

单词 话语

话语 ()



(话语)流利 v

flow v

(话语)严厉的 adj

stern adj

See also:


words n
language n
talk n
conversation n
speech n
dialect n

what sb said
spoken words

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织与开发计划署、妇发基金和联合国志愿人员一道,进行了话语权和 问责制”联合项目的筹备工作,但目前还需要就供资问题做出决定。
With UNDP, UNIFEM and UNV, UNESCO participated in the preparation of a joint project on “Voice and Accountability” which is still pending a funding decision.
关于他的身体另一方话语的塞 维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
主席说,“公布”一词的意思包括了书面或口 头传递出话语。
said that the word “publication” was understood to mean the emission of words either in writing or orally.
我们认可国际金融机构已 经开展的治理改革,其中包括最近关于配额审查的协议,以及基金组织中 话语 权改革和世界银行中的相关步骤,并鼓励朝着这一方向进一步改革。
We recognize the governance reforms that the international financial institutions have already undertaken, including the recent agreement regarding the quota review and voice reforms at IMF and related steps in the World Bank, and encourage further reforms in that direction.
高级管理人员将其承诺体现在日常地将风险管理进程纳入各自主管的领域 并在日常话语和行 动中促进风险管理,这一点至关重要。
The commitment of senior managers demonstrated by regularly involving risk management processes in their
respective areas of responsibility and promoting risk management in
[...] their daily use of language and actions is essential.
通过进一步了解教科文组织 “广播媒体与气候变化:公共服务职责”大会(巴黎, 2009 年 9 月)通过的《巴黎广播媒体与气候变化宣言》,教科文组织继续支持媒体在全世界 提高公众对气候变化的认识方面的努力,主要方式是与非洲国际新闻社(IPS)建立伙伴关 系,旨在突出非洲在联合国气候变化大会上 话语 权 及 其报告。
Following up on the Paris Declaration on Broadcast Media & Climate Change adopted at the UNESCO Conference on “Broadcast Media and Climate Change: A Public Service Remit” (Paris, September 2009), UNESCO has continued to support media’s efforts to enhance public awareness of climate change around the world, including through a partnership with Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa that aims at highlighting Africa’s voice at and reporting from the United Nations Climate Change Conferences.
如果我们要顺服神的诫命,我们就需要知道神 话语 , 因此,我们计划的另一部分将是做更好的门徒,让大 家一起来铭记圣经经节。
If we are going to obey God’s commands we need to know what His word says, so another part of our strategy will be to be better disciples will be to memorise Bible verses together.
这种看法并非以证据为基础,而是建立在少数严重案件的媒体 报道之上,影响了政话语,并 且常常导致削弱儿童权利的关于处理未成年罪犯 [...]
Such a perception, not grounded upon evidence but based on media
reports of a few serious cases, influences
[...] the political discourse and too often [...]
leads to the adoption of legislation on the
treatment of young offenders that weakens children‟s rights.
这是一种宽泛话语,从 形而上的跌倒到爱的奴隶,从历史灾难到巴斯特·基顿的悲剧普遍性。
It is an expansive discourse that ranges from the metaphysics of The Fall to the thrall of love, through history’s disasters to its Buster Keaton everyday tragicomic ubiquity.
世界金融和经济危机及其对发展影响问题联合 国会议表明,我的兄弟米格尔·德斯科托·布罗克曼 神父所称的 192 国集团在世界经济事务中也拥话语 权。
The United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development demonstrated that the Group of 192, as it has been called by my brother, Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, has a voice in world economic matters.
途中犀牛被释放后,博尔特终于意识到他只是一个普通的狗,但恢复他的信心后,犀牛(无视这个启示)给了他一个鼓励 话语。
After being freed en route by Rhino, Bolt finally realizes that he is just a normal dog, but regains his confidence after Rhino (oblivious to this revelation) gives him a pep talk.
在第三个世纪头几十年,罗马公正地击退反对异端邪说,只有那些确定一个模式的区别(Monarchians,Sabellians,“Patripassians”),和那些谁,相反,使基督的圣三一三人是个人,或似乎归于神的一个独特的从父,作 话语。
In the first decades of the third century, Rome impartially repelled opposing heresies, those which identified the three Persons of the Holy Trinity with only a modal distinction (Monarchians, Sabellians, "Patripassians"), and those who, on the contrary, made Christ a mere man, or seemed to ascribe to the Word of God a distinct being from that of the Father.
有一个令人担忧的风险是,政话语 正 在 为 更为极端的声音所主导,重心正偏离和平和民主的道路。
There is a growing and worrying risk of
[...] the political discourse being dominated [...]
by extreme voices and the focus shifting
away from the peaceful and democratic path.
言论自由载于《宪法》第 30 条第 1 款:“思想、观点或信仰言论自由, 以及在公共场所通话语、书 写、图片、声音或其他沟通方式创造表达的自由不 可侵犯。
Freedom of expression is regulated by Article 30, paragraph 1 of the Constitution: “Freedom of expression of thoughts, opinions, or beliefs, and freedom of any creation, by words, in writing, in pictures, by sounds or other means of communication in public are inviolable”.
自2002年起CNNIC便有人员持续在APNIC的执行委员会任 职,这一职位有利于我们发挥最大 话语 权 , 并直接对国际互 联网社区施加影响,在该组织的若干工作组中也有CNNIC的员 工在其中任职,有利于第一时间将我们的意见和建议提交该工 作组,这直接提高了我们在政策制定中 话语 权。
CNNIC personnel have been holding office in the Executive Council of APNIC since 2002, and this position is
favorable for us to
[...] achieve stronger discourse right, and directly exert influence on the Internet community, and CNNIC also has employees holding posts in some workgroups, and this may help us to submit our opinions and suggestions to these workgroups at first time, and this directly strengthened our discourse right in policy making.
我们希望苏世民学者项目的参与者通过此次重要经历获得的知识、关系和见解,有朝一日能够塑造国 话语 和 互 动的未来。
Our hope is that, based on the knowledge, relationships and perspectives gained through
this pivotal experience, Schwarzman Scholars will one day help shape the future of
[...] international discourse and interaction.
除了各拍卖公司使出浑身解数开拓市场、赢得市 话语 权 及 努力推动中国 艺术品拍卖行业的发展,中国拍卖行业协会自2011年9月份启动了“第一届中 国文物艺术品拍卖标准化达标企业评定”,立足拍卖业首个行业标准《文物 艺 术 品 拍 卖 规 程 》( SB/T 10538-2009)的宣贯实施,根据116项严格的评选标 准,对拍卖行业的经营管理、库房设施等现场调查和全面分析,最终在74家参 评的文物艺术品拍卖企业中,评选出44家达标企业。
In addition to auction houses pulling out all the stops to expand the market, win market authority and promote the development of China’s art auction market, in September 2011, the China Auctioneers Association published its first “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works market standardisation assessment” based on the publicised implementation of the auction market norm “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works” (SB / T 10538-2009).
如果您的手没空话,语音控 制功能允许您用语音轻松控制耳麦。
But if your hands are busy, it’s as easy as using your voice to control the headset thanks to the Voice Control feature.
联合国话语 平台 ,如联合国发展援助框架和联合国发展集团,可同各国政府和其他发展 伙伴进一步密切联系,以加强和加速援助的分配工作。
United Nations platforms for discourse, such as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and the United Nations Development Group, may liaise more intensively with governments and other development partners for the enhanced and speedy allocation of aid.
[...] APNIC通过,实现我国在IP地址分配政策提案上零的突破,体 现了中国在互联网方面话语权逐 步增强。
Meanwhile, the two IP address allocation policy proposals of CNNIC were also adopted by APNIC, marking a
breakthrough in proposal of IP address allocation policy and embodying the growth
[...] of China’s discourse right on Internet.
[...] award winning conversational voice search [...]
technology that simply works better, even in noisy situations.
最后,电子公报季刊“话语到行 动”第 五期已出版,讨论了各会员国和联合国各机构为消 除侵害妇女的暴力行为所采取的各项措施。
Lastly, the fifth issue of the Division’s quarterly electronic newsletter, “Words to Action”, featuring measures that Member States and United Nations bodies had taken to address violence against women, had been published.
马蒂纳德的工作是要寻求一种新型的数据 话语 , 以 尝试了解构造利马进化的信息动态,这将使我们有机会一睹新社会的形成。
Martinat’s work seeks for a new type
[...] of database discourse that tries to [...]
understand the informational dynamics that construct
the evolution of Lima, which will offer the opportunity to give a glimpse of the new social formations.
妇女署支持开展了与加强妇女在适应和减缓气候变化方面 话语 权 和 影响 力有关的活动,包括支持妇女对性别问题有敏感认识的气候变化筹资宣传平台, 主张提高妇女团体在涉及 14 个非洲国家的有偿生态服务中的地位。
Activities included supporting women’s advocacy platforms for gender-sensitive climate change financing and advocating for better positioning of women’s groups in paid ecological services involving 14 African countries.
[...] 先生和苏世民学者项目的杰出顾问委员会一起,创建学术和国 话语 的 新 中心。
Said David Daokui Li, Dean of Schwarzman Scholars, “Constructive cooperation should be a key cornerstone of Sino-U.S. relations for the future, and I am very excited to join President Chen, Mr. Schwarzman and
the illustrious Advisory Board of Schwarzman Scholars to build a new center for
[...] scholarship and international discourse.
人若在圣经的光中公平地来看我们对三一神的信仰,就会发现我们所信的既不是形态 论,也不是三神论,我们所信的乃是根据神纯正 话语 对 三 一神的启示。
When our belief concerning the Triune God is considered fairly in the light of Scripture, it
will be found that we believe neither in
[...] modalism nor in tritheism, but in the [...]
revelation of the Triune God according to the pure Word of God.
[...] 对话的呼吁,以及由约旦国王阿卜杜拉·本·侯赛因发出的“共 话语 ” 倡 议, 两者都受到世界各地热烈欢迎。
Such initiatives have included the call from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah
Bin Abdulaziz, for interfaith dialogue, and
[...] the “A Common Word” initiative introduced [...]
by His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Al
Hussein of Jordan, both of which were warmly received throughout the world.
我们重申, 按照布雷顿森林机构各自的任务规定,增强发展中国家在这些机构中 话语 权和 参与程度,对提高这些机构的合法性和成效至关重要。
We reaffirm that the enhancement of voice and participation of developing countries in the Bretton Woods institutions, in accordance with their respective mandates, is central to strengthening the legitimacy and effectiveness of these institutions.
妇女署将考虑具体国家情况和能力,重点执行五个专题原则:(a) 增加妇女话语权, 加强妇女的领导角色,增加妇女的参与;(b) [...]
消除侵害妇女的暴力行 为;(c) 加强执行妇女、和平与安全议程;(d) 赋予妇女更多经济权能;及(e) 使 性别平等成为国家、地方和部门规划及预算编制的核心优先事项。
UN-Women would focus on five thematic
[...] principles, taking into consideration [...]
specific country contexts and capacities: (a)
expanding women’s voice, leadership and participation; (b) ending violence against women; (c) strengthening implementation of the women and peace and security agenda; (d) enhancing women’s economic empowerment; and (e) making gender equality priorities central to national, local and sectoral planning and budgeting.




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