

单词 语声



tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)

(语气)不动声色的 adj

level adj

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

匿名信V2 则完全改变了匿名信V1中语气,声 称 “我们并未表示任何与该报告相关的独立人员,其明知却故意做出不适当的举止。
The Anonymous Letter V2 completely alters the tone of the Anonymous Letter V1 and states "we do not suggest that any independent person associated with that report has knowingly acted in an inappropriate manner".
耳机能提供如水晶般干净清晰语音 和 声 音 , 这样不仅您能清楚地听到对方的声音,对方也能清楚地听到您的声音。
It delivers crystal clear voice and sound, so you can hear and be heard.
但有人指出,“不 当理由”这一说法并非真正的法律 语 , 应明 确 声 明 相 关理由到底归咎于事实或 法律错误还是毫无根据。
It was suggested, however, that the
notion of “mistaken grounds”, which was
[...] not really legal terminology, be clarified by [...]
stating that the grounds in question were
either attributable to an error of fact or of law, or were baseless.
能力建筑改进 会议语言为英语,提供英语/语/ 意大 利 语的 同声传译
The Conference will be conducted in English, with simultaneous English/ French/ Italian translation.
由于这种高语境文化(根据霍夫施泰德的文化维度理论,高语境文化中 声语 言 的 角色被强调),中文标语更倾向于使用只言片语,而不是完整的句子。
Due to the high-context culture, (silent language role is emphasized according to Hofstede’s culture dimensions theory), Chinese slogans tend to use abridged phrases instead of complete sentences.
大会官方语言为语和法语(包括同 声 传 译 )。
The official languages of the congress will be English [...]
and French (with simultenous translation).
[...] 制作本土内容节目中的创造性,重点是提高发展中国家制作和发行优质声像节目的能力,改 善公共广播事业,以及用各语言的 声 像 媒 体提供教育和文化内容。
In the communication and information field, UNESCO supports, through its Creative Content programme, creativity and innovation in local content production in radio, television and the new media focusing on improving the local production and distribution of quality audiovisual programmes in developing countries and the
promotion of public service broadcasting and the educational and cultural
[...] dimensions of audiovisual media in all languages.
Greenlandic is the primary language of parliament with simultaneous interpretation to or from Danish.
正在北京大学学习的来自奥斯陆大学的学生代表Tobias Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen Johan Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两位同学用挪 语 以 相 声 的 形 式分享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得了满堂喝彩。
Mr. Tobias Judin from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed up on this theme where he on behalf of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan Willgohs presented the organization, and finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr Liu Sicong and Ms Yong Chunhong, impressed the audience with their mastery of Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance about learning Norwegian.
Vista 5让大家的工作更容易,它有那么多的输出,能够记录所有场馆的声音,并且可以给所有不 语 言 同 声 翻 译 的通道,每个场地和中央视频之间的接口是完美的。
The Vista 5 made everyone's job
easier with so many outputs that were able to record all the venues and give all the
[...] channels as well as different languages.
这种 责任必须促使各国际行为体超越懦弱 语 言 和 善意 声 明 , 采取实际措施和行 动,迫使占领国事实上立即停止其非法行动。
This responsibility must prompt international actors to
take measures and actions that
[...] extend far beyond timid language and statements of goodwill [...]
and that will actually compel
the occupying Power to cease its illegal actions forthwith.
若 以浅白语言表述,这声明就 意味着萨卡什维利承诺不对南奥塞梯使用武力。
Translated into plain language, this statement quite [...]
simply means that Saakashvili is promising not to use force against South Ossetia.
据估计,委员会每届会议为期 5 天,共举行 10 次会议,所需会议服务包括: 提供所有六种正语文同声传译服务,翻译并以所有六种正式语文印发 130 页会 前文件和 26 页会后文件,将以英文印发但不翻译 [...]
300 页会期文件。
It is estimated that each session of the meetings of the committee would require meeting services for a total of 10 meetings
in five days, with
[...] simultaneous interpretation services from and into all six official languages and documentation [...]
services for 130
pages of pre-session documents and 26 pages of post-session documents, to be translated and issued in all six official languages, while 300 pages of in-session documents would be issued in English without translation.
委员会的前身国际税务合作专家委员会的两届会议已经列入 2010 年和 2011
[...] 年会议日历,所需会议服务相同:每届会议为期 5 天,提供所有六种正语文同 声传译 服务,翻译并以所有六种正式语文印发 130 页会前文件和 26 页会后文件, [...]
The two sessions of the predecessor of the committee, the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, have already been scheduled in the calendar of conferences and meetings for 2010 and 2011, which are of the same duration of five days
per session, with simultaneous
[...] interpretation services from and into all six official languages and documentation [...]
services for 130
pages of pre-session documents per session and 26 pages of post-session documents to be translated and issued in all six official languages, while in-session documents would be issued in English without translation.
言论自由载于《宪法》第 30 条第 1
[...] 款:“思想、观点或信仰言论自由, 以及在公共场所通过语、书 写、图片 声 音 或其他沟通方式创造表达的自由不 可侵犯。
Freedom of expression is regulated by Article 30, paragraph 1 of the Constitution: “Freedom of expression of thoughts, opinions, or beliefs, and
freedom of any creation, by words,
[...] in writing, in pictures, by sounds or other means of communication [...]
in public are inviolable”.
这款车载免提电话采用噪音阻隔技术,这意味着您能摆脱恼人的“电话 声 器 ” 杂音,享 语 音 清 晰的通话。
The in-car speakerphone includes Noise Blackout
technology and a dual microphone, which means you enjoy clear,
[...] understandable calls, without the annoying “speaker phone” sound.
鉴于上述情况,执行局可以考虑用下述两个方 案之一来弥补资金缺口确保用六种工 语 文 为 该会议提供 声 传 译 和文件翻译:(i) 将该政 府间会议推迟到 2008--2009 年双年度举行,在第 34 C/5 号文件确定并分配了足够资金用于 以六种工语言提供同声传译 和翻译服务的费用之后;(ii) 考虑从 2,500 万美元的特别账户 中提供以六种工语言提供同声传译 和文件翻译所需的其余费用。
On the basis of the above, the Executive Board may wish to consider one of the two following options in order to meet the remaining
expenses incurred to ensure
[...] simultaneous interpretation and translation of documents in the six working languages for the said meeting: (i) to postpone the holding of the intergovernmental meeting to the 2008-2009 biennium pending the identification and allocation of adequate resources to meet the costs of simultaneous interpretation and translation in the six working languages in document 34 C/5; (ii) to envisage financing the remaining amount for simultaneous interpretation and translation in the six working languages from the $25 [...]
million Special Account.
附录 A:词汇表3 声明:这些语有不 同的用法,例如,欧洲和北美之间的不同,在此尝试使用法一致或在 [...]
See the Checklist in
[...] Appendix F APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS3 Warning: There [...]
are differences in usage of some of these
terms, e.g., between Europe and North America.
会外活动如需口译服务,亚太会议口译和笔译协会可提供韩语到英语/法语/ 西班牙语以及英语/法语/ 西班语到韩语的有偿同声传译服务。
Should a side event require interpretation services, simultaneous interpretation from Korean to English/French/Spanish and vice versa can be made available on commercial basis through the Conference Interpretation & Translation Institute in the Asia Pacific.
一个希伯来文的声与德语翻译 文本的新版本已经进行的D.霍夫曼和E.鲍奈特,其中一些地区已经出现。
A new edition of the vocalized Hebrew text with a German translation has been undertaken by D. Hoffmann and E. Baneth, of which several parts have appeared.
Patrick L.
[...] Purdon及其同事记录了10位健康人的高密度脑电图(EEG),同时给它们注射浓度增加或减少的异丙酚;根据这些人对每隔4秒发出的 语 和 咔 嗒 声 做 出 响应的能力评估了他们的意识程度。
Patrick L. Purdon and colleagues recorded high-density EEG in 10 healthy individuals while administering increasing and decreasing levels of propofol; the
individuals' levels of consciousness were assessed based on their ability to respond
[...] to words and click sounds every 4 seconds.
由于这是一个网络,因此 它可以在本地或在全球连接,并可能在摄像机旁边安装一个 声 器 ,语音通信选项。
As this is a network it can be connected locally or globally with the option of voice
[...] communication through a speaker mounted next to the camera.
现在Rainbow House(彩虹屋)里充满了儿童的声笑语 , 这 正是治疗的重要部分。
Now Rainbow House is
[...] filled with the sound of children's laughter and singing, [...]
a key part of the treatment.
OASIS 服务供应标语言(SPML) 版本 25 OASIS 安声明标记语言(SAML) 版本 26 OASIS 和/或其成员是上述 OASIS 语言的所有者(“ 所有权” ),使用或实施上述 [...]
OASIS 标记 语言规范/协议(“ OASIS 语言” )不得侵犯所有者的知识产权与其它相关权利以及所有者声明的 任何其它限制。
13 Open Data Center Alliance Usage: Identity Management Interoperability Guide Rev.
1.0 OASIS Service
[...] Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) Version 25 OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Version [...]
26 Any use or other
implementation of the above cited OASIS markup language specifications / protocols (“OASIS Language”) are subject to any and all intellectual property rights and other rights held by, and any other limitations or restrictions which may be asserted by, OASIS and/or its members as the owner or owners of said OASIS Language (“Proprietary Rights”).
在 2010 年 7 月 27 日第 3069 次会议上,委员会审议并暂时通过了下列准则 草案:3.3.2 [3.3.3 ](单独接受不允许的保留的效果)、3.3.3 [3.3.4](集体接受不允许 的保留的效果)、4.5.1 [3.3.2,后为 4.5.1 和 4.5.2](无效保留的无效性质)、4.5.2 [4.5.3 ](无效保留的提出者相对于条约的地位)、4.5.3 [4.5.4 ](对无效保留的反应)、 4.6(保留不对条约其他当事方之间的关系产生效果)、4.7.1 [4.7 和 4.7.1](解释声 明对条约语的澄 清)、4.7.2(更改或撤回解释 声 明 对 声明方的效果)、4.7.3(所 有缔约国和缔约组织赞同解释性声明的效果)。
At its 3069th meeting, on 27 July 2010, the Commission considered and provisionally adopted the following guidelines: 3.3.2 [3.3.3] (Effect of individual acceptance of an impermissible reservation), 3.3.3 [3.3.4] (Effect of collective acceptance of an impermissible reservation), 4.5.1 [3.3.2, later 4.5.1 and 4.5.2] (Nullity of an invalid reservation), 4.5.2 [4.5.3] (Status of the author of an invalid reservation in relation to the treaty), 4.5.3 [4.5.4] (Reactions to an invalid reservation), 4.6 (Absence of effect of a reservation on the relations between the other parties to the treaty), 4.7.1 [4.7 and 4.7.1] (Clarification of the terms of the treaty by an interpretative declaration), 4.7.2 (Effect of the modification or the withdrawal of an interpretative declaration in respect of its author) and 4.7.3 (Effect of an interpretative declaration approved by all the contracting States and contracting organizations).
软件开发也至关重要,因为需要使用软件处 声 音 从 而提 语 言 可 懂度。
Software development is also critical as they
[...] work with sound and processing sound to improve speech intelligibility, mainly by [...]
processing of the signal.
如果这短暂的犹太法典草图至于其halakic contentsbe的声明补充说,语的几 个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的意见,无论是教师还是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的了解和其形式可能是更好的概念报告获得。
If this brief sketch of the Talmud as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the several amoraim as well as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers or pupils, are frequently recorded in connection with the report of the discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better conception of its form may be gained.
此外,必须要求以色列明声明它从言语和行 动上都尊重路线图义务和其他和 平进程承诺、冻结一切定居活动,包括所谓的“自然 增长”以及拆除哨所。
Moreover, demands must be made upon Israel to clearly affirm its respect for its Road Map obligations and other peace process commitments in both word and deed, to freeze, all settlement activities, including so-called natural growth, and to dismantle the outposts.
联合国网播事务处将以英文和发言者的 声语 文 实 况报道所有全体会议、圆 桌会议、新闻简报会和新闻发布会,网址是:http://www.un.org/webcast。新 闻简报会和对话日报道将以英语和葡萄牙语播放。
United Nations webcast services will provide live and on-demand coverage of the plenary, round tables and press briefings and conferences at: http://www.un.org/webcast in English and the original language of the speaker.
7月19日,葡语国家共同体在莫桑比克马普托举 行部长理事会会议之后发声明, 重申 语 国 家 共 同体承认被废黜的几内亚比绍民选当局。
On its part, on 19 July the CPLP issued a statement following the meeting of its Council of Ministers in Maputo, Mozambique, in which it reaffirmed its recognition of the deposed elected authorities of Guinea-Bissau.




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