of deployment [...]
for Web Services for J2EE.
在这些模板内,阴影区域包含信息 说明性 文 本,白色区域用于报告目 的,需要由受影响的国家缔约方填写相关的量化数据,在多个选框内作出选择或 提供叙述性信息。
Within the templates, the shaded areas contain
[...] information and explanatory texts and the white areas are for reporting purposes and must [...]
be filled in by affected
country Parties with relevant quantitative data, selection of multiple choice boxes or narrative information.
(f) 敦促专家委员会完成编写中心框架的有关文件,包括修订第(e)分段提 及的导言,加入研究议程、附 说明性 编 号 的表格、词汇、附件及参考资料清单
(f) Urged the Committee of Experts to complete the supporting documents of the central framework, including revising the introduction as mentioned in
subparagraph (e), adding the research agenda, tables
[...] populated with illustrative numbers, glossary, annexes and list of references
意大利政府作为双边贡献,并代表塞尔维亚政府,向执行委员会第五十六次会议提 交了一个技术援助项目, 申请相关供资 49,324 美元,
外加机构支助费用 6,412 美元,用于实
[...] 现在塞尔维亚完全淘汰四氯化碳消费,为满足那些目前由按照缔约方会议第 VII/11 决定的 实验室用途说明性清单和随后该清单的修正所涵盖的实验室和分析所使用的必要用途 200 公斤或者更少四氯化碳消费除外。
The Government of Italy, as bilateral contribution and on behalf of the Government of Serbia, submitted to the 56th Meeting of the Executive Committee a technical assistance project with an associated funding request of US $49,324 plus agency support costs of US $6,412, to achieve the complete phase-out of CTC consumption in Serbia except for 200 kg or less of consumption necessary to satisfy essential uses of CTC for
those laboratory and
[...] analytical uses which are currently covered by the illustrative list of laboratory [...]
uses as per decision
VII/11 of the Meeting of the Parties and the subsequent modifications of that list.
通过键盘或PC端Dinitools免费软件,可设置30种不同的打印格式(常用打印格式、累计打印格式、产品累计打印格式、部分累计打印格式、通用累计打印格式、总累计打印格式、打印标题行格式);每个打印格式包含2048个储存位,每个储存位可输入ASCII码或打印模块(例:公司名称、批次及称重序数、毛重、皮重、净重、累计和、产 说明性 文 字、日期时间等)。
Programmable printout from keyboard or from PC (through the free Dinitools.net software) of 30 print formats linkable to various functions; each print format may contain up to 2048 positions which may be ASCII codes or
preconfigured print blocks (i.e. Company name, weight of each platform or axle, total weight,
[...] centre of gravity coordinates, etc.).
缔约方第七次会议通过第 VII/11 号决定,决定鼓励国家标准组织确定和审查这
[...] 些允许使用消耗臭氧层物质的标准,以便在可能的情况下采用无消耗臭氧层物质的溶剂和 技术,同时采用一项实验室用 说明性 清 单
The Seventh Meeting of the Parties decided through decision VII/11 to encourage national standards organizations to identify and review those standards which mandate the use of ozone-depleting substances in
order to adopt where possible ODS-free solvents and technologies, and
[...] also to adopt an illustrative list of laboratory uses.
巴基斯坦常驻联合国代表团向安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所设委员会
[...] 主席致意,谨随信转递巴基斯坦政府就执行第 1540(2004)号决议而采取的措施说明性陈述和列表陈述(见附件)。
The Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540
(2004), and has the honour to
[...] transmit herewith descriptive and tabulated accounts [...]
of the measures taken by the Government
of Pakistan regarding the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) (see annex).
[...] 准了数据报告的形式,并附有其 1997 年第九次会议(第 IX/28 号决定)上对应的解性说 明。
To assist in clarifying the necessary reporting methodology and to reduce reporting errors the
Parties approved data reporting forms with
[...] corresponding explanatory notes at their [...]
Ninth Meeting in 1997 (decision IX/28).
审计复核中发现了工程处在财务报表中已纠正的一些漏洞和错误, 包括一些若干编辑错误;附注 2 未说明注销政策;未对财务报表正文中若干新的
列项(报表的编列、补充资料)作充分解释;报表 5 需做修订,但未重新提交;有 些披露附注未对变动作出充分说明,或未对财务报表中新的列项提出充分理由;
[...] 对会计政策、会计估算的变动未作出充分的详细资料和披露;财务报表的注性 说明中未作披露。
The audit review identified gaps and errors in the financial statements that were corrected by UNRWA, including a number of editing errors; lack of policy concerning write-off in note 2; several new items in the financial statements (statement presentation, additional information) that were not adequately explained; statement 5 required revision and had to be resubmitted; some disclosure notes were not complete/adequate for changes made or to support new line items included on the face of the financial statements; insufficient detail and disclosure regarding changes in accounting
policies, changes in accounting estimates; and disclosures were
[...] left out in the explanatory notes to the [...]
financial statements.
委员会收到了两份资性说明,其标题分别为“减少灾害风险工 作在实现千年发展目标方面的重要性” (E/ESCAP/CDR(2)/INF/4)和 “通过改进灾害数据推进减少灾害风险与发展方面的工作” (E/ESCAP/CDR(2)/INF/5)。
The Committee had before it two information notes entitled “Importance of disaster risk reduction in achieving the Millennium Development Goals” (E/ESCAP/CDR(2)/INF/4) and “Addressing disaster risk reduction and development through improved data on disasters” (E/ESCAP/CDR(2)/INF/5).
一国或一国际组织可提出解释性声明,除非该解 性说明 为 条 约所禁止或与 一般国际法强制性规范相抵触。
A State or an international organization may formulate an interpretative declaration unless the interpretative declaration is prohibited by the treaty or is incompatible with a peremptory norm of general international law.
对于表面上为解性说明而事 实上为保留的单方面声明,必须按照准则3.1 至3.1.13 的规定评估其可允许性。
If a unilateral statement which purports to be an interpretative declaration is in fact a reservation, its permissibility must be assessed in accordance with the provisions of guidelines 3.1 to 3.1.13.
至于解释 性声明,虽然不应将保留制度简单转换成解 性说 明的做 法是恰当的,但是在那些根据《维也纳条约 法公约》中“保留”的定义可以重新定性为保留的 解释性声明方面,将这两种制度紧密相连将有所帮 助。
As for interpretative declarations, although it was appropriate that the regime for reservations should not simply be transposed to them, it would be useful for the two regimes to be substantially aligned with regard to interpretative declarations that could be recharacterized as reservations in the light of the definition of “reservation” in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
在此背景下,他呼吁在 批准《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约(特拉特 洛尔科条约)第二附加议定书》时有保留和单方面 解性说明的核 武器国家撤销这些保留和声明;相 关区域在存在、使用或威胁使用核武器方面的不确 定性不应干扰无核武器区的承诺。
In that context, he called on the nuclear-weapon States that had ratified the Additional Protocol II to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) with reservations and unilateral interpretative declarations to withdraw them; the commitment represented by nuclear-weaponfree zones should not be plagued by uncertainty regarding the presence, use or threat of use of nuclear weapons in the regions concerned.
法庭认为,《最低工资法》的宗旨 和立法者的意图已在法律解性说明 中 作 了详细阐述,据此可知:“ […… ]以色 列社会自其形成之初即具有的独特性是确保所有人过上适足生活的保证。
According to the Court, the purpose of the Law and the legislator
intention are detailed
[...] in the law’s explanatory notes, according to which: […] the uniqueness of the Israeli [...]
society from the beginning
of its formation is the assurance of decent living for all.
协调委员会还商定,这些实性会议 应该依据以下某 些关键原则:自愿参加,特别是涉及会议侧重讨论的缔约国时;各次会议的总体 目标是寻找支助执行的合作途径;不编写任何报告 说明 意 见都来自哪些与会者 或表明与会者的立场。
The Coordinating Committee also agreed that these
[...] experimental sessions should be based on certain key principles, including: that participation would be on a voluntary basis, particularly as concerns States Parties that would be the subject of a national focus; that the overarching purpose of each session would be to seek cooperative means to support implementation; and, that there would be no report produced attributing views [...]
to any participant
or revealing participants’ affiliations.
在说明社会变革管理计划的潜力时,理事会一致认为,社会变革管理计划主要是要: 成为动员会员国支持本国社会科学的国际平台;成为以高度可见的方式提高决策者的需求和 认识的资源,使其认为有必要在制定政策时应用社会科学研究;负责促进和支持能力建设倡 议,特别是在需要政府采取行动的系统问题上;根据 36 C/5 中关于社会科学及人文科学的重 大计划 III 的工作重点 2 和 3,通过选定的一些具有全球意义的社会变革 说明 社 会 变革管理 计划目标的公信力和相性;以 及鼓励参与进程、让民间社会参与进来,并提高对社会科学 必要性的敏感认识。
In describing the potential of MOST, the Council agreed that MOST relies on, inter alia: being an international platform that mobilizes Member State’s support for social sciences in their countries; being a resource that in a highly visible way creates demand and awareness in policymakers of their need for social science research in policy formulation; having the responsibility to promote and support capacity-building initiatives, particularly on systemic issues that require government action; the illustration of the credibility and relevance of MOST’s objectives by working through a select number of globally-significant social transformations, in accordance with Main Lines of Action 2 and 3 in Major Programme III on Social and Human Sciences of 36 C/5; and, encouraging participatory processes, engaging with civil society, and creating greater sensitivity to the need for social sciences.
尽管人们广泛承认这个概念,政治辩论仍在继 续,首先是关于安全-发展关系的性质;其次是应当
[...] 采取何种政策来实现持久和平、安全与可持续的发 展,包括解决冲突的根源和动因;以及第三,鉴于冲 突和安全-发展关系的多性质, 以及巴西代表团编 写的概说明(S/20 11/50,附件)中的说法,安全理 事会如何着手防止冲突的爆发、延长或死灰复燃。
Despite that broad conceptual acknowledgment, the political debate continues, first, on the nature of the security-development nexus; secondly, on the types of policies that should be pursued to achieve durable peace, security and sustainable development, including to address the root causes and drivers of conflicts; and thirdly, on the way forward for the Security Council to prevent the
eruption or protraction of,
[...] or relapse into, violence, given the changing nature of conflicts and the security-development nexus, as well [...]
expressed in the concept
note prepared by the Mission of Brazil (S/2011/50, annex).
匈牙利指出,挪威与普遍定期审议的合作以及在准备审议进程期间表 现出的透明度和开性可以 作为其他国家的榜样,匈牙利高度赞扬挪威的自愿承 诺,即每年提供资料说明该国 接受的建议的执行情况。
Hungary underlined that Norway’s cooperation with the universal periodic review, and its transparency and openness during the preparation and the review process, could serve as a model to other countries, and highly appreciated its voluntary commitment to provide information annually on the implementation of the recommendations it accepted.
有些简单的行动已经证明在明性方 面 能发生作用,其中包括:支持使用方言的 地方广播电台,借以加强本地社区的发言权(提供渠道让 说明 优 先 事项和需要) 和从事教育目的(分享预算资料);促使更广泛传播预算资料;并促进各机构之间 的意见交流(例如支持印制并分发预算报表)。
Simple actions which
[...] have been proven to make a difference in terms of transparency include: supporting local radio stations in vernacular languages, both as a means to reinforce the voice of local communities (by providing channels for conveying priorities [...]
and needs) and for
education purposes (sharing budget information); promoting better dissemination of budget information; and promoting communication between institutions (e.g., by support for printing budget sheets and distributing them).




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