

单词 话里套话

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 区开展的调研活动和收集到的百余项优秀做法都输入了数据库,用于更好地理解获得不同文 化能力以促进在多元文化社里开展 对 话 的 进 程。
Studies conducted in the five regions and around one hundred good practices compiled in a database were used to gain
insights into the processes entailed in acquiring intercultural
[...] skills that promote dialogue in culturally diverse [...]
某会员国认为,应当为不同文明间的 话 成 为 秘书 里 的 一 个“独立的”单 位作好准备,扩大将发展成旗舰计划活动的影响。
One Member State considered provisions
[...] should be made that the dialogue among civilizations [...]
would be organized as a “freestanding”
unit within the Secretariat in order to provide greater visibility for what should evolve into a flagship programme.
除了这些电讯公司提供的话配套, 你也可以考虑购买IDD电话卡。
Besides all these
[...] calling oversea packages offered by Telcos [...]
(Telecomunication companies), you can consider to buy a IDD card.
2010 年 11 月 29 日至 12 月 3 日访问塞拉利昂期间,组合主席向其 话 者传 达了套一致的讯息。
During his visit to Sierra Leone from 29
November to 3 December 2010, the Chair of the configuration conveyed
[...] two consistent sets of messages to his interlocutors.
餐厅中的每日菜单提供丰富的地中海餐食供选择,对于不想在午餐上停留过多时间的游客, 里 还 提供 一 套 3 0 分 钟 享用的快捷午餐选择。
And for those having too much fun to stop for a long lunch, a
[...] 30-minute Express Lunch is also available every day.
在商业区的心脏地带,旅套房马德 里 有 最 好的房间,并保证一个愉快的假期。
Situated in the heart of the commercial
[...] district, Hostal Suites Madrid has the best [...]
rooms and guarantees a pleasant stay.
鉴于普京先生在谈到 2008 年格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯之间的战争时,再次鼓噪那 些现已众所周知的宣套话,已 无需提醒他注意一个事实,即就在 2011 年 11 月 21 日,俄罗斯总统德米里·梅德韦杰最近在弗拉季高加索与俄罗斯军人会 面时,明确承认俄罗斯 2008 年军事侵略的真正目的是阻止格鲁吉亚加入北大西 洋公约组织的努力。
As Mr. Putin again gave voice to now well-known propaganda clichés when referring to the 2008 war between Georgia and Russia, there is
no need not to remind
[...] him of the fact that, as recently as during a meeting with Russian servicemen held in Vladikavkaz on 21 November 2011, the Russian President, Dimitri Medvedev, unequivocally [...]
that the real goal of Russia’s military aggression in 2008 was to hamper Georgia’s efforts to integrate with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
如果您的话里没有 那些协议,音乐将不能通过蓝牙链路传输。
Without those profiles in your phone the music will not transmit via the Bluetooth link.
根据第 186 EX/28 号决定,总干事特此提交关于教科文组织总部外网络
[...] 改革第一阶段实施规划的报告--包括一份路线图,其中有一 套 有 时限 的 里程 标 --及其对下一个双年度的预算影响,并酌情反映了与会员国的磋商情况。
Pursuant to 186 EX/Decision 28, the Director-General presents herein a report on the planning of phase one of the implementation of UNESCO’s field
network reform – including a road map
[...] with a timebound set of milestones – and its budgetary [...]
impact over the next biennium,
reflecting, as appropriate, the consultations with the Member States.
我的 Jabra 车载免提话里有噼啪声。
I hear crackling
[...] noises in my Jabra in-car speakerphone.
我们支持秘书长在其报告(S/2010/401)中呼吁 欧洲联盟与联合国携手努力,在促进贝尔格莱德与里什蒂纳对话方面与本组织协调,从而和平解决未决 问题。
We support the Secretary-General’s call in his report (S/2010/401) on the European Union to join efforts with the United Nations and to
coordinate with the Organization
[...] in facilitating dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina aimed [...]
at peacefully resolving the outstanding issues.
她目 前与其子女同住在套出租公寓里 , L.F.必须支付抚养 费。
Her flat had been sold and the sum received divided between herself and L. F. She currently lived in a rented flat with her children and L. F. was obliged to pay maintenance.
采取严谨尊重照顾你,我们成功捕获后,当我们进入酒 套 房 马 德 里 和 告 别一个难忘的微笑感觉带有一个诺言的回报却非常小悲伤。
Take care of you with Conscientiousness respect, we feel with success
when we capture a unforgettable smile
[...] upon entering Inn Suites Madrid and the farewell [...]
comes with a little sadness of a promise return.
家庭套房有可以相互连接,对那些期待豪华体验的客人来说,在我们的旗舰幻想曲系列:MSC Preziosa珍爱号、MSC Divina神曲号、MSC Splendida辉煌号、MSC Fantasia幻想曲号,客人可以选择MSC YACHT CLUB贵套房,这里面有我们引以为豪的舱房,私密的住宿环境(顶级航行休闲室)、私人泳池和24小时私人管家。
Family suites have interconnecting rooms and those looking for true luxury will find it in the MSC Yacht Club (MSC Fantasia and MSC Splendida only), which boasts opulent cabins, private quarters (Top Sail Lounge), private pool and 24-hour personal concierge.
专为满足旅行表演者的需要而设计的舒尔 PGX2 拥有行业标准的手持式人话筒全套 产 品
Designed to meet the needs of traveling performers, Shure PGX2 features a full selection of industry-standard handheld vocal microphones.
(d) 投资开发“一号通”的电话系统,使员工能够将来电转到多个电话号 码上,而来电人看不见这些号码,即员工可以将工作来电转到 里 或 移动 电话 上,使客户更容易与其联络,但又不会将自己私人电话号码公诸于众。
(d) Investing in a “Single Number Reach” telephone system would allow staff to redirect their incoming calls to multiple phone numbers, which would be invisible to the caller, i.e. staff could divert their work calls to their home or mobile numbers making it easier for customers to contact them without publicizing their private numbers.
目前只有 hybris 提供专门针对电信企业设计的商务平台,帮助促进其 话 、 话 费 套 餐 和 云服务的线上和线下销售率。
Only hybris delivers a commerce platform specifically designed to help telcos sell more phones, plans and cloud services both on the web and in the store.
值得一提的是在 2006 年一份来自欧盟外部的评估欧盟与中国合作计划的报告,它
[...] 批评双方在扶贫和气候变化上的考量上缺乏系统化的整合,项目无法反馈到政策话 里(欧洲委员会, 2007b :附录 3.10)。
It is noteworthy that in 2006 an external evaluation of the EU’s co-operation programme with China was critical of a lack of systematic integration of considerations on poverty reduction and
climate change, and a lack of feedback from the
[...] projects into policy dialogues (European Commission, [...]
2007b:Annex 3.10).
话筒可以出现的录音场合,如ENG和EFP等,EMK4071 ENG/EFP话筒套件包 含一个4 071 微型话筒和各种需要的附件,包括别针、领 [...]
When the microphone may be visible, such as
in ENG and EFP applications, the EMK4071
[...] ENG/EFP Microphone Kit comes supplied with [...]
a variety of pins, clips and holders,
a mix of multi-colored windscreens, and both a windjammer and miniature mesh filter.
领土政府委托进行的一项独立研 究显示,新喀里多尼亚适用的法律状况,特别是民法状况,是来自多种渠道不同 类型规范共同存在的结果,这些规范包括宗主国法律,新喀里多尼亚根据基本法
[...] 所定条件制订的所谓新喀里多尼亚法律,以及由习惯法构成的另外一 套 在 新喀 里多尼亚适用的规则。
According to an independent study commissioned by the territorial Government, the law applicable in New Caledonia, including civil law, is a combination of discrete norms from multiple sources: metropolitan law, and the law of New Caledonia, which is the
law enacted by New Caledonia pursuant to the Organic Law, as well as
[...] customary law as reflected in a set of local norms.
由於資訊科技發展一日里,這兩套 系 統已追不上最新的科 技,未能切合用戶日益提高的要求和與日俱增的需要。
With the rapid development in IT, the systems are now lagging behind the latest technology to meet increasing users’ expectations and needs.
语法解释为,如果单元格F11的值大于60,则执行第二个参数,在 里 为 嵌 套 函 数 ,继续判断单元格F11的值是否大于90(为了让大家体会一下AND函数的应用,写成AND(F11>90),实际上可以仅写F11>90),如果满足在单元格F12中显示优秀字样,不满足显示合格字样,如果F11的值以上条件都不满足,则执行第三个参数即在单元格F12中显示不合格字样。
Syntax as if the value of cell F11
is greater than 60, while the second
[...] parameter, where for the nested function, continue [...]
to determine the value of cell F11
is greater than 90 (in order to let everyone understand what the application AND function, written AND (F11> 90), can actually write only F11> 90), if in cell F12 to display the word excellent, does not meet display the word qualified, if the value of F11 did not meet the above requirements, then the implementation of the third parameters in cell F12 to display the word failure.
一个委员国认为,“这些会议产生的好处始终有限,而且代表团的发言冗长,带着开 场白加套话,浪 费时间,使得辩论达不到预期的分析深度”。
One Member State is of the view that the “benefit derived from these meetings remains modest, and that the prolixity of speakers from the delegations, with their prefatory remarks and expressions of protocol, tends to waste time, and prevent the debate from achieving the desired degree of in-depth analysis”.
当影视的制作中不允许话筒出现成为首要因素时,FMK4071电 话 筒 套 装 配 有一个4 071 话筒和微型隐蔽话筒座,领带安装座,多种 [...]
When it is imperative that the microphone be
invisible for film orTV production, the FMK4071
[...] Film Microphone Kit pairs the 4071 with [...]
a miniature concealer, tie pods, various
pre-cut tape pieces, as well as a windjammer and miniature mesh filter to avoid pops and wind noise.
TE 2000是为了 在仿真环境中优化CK3的性能而设计的并经 过了严格的测试,它可以通过终端仿真将CK3 连接到主机应用,而且可以支持多主机 话、 安全、话保持和一套数据 采集选项。
Designed and tested to optimize CK3 performance in emulation environments, TE 2000 connects the CK3 to host applications using terminal emulation and
features support for multiple
[...] host sessions, security, session persistence and a complete set of data collection options.
蓝牙技术经过历代更迭,替代红外线成为连 接设备的升级技术,并且在语音通讯、连接 数以亿计的话至个人免套件以 及免提汽 车套件应用领域占据支配地位。
Bluetooth, in all its iterations, offered an upgrade to infrared as a way to connect devices and has been used predominantly for voice communications, connecting hundreds of millions of phones to personal hands-free kits and to hands-free car kits.
2. 如果您的余额不足以完成超过一次续费,利用 SOS
[...] Ricarica 可以使您的 TIM 卡拥有一定话费,但相套餐服 务不会立即激活(比如,若您有激活的 [...]
TIM X TUTTI,并用尽一周的话费额度,则呼叫 TIM 朋友会根据标准呼叫方案费率计费)。
If on the other hand you have not enough credit for more than one renewal, SOS
Ricarica will enable you to have credit
[...] on your TIMCARD but the options will not be immediately [...]
active (e.g. if you have TIM X
TUTTI activated and have run out of credit for over a week, the calls towards TIM friends will be priced at your standard calling plan rates).
[...] 阶段实施规划的报告,包括一份路线图,其中有 一套有时限的里程标 、预算影响、与会员国的 磋商情况以及一份问责框架。
The Director-General presents a report on the planning of phase one of the implementation of UNESCO’s field
network reform, including a roadmap
[...] with a time-bound set of milestones, the budgetary [...]
impact, the consultations with the
Member States and a framework of accountability.
这个新的LG Xenon 电话定位于年轻一代的社会网络,将包括一个电视,印刷和网络电视连续剧明星,比如英雄里的Hayden Panettiere,在MTV“话”里的Justin Timberlake。
The new LG Xenon phone, targeting social-networking Generation Y’ers, will be comprised of a TV, print, and online campaign featuring TV series stars such as Hayden Panettiere from “Heroes’ as well as a segment in Justin Timberlake’s MTV series “The Phone”.
經考慮香 港的運作需求(
[...] 包括模式分辨率、更新頻率和預測範圍的面積等方面) , 顧問建議天文台購置具備 3 至 5 TeraFLOPS 最高運算性能的計算系 統,以取代現有系統,並將新系統設定為可支援套 2 至 20 公里水平 分辨率的高解像數值天氣預報模式。
Taking into account the operational requirements applicable to Hong Kong in terms of model resolution, updating frequency and dimensions of forecast domain, the consultant recommended replacing the existing system by an enhanced system with a peak performance
of 3-5 TeraFLOPs,
[...] configured to run a suite of high resolution NWP models with horizontal resolutions ranging from 2 km to 20 km.




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