单词 | 语言学家 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 语言学家 —linguistSee also:语言 n—language n • multilingualism n 言语 n—speech n • words n • noise n 言语 v—speak v • tell v 学家—scholar
2003 年 3 月,数十名描述语言学家及其 他专家讨论了教科文组织今后在濒危语言方面 的工作范围。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In March 2003 several scores of [...] descriptive linguists and other specialists discussed [...]the possible scope of UNESCO’s future [...]actions in the field of endangered languages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
卡斯加利·马赫穆德是土耳其有名的 语言学家 、 哲 学家、人种志学者,他是第一个土 耳其方言地图绘制者,他生活在十一世纪。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Kasgarli Mahmud was a renowned Turkish [...] linguist, philologist and ethnographer and the first Turkish [...] cartographer of Turkic dialects, who lived in [...]the eleventh century. unesdoc.unesco.org |
著名的阿拉伯 语言学家和词典编纂者哈利勒·宾·阿赫迈德·法拉希迪受托设计新的 Tashkil 法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Khalil Ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi, the famous Arab philologist and lexicographer, was entrusted with devising a new Tashkil system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在确定语言的过程中,语言 学家用到 了两条标准:1)语言被认为是一组能够互相通识的语言变体的集合;2)群体的自 我认同:如果两个群体的人都认为各自属于不同的民族,那么他们使用的就是两种不同的语 [...] 言(UNESCO-UIS, 2006c)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Linguists use two criteria to identify languages – 1) a language [...] is considered to be a collection of speech varieties that [...]are mutually intelligible, and 2) group self identification: if two groups of people see themselves as different people, two distinct language should be recognised (UNESCO-UIS, 2006c). unesdoc.unesco.org |
他学会了一些中文,但他说自己非常幸运,作为“一位 工程师,而不是语言学家”, 英语在他的供应商和客户之间 越来越流行。 sapagroup.com | some Chinese, but says that fortunately for him, being “more of an engineer than a linguist,” English is becoming increasingly popular among his suppliers and customers. sapagroup.com |
罗马尼亚常驻教科文组织代表团在摩尔多瓦共和国常驻教科文组织代表团的支持下, 请教科文组织参加将于 2008 年举办的外交使者、语言学家、哲学家、地理学家、人种志学 者、神学家、作家尼古拉·斯帕塔鲁·米列斯库(Nicolae Spătaru MILESCU)(1636-1708 年)逝世三百周年纪念活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO, supported by the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Moldova, requested that UNESCO should be associated with the 300th anniversary of the death of Nicolae Spătaru MILESCU, diplomat, philologist, philosopher, geographer, ethnographer, theologian and writer (1636-1708), in 2008. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他是前突出的a语言学家,并 给学术翻译和对古典作家的评论,特别重视对荷马和贺拉斯。 mb-soft.com | He was pre-eminently a philologist, and gave scholarly translations [...] and commentaries on the classical authors, devoting [...]special attention to Homer and Horace. mb-soft.com |
由于语言学家们没有提出更好的 解决办法,因此可能导致翻译方面的问题,鉴于上述原因,我们仍将使用阳性名 词,但是我们在此明确该阳性名词始终代表的是男人和女人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, the masculine will generally be used, on the clear understanding that all such gender references invariably apply to both men and women. daccess-ods.un.org |
大约有二十人发言:来自世界不同地区的哲学家、社会学家、精神病学家、心理 学 家、 记者、语言学家都提 供了有助于就下述问题进行讨论的论文:如何对待痛苦的回忆,应采取 [...] 的伦理和政治应对措施,以及应如何牢记和防止的问题(欲了解更多情况,请查看国际年网 站)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Around 20 philosophers, sociologists, [...] psychiatrists, psychologists, journalists and linguists attended [...]from the various regions of the [...]world, presenting papers that contributed to the debate on how to handle painful memories, on possible ethical and political responses and on the strategies to be implemented for remembrance and improved prevention (for more information see the Year website). unesdoc.unesco.org |
按照一些著名语言学家的说 法,语言多样化的重要性至少具有如下几个原因 internetsociety.org | According to some renowned linguists, multilingualism is important for at least the following reasons internetsociety.org |
一种说法是瑞典语言学家和旅 行家约翰·加布里埃尔·斯巴温弗德 (Johan Gabriel Sparwenfeld) 17 [...] 世纪晚期在西班牙逗留期间购买了它,后来把它捐赠给了乌普萨拉大学图书馆。 wdl.org | One theory is [...] that Swedish linguist and traveler Johan Gabriel Sparwenfeld [...]purchased it during his stay in Spain in the [...]late 17th century and that it later was donated to the Uppsala University Library. wdl.org |
土耳其常驻教科文组织代表团请教科文组织参加将于 2008 年举办的语言学家卡斯加 利·马赫穆德(Kasgarli Mahmud)(1008--1101 年)诞辰一千周年纪念活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Turkish Permanent Delegation to UNESCO requested that UNESCO should be associated with the 1000th anniversary of the birth of Kasgarli Mahmud, linguist (1008-1101), in 2008. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在过去的 18 个月里,在促进电脑空间应用多语言的项目框架内,开展了一些重要活 [...] 动,取得的结果如下:局域内容扩大;收集濒危语言的的记载材料;建立在线数字化安全档 案,以保护濒危语言和便于语言学家 的 研究;并制定了开发计算机书写系统支持指南和各种 分享知识产权来源的模式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 377. Major activities carried out under the project which aims at promoting multilingualism in cyberspace in the past 18 months have resulted in: local content development; collection of recordings of endangered languages; creation of an online [...] digital sound archive to [...] preserve endangered languages and facilitate research by linguists; [...]and guidelines on developing computerized [...]writing system support and various models for sharing intellectual property resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另一次 座谈则是以“语言的未来”为题,于 9 月 19 日在总部举行;语言学家 Clau de Hagege 和 Salikoko Mufwene 在座谈中对二十一世纪的语言作了展望。 unesdoc.unesco.org | at which the linguists Claude Hagège and Salikoko Mufwene sketched out the prospects for languages in the twenty-first century. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在法国的知名学者可能会提到布德(Budæus),他的年龄首次Hellenist(1467至1540年),在完成打印机罗伯特(1503年至1559年)和亨利(1528年至1598年)埃蒂安纳(Stephanus),我们向他是负债的“舌Latinæ词库”和“词库舌Græcæ”;约瑟夫贾斯特斯Scaliger(1540-1609),他的知识金石,钱币学,尤其是著名的年表 ; 的 语言学家 艾 萨 克Casaubon(1559年至1614年),众所周知,他出色的版的经典,佩特鲁斯拉莫斯(1515年至1572年),是希腊和中世纪哲学深刻的学生。 mb-soft.com | Among the leading scholars in France may be mentioned Budé (Budæus), the first Hellenist of his age (1467-1540), the accomplished printers Robert (1503-59) and Henri (1528-98) Estienne (Stephanus), to whom we are indebted for the [...] "Thesaurus linguæ [...] Latinæ" and the "Thesaurus linguæ Græcæ"; Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), famed for his knowledge of epigraphy, numismatics, and especially of chronology; the philologist Isaac Casaubon [...](1559-1614), well known [...]for his excellent edition of the classics, and Petrus Ramus (1515-72), a profound student of Greek and medieval philosophy. mb-soft.com |
自从18世纪晚期以来,历史语言学家 一 直 在使用一种劳动密集型的手工方法来重建产生了现代语言的原型语言。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Since the late 18th [...] century, historical linguists have used a labor-intensive, [...]manual procedure to reconstruct protolanguages, [...]which gave rise to modern languages. chinese.eurekalert.org |
他是著名的语言学家,同 时还是一位向 Moxo 印第安人布道的传教士;他还数次担任秘鲁耶稣会会士省修道院的院长。 wdl.org | He is best known as a linguist and a missionary [...] to the Moxo Indians; he also served several times as Superior of the Jesuit Province of Peru. wdl.org |
在欧洲科学会议(Euroscience meeting)的一次谈话中,诺丁汉大学的 语言学家 兼 修 辞学家布丽奇特·奈里其(Brigitte Nerlich)认为,对于科学报道中经常使用的关于“突破”的修辞应该更具批判意识,因为正是这种批判意识的缺乏,才形成了媒体持久稳固的傲慢基调。 scidev.net | In a talk at the Euroscience meeting, linguist and metaphor analyst Brigitte Nerlich of Nottingham University argued for [...] more critical awareness [...]of the 'breakthrough' metaphors so often used by those reporting on science, which contribute to the persistent hubristic tone. scidev.net |
德国语言学家和东方通贝恩哈德德恩(1805-81 年)将 Fut’h Khan 在 1718 年所作的这部史书翻译成了英文。 wdl.org | The translation is by the German philologist and Orientalist Bernhard Dorn (1805-81), who worked from a copy of the history made by Fut’h Khan in 1718. wdl.org |
俄国语言学家和文 艺理论家罗曼•雅各布森(Roman Jakobson)表示:“在儿童语言的初级阶段,所给词语中只有一个音节能被清晰地发音。 labbrand.com | Russian linguist and literary theorist Roman Jakobson [...] suggests that, “in the beginning stage of child language only one [...]sound can function distinctively within a given word. labbrand.com |
十年前当Greg还在伦敦金史密斯艺术学院(Goldsmith [...] College of Art)上学时就开始构思该网站,而Max从洛杉矶美国南加州大学的电影与电视学院(USC Film [...] School)毕业后一直从事该网站的开发工作(两人均是法国高等院校 的 语言学家 ) , 两人决定摆脱艺术生活中人员缺乏的局限。 tipschina.gov.cn | Conceived 10 years ago by Greg, while attending the Goldsmith College of Art in London, and developed by Max, since leaving [...] the USC Film School in Los Angeles [...] (both brothers were linguists who attended French [...]Lycees), they are determined to break [...]the control allowed to a limited number of people over artistic lives. tipschina.gov.cn |
这份致辞由古典语言学家和神 学家柏图斯·马科茨 (Petrus Muchitsch) 以拉丁语发表,他曾于 1577-1578 年间和 1578 年两次担任该大学的校长。 wdl.org | This proclamation in Latin is by Petrus Muchitsch, a classical philologist and theologian [...] who twice served as rector of [...]the university, in 1577–78 and again in 1578. wdl.org |
对文人的包围了他可能会提到彼得本博(草1547)杰出圈 - 作为一个著名作家的散文和诗歌,作为拉美和意大利作者 , 语言学家 和 历 史学家,然而在他的高尽管如此,教会的排名,真正的俗人。 mb-soft.com | Of the illustrious circle of literati which surrounded him may be mentioned Pietro Bembo (d. 1547) -- famous as a writer of prose and poetry, as a Latin and Italian author, as philologist and historian, and yet, in spite of his high ecclesiastical rank, a true worldling. mb-soft.com |
此项目中收录的语言及其中显示的信息由濒危语言目录 (ELCat) 提供,是夏威夷大学马诺阿分校和东密歇根大学语言信息和技术研究所 ( 语言学家 名 单)的研究成果,出资方为美国国家科学基金会(许可证号:1058096),得到了很多国际专家的大力支持。 endangeredlanguages.com | The languages included in this project and the information displayed about them are provided by the Catalogue of Endangered [...] Languages (ELCat), [...] produced by the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and The Institute for Language Information and Technology (The Linguist List) at Eastern Michigan University, with funding [...]provided by the National [...]Science Foundation (Grant #1058096) and supported by a team of global experts. endangeredlanguages.com |
语言学家 确认 ,应当由社区本身选择是否或怎样振兴和保持自己的语言,这方面通过的任何文件实际 [...] 上都要考虑与讲这些语言的人所在社区一道开展工作,鉴别濒危语言及制订振兴和保持这些 语言的适当政策。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With linguists upholding that [...] it is communities themselves which choose whether/how their languages are to be revitalized [...]and maintained, any instrument in this area must then allow for working with speaker communities to identify languages in danger and design appropriate policies to revitalize and maintain those languages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
语言学家、人 类学家和其他专家的研究证实了语言数量的急剧减少部分是由于强势国 家的文化、政治、宗教和经济扩展所导致的,这些国家通过霸权和强权使自己的语言凌驾于 [...] 其他语言之上。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Studies by linguists, anthropologists and other experts have confirmed [...] that this significant drop in the number of languages [...]is due, among other things, to the cultural, political, religious and economic expansion of dominant countries whose languages prevail over others through hegemony and imposition. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同样地,语言学家、语言活动 家及决策者们具有长期的任务,即建立最有效和最可行的 机构,编辑和传播濒危语言,以此来维持和复兴世界的濒危语言。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the International Expert Meeting on UNESCO Programme Safeguarding of Endangered Languages (Paris, UNESCO [...] Headquarters, 10-12 [...]March 2003), many useful comments and suggestions were offered by participants. unesdoc.unesco.org |