单词 | 话到嘴边 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 话到嘴边 —be on the verge of saying what is on one's mindExamples:话到嘴边留三分—A still tongue makes a wise head. [idiom.]
Florence 起 立走到 Akiko 那边,把蜡笔从她嘴里拿出来。 ipaworld.org | Florence gets up [...] and walks to Akiko’s side and takes the crayon out of her mouth. ipaworld.org |
聽他的時間的一個品牌,在未來的歲月30和40放緩時的懷錶,I WC 七 嘴 八 舌 到 違 反 的手鐲,使用一段豐富的技術創新。 zh.horloger-paris.com | A brand that listens to his time in the years 30 and 40, when the pocket watch is slowing, IWC rushes into the breach of the bracelet and uses a period rich in technical innovations. en.horloger-paris.com |
拧紧到流体喷嘴在喷枪枪筒中就位 (用手拧紧后再 拧 1/8 至 1/4 圈)。 graco.com | Tighten until the fluid nozzle seats in the [...] gun barrel (1/8 to 1/4 turn past hand-tight). graco.com |
将流体喷嘴拧紧,直到其装入枪管。 graco.com | Tighten until the fluid nozzle seats in the gun barrel. graco.com |
因此,宣传的侧重点是让更多的人看 到 、 认 识到 WIPO 所发挥的作用,即鼓励创新 和创造、促进关于知识产权的多边对 话 , 以及作为首要和可靠的专业机构,提供国际知识产 权专门知识、信息和服务。 wipo.int | Communication efforts will hence focus on achieving greater visibility and wider [...] recognition of WIPO’s role [...] in encouraging innovation and creativity; in facilitating multilateral dialogue on IP issues; and, as the primary, trusted provider of international [...]IP expertise, information and services. wipo.int |
大会第六十六届会议吁请各国切实促进和保护所有移徙者特别是妇女和儿 童的人权和基本自由,不论其移民身份为何,并通过国际、区域或 双 边 合 作 与对 话,以综合、平衡的方式处理国际移徙问题,同时认 识 到 原 籍 国、过境国和目的 地国应发挥作用并承担责任,促进和保护所有移徙者的人权,避免采取可能使移 [...] 徙者更易受伤害的做法;请移徙者人权问题特别报告员向大会第六十七届会议提 交报告(第 66/172 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly called upon States to promote and protect effectively the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, especially those of women and children, and to address international [...] [...] migration through international, regional or bilateral cooperation and dialogue and through a comprehensive and balanced approach, [...]recognizing the roles and responsibilities of countries of origin, transit and destination in promoting and protecting the human rights of all migrants, and avoiding approaches that might aggravate their vulnerability; [...]invited the Chair of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families to address the Assembly at its sixty–seventh session; and invited the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to submit his report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 66/172). daccess-ods.un.org |
强调移徙现象具有全球性质,必须在这方面酌情开展国际、区域和 双 边 合作 与对话,必 须保护移徙者的人权,特别是考 虑 到 移 徙 流动在全球化经济中日增, 出现于一个新的安全关切背景下 daccess-ods.un.org | Emphasizing the global character of the migratory phenomenon, the [...] [...] importance of international, regional and bilateral cooperation and dialogue in this regard, as appropriate, and [...]the need to protect the human rights of migrants, particularly at a time in which migration flows have increased [...]in the globalized economy and take place in a context of new security concerns daccess-ods.un.org |
在Number一栏中输入H4(或单击其右边 “ 折 叠按钮” 对 话 框 消 失,单击H4后按“回车键”,此栏中即为刚才选定的单元格H4),Ref一栏中输入“总分”,单击“确定”按钮退出就可以 得 到 第 一 个学生的成绩排名,然后选取单元格J3,通过“复制句柄”复制,得出全班成绩的排名。 oapdf.com | Number column in the importation of [...] H4 (or click the [...] right "button folding" dialog box disappears, click H4 and press "Enter", this column is just the selected cell H4), Ref column Enter the "Total", click "OK" button can be out of the scores of pupils in the first place, and then [...]select the cell J3, [...]through the "copying handle" to copy, come to class results in the rankings. oapdf.com |
我们呼吁各国有效增进和保护所有移徙者的人权和基本自由,尤其是妇女 和儿童的人权和基本自由,而无论其移徙身份为何,并认 识 到 原 籍 国、过境国和 目的地国在增进和保护所有移徙者的人权和避免采取可能加剧他们的脆弱性的 做法方面的作用和责任,通过国际、区域或 双 边 合 作与 对 话 以 及全面及平衡的办 法处理国际移徙问题。 sistemaambiente.net | We call upon States to promote and protect effectively the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants regardless of migration status, especially those of women and children, and to address international migration through international, regional or bilateral cooperation and dialogue and a comprehensive and balanced approach, recognizing the roles and responsibilities of countries of origin, transit and destination in promoting and protecting the human rights of all migrants, and avoiding approaches that might aggravate their vulnerability. sistemaambiente.net |
取下保护带后,避免除碰到打印头喷 嘴。 graphics.kodak.com | After removing the protective tape, [...] avoid touching the print head nozzle. graphics.kodak.com |
古人有句话说:‘嘴唇没 有了,牙齿就会 感 到 寒 冷。 chinesestoryonline.com | Yu and Guo are as closely interdependent as lips and teeth. chinesestoryonline.com |
为了最佳履行其任务授权,应提高 其知名度,广泛加强对 [...] WIPO 在促进创新和创造力方面所发挥作用的认识;提高对 WIPO 在促进 知识产权事宜多边对话方面 所发挥作用的认识;以及,最重要的是要认 识到 WIPO 是国际知识产权 专业技能、信息和服务的值得信任的供应商。 wipo.int | To optimize delivery of its mandate, there is a need for greater visibility, coupled with wider recognition of WIPO’s [...] role in encouraging [...] innovation and creativity; in facilitating multilateral dialogue on IP issues; and, as the primary, trusted [...]provider of international [...]IP expertise, information and services. wipo.int |
它询问不 丹是否有任何时间表以返回双边对话 并 寻 找解决这一人道主义问题的持久办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | It asked if Bhutan has any time [...] frame to return to bilateral dialogue to work for lasting [...]and durable solutions of this humanitarian problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
2006 年 5 月 17 日,根据秘书长第三个半年期报告 (S/2006/248),安全理事会通过了第 1680(2006)号决议,再次吁请充分执行第 1559(2004)号决议各项规定,大力鼓励阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府对黎巴嫩政府按 照黎巴嫩全国对话达成的协议所提出的请求做出积极反应,划定两国之间的共同 [...] 边界,特别是在边界不明确或有争议的地区加以划定,并建立正式的外交关系和 派驻代表,指出这些措施在维护黎巴嫩的主权、领土完整和政治独立以及改善两 [...] 国关系方面,将是向前迈出的重大一步,从而为该区域的稳定作出积极贡献,并 敦促双方进一步进行双边对话,为此目的作出努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 17 May 2006, in response to the third semi-annual report of the Secretary-General (S/2006/248), the Security Council adopted resolution 1680 (2006), in which it reiterated its call for the full implementation of the provisions of resolution 1559 (2004), strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request made by the Government of Lebanon, in line with the agreements of the Lebanese national dialogue, to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border was uncertain or disputed, and to establish full diplomatic relations and representation, noting that such measures would constitute a significant step towards asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and improving the relations between the two countries, thus contributing [...] positively to stability in the region, and urged both parties to make efforts [...] through further bilateral dialogue to that end. daccess-ods.un.org |
为切实实现这些目标,所有区域委员会都将自 [...] 行、以及通过与其他各相关组织开展协作继续开展 多 边 对 话 、 分享知 识和建立网络,并将携手推动在各自区域内部以及各区域之间开展合 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to achieve those objectives, all [...] the regional commissions will [...] continue to generate multilateral dialogue, knowledge sharing [...]and networking and will work [...]together to promote intraregional and interregional cooperation, both among themselves and through collaboration with other relevant organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
IP到IP网关(如会话边界控 制器、H.248边界网关、安全网关和防火墙)在启用和保护新生成的多媒体服务时发挥着重要作用,推动VoIP和固定移动(IMS)融合网络的部署。 exfo.com | IP-to-IP gateways such as session border controllers, [...] H.248 border gateways, security gateways and firewalls, play a critical [...]role in enabling and protecting the new generation of multimedia services, which are driving the deployment of VoIP and fixed mobile converged (IMS) networks. exfo.com |
经总统同意,突尼斯青年人 开始进行广泛的多边对话,各 个知识领域的青年人都 参与进来,最终通过了一项国家青年宪章。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the blessing of the President, the youth of Tunisia had engaged [...] in an expanded multilateral dialogue involving young [...]people from all walks of life that [...]had led to the adoption of a national youth charter. daccess-ods.un.org |
叶鞘具柔毛的沿边缘和在嘴,或无毛; 十分的叶片,狭线形或内卷, 2-9 * 0.1-0.2 厘米,无毛,先端锐尖; 大约0.5毫米开花的叶舌 3-7 * 约1.5厘米; 轴具柔毛; 花梗1.5个-3毫米小穗狭长圆形到椭圆 形长方形, 4-8 * 1.5-2.5 毫米,小花4-8,imbri美食,向小穗先端长的减少的稍; 颖片线状长圆形,龙骨状; 更低的颖片1-1.5毫米,截形; 上面颖片2-2.5毫米,钝; 外稃披针形具直龙骨状,低约毫米,稍被微柔毛,对具细尖锐尖的先端突然; 内稃龙骨飞行,翅膀边缘具短缘毛,先端钝。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets narrowly oblong to elliptic-oblong, 4–8 × 1.5–2.5 mm, florets 4–8, imbri-cate, slightly decreasing in length toward spikelet apex; glumes linear-oblong, keel scabrid; lower glume 1–1.5 mm, truncate; upper glume 2–2.5 mm, obtuse; lemmas lanceolate [...] with straight keel, lowest [...]ca. 2.5 mm, minutely puberulous, apex abruptly acute to apiculate; palea keels winged, wing margins ciliolate, apex obtuse. flora.ac.cn |
这种注意事项一直要坚持到孩子学会 往 嘴 里 送 东西的识别 能力后方可休止。 stranieriincampania.it | This will not be necessary when the baby is older and [...] puts everything into his mouth as a way of learning. stranieriincampania.it |
达到检出喷嘴全闭时压力的位置,根据油缸结构的不同存在容许差。 kosmek.co.jp | There is certain tolerance with [...] regard to the position where the pressure for fully closing the detection nozzle is reached as per the clamp structure. kosmek.co.jp |
后边这句话适用于美国这样的国家,而不适用于小国 或不是以工业为主的国家,在那些国家,有不同侧重点的辩解可能会导致另外一种结论 的产生。 iprcommission.org | This last statement refers to a country such as the U.S. – not to a small country and not a predominantly non-industrial country, where a different weight of argument might well suggest another conclusion. iprcommission.org |
在嘴和边无毛,具缘毛的叶鞘; 叶片黄绿色,线形或线状披针形, 40-90 * 3-5 [...] 厘米,无毛,中脉粗壮,边缘具短缘毛; 叶舌0.5-1毫米,被微柔毛。 flora.ac.cn | Leaf sheaths [...] glabrous, ciliate at mouth and margins; leaf [...]blades yellowish green, linear or linear-lanceolate, 40–90 × 3–5 [...]cm, glabrous, midvein robust, margins ciliolate; ligule 0.5–1 mm, puberulous. flora.ac.cn |
教科文组织将积极参加联合国全面应对冲突后局势的工作, 牢记自己在各主管领域的优势特长,在尽早评估需求、政策改革、提高主要机构的能力方面 向有关国家提供帮助,支持专业团体和网络、社区间开展对话,提升共同的价值观、公民意 识和促进综合性对话,提高妇女、边 缘 化群体及弱势群体和社区的能力以及消除冲突后的创 伤。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO will participate actively in the United Nations integrated responses to postconflict situations, bringing to bear its expertise in all its areas of competence, assisting countries in early needs assessments, policy reform, capacity-building of key institutions, support to [...] professional communities and [...] networks, dialogue among communities, promotion of shared values, citizenship and inclusive dialogue, empowerment of women, marginalized and vulnerable [...]groups and communities, [...]and alleviation of post-conflict trauma. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这样 的关键领域应包括:促进与主要有关方面在教育问题上的政策 对 话 , 特 别是增 加 边 缘 和 弱势 群体的教育机会;通过增进捐助者和有关方面的协调来发展更加牢固的伙伴关系;收集和分 析教育数据;监督与教育相关的千年发展目标;促进文化多样性;与政府和国际财政机构发 展伙伴关系,以便推动制度变革,从而改进国家一级的计划制定和实施工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such key areas should include [...] promoting a policy dialogue on education issues with key stakeholders, particularly on increasing access to education for marginalized and disadvantaged [...]populations; developing [...]stronger partnerships by increasing donor and stakeholder coordination efforts; collecting and analysing education data; monitoring education-related MDGs; promoting cultural diversity; and partnering with governments and international financial institutions in order to facilitate institutional transformations that lead to a better design and implementation of programmes at the country level. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(g) 为儿童建立一个3至4 位数字的、免费的、24 小时开通的全国帮助热 线电话,为最边远地 区的儿童设立一个外联部分;同时确保为热线电话的有效运 作提供足够的人力和财力资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Establish a 3-4 digit, toll-free, 24-hour national helpline for children, with an outreach component for the most remote areas of the State party, and ensure that it is provided with adequate financial and human resources for its effective functioning. daccess-ods.un.org |
PT的SEGWAY™信令解决方案,提供低成本,高密度的信令,先进的路由,IP迁移,网关功能,SIP桥,和核 心 到边 缘 的 分布式智能设备,如 电 话 号 码 可携带和垃圾短信防御。 moderntech.com.hk | PT’s SEGway™ Signalling Solutions provide low cost, high density signalling, advanced routing, IP [...] migration, gateway [...] capabilities, SIP bridge, and core-to-edge distributed intelligence, as well [...]as features such as Number [...]Portability and SMS Spam Defence. moderntech.com.hk |
值得一提的,是市民不滿新聞自由的比率,在過去3個月明顯上升,可能是 受 到 電 台 名 嘴 『 封咪事件』波及。 hkupop.hku.hk | One important point to note is that people's dissatisfaction rate of press freedom has increased significantly in the past 3 months, probably due to the spill-over effect of the departure of some outspoken radio talkshow hosts. hkupop.hku.hk |