

单词 语焉不详

See also:


not in detail
not quite clear

External sources (not reviewed)

匆匆忙忙、强人所难地收集各国 对一语焉不详、过分简化的案文的支持,使会员国 颇感压力。
A forceful rush towards collecting support for an ambiguous and overly simplistic text put stress on the membership.
虽 然新闻部指出,秘书长政策委员会关于联合国传播工作的第 2008/23 号决定提供
[...] 了一个宽泛的框架,但该框架对优先事 语焉不详 , 而 且各协调人也并不知道这 项决定。
While the Department of Public Information noted that the Secretary-General’s Policy Committee decision No. 2008/23 on United Nations
communication provided a broad framework, it lacked specificity regarding
[...] priorities and focal points were unaware of it.
在发达国家关于减少排放的具体承诺方面,你带给我们的这份不光彩的文件 同样做得不够语焉不详,尽管这些国家应为其过去和当前的排放水平所造成的 全球升温负责,必须立即进行有意义的减排。
This shameful document that you bring to us is also insufficient and ambiguous with regards to the specific commitment of the developed countries to reduce emissions even when they are responsible for the global warming resulting from the historic and current level of their emissions, and it is only fit that they undertake meaningful reductions right away.
至於如何提供保障、如何令這制度 持續運行以應付長遠需要,其實往往是 焉不 詳 的
As to the questions of how protection is
provided and how this system can be made sustainable to cope with long-term needs,
[...] actually, not many details are given.
當政府談及老年㆟的問題時,總是 焉不 詳 , 只是說我們要盡點力,好像認 為有點事做出來總比甚麼也沒做好些。
The Government talks vaguely of the problems of old age and says we must do something, as though anything at all is better than nothing.
目前,联合国教科文组织正在与世界语言多样化网络(MAAYA)及其他伙伴合作编写 一份文件,详尽阐释网语言多 样性的指标。
UNESCO, in cooperation with the World Network for Linguistic Diversity (MAAYA) and
other partners, is currently preparing a document on the
[...] elaboration of indicators of linguistic diversity on the Internet.
这些措施针语言多 样化的一些基本促动要素,不详尽。
These target some of the
[...] fundamental enablers of multilingualism and should be seen as nonexhaustive.
這種 欲 言 又 止 , 猶 抱 琵琶半 遮 面 的 六四現 象 , 是出版 界 的一大 諷刺和 悲哀, 自由的 言論 是 敵
[...] 不過政 治 現 實 的,只 能 噤 若 寒蟬或焉 不 詳。
Publishing this kind of halting accounts of the 4 June incident is really an irony or pity to the publication industry; freedom of speech is no match for
political realities after all, so what can be done is only to remain absolutely silent or
[...] refrain from telling the whole truth.
提交大会第六十三届会议审议的秘书长关于使用 多语文的报告(A/63/338)详细介 绍了新闻部就此问题开展各项活动的最新情 况。
The report of the
[...] Secretary-General on multilingualism (A/63/338), presented for consideration by the General Assembly at its sixty-third session, provides a detailed update on activities [...]
undertaken by
the Department of Public Information on the issue.
薪 俸 稅 收入的 減 少 不 難瞭解 , 因 為 近 一 、兩年工商機 構 減 薪
[...] 、減福利的 情況, 無日無之, 薪 俸 稅 收焉 能不降 ?
During these two years, industrial
and commercial organizations have kept reducing salaries and benefits, how can the
[...] salaries tax revenue not be reduced?
工业领域的经营者和贸易经营者可以在IndustryStock内使用 6 种 不 同 的 语 言 非 常 详 尽 地 搜索凿子、袋子、打麻的圆木棍范畴内有益的、有价值的产品供应和服务,搜索工业、贸易范围内的150,000多种产品,以及关于制造商、贸易商、供货商和服务商的信息。
Marketing leaders use the search in 6 different
[...] international languages about IndustryStock for detailed address data, contact [...]
information and product
categories as Bag and further for over 150,000 products out of Industry and trade as well as information on manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and service providers.
食物业界应遵从良好农业规范,尽量减少食物受到无机砷污染的机 会,例如避免使用被砷污染的水作灌溉用途。
The food trade is advised to observe good agricultural practices to minimise inorganic arsenic contamination of foods, such as avoid using arsenic contaminated water for irrigation.
考虑到阿 拉伯地区的需求,应该特别强调灌溉方法,荒漠化,以及自然灾害有效管理、水资源综合管 理和水资源利用的伦理问题的教育与研究。
Taking into account the needs of the Arab region, special emphasis should be given to irrigation methods, desertification, education and research for efficient management of natural disasters and integrated management of water resources as well as ethics of water use.
1960 和 1970 年代所谓的绿色革命,在相当大程度上造就了世界大部分地区 的现有粮食体系,当时推动农业产量增长的途径,一方面是更密集地使用灌溉用 水以及对环境有害的化肥和杀虫剂,另一方面是推出许多新品种种子(图 O.3)。
In large parts of the world, food systems were shaped to a considerable extent by the so-called green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, which pushed agricultural yields as much through much more intensive use of irrigation water and environmentally harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as through the introduction of new seeds varieties (figure O.3).
对于 Amor 先生建议应详细地解释语“特 别责任和义务”,她说委员会没有必要纠缠于此, 因为《公约》第 19 条第 3 款已明确阐释“特别责任 和义务”,并且任何试图的定义只会增加公约中所 没有的限制。
Turning to Mr. Amor’s
[...] suggestion that the phrase “special duties and responsibilities” should be explained in more detail, she said that [...]
there was no need for the
Committee to dwell on it because the special duties and responsibilities were clearly spelled out in article 19, paragraph 3, of the Covenant and any attempted definition would only add limitations that were not contained in the Covenant.
有关会话命令(还包括命令和子命 语 法 ) 的 详 细 信 息,请在命令提示符下键入 Help,后跟命令 [...]
For more information on session commands, including
[...] command and subcommand syntax, type Help at the [...]
command prompt followed by the first four letters of the command name.
咨询委员会在关于 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预
[...] 算的第一次报告(A/64/7, 第二章,第四.59 段)中建议,大会不妨碍审 议国贸中心 2010-2011 两年详细拟 议方案预算的情况下,注意到初步 预算估计数中的拟议资源,包括请求增设 [...]
19 个新员额(1
个 D-1、5 个 P5、8 个 P-4、2 个 P-3 和 3 个 P-2),裁撤 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员 额。
In its first report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (A/64/7, chap. II, para. IV.59), the Advisory Committee
recommended that, without
[...] prejudice to its consideration of the detailed proposed programme budget for ITC for [...]
the biennium 2010–2011,
the General Assembly should take note of the resources proposed in the preliminary budget estimate, including the requests for 19 new posts (1 D-1, 5 P-5, 8 P-4, 2 P-3 and 3 P-2) and the abolition of two General Service (Other level) posts.
對於這項修正案,第一,我認為修正案把我的原議案的效果淡化,而在 邏輯上,我也不大明白,因為曾鈺成議員已發言完畢,但他 焉不 詳 , 未有 解釋為何要就管治架構、政策、問責、融資、節目編排、表演評核等再作研 究。
Though Mr TSANG has finished his speech, he has not given a detailed explanation and failed to explain why issues such as the governance structure, policy, accountability, financing, programme scheduling and performance evaluation have to be studied again.
第二种是发送主机命令,自动切换仿 语 言 (详 细信 息,请参阅相应的《程序员参考手册》)。
The second is by sending a host command which will switch the emulation automatically (see the appropriate
[...] Programmer's Reference Manual for details).
挂图中的数据包括农村地区的农村人口规模和增长速度、农业人口规模、 农业区和农田、森林面积、灌溉面积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 活跃人口和化肥的使用;以及城市地区的城市人口规模和增长率、人类住区占据 的土地面积、生活在贫民窟中的城市人口、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、二氧化 碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。
The data contained in the wallcharts include, for the rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size of the agricultural population, agricultural area and cropland, forest area, irrigated areas, access to improved water and sanitation, economically active population in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the urban areas, size and rate of growth of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, access to improved water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy.
報告內單憑數句焉不詳, 而且完全沒有解釋的所謂“根深蒂固的架 構”和“濃厚的機構文化”,便一口斷定港台轉型“殊不容易”,立論是否 太武斷呢?
And it has concluded outright that the transformation of RTHK will "entail difficult decisions".
签约的客户可以在IndustryStock内使用6 种 不 同 的 语 言 非 常 详 尽 地 搜索例如异步发电器的当前信息和工业、贸易范围内的150,000多种产品,以及关于制造商、贸易商、供货商和服务商的信息。
Because to establish high-quality contacts is the clear company target of IndustryStock - in the B-2-B-Index with the experience of many years in the B-to-b. The search friendly handling immediately leads to detailed hit lists and the appropriate firm data, surely not only regarding Asynchronous generators.
建立新的主题网“东大西洋沿岸生物圈资源合作 网”,参加的国家有西班牙、摩洛哥、佛得角和塞内
[...] 加尔,协商共同的海岸管理问题;在非洲为 6 个语 国家详细制订了全球环境机构—联合国环境规划署项 [...]
目;继续与南南合作计划合作,为拉丁美洲、非洲的 湿热带地区国家和亚洲国家(柬埔寨、越南和印度尼 西亚)提供援助。
Established a new thematic network, REDBIOS, which involves Spain, Morocco, Cape Verde and Senegal on common coastal management issues; Elaborated, in Africa,
the GEF-UNEP project for the benefit of
[...] six French-speaking countries; Continued South-South [...]
Cooperation Programmes to provide
assistance to Humid Tropics countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia (to Cambodia, Viet Nam and Indonesia).
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉 语 的 在线内容,开发 语 种 教学内容,通过提不 同形 式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available in Arabic, multilingual content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
中东欧和东南欧分部的一位专家介绍了第 23
[...] 号工作文件,说明波兰 2005 年的 民族、少数族裔和区语言法,详细 描 述有关少数族裔、语言和地区,并报告由此 [...]
Working paper No. 23 was presented by an expert from the East Central and South-East Europe Division. The paper described Poland’s 2005
Act on national and ethnic minorities
[...] and regional languages, detailed the relevant minorities, [...]
languages and areas, and
reported on the resulting introduction of minority-language place names in the applicable areas.
这一语不断发 展,现在被广泛用于描述正在进行的过程,包括在 [...]
相互尊重基础上儿童与成人之间的信息共享和对话,由此使儿童了解自己和成人 的意见如何作为考虑因素并影响这些过程的结果。
This term has evolved and is [...]
now widely used to describe ongoing processes, which include information-sharing and dialogue
between children and adults based on mutual respect, and in which children can learn how their views and those of adults are taken into account and shape the outcome of such processes.
此外,作为国家工作队拟订的机构间行动计划的一部分,粮农组织批准了两 个中央应急基金下的项目,为受飓风古斯塔夫和艾克影响地区购买种子、灌溉机 械和工具,总金额 900 000 美元。
In addition, as part of the Inter-agency Action Plan created by the country team, FAO approved two projects under the Central Emergency Revolving Fund for seeds, irrigation machinery and tools purchase in areas affected by hurricanes Gustav and Ike, for a total amount of $900,000.
由于持续的安全问题和经济 形势严峻,农业部门需要改革:很多国营农场仍然没有私有化,灌溉系统恶化,生产性投资 较弱。
Owing to the continuing security problems and the difficult economic situation, the agricultural sector needs reforms: many state farms are still not privatized, irrigation networks have deteriorated and productive investment is weak.
比如“溫故而知新”、 “三人行必有我焉”、 “學不思則 罔,思 而不學則怠”等,經過歲月考驗,依然是教育界的至理名言。
For instance, with the passage of time, Confucius' words of wisdom, such as "gaining new insights through revising old material", "if three of us are walking together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher", "learning without thought means labour lost; thought without learning is perilous", and so on, still hold true to the education profession today.




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