











External sources (not reviewed)

There have been concerns that microwave cooking may also increase the production of carcinogens or mutagens in foods.
(a) 根据行政长官在 2007
[...] 年《施政报告》中公布的新文物保育政策,政府已确 定有需要提供经鼓勵及促成私人业主保育其拥有的歷史建筑。
(a) Under the new heritage conservation policy announced by the Chief Executive in the 2007
Policy Address, Government recognises the need
[...] for economic incentivesin order to [...]
encourage and facilitate private owners to
preserve their historic buildings.
政府应 透过实施电子道路收费、增加燃油税、增加隧道费和提供乘搭 公共交通工具措施,减低車辆的數目。
The Government should reduce the size of the fleet by adopting measures like road pricing, raising fuel tax, increasing the toll for tunnels and providing incentives for using public transport.
一开始的清纯花果香,在飘散的瞬间扑鼻而来的是由洋梨、香橘与甜桃皮组成的前调,如同摇滚乐瞬间节奏的开场;渐入香调的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉与荷花,带来清新味道,就像旋律由内心释放出来,引领听者到更高的境界;而在香调的一连串音符谱出摇滚的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所组成,雪松木、琥珀与香草,让这首摇滚旋律散发能量,并以最温暖的味道结尾,让香味自己谱出一曲摇滚乐,让聆听者随着乐曲的律动,感受ANNA [...][...]
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by
scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily,
[...] bringing fresh and enticingflavor,like the [...]
melody from the heart released, lead the
listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
网路钓鱼通常牵涉社交工程和技术诈骗使害 者开启附加档案、按一下内嵌的连结,以及揭露敏感性资讯。
Phishing typically involves both social engineering and technical trickery to deceive victims into opening attached files, clicking on embedded links, and revealing sensitive information.
公司政策、美国 《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)
及全球各地类似的反行贿法皆禁止公司成员或其代 理无论是否以现金形式且无论是否直接或透过他人间接提供金钱或任何有价物品给任何国外官员
[...] (即外国政府公务员、外国政党或政党干部或国外政党办公室候选人),企图官员影响 任何政府行为或决策或者协助公司获取或保留生意。
Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or
party official or candidate for foreign
[...] political office) to induce thatofficial [...]
to affect any governmental act or decision,
or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business.
於 年 内,概 无 董 事 或 监 事 放 弃 或 同 意 放 弃 任 何 酬 金,而 本 集 团 亦 无 支 付 任 何 薪 酬 予 董 事、监 事 或 任 何 五 名 最 高 薪 酬 雇 员,作 为 加 入 本 集 团离 职 补 偿。
During the year, no director or supervisor waived or agreed to waive any emolument, and no emoluments were paid by the Group to the directors, supervisors or any of the five highest paid employees as aninducement tojoin or upon joining the Group or as compensation for loss of office.
You must not encourage or induce others, on the basis of such non-public information, to deal in stocks, bonds or other securities of such firms.
董事认为递 延购买价属公平合理,此乃由於递延购买价为飞利浦(作为飞利浦注入业务之卖方及飞 利浦品牌之拥有人)提对合营集团作出承担及支持,并促使飞利浦注入业务转 亏为盈。
The Directors consider that the Deferred Purchase Price is fair and reasonable because the Deferred Purchase Price provides an incentive to Philips (as the vendor of the Philips Contributed Business and owner of the Philips brand) to show commitment and support to the JV Group and to contribute to the turnaround of the Philips Contributed Business.
Its timeless, elegant design and refined seduction provide a real asset to this collection.
当局应重点打击 经常出现「高压」、「「预缴式」销售手法的行业,以 及以游客为销售对象的店舖。
The government should particularly crack down on those industries which are often found using “high-pressure tactics”, “bait-and-switch” and “pre-payment” practices as well as shops targeting at tourists.
当局可否清楚阐释并举例說明,将如何按情况需要,提供何种方式 的援助,以及研究的经括甚麽形式的经
Will the Administration explain
clearly with examples the kind of assistance as appropriate to be
[...] provided and the form of economic incentives to be explored?
显然是有一条“最终共同路径”﹐ 让缺乏睡眠(无论是如何发生的)藉以成为降低发作阈值结果是有多些发作。
It is clear that there is a "final common pathway" whereby lack of sleep, however it comes about, seems to be a strong trigger for lowering the threshold, resulting in more seizures.
Since the gut and digestive systems of babies are immature, they cannot digest protein completely. A comparatively complete protein molecule entering a baby's gut will stimulate the baby's digestive immune system, triggering its allergic response, and will lead to different kinds of allergies.
The Evil Spirit and his innumerable hosts tempt Man to deny or transgress the Divine law, as he tempted Zoroaster himself, promising him as reward the sovereignty of the whole world.
According to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act in Taiwan, within 30 feet around the polling station, "The person has made a din or has interfered with or persuaded others to vote or not to vote, in defiance of interdiction.
一级纵火犯罪 - 明知损害或明知会造成损害, 但却帮助,建议,鼓励,雇用或促 使他人用火灾或爆炸之方法,损害楼房,车 辆,铁路车箱,船舶,飞机或其他任何结构 的建筑物:(a)有被投保,但未经保险人或 保险公司同意;或者(b)可以合理的有理由 预见,这种情况将可能危及到他人的生命安 全。
Commit first degree arson - Knowingly damage or knowingly cause, aid, advise, encourage, hire, counsel, or procure another to damage, by means of fire or explosive, any building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other structure: (a) that is insured without the consent of the insurer and the insured; or (b) under such circumstances that it is reasonably foreseeable that human life might be endangered.
第 三 , 不 得 入 罪 〆 英 格 兰 法 律 多 个 世 纪 以 来 , 均 不 赞 同 向 某 人 施 以 压 力 而 导 致 该 人 入 罪 的 做 法 。 不 管 市 民 所 犯 何 罪 或 被 指 称 所 犯 何 罪 , 把 透 过 酷 刑 、 暴 力 、 恐 吓 、迫 所 取 得 的 证 据 , 作 为 一 种 将 市 民 定 罪 并 施 加 刑 罚 的 手 段 而 使 用 , 在 道 德 上 是 受 到 任 何 正 当 的 社 会 所 厌 弃 的 。
First, reliability: obviously, a confession proved to be voluntary is more likely to be true than an involuntary confession; second, disciplinary: that is, the discouragement of improper methods of obtaining confessions by the police; third, non-incrimination: English law has for centuries disapproved of the idea that a person should be put under pressure to incriminate himself; it is morally repugnant to any decent society that evidence obtained by torture, violence, threats or promises of advantage, or by oppression, should be used as a means of convicting and imposing penalties on a citizen, whatever be his crimes or alleged crimes.
该Pairikas是女性精神但恶性性质,谁是我们熟悉的形式查找的Peris後来波斯诗歌和Iegend 。
The Pairikas are
[...] female spirits ofseductive but malignant [...]
nature, who are familiar to us finder the form of the Peris of
later Persian poetry and Iegend.
申请人也须注意,根据香港法例第 200 章《刑事罪行 条例》,任何人制造虚假文书,意图由其本人或他人藉使用该文书使一人接受该文 书为真文书,并因接受该文书为真文书而作出或不作某些作为,以致对该另一人或其他人 不利,则该名首述的人即犯伪造的罪行,一经循公诉程序定罪,可处监禁 14 年。
Applicants are reminded that a person who makes a false instrument, with the intention that he or another shall use it to induce somebody to accept it as genuine, and by reason of so accepting it to do or not to do some act to his own or any other person’s prejudice, commits the offence of forgery and is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 14 years under the Crimes Ordinance (Chapter 200 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
远端使用者可透过使者载入特制 'TEL' 协定 URL,在目标使用者的装置执行非结构化补充资料(USSD)代码,并损毁装置内的 SIM 卡。
A remote user can create a specially crafted 'TEL' protocol URL that, when loaded by the target user, will execute unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) codes on the target user's device and destroy the SIM card on the target user's device.
(e) 本网上预览资料集并不构成招股章程(定义见香港法例第32章公司条例(「
」)第2(1)条)或向任何司法管辖权区的公众人士提呈出售任何证券的招股章 程、通告、通函、册子、广告或文件,亦非邀请公众人士提出收购、认购或购买
[...] 任何证券的要约或缴约,且不旨在邀请使众人士提出收购、认购或购买任 [...]
何证券的要约; (g) 本公司、其任何联属公司、保荐人、顾问或包销团成员概无於任何司法管辖权区
(e) this Web Proof Information Pack does not constitute a prospectus (as defined in section 2(1) of the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Companies Ordinance”)) or a prospectus, notice, circular, brochure, advertisement or document offering to sell any securities to the
public in any jurisdiction, nor is it an
[...] invitationor solicitation to the public [...]
to make offers to acquire, subscribe for
or purchase any securities, nor is it calculated to invite or solicit offers by the public to acquire, subscribe for or purchase any securities
參加学券计划的幼稚园严禁以任何形式与參加学券计划的学 生家长或其他任何人士或其他任何幼稚园或机构分拆或摊分 学券所兑现或可兑现的资助,从而令有关学生入讀该幼稚园, 或令该等家长或人士或幼稚园或机构要求使关学生入 讀该幼稚园。
Any form of splitting or sharing of the subsidy redeemed or redeemable from the voucher between the PEVS-KG and the parents of PEVS-student or any other persons or any other kindergartens or organizations in return for the PEVS-student enrolling in the PEVS-KG, or such parents or persons or kindergartens or organizations requiring or inducing the PEVS-student enrolling in the PEVS-KG, is strictly prohibited.
此 做 法 源 於 新 西 兰 的 《 1 9 0 8 年 证 据 法 令 》 ( Evidence Act 1908) 第 2 0 条 所 载 的 规 定 , 该 条 已 由《 1 9 5 0 年 证 据( 修 订 )法 令 》( Evidence Amendment Act 1950)第 3 条 取 代 , 而 後 者 订 明 ‚ 如 果 法 官 或 其 他 审 裁 官 信 纳 取 得 供 认 的 手 段,事 实 上 不 可 能 导 致 作 出 供 认 者 虚 假 地 承 认 自 己 有 罪 , 则 不 得 以 曾 有 允 诺 或 恐 吓 或 任 何 其并 非 施 以 暴 力 、 武 力 或 其 他 形 式 的 逼 迫 )作 出 或 施 加 於 作 出 供 认 者 为 理 由 , 不 接 纳 在 刑 事 法 律 程 序 中 提 出 以 作 为 证 据 的 供 认 。
This approach is derived from that contained in the 1908 Evidence Act, New Zealand, Section 20 as substituted by Section 3 of the Evidence Amendment Act 1950 which provides that "a confession tendered in evidence in criminal proceedings shall not be rejected on the ground that a promise or threat or any other inducement (not being the exercise of violence or force or other form of compulsion) has been held out 46 or exercised upon the person confessing if the judge or other presiding officer is satisfied that the means by which the confession was obtained were not in fact likely to cause an untrue admission of guilt to be made.
我们把从膳食摄入氨基甲酸乙酯的估计平均分 量与氨基甲酸乙验动物 10% 肿瘤发生率的基准剂量低侧可信 限 (BMDL ) 比较,得出的暴露限值相当大,约为 3.6 x 104 ,显示一般市 民从膳食摄入的氨基甲酸乙酯量对健康的影响不大。
When the estimated average dietary exposure to EC was compared to the Benchmark Dose Lower Confidence Limit 10% (BMDL10) (i.e. a benchmark dose causing 10 % tumour incidence in experimental animals), a large margin of exposure (MOE) of around 3.6 x 104 was found indicating a low potential health concern for the average local population.
cfs.gov.hk 回应者认为有多种方法在樓宇中推动节能的管理系统工具和技术、或为发展商和物业公 司使用节能的管理系统提进而加强对能源消耗的认知和理解(7)28 ,帮助樓宇 用户优化建筑系统,减少碳排放(2)。
susdev.org.hk Respondents perceived there were different ways to promote the adoption of EMS tools/technologies in buildings and provide incentives for the developers and property management companies to adopt EMS in buildings in order to increase awareness and understanding of energy consumption (TU=7)28 and help building occupiers optimise the building systems to reduce carbon emissions (TU=2).
Highways will continue to be built for no reason, though traffic management efforts will ramp up especially with regards to toll collection and financial incentive schemes, e.g. toll roads, express lanes, variable tolling models, etc. It’s mostly just tolling, sorry.




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