

单词 诚惶诚恐

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其中的一宗個案是,一位太太表示其丈夫有傾向欲把她的頭斬下 來,即那位丈夫要將太太的頭斬下來,這些恐懼令那位女士每天生活 惶恐 之中
In one of such cases, a wife alleged that her husband had the tendency of chopping her head off, that is, that husband wanted to chop off the head of his wife.
[...] 要的是領袖,而不是騎牆派;他們需要本局當機立斷,而不是事事手足無措和 惶失 恐。
They need leaders, not fence-sitters. [...]
They need decisions, not quavering and nervous posturing.
報道指他和 妻子及父母均生活在持續惶恐下。
It was reported that he, his wife, and his parents
[...] lived under constant fear.
他們那種無助、那惶恐,使 我們每一個人聽到了也會感到心酸和 沉痛。
They were so helpless and terrified, and all those who heard them felt sad and had a deep feeling of grief.
這幾天, 大家在立法會的幾場特別會議都已經聽到很多廠家和中小型企業 (“中小企”)代表的苦水,以及他們有 惶恐 無 助
At the several special meetings of the Legislative Council in the past few days, Members could hear all sorts of grievances from these manufacturers and SMEs and saw how helpless they were.
问责制包括按照所有决议、条例、细则和道德标准,及时、具有成本效 益地实现各项目标和高质量的成果,全面执行和交付联合国政府间机构及其 所设立的其他下属机关授权秘书处的所有任务 诚 实 、 客观、准确并及时地 报告工作结果;负责任地管理资金和资源;工作情况的所有方面,包括一个 明确的奖惩制度;对监督机构的重要作用予以应有的承认并全面遵守已接受 的建议。
Accountability includes achieving objectives and high-quality results in a timely and cost-effective manner, in fully implementing and delivering on all mandates to the Secretariat approved by the United Nations intergovernmental bodies and other subsidiary organs established by them in compliance with all resolutions, regulations, rules and ethical standards; truthful, objective, accurate and timely reporting on performance results; responsible stewardship of funds and resources; all aspects of performance, including a clearly defined system of rewards and sanctions; and with due recognition to the important role of the oversight bodies and in full compliance with accepted recommendations.
我们必须采取协调一致的行动,以孤立并铲除包括基 地组织、塔利班、“诚军”和其 恐 怖 主 义和极端主 义团体在内主要在阿富汗境外活动的恐怖主义网络。
We need concerted action to isolate and root out this syndicate of terrorism, which includes elements of the Al-Qaida, Taliban, Lashkar-eTaiba and other terrorist and extremist groups operating mainly from outside Afghanistan’s borders.
对于毛派分子放 弃接受和平协定中规定的民主原则,以及对于政府缺 乏执行重大改革诚意的恐惧并 未全部消退。
Fears have not fully receded that the Maoists have reneged on their acceptance of the democratic principles laid down in the peace agreements, and that the Government lacks sincerity in implementing critical reforms.
During the financial turmoil in 2001, the wage earners in Hong Kong were helpless and terrified in the face of unemployment; their problems could not be solved by increasing training, creating positions and expediting the launch of government works projects.
埃塞俄比亚重申诚支持与恐怖主 义 的全面斗争,这个斗争是本着一种信念:消除恐怖主义是国家经济发展和国内持 续推动民主化进程的关键。
Ethiopia reaffirms its
[...] allegiance to the global fight against terrorism, which emanates from the conviction that eliminating terrorism is [...]
vital to national economic
development and the continuation of the democratization process in the country.
所以,那些人願意加一點點錢,使那些清貧學生有免費的幼稚園 教育,使大學教育有多一些學位,使多一些市民有屋住,使大家不惶恐得如 斯厲害,即使乘車也可以寬心點兒,而不是說:“劉議員, 我可以不吃飯,但不能夠不乘車,每天乘車也得花五、六十元,我們 真的很難負擔。
Therefore, those people are willing to contribute a little more money, so that poor pupils can receive free kindergarten education, more places of university education can be available, more members of the public can be offered housing and all of us do not have to be so worried, so that they can have greater peace of mind when taking public transport, instead of saying, "Ms LAU, I can skip meals but I cannot skip taking transport.
所以,雖然那位男士正接受治療,但其家人仍然生活 惶恐之 中
Therefore, though that man is receiving treatment, his family members are still living in apprehension.
与此同时,也继续带来各种严重的挑战,其中包括严重的金融危机惶 恐不安 、贫穷、以及各种社会内部及相互间排斥和不平等现象。
At the same time, there remain serious challenges, including serious financial crises, insecurity, poverty, exclusion and inequality within and among societies.
有些㆟士認為,該項調查結果並不如其標題那般具破壞力,但情況確實令㆟憂 慮,雖然所引起的憂慮,未必如某些標題那麼具震撼力,但㆟們對九七年後的情惶 恐不安 及對九七年受到干預所表示的關注,實在令㆟擔憂。
Some people have suggested that the conclusions of that survey were not quite as damaging as the headlines suggested, but they were, it has to be said worrying, even not as worrying as some headlines made out, worrying because of the anxieties which were expressed about the situation in 1997 and beyond, worrying because of concerns about interference after 1997.
能够有机会领导我们行业内最具才能和热情的团队,我感到 惶恐 又 高 兴。
I am both humbled and grateful to be given this exciting opportunity to lead the most talented and passionate team ever assembled in our industry.
[...] 香港是一個國際大都會,在監管食物安全的機制方面,我們應該比得上其他 先進的地方,因此須令市民在吃東西的時候不用感 惶恐 和 心 猿意馬。
As a cosmopolitan city, we think that the food safety regulation system we have ought to be comparable to that
in other advanced societies and hence the people should be made not
[...] to have any fears or doubts when they consume food.
[...] 秀㆟材,為何不集思廣益,制訂實際可行的法例,保障奉公守法的市民,使他們不致 遭受有組織犯罪團體欺壓及終惶恐 不 安
Nor can I understand why our best legal minds, inside and outside the Government, cannot put their minds together to formulate an effective and workable piece
of legislation to protect hardworking law-abiding citizens from being squeezed by
[...] OCGs and live in fear day in day out.
挪威承认,普遍定期审议要取得成功,需要持续的努力和政治意愿,挪威 希望就所有问题和该国暂不支持的建议进行 诚 布 公和包容性的对话。
Norway acknowledged that the success of the universal periodic review would require sustained efforts and political will, and looked forward to an open and inclusive dialogue on all the issues and recommendations that could not be currently supported.
他们还说囚犯之间每天都会打架,一些人表示他们时时刻刻都惶恐不安 中度过,有时候遭到看守人员和其他囚犯的殴打,经常是因为歧视问 题。
They also said that there were daily fights
between inmates and some said that they
[...] lived in constant fear and that they [...]
were sometimes beaten, not only by the guards
but also by other inmates, often for reasons of discrimination.
朝鲜代 表团重申,朝鲜遵守国际文书,积极推动通过国际机制开展 诚 的 对 话与合作, 如普遍定期审议机制。
The delegation reaffirmed the State’s compliance with international instruments and the promotion of sincere dialogue and cooperation through international mechanisms such as the universal periodic review.
伊斯兰合作组织及其成员对叙利亚国及其人民感到关切,应通过以下方式表 示,即进行诚和建 设性努力,以恢复叙利亚的安全与稳定;并呼吁进行全面国 [...]
家对话,以达成在叙利亚领导下的政治解决方案,同时遵循《伊斯兰合作组织宪 章》第 27 段的规定,即如果争端继续存在可能损害伊斯兰人民的利益,或可能
危及维护国际和平与安全,则作为当事方的会员国应通过斡旋、谈判、调查、调 停、和解、公断、司法解决或国家自行选择的其他和平方法,求得解决。
The concern of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its members
for the State and people of Syria should be
[...] expressed by sincere and constructive [...]
efforts to restore security and stability
to Syria, and a call for comprehensive national dialogue to reach a political solution under Syrian leadership, guided by the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, paragraph 27, which provides that the Member States, parties to any dispute, the continuance of which may be detrimental to the interests of the Islamic Ummah or may endanger the maintenance of international peace and security shall, seek a solution by good offices, negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means of their own choice.
规划、合规和监察科的职权范围包括为总部和外地办事处采购人 员规划和举办关于操守诚信、内部控制及相关程序问题的培训方案,并协调总 部和其他办事处从事采购工作的工作人员的外部采购培训。
The terms of reference for the Section include the planning and delivery of training programmes to procurement staff at Headquarters and other offices on ethics and integrity, internal controls and related procedural matters and the coordination of external procurement training for staff involved in procurement activities at Headquarters and other offices.
越 來 越 多 的家長惶 恐 終日, 害 怕 自 己 的 子 女 [...]
More parents are living in fear that their children [...]
may become victims one day.
當市民感惶恐時,更要盡快冷靜地向市民提供資料,令大家可以成熟地面對這個不知將 [...]
When the public are in panic, the authorities [...]
should calmly provide the public with relevant information as soon as possible,
so that they will respond in a mature manner to a crisis which development is still unknown.
今㆝黑社會的猖獗,市民的終惶恐,結 果警方迫於形勢,終於要重組㆒個有組織及嚴重罪行調查科,而政府亦頒佈 了白紙條例草案,決心打擊黑社會的犯罪集團,這㆒點是值得支持和歡迎的。
The proliferation of triad activities, and the grave public concern which it has raised, has led to the setting up by the police, acting by force of circumstance, of an Organized and Serious Crime Bureau again.
有些委員更 指出,公務員現時是處於一個極 惶恐 的 狀 態,因為他們經歷過數碼港、紅 灣半島、嘉亨灣等事件以後,便非常害怕被指摘地產商與政府官商勾結,因 此,當他們處理一些申請時,便採取非常審慎的態度,以致遲遲不作出決定。
Some members further pointed out that civil servants were now extremely skittish after the incidents relating to the Cyberport, the Hunghom Peninsula, the Grand Promenade, and so on, and they were very afraid of being accused of collusion between property developers and the Government.
政府公布的資料,未能清楚交代整個計劃內每㆒項工程在未來幾年內的 估計, 使公眾㆟士根本沒有途徑去理解數據的來龍去脈,只是無可奈何㆞感到㆒片迷惘惶 恐。
This is a very alarming figure. The government data released fail to clearly provide a cost estimate per work project over the next data released fail to clearly provide a cost estimate per work project over the next data released fail to clearly provide a cost estimate per work project over the next data released fail to clearly provide a cost estimate per work project over the next several years under the entire Airport Core Programme (ACP).
如果有人真的想 殺一儆百,想藉這事件令前線某些社工、代人爭取權益(不論在人權、 社區環境的改善或任何方面)的人騰騰震,失失慌,甚至要令有關機構 以後凡向政府bid撥款或求取政府合約時都會感 惶恐 , 以致覺得要小 心選擇僱用的隊伍,甚至要叮囑那些主任級的人員看着幹,即如果政府 真的想達到這目標的話,今次可能是成功了。
If anyone intends to give a warning by punishing the social worker, so as to make certain social workers in the front line and people fighting for the public's interest (whether in respect of human rights, improvement to the community environment or improvement in any other area) feel intimidated and apprehensive, and to make the organizations concerned feel nervous whenever they bid for government funding or government contracts and hence become cautious in choosing the teams to be hired or even consider it necessary to urge their supervisory staff to keep an eye on their subordinates, and if the Government really wishes to achieve this purpose, then I can say that it may have succeeded this time around.
所有被拘留者都抱怨说,他们无法与其家人联系,家人在听到船队遭拦截 的新闻报道后,陷惶恐不安
All detainees complained that they were not allowed the means to contact their families, who would have been distressed and concerned after hearing from news reports about the interception of the flotilla.




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