单词 | 误以为 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 误以为 verb—laborAE vless common: take v • labour v See also:误 v—mistake v • harm v • miss v • neglect v 以为 v—believe v • thought v • think v 以为—consider • be under the impression
带锐齿的阔大叶片以及其名字中的“Holly”(冬青)一词,时常让 人 误以为 高 山 刺芹是冬青属植物,事实上,高山刺芹与胡萝卜同属无害的伞形科植物。 clarinsusa.com | The plant's large, spiky-edged leaves and name place it in the holly family but in reality Eryngium alpinum is a harmless apiaceae (umbelliferae) from the same family as the carrot. clarinsusa.com |
焦虑可能会引起恐慌,严重时会被 误以为 是 心 脏病发作。 cn.iherb.com | Anxiety may give rise to panic attacks, which can be so severe [...] that they can be mistaken for a heart attack. iherb.com |
在处理此类案件的程序方面 [...] 没有明确指导的情况肯定助长了这种做法。有 人 误以为 此 类 做法对于维持“社会 和谐”是必要的,结果也助长了这种风气。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of clear guidance on the procedures for [...] such cases certainly contributes to this [...] practice, as do misguided beliefs that [...]this is necessary to maintain “social harmony” within the community. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,雷达影像常常包含大量可能会 被误 以为是油类的异常特征(也可称作误报,例如海冰、 [...] 藻类盛放、风幕和雨飑),因此需要由专家来解 释。 itopf.com | However, radar imagery often includes a number [...] of anomalous features, or false [...] positives, that can be mistaken for oil, such [...]as sea ice, algae blooms, wind shadows and [...]rain squalls and so requires expert interpretation. itopf.com |
正如30年前的美国一样,发展中国家受到欺骗 , 误以为 “ 淡 味” 卷烟危害较小。 global.tobaccofreekids.org | Just like in the U.S. 30 years ago, consumers in developing countries are deceived into believing that “light” cigarettes are less harmful. global.tobaccofreekids.org |
人类原本误以为那种 苦难经历今后永远不会再 重现,但以色列坚持要重演。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, Israel has insisted on such a repetition. daccess-ods.un.org |
他集预告片在好莱坞误以为竹篙 被绑架的小人,博尔特逃脱,但分为一箱泡沫花生和未知的电影公司意外地运到纽约市。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mistakenly believing Penny has been kidnapped [...] by the villain, Bolt escapes from his on-set trailer in Hollywood but falls [...]into a box of foam peanuts and unknown to the film company is accidentally shipped to New York City. seekcartoon.com |
发展可供实际使用的战术核武 [...] 器,削弱了消极安全保证对建立信任的作用,同时也 是灾难性的判断错误,误以为低当 量核武器的使用会 维持在局部范围,而不会殃及冲突区之外的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The development of tactical nuclear weapons for actual use, while eroding the confidence-building effect of [...] negative security assurances, represents a [...] disastrous miscalculation that the use of low-yield [...]nuclear weapons would remain localized [...]and not conflagrate beyond the theatre of conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 月4日,一群科索沃塞族人在 Kroi i Vitakut/Brdjani [...] 以石头猛击未经事先通知进入 该地区的科索沃阿族建筑工人,因为他 们 误以为 这 些 工人正在从事的工程超出了 科索沃特派团推动的谈判所商定的范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 4 January, in Kroi i Vitakut/Brdjani, a group of Kosovo Serbs pelted with stones Kosovo Albanian [...] construction workers who had come [...] without prior notice, mistakenly suspecting that [...]the workers were engaging in additional [...]construction beyond what had been agreed in UNMIK-facilitated negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管在中国市场立即得到了很好的反响,但是由于过去几年缺少正是的中文名字使很多 人 误以为 麦 斯贝是MySpace的中文译名。 labbrand.com | Notwithstanding the immediate positive feedback of the Chinese market, the lack of a local name during this last year has led many users to believe that Mai Sibei was indeed MySpace’s Chinese name. labbrand.com |
人们往往误以为中断 发生后 24 小时之内一旦确定需要何种信息并采取行动 [...] 为其作出备份之后,这种信息在不到 24 小时之内便可提供。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is often wrongly thought that once [...] an organization determines which information is needed in the first 24 hours after [...]an interruption occurs and action is taken to have it backed up, that this information is available in less than 24 hours. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些父母误以为:患 儿佩戴符合验光度数的眼镜,由于需要增加近距离视物的时间,会使眼睛变得愈发近视。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Some parents are under the impression [...] that wearing glasses that match their child’s prescription will cause the eyes to [...]become more nearsighted by increasing the need to focus. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
纳瑞宣有能力清楚地误以为冷静汗Kluay的,汗Kluay让他逃跑。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Naresuan has the ability to calm Khan Kluay into thinking clearly, and Khan Kluay makes his escape. en.seekcartoon.com |
人们常误以为我是 一个毯子,主要是因为我就是一各毛毯. funny-animal.net | People often mistake me for a blanket, [...] mainly because I am one. funny-animal.net |
上面颜色信号的讨论及图示很容易让 人 误以为 所 有激光二极管驱动器都有差分信号输入,其实不然。 pangolin.com | The discussion about color signals above, as well as the diagram makes the assumption that the laser diode driver has differential inputs to begin with. pangolin.com |
为了避免EOX信息丢失时接收设备 误以为 后 面 的信息还是专用信息,MIDI规定遇到第一个状态字 节(实时信息除外)时就可认为系统专用信息已经结束。 midicontroller.com | So as not to get stuck reading an endless system exclusive message if the EOX is missing, the MIDI specification states that any status byte (other than real-time) acts to terminate a system exclusive message. midicontroller.com |
很不幸,上周我误以为纽卡 斯尔会战胜南安普顿。 sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com | Unfortunately, I was mistaken with the belief [...] that Newcastle would beat Southampton last week. sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com |
罗马教廷反对使用诸如“高风险人群”等词,因 为它们把人视同物件,并会造成一种错误印象,使人 误以为某种 不负责任的行为方式似乎可为道义所接 受。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Holy See rejects references to terms such as “populations at high risk” because they treat persons as objects and can give the false impression that certain types of irresponsible behaviour are somehow morally acceptable. daccess-ods.un.org |
假冒/ 伪造处方药 未经适当授权以产品名称销售的药物,即故意或有意贴错标签,使人无法确认药物来源 , 误以为 是通过了权威验证的产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Drugs sold under a product name without proper authorization, where the identity of the source of the drug is knowingly and intentionally mislabelled in a way that suggests that it is the authentic approved product. daccess-ods.un.org |
不少教会人士,其中包括神职人员、医护人员及教友,都对自然家庭计划有很多误解,尤 其 误以为 它 “ 不可靠”。 catholic.org.hk | Among many Church members, including clerics, the medical profession and ordinary [...] Catholics, there are quite a lot of misunderstandings about the NFP. catholic.org.hk |
不就铀浓缩 [...] 计划等挑衅行为采取适当行动,只会使朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国误以为国际 社会不愿和不能制止其继续 发展核武器的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absence of appropriate actions against such provocations as the uranium enrichment programme would [...] only lead the Democratic People’s [...] Republic of Korea to mistakenly believe that the [...]international community is unwilling and [...]unable to address its persistent pursuit of nuclear development. daccess-ods.un.org |
不会游泳却带着救生圈的孩子在泳池里或许 会 误以为 自 己 泳技绝佳,从而跃跃欲试地想要扔掉救生圈独立游泳。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | An unskilled child with a floatie in the pool may feel invincible and be tempted to swim without it. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
随后, [...] 示威者前往附近的达尔富尔混合行动队部,据报,当时示威 者 误以为 该 专 员位于 该地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Demonstrators proceeded to the nearby UNAMID team site, [...] reportedly in the mistaken belief that the [...]Commissioner was at the site. daccess-ods.un.org |
据说在十六世纪,第一批葡萄牙人抵达澳门时,向岛上居民询问该地方的名称,但居 民 误以为 他 们 所指的是庙宇,故回答“妈阁”,那葡人便根据其发音将澳门译为“Macau”。 macautourism.gov.mo | It is widely believed that when the first Portuguese arrived in Macau and [...] asked local natives for the name of the [...] island, the natives mistook their question [...]for a temple and replied "A-magao", and the [...]Portuguese took the phonetic pronunciation and named the island Macau. macautourism.gov.mo |
国际社会应当小心谨慎,不要发出让 人 误以为容 许现有非法定居点活动的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community should be careful not to send messages that can be perceived as accommodating existing illegal settlement activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
为误以为自己 染上HIV/AIDS的人祷告,求主让他们能够接受事实,心中得享平安,并且在心理和生理上都经历完全的医治。 amccsm.org | Pray for those who are mistakenly convinced that they [...] are suffering from HIV/AIDS. Pray that they might accept the truth, [...]have peace in their hearts, and experience complete physical and emotional healing. amccsm.org |
其他报告 也对一些并非普遍承认的权利给予了过分关注,这容 易使外界误以为孟加 拉国是在故意将重点从更严重 的人权问题上转移开。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other reports had also given undue weight to issues that were not universally accepted rights, and those efforts might be construed as deliberate attempts to shift focus from more serious human rights issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
银首饰戴得时间长了,硫与银结合就会在银首饰表面形成一层黑色的硫化银膜,开始表现为一些细小的斑点,之后扩散成片,形成人们通常所说的银垢,变成为黑色,影响到银首饰的表面光泽,人们通 常 误以为 是 掉 色。 lux-women.com | Silver jewelry worn too long, and combination of sulfur with silver in the silver jewelry will be formed on the surface layer of black silver sulfide film, begins as a number of small spots, followed by diffusion into the film to form commonly [...] referred to as the silver scale, change as black, silver jewelry affect the surface [...] gloss, people often mistake it fade. lux-women.com |