

单词 误打误撞

External sources (not reviewed)

这将有助于防止碰撞,但是也可能有助于避 免在意外撞发生时产误解或误判。
This will help prevent collisions,
but also the potential for
[...] misunderstanding or misinterpretation that may arise in the event of an accidental collision.
您必须将误清除,打印机 才能继续正常运 行。
You must clear the
[...] error before the printer can resume normal [...]
採用嵌岩工字樁而非打入工字樁,是因撞擊式打樁會 破壞附近現有校舍和工地上的斜坡。
Socketted H-piles system instead of driven H-pile is used because percussion type foundation may cause damage to nearby existing school buildings as well as slopes on site.
当命令参数不正确时,检查命令语法 打 印错 误信息
Command syntax is checked and
[...] error messages printed when command parameters [...]
are incorrect.
闭, 但可通过以下任一方法复位: (1) 重新设置 CNC 输入引脚 (2)
[...] 主机 错误清除 (3) 显示撞错误屏幕时按 清除 (CLEAR) 按钮。
ON Crash condition closes the CRASH N.O.
contact until it is reset by: (1) RESET CNC input (2) HOST error clear (3)
[...] CLEAR button when Crash error screen is [...]
(二) 根據香港法例第 400 章《噪音管制條例》,任何人於下午 7 時至 翌日上午 7 時,或於公眾假日的任何時間,在任何地方使用,或 促使或准許使用,任何機動設備進行任何 撞 擊 式 打 樁 工程的建 築工程,並在使用該等設備時,須持有與該工程有關的有效建築 噪音許可證。
(b) Under the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400), any person who at any place between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am on the following day, or at any time on a general holiday, uses, or causes or permits to be used, any powered mechanical equipment for the purpose of carrying out any construction work other than percussive piling shall hold a valid Construction Noise Permit for the use of such equipment.
在任务列表中简单地双击拼写误的 地 方便 打 开 包 含了拼写 误 的 Vi sual Studio文件,您不需要通过代码页面的搜索就能找到拼写错误的地方。
Simply double-click the spelling mistake in the Task List to open the Visual Studio file containing the spelling error; you do not have to search through pages of code to find spelling mistakes.
如果衬垫或碳带的干扰或透明度增加 打 印 机可 能 误 将 干 扰认为是间隙 (页端)。
If there is an increase in noise or the opacity of the liner
[...] or ribbon, the printer may falsely use the noise [...]
as the gap (top-of-form).
如果您选 择了该选项,PGL错误会打印在 纸上,“PGL错误”的消息会显示在前面 板上,且打印机会脱机。
If you select this option,
[...] the PGL error prints on the paper, the message “PGL [...]
Error” displays on the front panel, and the printer goes offline.
如有關工程在學校附近進行,環 保署更會與有關學校聯絡,盡量避免批准在上課及考試時間進撞擊式打樁工程,按個別情況,有關工程一般會被安排於中午及 傍晚時段進行,務求把噪音的影響減至最低。
Depending on individual circumstances, the piling works are normally arranged to be carried out at periods around noon or towards the evening so as to minimize the noise nuisance.
这使得传 感器不会将高干扰级别或标签内的 打 印 图像 错 误 地 认 为是间隙、凹 槽、孔或黑色标记,这样的错误会导致所感应的距离值比实际标签长 度短得多。
This resolves problems where the sensor(s) may mistake high noise levels or preprinted images within the label as the gap, notch, hole, or black mark that could result in a sensed distance value much shorter than the actual label length.
估計這項工程計劃須使用 130 枝預先鑽孔嵌巖鋼製工字樁,以撞 擊 式 打 至 平均 30 米的深度。
It is estimated that this project will require the use of 130 non-percussive pre-bored socketed steel-H piles at an average of 30 metres.
B. 打 樁 工程費用遠 高 於 參考費用,是因為工地的土 地 狀況不同、建 築 樓 面面積較大,以及 須使用 165
[...] 枝「靜壓式」鋼製工字樁, 並 把 樁 柱 以撞擊式打至平均 50 米的深 度 ,以免對鄰近的 [...]
村 屋 造成任何損壞。
B. The piling cost is much higher because of the ground conditions, the larger
construction floor area and the
[...] requirement to use 165 non-percussive “Jacked” steel H-piles [...]
at an average depth of 50 metres
in order to avoid causing any damage to the neighbouring village houses.
A. 由 於工地的基 巖 接 近 地面,可築建底腳地 基 而 無須進撞擊式打 樁 , 打樁費用因 而 較低。
A. The piling cost is lower because the rock head is close to the surface which allows the use of footing foundations instead of percussive piling.
房屋局局長:主 席,簡 單 來 說撞 擊 式 打 樁 的 速 度 較 快,但 會 產 生 較多噪音; 而 油壓式 壓 樁 法,則正如我剛才所說, 操 作時十分寧靜, 而 且 在現時這 特 殊 情況下,當一些樁 柱 已 經 打 入 了 土 地 , 並 已在上面 興 建 樓 宇,無 法 把 整 幢樓 宇 拆 卸 重新進行打 樁 工 程 時 , 使 用 這 新機器 的 確是一 種最方 便 和 最 有效的方 法,以 達 致 我們的 目 的 。
Moreover, under special circumstances like the present case in which a number of piles have already been jacked into the ground and it is impossible to demolish the buildings already built upon them to carry out piling works again, this new machine is indeed the most convenient and effective means to achieve our objective.
实际上,近半受访企业每周至少发 生一打码错误,四 分之一的受访企业表示每天至少发生一打 码错误。
In fact, nearly half the companies surveyed were
[...] having trouble with coding errors at least once per week, with one-quarter reporting coding errors at least once [...]
per day.
即便人们( 错误地)53 将打击国 际恐怖主义的全球战略整体归类为“战 争”,以达到适用第三和第四《日内瓦公约》的目的,但国际人权法仍然继续适 [...]
Even if one were (wrongfully)53 to classify the [...]
global struggle against international terrorism in its entirety as a “war”
for the purpose of applying the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions, international human rights law continues to apply: the Covenant applies also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.
答:Seagate.com 一直在努力提供精确的产品和订价信息,不过,难免可能会发生订价 打 字 错 误。
A. While Seagate.com strives to provide accurate product and pricing information, pricing or typographical errors may occur.
如果检测到误,系统将逐打印程 序(包括误行中的错误),随后是表格中没有错误的部分。
If errors are detected, the program will print, line by line (including the error on the line [...]
where the error occurs), followed by the error-free sections of the form.
[...] 但是,如果选中它们作为分界符则不可在 主机数据流中打印,因为会发打印 错 误。
The characters (^) and (~) are printable; however,
do not use them as printables in the host data stream if either is chosen as a
[...] delimiter because print errors will occur.
各項安全輔助系統和智能車身結打 造 「 電子 撞 區 」 ,配合多項被動安全系統為乘客提供最周全的保護。
Together with the “electronic crumple zones” formed by the assistance systems and the intelligent body construction, the passive occupant protection systems result in the highest possible protection potential.
如果创建命令中 包含调试斜线 (/),程序打印相应的误消息
If the debug slash (/) is included in the Create command,
[...] the program prints with any corresponding error messages.
撞擊式打樁工 程所發出的水底 聲音可以使用氣泡套罩/圍幕加以消減,但由於打樁工程需時頗 [...]
長,規模亦很大,而且大嶼山西面水域亦是這些海豚的重要生 境,因此,預測打樁工程可能會對中華白海豚造成不良影響。
The underwater sounds
[...] emanating from the percussive piling works may [...]
be dampened through the use of a bubble jacket/ curtain
but impacts to Chinese White Dolphins are predicted to be potentially adverse due to the prolonged duration and large scale of the piling activities, and taking into account the importance of West Lantau waters to dolphins.
一般而言,環保署只會批准在市區內每天 進行 3 小時撞擊式打樁工程。
In general, the EPD will only allow percussive piling for a duration of three hours each day in urban areas.
根據《噪音管制條例》撞擊式打樁工 程只可在非假日日間的上午 7 時至下午 7 時進行, 並須領有由環境保護署(“環保署”)簽發的“建築噪音許可 證”。
According to the Ordinance, the carrying out of percussive piling is only allowed during the daytime (that is, between 7 am and 7 pm) on non-public holidays and a Construction Noise Permit issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) is required.
撞擊式打樁和 挖泥工程只能在白天內最多進行 12 小時,並避免 [...]
Restrict percussive pile driving [...]
and dredging activities to a daily maximum of 12 hours with daylight operations avoiding
generation of underwater sounds at night time.
开(ON)碰撞状况会导致各碰撞触点关闭, 可通过以下任一方法复位: (1)硬线接口重新设置 CNC 输入引脚(2)软件接口发出“错误清除”指令(3)显示 撞 错 误 屏 幕 时按 此按钮。
ON Crash condition closes the CRASH N.O. contact until it is reset by any of the following: (1) The hardwire interface RESET CNC input (2) The software interface “error clear” command (3) Pressing
盡可能避免在中華白海豚的主要生產季節(即 3 月至 8 月)進撞擊 式打樁和挖泥工程;及
Avoidance where
[...] practicable of percussive pile driving and [...]
dredging activities during the Chinese White Dolphin peak calving
season, ie March through August; and
本网站上复制的任何前瞻性声明显示的都是载有该声明的文件原公布或报备之日的情况,且应与在表10-K中的公司年度报告(在标题"前瞻性声明"项下)、表10-Q中的公司季度报告(在标题"其他信息"项下)以及本网站或证交会Edgar数据库(http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm)中可得的孩之宝向证交会报备的其他材料中所述的、可能会导致未来的实际事件或结果与预计的事件或结果显著不同的某些因素一并解读。孩之宝并无任何责任或政策更新本网站所载的任何信息或声明,因此,该等信息或声明在您访问本网站之日不应作为最新资料而加以依赖。此外,本网站上提供的资料的任何部分均可能存在技术方面的不准确性 打 字 错 误 。 本 网站上提供的资料、软件和本网站上所述的产品可不经通知而不时加以变更。
Any forward-looking statement reproduced on this site speaks as of the original date the document containing such statement was published or filed and should be read together with certain factors set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K under the heading "Forward-Looking Statements", the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q under the heading "Other Information" and in other Hasbro filings with the SEC available on this site or on the SEC's Edgar Database (http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm) that could cause actual future events or results to differ materially from anticipated events or results.
六宗承建商因不遵 從許可證的條件而遭當局檢控,其餘 13 宗的承建商則遭受口頭警告,並已即時採取措 施,以補救違反許可證條件的情況,當局於㆒九九㆒年共簽發了 478 張噪音管制時段 施工許可證,以便承建商進撞擊式 打 樁 工 程。
The remaining 13 cases were the subject of verbal warnings and permit conditions. The remaining 13 cases were the subject of verbal warnings and the contractors took immediate steps to remedy the breach of the permits. 478 the contractors took immediate steps to remedy the breach of the permits. 478 the contractors took immediate steps to remedy the breach of the permits. 478 the contractors took immediate steps to remedy the breach of the permits. 478 construction noise permits were issued for percussive piling activities in 1991. construction noise permits were issued for percussive piling activities in 1991. construction noise permits were issued for percussive piling activities in 1991. construction noise permits were issued for percussive piling activities in 1991.




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