单词 | 诱人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 诱人 adjective —seductive诱人 —captivate • captivating 诱人 verb —attract vSee also:诱—entice 诱 n—temptation n 诱 v—tempt v 人 n—people n • human n • man n
这里有缤纷的文化传统和诱人的美味佳肴,东西方文化在这里交汇。 shangri-la.com | A captivating blend of cultures, traditions and cuisines exemplify its position as a cultural bridge between the East and West. shangri-la.com |
赫尔辛基的诱人和独 特个性,来自于邻近大海的地理位置,那无论在夏季和冬季都提供了无穷令人兴奋的时光。 visitfinland.com | Helsinki’s attractive and unique character comes from its proximity to the sea, which offers an endless number of exciting opportunities in summer and winter alike. visitfinland.com |
他于2005年加盟迪拜香格里拉酒店,担任副厨师长,数年来一直在Hoi An餐厅内掌勺,为客人奉上诱人越南 美味。 shangri-la.com | Chef Chung left Vietnam to join Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai in 2005 as sous chef, and has been inspiring our diners at Hoi An ever since. shangri-la.com |
不论是在家长陪伴中还是在俱乐部管理员的照料下,孩子们都将在快乐中享受到健康的美味,还有千 款 诱人 的 蛋 糕、甜点在等待着他们。 msccruises.com.cn | For kids there are also special menus (Stellar, Polar, Jungle, Farm) designed to keep kids healthy and above all happy, whether they’re eating with their [...] parents or in the care of their club supervisors, without mentioning the [...] thousands of tantalising pastries and [...]desserts. msccruises.com.eg |
一个广阔的湖泊,一望无际的原始森林和牧场;还有清新的空气,当地居民的友善和亲切的腔调,给与此地区一种独 特 诱人 的 魅 力。 audemarspiguet.com | A lovely lake, vast stretches of unspoiled forest and pastures greet the eye; and the clean air, the friendliness and the warm accents of the local inhabitants give the region a unique charm. audemarspiguet.com |
赛络美和植物蜡质的组合使双唇光滑 诱人 , 维 持动人色泽。 clarinsusa.com | A combination of ceramides and waxes smooth lips and help colour staying power. clarinsusa.com |
法案对有下列行为的人员规定了特别刑事责任:(a) 向公众发布信息,煽动或以 其他方式试图引诱人们实施特别严重的犯罪(公开煽动);(b) 在上述情况以外的 情况下试图诱使另一人实施或参与特别严重的犯罪(招募);或(c) 为极有可能用 于特别严重犯罪的爆炸物、武器或有毒或有害物质的制作或使用提供或试图提供 指导,或为特别用于上述目的的其他方法或技术提供或试图提供指导,前提是明 知所提供的指导意在用于实施特别严重的犯罪(训练)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Act imposes particular criminal liability on those who (a) in a message to the public urge or otherwise attempt to entice people to commit particularly serious crimes (public provocation); (b) seek to induce another person in a case other than that specified above to commit or otherwise participate in particularly serious crimes (recruitment); or (c) provide or seek to provide instruction in the making or use of explosives, weapons or noxious or hazardous substances that are particularly likely to be used in particularly serious crimes, or in other methods or techniques that are particularly intended for such purpose, if the act has been committed with the knowledge that the instruction is intended to be used for particularly serious crimes (training). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们日常护肤膏的成分能使宝宝的皮肤柔软,光滑,比以往任何时候都更 加 诱人 亲 吻 和拥抱。 cn.iherb.com | It has been formulated to make your baby's skin soft, smooth, supple and more kissable & squeezable than ever. iherb.com |
马蒂拉图里 (Maatilatori) 的面包选择是丰富的,新鲜面包香味 诱人 , 也 就质优美味。 visitfinland.com | Maatilatori’s selection of breads is abundant, while the smell of fresh bread is both tantalising and simply sublime. visitfinland.com |
虽然在某些情形中,一些发展中国家发展以著作权为基础的行业所带来的潜在利益可能是 诱人的, 但根据从整个发展中国家世界得来的证据看,我们难以否认:更为强硬的著作权 保护对世界大多数贫困人口的负面影响很可能更为直接和明显。 iprcommission.org | Although the potential benefits from the development of copyright-based industries in some developing countries may be enticing in some cases, it is hard not to conclude from looking at the evidence from the developing world overall that the negative impacts of stronger copyright protection are likely to be more immediate and significant for the majority of the world’s poor. iprcommission.org |
约翰内斯堡高峰会议的召开 引起了媒体对可持续发展的高度关注,然 而许多其它方面的工作虽然不是那么大张 旗鼓,但从长远看对我们同样重要,如: 联合国教科文组织通过新设立的非洲发展 新 伙 伴 关 系 科 学 技 术 多 国 办 事 处 牵 头 , 开展的对非洲的援助工作;以及利用卫星 技术来监测我们的生物圈保留地--- 描绘一 幅人类和生态和睦相处的诱人前景。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Sustainable development caught the limelight in the media with the Johannesburg Summit, but much other work was going on more quietly that will be of equal benefit in the long term: UNESCO’s support for Africa through the new NEPAD Science and Technology Cluster it has been tasked to lead, for example, or the use of satellite technology to monitor our biosphere reserves - prefiguring an interesting rapprochement between earth and ecological sciences. unesdoc.unesco.org |
102 160. 除上述不太诱人的服 务条件之外,目前推行在近来出台的联合国内部工作人 员“强制性”流动政策遇到的挑战103 ,甚至那些愿意在系统全范围内流动的工作人 员遭遇的问题,削弱了寻找到合格人选解决实地对人力资源日趋增长需求的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | On top of the less attractive conditions of service described above, current challenges for the implementation of the recently introduced “mandatory” staff mobility policy within the United Nations103 and those faced by staff to move across the system even voluntarily, reduce the possibility of finding qualified candidates to meet the increasing demand for human resources in the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
要制定最适合市场需求的、且有诱人 定 价 的服务组合,MSP 需要能够构建集成良好的管理工具的个性组合,”Crest 说。 arcserve.com | To create an attractively priced mix of services that best fit market demand, MSPs need to be able to build individual portfolios of well-integrated management tools,” said Crest. arcserve.com |
淡淡的香草和小富士苹果香味提供 诱人 的 亮点,捕捉这座充满法式糕点以 及 诱人 甜 品 露天市场城市的甜美氛围。 cosme-de.com | I Heart Paris is romantic with its sweet and floral notes, adds the sophistication and sensuality of a woody structure to the apple essence. cosme-de.com |
确保你会错过很多在日常的贸易比从长远来看,虽然是 很 诱人 的 奖 励。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Make sure you will miss much in day-trade than in the longer [...] term, though the reward is tempting. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
投资于初创企业的机会非常诱人,这种利于创业的氛围将有效减缓劳动力市场的压力。 arabiaholding.com | The opportunities for investing in start-up enterprises are compelling, and fostering an environment conducive to entrepreneurship will ease the pressure on labour markets. arabiaholding.com |
你可以在这里找到最好的当地食品——从有机果蔬到奶酪、以及新鲜海鲜、再 到 诱人 的 蛋 糕面包。 discoverireland.com | Ireland’s unpretentious approach to food expresses itself in the vibrant and colourful farmers’ markets, which are now a feature in towns around the country. Here, you will [...] find the best in local [...] produce, from organic fruit and vegetables to handcrafted cheese and freshly caught seafood to tempting cakes and breads. discoverireland.com |
您可选择时髦诱人,结 合黑色小牛皮与熠熠生辉的水晶网布的Intervalle 手镯﹔揉合都市风格与粗犷质感,且融入黑色陶瓷元素、透明水晶和 Pointiage® 低温陶瓷技术的时尚扣环手链﹔又或是在金属尖刺装饰末端镶嵌了水晶的前卫手镯 Style。 brand.swarovski.com | For the wrist, there is the sleek black calfskin and glistening Crystal Mesh “Intervalle” bangle; the on-trend, urban-looking chunky chain bracelet with its black ceramic links and clear crystal Pointiage®; and the edgy appeal of the “Style” bangle’s crystal-tipped metallic points. brand.swarovski.com |
海外投资另一个诱人之处 在于国有石 油公司可以从其收购股份的油田获取高新技术与 先进管理经验。 crisisgroup.org | CNOOC Limited Proposes Merger with Unocal Offering US$67 per Unocal Share in Cash”, CNOOC press release, 23 June 2005, at www.cnoocltd.com/en/news_info. aspx? crisisgroup.org |
性感诱人、别 具民族特色的 Amazon 系列长项链、吊坠项链、耳环和手链,同时带来两款不同的设计︰微光闪烁,淡雅柔美的施华洛世奇元素,与仿水晶珍珠和银色素材巧妙结合,展现如同瀑布倾泻而下的流丽动感﹔而暖棕、红铜和古铜色仿水晶则揉合光滑无瑕的金色元素,打造出时尚唯美的女战神形象。 brand.swarovski.com | Sensual and laden with tribal connotations, the Amazon long necklace, pendant, earrings and bracelet come in two designs: luminescent, pastel shades of SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS and pearls set in a fluid cascade of silver; or with crystals in warm browns, copper and bronze set in richly burnished gold. brand.swarovski.com |
经济危机之前新兴市场投资者常用的策略是将资金投 向诱 人的具 有潜在宏观经济驱动力的行业,然后坐享经济增长 的成果。 paiz.gov.pl | “Economically, Poland has performed the best in Europe throughout the crisis, its stock market is well developed and investors are comfortable with it. paiz.gov.pl |
领导者通过提供诱人的政 府职位来回报可以贡献自己选区的政治大亨,以此维持他们的忠诚。 crisisgroup.org | In the absence of accountability, the leadership enjoys absolute freedom and has institutionalised corruption to its benefit, in the process rewarding political barons who can deliver their constituencies by giving them lucrative government positions to maintain their loyalty. crisisgroup.org |
在过去 3 年中,一些国家的暴力似乎 [...] 显示,贩运毒品收入已经为年纪轻、不耐烦的一代军官和社会团体提供了极 其诱 人的捷径,而他们则感到被剥夺了其在犯罪市场收入中的公平份额。 daccess-ods.un.org | Violence in some countries in the last three years seems to [...] demonstrate that drug trafficking revenues already [...] offer a highly tempting fast track for [...]a younger, impatient generation of military [...]officers or social groups that feel deprived of their fair share of criminal market revenues. daccess-ods.un.org |
外表饰以神秘诱人的美洲豹印记,内里带有新“休闲时尚”以及高贵、优雅却又充满野性的美洲豹图案,该表款不露声色地进入本季必选之作的行列。 hautehorlogerie.org | Out with the femme fatale look leopard print; in with the new "casual chic", noble, refined yet wild leopard pattern, which is subtly making its way into this season's Must Haves. hautehorlogerie.org |
如果你还没有学会的股份的运作,应该不会冒险进入世界的选择,特别是如果他们看起来 很 诱人 的。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | If you have not learned the workings of the shares, should not venture into the world of options, especially [...] if they look very tempting. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
瑞士的金融服务提供商的全面业务范围和 质量意味着可以提供多种诱人的解 决方案,如担保书、可转换贷 款和风险资本范畴的融资形式。 gza.ch | The sheer range and quality of financial service providers in Switzerland means that a variety of attractive solutions are available, such as sureties, convertible loans and forms of financing along venture capital lines. gza.ch |
在日本,几个世纪前几乎第一次烹饪 teriyaki(烧烤)的时候,它就由于香甜可口和红褐色 的 诱人 外 表 受到普遍欢迎,30 年前,KIKKOMAN 推出了 teriyaki(烧烤)味道的瓶装产品。 jfc.eu | Teriyaki was first prepared in Japan centuries ago and its sweet-savoury flavour and rich mahogany glaze have been universally popular since KIKKOMAN introduced the taste of teriyaki in a bottle over 30 years ago. jfc.eu |