单词 | 诣阙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 诣阙 —go to the palace to see the emperorSee also:诣—one's current attainment in learning or art • go (to visit a superior) 阙—Imperial city watchtower (old) • surname Que 阙 n—fault n
委员会委员国应选派在非物质文化遗产各领域有 造 诣 的 人 士为其代表。 unesdoc.unesco.org | States Members of the Committee shall choose as their representatives persons who are qualified in the various fields of the intangible cultural heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于技术方面深有造诣和高层次的人才,我们会通过集中培训给予动态的发展机会。 bitzeruk.com | For committed technical and high-level personnel, we offer chances to develop in a dynamic industry by means of focused training. bitzeruk.com |
朱小谦 天津国家超级计算机中心副主任 朱小谦是天津国家超级计算机中心副主任 在并在并行算 法和高性能计算方面有着精深的造诣 gputechconf.cn | Xiaoqian Zhu is Vice director of the National Supercomputer center in Tianjin and has a background in parallel algorithms and high-performance computing. gputechconf.cn |
安理会声称,这种框架最低限度应该列明合作的 目标,明确划分各组织的作用和责任,说明各个部队相互作用的领域,并就人员 的安全和保障作出明确规定,但指出这样一个框架至今仍然付 诸 阙 如。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council stated that such a framework should, at a minimum, specify the objectives of cooperation, clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of the organizations, describe the areas of interaction of forces and have clear provisions regarding the safety and security of personnel, noting, however, such a framework was still missing.22 30. daccess-ods.un.org |
下表显示了国家淘汰计划用于泡 沫塑料部分不同技术备选办法的费用;以及 (g) 非氟氯烃化合物备选办法所需的供资明显高于成本效 益 阙 值。 multilateralfund.org | The table below depicts the cost of the NPP for the different technology options in the foam part; and multilateralfund.org |
但是,根据成本效益阙值,符合条件的供资总额将为 681,580 [...] 美元(或扣除 2%外国所有权后为 667,948 美元)。 multilateralfund.org | However, the total level of eligible funding [...] based on the cost-effectiveness [...]threshold would be US $681,580 (or US $667,948 [...]after deducting 2 per cent of foreign ownership). multilateralfund.org |
因此,大部分具有成本效益的备选办法似乎是使用HFC-245fa作为泡沫塑 料发泡剂,理由是超过阙值的 737,861美元费用将不足以为10家企业由HCFC-141b的第二次 [...] 转产供资。 multilateralfund.org | Therefore, the most cost effective option would appear to [...] be the use of HFC-245fa as a foam blowing [...] agent, since the cost above the threshold, [...]of US $737,861, would not be sufficient [...]to fund a second conversion from HCFC-141b in 10 enterprises. multilateralfund.org |
在过去的四分之一世纪里,西班牙的音乐界的确发生了一场革命,并藉此 达到了具有悠久传统和高超音乐造诣 的 其 他欧洲国家所具备的、堪称杰出的艺术 水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past quarter century, Spain has undergone a revolution in music that has placed the country in the same category of excellence as other European countries that possess longer traditions and greater development in this sphere. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为一名学者,Gandhi 博士是一位在众多技术方面颇有造诣 的 消 防研究人员。 ul.com | As an academic, Dr. Gandhi is an accomplished fire researcher across a wide array of technologies. ul.com |
该方法有很大的局限:检测结果对操作者和机器的依赖性较大,不能量化脂肪变性程度,而且只有当超过30%的肝细胞受影响时才能检出脂肪变性,而其病 理 阙 值 在5-10%左右。 tipschina.gov.cn | This method has significant limitations: the results are operator- and machine-dependent, it is impossible to quantify the steatosis and steatosis detection is only possible if more than 30% of liver cells are affected, while its pathological threshold is around 5-10%. tipschina.gov.cn |
日内瓦办事处的信息 和通信技术单位,拥有总部以外最大一批的信息和通信技术工作人员,却从来没 有进行任何研究,以确定其适当的编制;处级的服务协议也付 诸 阙 如。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ICT section in the Geneva office is the single largest complement of ICT staff outside headquarters, but no studies had been conducted to determine appropriate staffing levels, and there were no service-level agreements. daccess-ods.un.org |
品牌荟萃最尖端的技术及精湛的美学 造 诣 , 率 先提出「肌肤细胞思维理论」,成功研创新一代护肤系列,有效地管理每个细胞的一生,调节细胞体质,缔造「闪耀细胞」,成就「自发光芒美肌」,矢志为所有女性创造经得起岁月考验的隽永丽质,将美丽升华到极致。 sogo.com.hk | A fusion of the most sophisticated technology and refined aesthetics, Clé de Peau Beauté newly founded the Neuro Skin Theory, the very inspiration for the new generation of skincare that manages the whole life cycle of every cell and optimizes the conditions for producing 'Illuminating Cells'. sogo.com.hk |
此绘画集因其艺术造诣和传 达的信息而备受推崇,是学习早期京剧服装和脸谱宝贵的历史资源。 wdl.org | The album is highly valued for its art and for the information it contains, and constitutes a precious historical resource for the study of clothing and makeup in the early Peking opera. wdl.org |
神谷茂先生在照明和光源领域的极高 造 诣 使 他非常看好无极灯的发展前景,而因为宏源是无极灯行业的先驱和引领者,更因为宏源坚持不懈、勇于创新的精神,神谷茂先生选择了宏源无极灯作为传承照明精神的接棒者,宏源也自当不负老先生的殷切期望,将照明精神发扬光大,薪火相传、生生不息。 cn.lvd.cc | Mr. Shen Gumao’s great attainments in the lighting and illuminant industry make him believe in the future of induction lamps. Mr. Shen chose the Hongyuan induction lamp as the successor of inheriting lighting essence on the ground that Hongyuan was the forerunner and leader in the induction lamp industry, especially for his unremitting and innovative spirit. en.lvd.cc |
报告进一步 指出,开发和开办成本方面的全面数据往 往 阙 如。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was further stated that comprehensive data on development and delivery costs were often not available. daccess-ods.un.org |
该器件包含了一个深度多模式输出FIFO、一个内置微功耗温度传感器和几个运动检测模式,其中包括可 调 阙 值 的 睡眠和唤醒工作模式,在该模式下当测量速率为6HZ(大约)时功耗低至270nA。 analog.com | It includes a deep multimode output FIFO, a built-in micropower temperature sensor, and several activity detection modes including adjustable threshold sleep and wake-up operation that can run as low as 270 nA at a 6 Hz (approximate) measurement rate. analog.com |
理事机构的监督及向其的报告普遍付 诸阙 如,而海事组织则可能是例外。 daccess-ods.un.org | External reporting to and oversight on the part of governing bodies are generally lacking, with the possible exception of IMO. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于与 9.79 美元/公斤的成本效益阙值相比,该项目的成本效益是 26.62 美元/公斤, 所以要求说明是否考虑其他方式以降低该项目的总成本。 multilateralfund.org | Given the [...] project’s cost-effectiveness of US $26.62/kg, as compared with the cost-effectiveness [...]threshold of US $9.79/kg, [...]a clarification was requested on whether options had been considered to reduce the total cost of the project. multilateralfund.org |
她在自然风景区的重建、有特别深的 造 诣 — — 像是一样他的第一个作品起源于西西里群山然后是在中国,用石和沥青和,通过绘画创作,制造出宏伟的适于步行的风景区。 luxe-immo.com | It goes so far as to reconstruct plastic natural sceneries – as is the case of his first works made among the mountains of Sicily first and then among the Chinese, achieved by working stone and asphalt and which became, after the pictorial action, a majestic walkable scenery. luxe-immo.com |
花明泊毕业于湖南大学,设计艺术学交互设计方向硕士,本科视觉传达专业,有深厚的交互设计及视觉设计经验,曾于诺基亚北京研究院、中国电信、广州王序设计等单位实习,主持设计诺基亚SNS手机交友平台、中国电信天翼189社区、及众多高校教育机构、银行金融类网站.并对品牌视觉设计有所 造 诣 , 曾 参与中国民生银行、恒生银行、华侨城地产、奥园地产等品牌设计工作,还曾参与2010广州亚运会二级标志及体育图标的设计。 peopeo.de | Mingbo Hua Hold a Master degree of Interaction Design and Bachelor degree of Visual Communication in Hunan University. He has rich experience in interaction design and visual design as he used to work in Nokia Beijing Research Institute, China Telecom and WX-Design. peopeo.de |
Don Gale是一个杰出的专业摄影师,在商业,行业,人像和户外摄影等专业领域颇有 造 诣。 manfrotto.cn | Don Gale is an accomplished professional photographer, with demonstrated expertise in the specialty areas of commercial, industrial, portraiture and outdoor photography. manfrotto.us |
丽塔的表演艺术以具体和直截了当且带有鲜明诗意的特征而著称,在舞台表演之外,她在其他艺术载体方面,如绘画和摄影领域,也具有相当的 造 诣。 norway.org.cn | In addition to her performance production, which is known for being concrete and straight to the point yet with a clear poetic dimension, she is also skilled in other media such as drawing and photography. norway.cn |
建立阿卜伊耶警察局的主要障碍仍是:阿卜耶伊地区行政当局仍 付 阙 如 、 刑 事司法系统其他部门缺失、在亚的斯亚贝巴达成的 6 月 20 日协议的执行缺乏进 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Major stumbling blocks for the establishment of the Abyei Police Service remain, namely, the absence of the Abyei Area Administration, the non-availability of other components of the criminal justice system, and the lack of progress on the implementation of the 20 June Agreement, signed in Addis Ababa. daccess-ods.un.org |
自治权对于保存公司苦心孤诣购买 来的战略力量是否必要? 12manage.com | Is autonomy essential to preserving the strategic capability we have bought? 12manage.com |
但由 于泡沫塑料转换项目的成本效益阙值为 9.79 美元/公斤,所以为该项目申请的供资总额为 [...] 1,187,527 美元,有待获益企业偿付的未缴余额为 601,933 美元。 multilateralfund.org | However, given the cost-effectiveness [...] threshold for foam conversion projects of US $9.79/kg, the total level of funds requested [...]for this project is US $1,187,527, with the remaining balance of US $601,933 to be covered by the beneficiary enterprises. multilateralfund.org |
powerMONITOR可设定衰减阙值,一旦超出将导致警报,非专业的光纤专家可清洗的知道电缆需要清理或光纤信号传输线路发生了某些状况。 neutrik.com.cn | Attenuation values beyond a defined working range will lead to an alarm, indicating to non fiber specialist clearly that the cable has to be cleaned or that something else happened with the fiber optic transmission line. neutrik.com |
我们正站在一个点上,其中大部分人的连接速度都超过 了 2 M 阙 值 ,”Akamai 数字媒体首席战略家Tim Napoleon表示。 akamai.cn | We're at the tipping point where the majority of people are over the two-meg threshold," says Tim Napoleon, Akamai's chief strategist for digital media, who expects to see more and more HD streaming for sports. akamai.com |
宽阔舒适的内室设计,精妙的空间布局,以及诸多触手可及的人性化科技,一切为您的需求打造;而一如既往的顶级手工,则体现出对舒适豪华体验的深厚 造 诣。 lexus.com.cn | The spacious and comfortable interior design, sophisticated spatial layout and within-reach humanized science and technology are created for your needs; and, as always, the top level craftsmanship reflects the profound knowledge of comfortable and luxurious experience. lexus.com.cn |
除了在2011年 Bradshaw & Buono [...] 国际钢琴比赛(纽约)上夺得一等奖以外,Musial女士也在如下比赛中获得大奖:Krzysztof Penderecki 国际现代室内音乐大赛(克拉科夫)、Kay Meek大赛(温哥华),而且还因杰出的才艺而获得Alban [...] Berg大奖(维也纳),并因高深的音乐 造 诣 而 获得Philip Cohen大奖(蒙特利尔)。 pianist.pl | In addition to the First Prize at 2011 Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition (New York) Ms. Musial was a prize winner in the following competitions: the Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition of Contemporary Chamber Music (Cracow), the Kay Meek Competition (Vancouver) and has [...] received the Alban Berg Prize for outstanding merit [...] (Vienna), as well as the Philip [...]Cohen Award for outstanding performance musicianship (Montreal). pianist.pl |