

单词 诛求无已

See also:


have no choice

External sources (not reviewed)

随着新一代手机标榜体积小巧、容易携带以及更多领先技术功能的同时,原本的microSD记忆卡仅至2GB容 已无 法 满足影片、音乐及多媒体储存之 求。
As the new generation of mobile phones features a compact size, easy to carry, and cutting-edge functions, the
original microSD memory card up to
[...] 2GB capacity can no longer meet the demands for videos, music and multimedia [...]
贫困儿童的数量不断增加,所提供的资 已无 法 满足 需 求。
The number of vulnerable children is
[...] growing and the demand for support is [...]
outstripping supply.
已无法再满足额定最低求的方 式。
The way in which
[...] a device has ceased to meet specified minimum requirements.
会员国向毒品和犯罪问题办公室发送的 求已 经 证明,在支持建立监督毒 品情况的制度、就毒品使用和相关伤害展开全国性评估和调查以及就完成年度 报告调查表提供指导等方面的需求均有 无 减。
As evidenced by the requests sent by Member States to UNODC, there is an increasing demand for support in setting-up systems to monitor the drug situation, conduct national assessments and surveys on drug use and related harm, [...]
and guidance in
completing the annual report questionnaire.
虽然终身学习模已无新意 ,7 但是最近科学技术发展不断加快,就业市 场动荡加剧,教育迅猛发展,教育规模巨增,其性质快速变化,老师、教授、专 家等知识传统来源的独霸权威逐步受到侵蚀,新的职业及其所需技术 求 的 预 测 难度日益加大,所有这些使终身教育重新具有重要意义。
Although the lifelong learning paradigm is not new,7 recent developments in terms of the continuously quickening pace of technological and scientific development, an increasingly volatile job market, the exponential growth and changing nature of education, the gradual erosion of the monopoly of authority [...]
by traditional sources of
knowledge, such as teachers, professors, specialists and the increasingly challenging task of forecasting the emergence of new professions and associated skills needs are all reinvigorating the relevance of lifelong education.
那些应急的员 工培训总是收效甚微,而现今的组织 又面临着前所未有的激烈竞争和绩效 底线值不断抬升的压力,这使得那些 独立于其它因素之外的员工培训项目 所能带来的微薄回报已无力满足组 织的发展求。
The truth is that ad hoc training of employees rarely works, and that today’s organizations — facing unprecedented competition and bottom-line performance pressures — can ill afford the traditional returns on isolated investments of the past.
目前,太原城域网出口为16×10Gbps,需要再扩容6个10Gbps电路,而太原城域网2台Cisco12816核心路由器现有槽 已无 法 满 足扩容 求 , 因 此本次工程太原城域网需新增2台城域网核心高端路由器思科的CRS-1多机(2+2)系统,分别设置在一枢纽和二枢纽,现有2台Cisco12816核心路由器作为汇聚路由器使用,与核心路由器中继带宽分别为4×10Gbps。
Therefore, the project for Taiyuan MAN needs to add 2 MAN core high-end router Cisco CRS-1 multi-computer (2+2) system, respectively set on hinge 1 and hinge 2, and now there are two Cisco12816 core routers for convergence routers for use, with core router relay bandwidth respectively of 4×10Gbps.
显然,各方依然远远无法就开始谈判 求 的 条 件达成一致意见,以商量停火 和为解决目前危机的原因进行必要的政治改革,但利比亚政 已无 条 件地接受非 洲联盟的路线图,而且过渡全国委员会承诺深入研究我们的提案并提出反馈意 见,令我们这些非洲联盟的人感到鼓舞,决心继续努力。
Clearly, while the parties remain far apart from agreeing on the conditions required for the commencement of negotiations on a ceasefire and political reforms necessary to address the causes of
the current crisis,
[...] we at the African Union feel encouraged to pursue our efforts in view of the unconditional acceptance of the African Union road map by the Libyan Government, and the [...]
commitment made by the
Transitional National Council to study our proposals in depth and provide a feedback.
20.5 正常情况下应采取举手表决的方式,除非一个缔约国 求无 记 名投票,并有另外两 个缔约国附议。
20.5 Voting shall normally be by show of hands unless a
[...] secret ballot is requested by one State Party [...]
and seconded by two others.
犹太圣经旧约的翻译作了不时犹太人时间,为了满足 求 , 无 论 是在公共服务和私人生活中,对那 已 经 逐渐失去了舌头知识的古老民族。
Jewish translations of the Old
[...] Testament were made from time to time by Jews, in order to satisfy the needs, both in public service and in private life, of those that had gradually [...]
lost the knowledge of the ancient national tongue.
罗马尼亚声明,根据《海洋法公约》第 74 和 83 条关于公正的求,无经 济 活动的无人居住岛屿绝不能影响属于沿海国大陆海岸的海域的划界”。
Romania states that according to the requirements of equity as it results from Articles
74 and 83 of the Convention on the Law
[...] of the Sea, the uninhabited islands without [...]
economic life can in no way affect the
delimitation of the maritime spaces belonging to the mainland coasts of the coastal States.
倘該等 公司細則中關於股東大會的所有規定作出必要修訂,亦適用於各個另行召開的股東大 會,惟所需的法定人數為不少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有 關法團的正式授權代表)持有該類 已 發 行 股份面值至少三分之一,及於續會上,不 少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)持 有該類別股份及該類別股份的任何持有人親身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股東為法 團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)均有權 求 投 票 表決。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third
in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less
[...] than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
對於一般讀政治學或懂得政治 ABC 的
[...] 人,甚至瞭解民主政制發展或任何政制發展的人來說,普選的 求已 經 是不 爭的事實。
To people who have studied politics or read the "ABC" in politics, or even people who understand the
development of democratic government or any other political
[...] system, the aspiration for universal [...]
suffrage is an indisputable fact.
[...] 小型工程的指明表格,何鍾泰議員表示,政府當 局應委員的求,已承諾 會在有關表格上加上附 註,提醒安排進行小型工程的人士應先徵求有關 [...]
建築物的業主/共同業主的同意,然後才進行有 關小型工程,以及註明業主應有的責任,包括在
In respect of the specified form(s) for notifying BA of the commencement and completion of minor
works, Ir Dr HO said that in
[...] response to members' request, the Administration had undertaken [...]
to add a remark in the specified
form(s) to remind the person who arranged for the minor works of the need to seek the building owner's/co-owners' prior consent before carrying out the minor works as well as the responsibilities of such owners, including civil liabilities under the deeds of mutual covenant.
我们注意到拉苏勒先生写给秘书长的信(见 S/2011/ 118),并高兴地注意到,他在信中提出的大多数求 已被纳入决议草案中。
We take note of the letter addressed to the Secretary-General by Mr.
Rassoul (see S/2011/118) and are pleased to
[...] note that most of his requests have been incorporated [...]
into the draft resolution.
附函中所载关于召开这样一次大会全会辩论 的求已得到 以下 49 个会员国的支持:阿尔巴尼亚、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利 时、保加利亚、智利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、 爱沙尼亚、芬兰、德国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、列 [...]
尼日利亚、挪威、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、 罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、泰 国、土耳其、乌克兰和乌拉圭。
The request for convening such a General Assembly plenary debate as contained in the annexed letter has received the [...]
support of the following
49 Member States: Albania, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Uruguay.
我们认为,阿 富汗许多省份的局势继续恶化,极端分子的活动在扩 张,杀害和绑架阿富汗政府工作人员和平民百姓的事 件仍然有无已,秘书长的报告(S/2011/590)所提供 的数据就是有力说明。
The number of killings and abductions of Afghan Government workers and simple citizens continues to grow, as eloquently expressed in the data provided in the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/590).
此种日益增长的求已导致 亚太区域内贸易 的迅速增长,使区域经济一体化不仅越来越可行,而且也非常可取。
Such increasing demand is already leading to rapid [...]
growth in intraregional trade in Asia and the Pacific, making regional
economic integration not only increasingly viable but also highly desirable.
她表示,除了通常的休会期间活动之外,根据缔约方大会第十八届会议 的第 XVIII/9 决定,秘书处及时向臭氧秘书处转交了 ICF 国际公司编写的关已无用消 耗 臭氧层物质收集、回收、再循环、再生、运输和销毁问题的研究报告,供上星期举行的不 限成员名额工作组第 28 次会议审议。
She said that, in addition to the usual intersessional activities and in accordance with decision XVIII/9 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the
Parties, the
[...] Secretariat had forwarded the results of the study on collection, recovery, recycling, reclamation, transportation and destruction of unwanted ozone-depleting substances (ODS), which had been prepared [...]
by ICF International,
to the Ozone Secretariat in time for its consideration at the 28th Meeting of the OEWG, held the previous week.
假如如果食典附属机构已被取消或解散,或法典委员 已无 限 期 休会,秘书处将不 断审查这些机构所制定的无限期休会的法典委员会所提出的所有食典标准和相关文本, 并确定作任何修正,尤其是根据本委员会决定提出的那些修正,尤其是第1(a)、(b)、(c) 及(d)提到的那种修正以及如果属于编辑性修正的话(e)段的那些修正的必要性。
In the case wWhere Codex subsidiary bodies have been abolished or dissolved, or Codex committees have been adjourned sine die, the Secretariat keeps under review all Codex standards and related texts elaborated by these bodies originating from Codex Committees adjourned sine die and to determines the need for any amendments, in particular those arising from decisions of the Commission , in particular amendments of the type mentioned in para. 1(a), (b), (c), (d) and those of (e) if of an editorial nature.
对制度能力的这些求已远远 超出了发展中国家大多知 识产权管理机构的能力所及(有几个国家例外)。
Such institutional capacity requirements are very much [...]
beyond the reach of most IPR administration agencies in the developing
world (with a few exceptions).
2010 年美国《核态势评估报告》概述了美国行政当局减少核危险和 求无核 武器世界目标的做法。
The 2010 United States Nuclear Posture Review outlined the United States Administration’s approach to reducing nuclear dangers and pursuing the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.
大会第 64/261 号决议认可咨询委员会的结论和建议(见 A/64/7/Add.20),并 决定卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭审案法官与常 任法官之间的养恤金权利差别一事,应作为大会第六十五届会议主要会期的优 先事项加以解决;在这方面所作的所有决定应适用于所 已无 间 断 地服务三年 或三年以上的审案法官。
In its resolution 64/261, the General Assembly endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Advisory Committee (see A/64/7/Add.20) and decided that the matter of the difference in pension rights between ad litem judges and permanent judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia should be resolved as a priority of the General Assembly at the main part of its sixty-fifth session, and that all decisions to be taken in that respect should apply to all ad litem judges who had served for an uninterrupted period of service of three years or more.
成立实况调查团调查伊拉克和阿富汗包括美国在内的冲突各方违反国际人 道主义法行为的求无人理睬。
Calls for fact-finding missions to investigate violations of international
humanitarian law committed by parties to the conflicts, including the United States, in Iraq and
[...] Afghanistan went also unheeded.
由于持续的和日益增加的工作量,仅靠一般临时人员来维持该小 已无法 持续下去。
Given the continuing and growing workload it is no longer sustainable to maintain the team with general temporary assistance.
资格评估 可在以下阶段进行:㈠在采购开始时,按照第 18 条[**超级链接**]进行资格预 审或根据第 49
条第(3)款进行预选;㈡在审查提交书期间(例如见第 43 条第(3)
[...] 款(a)项,其所列否决投标书的理由之一是供应商资格不够);㈢在采购程序的其 他任何时间求已通过 资格预审的供应商或承包商再次证明其资格(见本条第 [...]
商或承包商的资格进行评估(见第 57 条第(2)款[**超级链接**])或要求该供应 商或承包商再次证明其资格(第 43 条第(6)款[**超级链接**])。
Assessment of qualifications may take place: (i) at the outset of the procurement through pre-qualification in accordance with article 18 [**hyperlink**] or pre-selection in accordance with article 49(3); (ii) during the examination of submissions (see for example, that the grounds for rejection of a tender in article 43(3)(a) include that the supplier is unqualified); (iii) at any other time in the procurement
proceedings when pre-qualified suppliers
[...] or contractors are requested to demonstrate again [...]
their qualifications (see paragraph
(8)(d) of this article and the commentary in paragraph … below); and/or (iv) at the end of the procurement proceedings when the qualifications of only the winning supplier or contractor are assessed (see article 57(2) [**hyperlink**]) or when that supplier or contractor is requested to demonstrate again its qualifications (article 43(6) [**hyperlink**]).
依照大会第 61/279
[...] 号决议提出并在大会第 62/250 号决议中重申的求,已 就维 持和平行动部与外勤支助部的新架构对于执行特派团任务以及对方案交付 [...]
效率和实效的影响向大会提出一份全面报告(A/63/702),供大会第六十三届会议 续会第二期会议审议。
As requested by the General Assembly in resolution 61/279 and
reaffirmed in its resolution 62/250, a
[...] comprehensive report on the impact of the [...]
new structure of the Department of Peacekeeping
Operations and the Department of Field Support on the implementation of mission mandates and on the efficiency and effectiveness of programme delivery (A/63/702) is before the Assembly for its consideration during the second part of its resumed sixty-third session.
创建一个中央部委 级机构,授予其必要的权力和资源,管理能源安 全并有效规范能源政策和目标、调解国家政治与 国有企业间的利益冲突,这样的 求已 迫 在眉 睫。
There is a pressing need to create a central ministerial-level body with the authority and resources to manage energy security and effectively regulate energy policy and goals as well as reconcile competing interests between the vast state bureaucracy and state-owned companies.
此外,每个党派成立了进行“安全审查”的专门部门或工作队,研究每个案 宗或求,无论是 任命、准许建立协会或公司,还是需要有关当局许可和登记的 [...]
其他雇用方式,目的是防止被视为属于其他党派的人获得任何此类许可或就业机 会。
Furthermore, each party formed a special division for
“security vetting”, or a team to
[...] study every file or request, whether for appointment [...]
to a post, permission to establish
an association or a company, or any other means of employment for which a permit or registration is required by the relevant authorities, the aim being to prevent any person perceived as belonging to the other party from obtaining any such permit or employment.




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