

单词 诱使

诱使 ()

trick into
lure into

诱使 noun ()

inducements pl

See also:



tempt v


temptation n

External sources (not reviewed)

不得利用此非公开信息鼓励诱使他 人 进行此类公司的股票、债券或其他证券交易。
You must not
[...] encourage or induce others, on the [...]
basis of such non-public information, to deal in stocks, bonds or other securities of such firms.
如果首要目的是财政收入, 那么政府就会诱使以有 关机构有能力找到别的资金来源为由而减少对它的资助;或者, [...]
If the primary motive is financial, then the
[...] government may be tempted to reduce funding [...]
on the grounds that an institute has the
capacity to generate alternative sources of funding.
法案对有下列行为的人员规定了特别刑事责任:(a) 向公众发布信息,煽动或以 其他方式试图引诱人们实施特别严重的犯罪(公开煽动);(b) 在上述情况以外的 情况下试诱使另一 人实施或参与特别严重的犯罪(招募);或(c) 为极有可能用 于特别严重犯罪的爆炸物、武器或有毒或有害物质的制作或使用提供或试图提供 指导,或为特别用于上述目的的其他方法或技术提供或试图提供指导,前提是明 知所提供的指导意在用于实施特别严重的犯罪(训练)。
The Act imposes particular criminal liability on those who (a) in a message to the public urge or otherwise attempt to entice people to commit particularly serious crimes (public provocation); (b) seek to induce another person in a case other than that specified above to commit or otherwise participate in particularly serious crimes (recruitment); or (c) provide or seek to provide instruction in the making or use of explosives, weapons or noxious or hazardous substances that are particularly likely to be used in particularly serious crimes, or in other methods or techniques that are particularly intended for such purpose, if the act has been committed with the knowledge that the instruction is intended to be used for particularly serious crimes (training).
网络钓客”使用伪造或“诱骗”电子邮件引导用户到假冒网站,然 诱使 用 户 输入他们的个人资料,例如信用卡号码、用户名和密码。
Phishers” use fake or “spoof” emails to lead users to counterfeit websites where the user is tricked into entering their personal details, such as credit card numbers, user names and passwords.
重申承诺,不直接或间接地向任何接受者转让核武器或其他核爆炸装置 或对此类武器或爆炸装置的控制权,不以任何方式协助、鼓励 诱使任 何无核武器国家制造或以其他方式取得核武器或其他核爆炸装置或对 此类武器或爆炸装置的控制权。
To reaffirm their commitment not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly, and not in any way to assist, encourage or induce any non-nuclear-weapon State to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, or control over such weapons or explosive devices.
由于这些实体并非独立的司法 机关,特别是由于它们是控诉机构,就有多种情况可使被告人面临受到身体或心 理暴力的可能,其目的是破坏其感官能力,使他们身心疲惫,从 诱使 他 们 做出 认罪声明。
Because these entities are not independent judicial authorities, but especially because they are accusatory bodies, there is a confluence of circumstances that puts accused persons at risk of being subjected to acts of physical or psychological violence intended to impair their sensory ability and unnerve them, thereby inducing them to make incriminating statements.
仅仅考量了两个维度——市场份额和增长速度, 这有可诱使企业专注于某一特殊产品,或者是剥离尚未成熟的产品。
The model uses only two dimensions – market share and growth rate. This may tempt management to [...]
emphasize a particular product, or to divest prematurely.
在特鲁克州,任何人如被发现鼓 励、引起诱使儿童 行为不良,法院在听审后可命令他做某一件应当为该儿童做 [...]
In Chuuk, any person who is found to be encouraging,
[...] causing or contributing to delinquency [...]
of a child may be ordered by court after
hearing to perform a specific act which falls within a duty owed to the child, and failure to perform as required by the court may constitute a basis for contempt of court proceeding.
作为团结一致发展并大力增加国际交流的一个无可替代的因素,旅游业的多 国企业不应利用他们往往占据的支配地位;应避免成为工具,藉此以人为方
[...] 式将各种文化和社会模式强加于东道社区;应参与当地的发展,避免因过分 将所得利润汇回本国诱使进口货品而减少它们对所在地经济的贡献。
As an irreplaceable factor of solidarity in the development and dynamic growth of international exchanges, multinational enterprises of the tourism industry should not exploit the dominant positions they sometimes occupy; ... in exchange for their freedom to invest and trade, which should be fully recognized, they should involve themselves in local development,
avoiding, by the excessive repatriation of
[...] their profits or their induced imports, a [...]
reduction of their contribution to the economies
in which they are established.
委员会建议缔约国采取一切必要措施,确保在收养过程中,将不正当诱 使儿童同意行为定为刑事罪行,以防止中介试图说服母亲或孕妇提供其子女供收 养,并防范未经认可的个人或机构,刊登领养服务的广告。
The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that improperly inducing consent in cases of adoption is criminalized, in order to prevent intermediaries from attempting to persuade mothers or pregnant women to give their children up for adoption, and to prevent unauthorized persons or agencies from advertising services concerning adoption.
[...] 们的经验教训,但冲突后环境的紧迫性常 诱使 人们 简单地采用在其他地方奏效的办法。
Of course, we must learn from and build on our experience but,
in the urgency of a post-conflict environment, it
[...] is often too tempting to simply apply [...]
a solution that worked elsewhere.
弗兰克1504法案的最终实施细则时,发现有足够的证据来支 持任何豁免,并判断出豁免可能 诱使 富 资 源国家的腐败官员通过对公开披露规定并不 明确的法律,使公司并不能披露重要信息,这样便不能达到提升透明度的目的。
In deliberating on the final implementation rules for Dodd Frank 1504 however, the SEC found insufficient evidence to justify any exemptions and judged they might result in corrupt officials in resourcerich countries being incentivized to pass opacity laws, outlawing disclosure and thus undermining the whole purpose of the transparency initiative.
公司政策、美国《反海外腐败法》等 世界各地的反行贿法律都禁止公司员工或其代理人直接或通过他人间接给予外国官员(即国外政
[...] 府人员、国外政党或政党官员或国外政党候选人)金钱或贵重物品(无论是否为现金) 诱使其 影响政府行为或决策,或帮助公司获得或保留业务。
Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or
party official or candidate for foreign
[...] political office) to induce that official [...]
to affect any governmental act or decision,
or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business.
政府正计划通过在内部安全法下实施一项准特赦作为新一轮“政治攻势”,希望其 诱使 武 装 分子投降并削弱暴乱行为。
The government is planning to launch a new “political offensive” by implementing a
quasi-amnesty policy under the Internal Security Act, hoping it
[...] will entice militants to surrender and weaken the movement.
美国和叛国集团想到的一个“好主意”是炮轰朝鲜控制水域 诱使 朝 鲜 军队 还击,将北南关系逼到战争边缘。
The “bright idea” that came to the minds of the United States and the group of traitors was to fire shells into the waters under
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
[...] control in a bid to induce its army to take [...]
a countermeasure and drive northsouth relations to the brink of war.
(b) 协助、鼓励诱使任何 一方转让集束弹药。
(b) Assist,
[...] encourage or induce anyone to transfer [...]
cluster munitions.
[...] 局或可能出现的政治和军事逆转感到挫折,从 诱使 他 们 将冲突外部化,袭击他 们认为是过渡联邦政府、邦特兰或索马里兰的支持者。
The Monitoring Group believes that this trend will continue in the near future, as Al-Shabaab frustration with the ongoing
stalemate — or possible political and
[...] military reverses — induce them to externalize [...]
the conflict and strike at perceived backers
of the Transitional Federal Government, Puntland or Somaliland.
贩运毒品以多种方式诱发犯罪,例如, 与贩运相关的暴力行为,非法行为正常化 诱使 刑 事 司法资源从其他活动上转移, 以及对杀人案件而言非常重要的一个方式,即,助长枪支的泛滥。
The drug trade fuels crime in numerous ways: through violence linked to trafficking, by normalizing illegal behaviour, by diverting criminal justice resources from other activities and, importantly with respect to homicide, by contributing to the widespread availability of firearms.
[...] 权、为引发该国经济困难和社会紧张局势而实施单方 面制裁措施诱使反对派继续与当局对抗而非促进对 [...]
话、以及要求支持武装对抗乃至外国军事干预,都是 改变地缘政治面貌的危险做法,只会导致冲突蔓延。
Making hasty demands for regime change, imposing unilateral sanctions designed to trigger
economic difficulties and social tensions in
[...] the country, inducing the opposition [...]
to continue its confrontation with authorities
instead of promoting dialogue, and calling for support of armed confrontation and even for foreign military intervention are all risky recipes for geopolitical engineering that can only result in the spread of conflict.
Under no circumstances may a partner make payments in violation of
[...] the law or to induce government officials [...]
to do business with Starbucks.
其危害与威胁 3“擅自浏览网络”相同;不过这次攻击者是使用电子邮件 诱使 受 害者访问恶意网站。
The hazards are the same as in Threat # 3, "Reckless web surfing;" but the attacker uses email to get the victim to his malicious website.
133 许多经济学家建 议,1 美元兑 800 缅元的汇率太高,汇率应该接近 1 美元兑 1000 缅元的水平,才能使农业和出口制造 业具有竞争力。134 对一个成功的出口导向型战略而 言,一个重大威胁是,人们对更好的经济未来前景 持乐观态度,这种态诱使资金 流入,结果导致非 官方汇率上升。
A stable and predictable exchange rate is vital for business and for domestic confidence in the currency.125 Many economists have also suggested that the kyat is overvalued at 800 to the dollar and should be closer to 1,000 for agriculture and export manufacturing to be competitive.126 A major threat to a successful export-oriented strategy is the appreciation of the unofficial exchange rate as a result of the influx of capital induced by the optimism over prospects for a better economic future.127 It is uncertain whether the government and central bank have the tools to be able to shift the exchange rate to make exports cheaper for foreign buyers.
有些猫可能会过于警惕而不肯进诱捕笼,可以尝试换更有吸引力的食物,还可以在 笼门处、笼内沿途多处洒少量食物 诱使 猫 在 不知不觉中进入笼子深处。
Some cats may be too wary and refused to enter the cage so you can try some more attractive food and put more of it around the door to lure the cat to enter.
容易获得核生化武器可能诱使国际 恐怖分子寻求大规模毁灭性武器能力,瑞士 对此同国际社会一样感到关切。
Switzerland also shares the concerns of the international community that easy availability of biological, chemical or nuclear materials may induce international terrorists to seek weapons of mass destruction (WMD) capabilities.
由于检 察院并不是司法机关,特别是由于它是检察机关,有诸多情况会使被告有可能受 到身体或心理暴力,其目的是破坏被告的感官能力,使其身心疲惫,从 诱使他 们 做出指控自己或他人犯罪的供词,这就违反了基本宪法保障和缔约国批准的人 权条约确立的标准。
Because the Office of the Public Prosecutor is not a judicial authority, but especially because it is the prosecuting authority, there is a confluence of circumstances that puts accused persons at risk of being subjected to acts of physical or psychological violence intended to impair their sensory ability and unnerve them, thereby inducing them to make statements incriminating themselves or others and thus violating both fundamental constitutional guarantees and the standards established under the human rights treaties ratified by the State party.
基于DNA折纸和DNA瓦片,研究人员为了在生物物理、医学及纳米电子学中的可能用途而想出 诱使 单 股 DNA形成各种各样形状的一种方法。
Building upon the fields of DNA origami and DNA tiles, researchers have come up with a way to coax single-stranded DNA into a wide variety of shapes for possible applications in biophysics, medicine and nano-electronics.




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