

单词 诛暴讨逆

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通过与尼斯大会合作举办儿童暴力 问讨会, 保证了国际社会了解对儿童的各种形式暴力,认识问题的原因及其对儿童与社会的 [...]
[...] visibility of all forms of violence against children and [...]
understanding the causes of the problem and its impact
on children and societies was ensured through a seminar on the theme of children and violence, organized in collaboration with the University of Nice.
回歸以來,特區遭遇3次逆境: 1997年金融 暴 、 2003年 SARS, 以及2008年金融海嘯,儘管經濟每次均受打擊,但幸得中央政府的大 [...]
Since the reunification,
[...] the SAR has encountered adversities on three occasions: The [...]
financial turmoil in 1997, the SARS outbreak
in 2003 and the financial tsunami in 2008.
关于研究,国际和平研究所将每年主办一次关于解 决冲突和建设和平的国际会议,为学者和实践者举行公开的和秘密的 讨 会 , 对现 暴 力冲 突进行案例研究和冲突分析。
With respect to research, the IIP will host an annual international conference on conflict-resolution and
peace-building, hold public and
[...] closed-door seminars for both scholars and practitioners, and perform case studies and conflict analysis of existing violent conflicts.
此外,理事会关于妇女人权的年度全天讨论中现在将有一部分专门 用讨论防止暴力侵害妇女问题。
In addition, part of the
[...] annual full-day discussion of the Council on women’s human rights will now be dedicated to the prevention of violence against women.
回 顧 香港證券 市場自七 十 年 代 開始蓬勃發展,“本地 品牌" 的 中小型證 券 商 及經紀 是 功 不可沒 的,即 使其間曾經歷 數 次“插 水 式 " 的 股 災 或 金 融暴,在逆 境的時候,也 全 靠 這些扎 根 香港的 “ 毅 恆 者 "( 是 毅 力 的 “ 毅 " 和 恆 心 的 “ 恆 ")發 揮 港 人 逆 境 自 強的精神, 與 香港經濟的命 脈 風 雨 同路, 拼 命 撐 住 , 香港才 有今天 國 際金融 中心的地位。
Even though there have been several stock market crashes in which stock prices plummeted or financial crises, these people with strong willpower and perseverance (" 毅恆者 ") ("毅 " as in "毅力 " (meaning willpower) and "恆 " as in "恆心 " (meaning perseverance)) who take root in Hong Kong had, in the face of adverse market conditions, given play to the spirit of Hong Kong people, striving for improvement in dire circumstances, braving out storms together with the lifelines of the Hong Kong economy and doing their utmost to pull through the adversities.
刑事案件法律援助規則》(第 221 章,附屬法例) 第13(1) 條現予修訂,廢除所有 " 叛逆或使用暴力的 海盜行為" 而代以 "使用暴力的海盜行為或《刑事罪行條例》(第 200 章) [...]
第 2 (叛國)、2A (顛覆)、2B (分裂國家) 或 9A(2)(a) (因煽惑叛國、顛覆或分裂國家而屬煽
動叛亂) 條所訂罪行"。
Rule 13(1) of the Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules (Cap. 221 sub. leg.) is amended by
repealing "treason or
[...] piracy with violence" wherever it appears and substituting "piracy with violence or an offence [...]
under section 2 (treason),
2A (subversion), 2B (secession) or 9A(2)(a) (sedition by inciting commission of treason, subversion or secession) of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200)".
在打击 不容忍问题方面,特别报告员参加了 2008 年 10 月
[...] 举行的关于言论自由和挑起宗教仇恨并煽动歧视、 敌意暴力的专家讨会, 参加了 2009 年 4 月联合 国人权事务高级专员办事处组织的相同主题的会 [...]
In the context of the fight against intolerance, the Special Rapporteur had participated in October 2008 in an expert seminar on freedom of expression and advocacy of religious hatred that
constitutes incitement to
[...] discrimination, hostility or violence, and in April 2009 she [...]
had participated in a meeting on
the same subject organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which had provided an opportunity to stress the need to anchor the debate over limitations on freedom of expression in the relevant international legal framework.
在正式会议以及在各国部长和高级代 表、特别代表以及美洲人权委员会儿童权利报告员保罗·塞尔吉奥·皮涅罗教授 之间举行的正式对话中,都重讨论 了 暴 力 侵害儿童的问题。
Violence against children was centre stage in the official sessions and the formal dialogue between ministers and high authorities, and the Special Representative and the Rapporteur on the Rights of the Child of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro.
摩尔多瓦:全球经济和金融危机的影响,使摩尔多瓦处于在社会经济发展方面经历负 增长的危险,人们日益担心形逆转 , 在实现千年发展目标方面尤其如此。
Moldova: The impact of the global economic and financial crisis places Moldova at risk of experiencing negative performance in its socio-economic development with an increasing fear of reversal in particular with regard to the MDGs.
2010 年 5
[...] 月,在举行“全球制止枪支暴力行动周”的活动期间,在尼泊尔举行了第二 次论坛,重讨论了枪支暴力问 题,以加强各国民间社会团体防止和打击枪支暴 [...]
The second forum focused on gun violence in Nepal and was organized in May 2010,
in the context of the Global Week of
[...] Action against Gun Violence, to strengthen efforts [...]
by national civil society groups
to prevent and combat gun violence.
不过,联合国秘书长关于暴力侵害妇女问题的深入 研究表明,有关暴力侵害妇女的法律和政策规定尚未延伸到经济领域,或尚未讨这一暴力行为的经济原因和影响。
However, the United Nations Secretary-General’s in-depth study on violence against women acknowledged that legal and policy provisions on
violence against women had not extended to the economic sphere or
[...] explored the economic causes and impact of this violence.
在他的领导下,这个世界上最大的穆斯 林国家正稳步朝着巩固民主的方向迈进,并且使来自 各国政府的代表得以齐聚巴厘讨论 和 平、 暴 力以及容忍的价值所在,特别是民主与发展之间的联系。
Under his leadership, the largest Muslim country in the world is taking steady steps towards consolidating democracy and has managed to bring together, in Bali,
representatives of various
[...] Governments to discuss the values of peace, non-violence and tolerance, and [...]
particularly the connection
between democracy and development.
讨论预防暴力问 题时,小武器问题是另一个常常 被忽视的方面,但是今天特别代表提到了这一点。
Small arms are another aspect that is often
[...] overlooked when discussing the prevention of violence, but one that was [...]
mentioned today by the Special Representative.
相互关联的多重全球危机和挑战,如粮食不安全加剧、不稳 定的能源和初级商品价格以及全球金融和经济危机,部 逆 转 了最不发达国家多 年来取得的发展成果。
Multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, and the global financial and economic crisis partly reversed development gains that least developed countries achieved over the years.
5 月 23 日和 24
[...] 日,开发署、联合国环境规划署(环境署)和 联伊援助团出席了在伊朗伊斯兰共和国举行 讨 论 沙 尘 暴 技 术方面问题的会议。
UNDP, the United Nations Environment Programme and UNAMI
attended a conference on 23 and 24 May in the Islamic Republic
[...] of Iran to discuss the technical aspects of dust storms.
本 委員會要求 政府當局放寬現行對 曾 領取政 府 ‘ 房屋福利’ 人士在出售物 業後終 生 不能申 請 出租公屋的限 制,讓 曾 領取政府‘房屋福利’的人 士 , 在出售物 業後兩 年 ,若符合輪候冊的 入息 及資產 限 額 ,便可申 請 出租公屋,而房屋署列 舉的特殊情況,包括破產、領取綜援、家庭環逆轉及 家庭面對健康或個人問題的人士, 在 出售物 業後,則可即時申 請 出租公屋。
That this Panel requests the Administration to relax the current restriction on past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government to apply for public rental housing (PRH) for life after selling their flats, so that past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government who meet the income and asset limits for the Waiting List may apply for PRH two years after the sale of their flats, and in the case of those who face the special circumstances as cited by the Housing Department, including bankruptcy, receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, adverse changes in family conditions as well as medical problems in the family or personal problems, they should be allowed to apply for PRH immediately after the sale of their flats.
2003 年 8 月初,巴勒斯坦权力机构青年和体育部为青年带头人举办了为期三天的有关 “和平文化、文化间谅解和暴力问 题的 讨 会 ” ,以解决民主参与决策进程及和平前景等 问题。
Three-day seminar on “Culture of Peace, intercultural understanding, non-violence” with youth leaders organized by the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Youth and Sport in early August 2003 to address issues such as democratic participation in decision-making processes and prospects for peace.
这些措施包括:承诺对武装暴力的发生率和影响 进行监测;承认受害者的权利;促进防范武装暴力并将之纳入地方、国家和国际
[...] 发展计划之中;加强防范武装暴力的国际合作和援助;以及要求 2010 年 9 月关 于千年发展目标的大会高级别全体会议在千年发展目标的框架 讨 论 武 装 暴力 问题。
These include a commitment to monitor the incidence and impact of armed violence; the recognition of the rights of victims; the promotion and integration of armed violence prevention into local, national and international development plans; increased international cooperation and assistance for armed violence prevention; and the call for the General Assembly high-level plenary meeting on the
Millennium Development Goals in
[...] September 2010 to discuss armed violence in the context of [...]
the Millennium Development Goals.
人的权利和责任研究社 认 为 , 这 一 调 查 提 供 了一个 机会,让大家讨论暴 力 是一种社会祸害,并应作为社会祸害来处理这一事实。
In the view of the Circle for Research on the Rights and Duties of the Human
Person, this survey provided an
[...] opportunity to discuss the fact that violence is a social scourge [...]
and should be dealt with as such.
特别是, 危机表明以美元为基础的国际货币体系的不足之处,
[...] 引发了对替代性储备货币安排和建立更为稳定的国 际货币体系讨论,并且暴露了 各国国家管制制度之 间的严重不一致,以及它们以国内利益为重和忽视其 [...]
In particular, it has demonstrated the inadequacy of the dollar-based international monetary system, invigorated discussions on alternative reserve currency arrangements and the
creation of a more stable international
[...] monetary system, and exposed important inconsistencies [...]
amongst national regulatory systems
and their tendency to privilege domestic interests and ignore the adverse international spillover of their actions to the whole world.
[...] 活的协调,继续与教育部联合努力,促进关于两性平等价值观、性别偏见 暴力 的青年讨会。
It was also important to take steps to reconcile life at work and in the family from the point of view of ensuring equality between men and women, while continuing joint efforts with the Ministry of
Education to promote workshops for young people to consider such subjects as gender
[...] equality, gender stereotypes and violence.
特别报告员根据与公务员、法官、律师和民众社会代表 讨 论 , 与 暴 力 受 害 者以及被剥夺自由者的面谈(往往有法医医疗证据予以佐证),特别报告员发现 一些蓄意严刑拷打施加剧痛或痛苦以图逼取供词或情报的典型酷刑个案。
On the basis of discussions with public officials, judges, lawyers and representatives of civil society, interviews with victims of violence and with persons [...]
deprived of their liberty,
often supported by forensic medical evidence, the Special Rapporteur found isolated cases of torture in the classical sense of deliberately inflicting severe pain or suffering as a means of extracting a confession or information.
金 融暴 後 , 逆 境 和 壓 力 接 連 不 休 , 使 不 少 港 人 逐漸失 去 自 信心, 連 過 往引以為傲 的 奮鬥精 神 也 不斷被 磨 滅 [...]
, 社 會 上 彌漫 悲 觀 和 失 落 的 情 緒 。
[...] by the waves of adversities and pressure since the financial turmoil, many Hong Kong [...]
people have gradually lost
their confidence, and even the assiduousness they used to take pride in is being constantly eroded.
y 在第六十一届联合国新闻部/非政府组织人权会议上,国际和睦团契驻教
[...] 科文组织代表组织了关于以社区为基础应对种族灭绝和大规 暴 力的 研讨会:2008 年 9 月 3 至 5 日,巴黎。
At the sixty-first United Nations Department of Public Information/NGO Conference on Human Rights, the International Fellowship of Reconciliation representative
to UNESCO organized a workshop about community-based responses to
[...] genocide and mass violence: Paris, 3-5 September 2008.




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