

单词 诚心诚意

诚心诚意 ()

earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity

See also:




good faith

诚意 n

goodwill n

诚意 adj

sincere adj

External sources (not reviewed)

为确保广泛的代表性,请会员国承担发展中国家的青年代表参加论坛 所需的费用,诚心诚意地为 此争取预算外资金。
In order to ensure wide representation, Member States are invited to cover the
participation costs of young delegates from developing
[...] countries, and to show their goodwill in the search [...]
for extrabudgetary funds.
第一,前提是各方继诚心诚意地进 行谈判,谋求政治解决,以此作为西撒哈拉 冲突的最后解决办法。
The first is the premise that the parties would continue to negotiate in good faith with one another in seeking a political settlement as a final solution to the conflict in Western Sahara.
忠诚、谨慎诚心诚意,是 他宣誓就职时起誓保证维护的品质。
[...] discretion and conscience are the qualities [...]
that he swore to uphold when taking his oath of office.
它们都知道将会有障碍、 威胁和风险,但都心诚心诚意地参 与该进程。
They all knew that there would obstacles, threats and risks, but were
[...] determined to become involved in the process sincerely and seriously.
会议强调指出,必须采用有发展行为 诚心诚意 参与而且设有有效协调机制的全面方针,统筹实施人道主义行动、长期发展努力和各 种举措,以求加强安全、政治稳定和善政。
The conference stressed that a comprehensive approach with the committed involvement of development actors and effective coordination mechanisms is needed to bring together humanitarian action, long-term development efforts and initiatives to reinforce security, political stability and good governance.
诉讼所针对的国家并非争端当事国,而 诚心 诚意担任维和者和谈判调解人的国家。
The suit was filed against a State that was not party to a dispute but that was in good faith fulfilling its role as peacekeeper and mediator in the negotiations.
我们希望在这方面迅速取得进展,因此,我们将继续与行政管理部门对话,特别是在 秘书处设立我们诚心诚意要求 设立的必要机制“反对歧视咨询委员会”,促进实现更加公 正的地理分配平衡。
Thus, in the hope of achieving rapid progress in this field, we shall pursue the dialogue with the Administration, in order to put in place appropriate mechanisms to advance towards greater equity, especially by setting up a “consultative committee to fight against discrimination” in the Secretariat which we so very much hope to see established.
(f) 在特别是涉及违反国家和国际刑法、违反国际人道主义法、或者侵犯人 权事件的国家和国际调查过程中 诚心诚意 地 与行使正当管辖权的国家和国际当 局合作。
(e) to provide a means for responding to and resolving allegations of activity that violates any applicable national or international law or this Code; and (f) to cooperate in good faith with national and international authorities exercising proper jurisdiction, in particular with regard to national and international investigations of violations of national and international criminal law, of violations of international humanitarian law, or of human rights abuses.
换句话说, 变革必须建立在一国和广泛的国际社会间的伙伴关系基础之上,双方要对接触和 对话持开放态度,双方诚心诚意, 双 方对待挑战要透明和客观,双方要表现出 一道合作的意愿。
Change, in other words, must be based upon a partnership between a State and the wider international community, with both sides being open to engagement and
dialogue, both sides
[...] acting in good faith, both sides being transparent and objective about challenges and both sides demonstrating a willingness to work together [...]
in a cooperative manner.
第 18 条规定,“土著人民有权通过他们按自己程序选出 的代表参与决策事关自身权利的事务”,而第 19
[...] 条规定,“国家在通过和执行可 能影响到土著人民的立法或行政措施前,应通过土著人民自己的代表机 诚心诚 意地与有关土著人民协商合作,征得他们自由、事先和知情同意”。
Article 18 provides that “indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters that would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures”, and article 19 provides that “States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their
own representative
[...] institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting [...]
and implementing legislative
or administrative measures that may affect them”.
常设论坛敦促中东欧、俄罗斯联邦、中亚和外高加索区域各国政 诚心诚意地 与土著人民一道努力,推动无保留地认可和全面执行《联合国土著人民权利宣言》。
The Permanent Forum urges the Governments of Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia regions to work in good faith with indigenous peoples for the unqualified endorsement and full implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
没有任何明显因素阻碍任何人 心诚意 地 通 过 六点计划找到将惠及该领土所有居民的务实安排。
No sensible impediment stands in the way
[...] of anyone’s sincerely engaging right [...]
away, through the six-point plan, to find
pragmatic arrangements that would benefit all the residents of the territory.
在这方面,我们心诚意地感谢联合国各机构已经提 供的实质性援助。
In that regard, we wish sincerely to thank the [...]
United Nations agencies that have already provided substantial assistance.
传统之未来组织提供了这样的机会,在这我们可以 心诚意 地 交流意见,本着相互尊重的精神。
Traditions d'Avenir provides gateways where real exchanges
[...] can take place, attentively and in a spirit [...]
of mutual respect.
[...] 间的沟通应遵循民主参与的进程,包括接受 心诚意 以建立协商一致为目标的不同观点。
Communication among (on the same side) and between (both sides) SRs and MRs should follow democratic
participatory processes, including the acceptance of different viewpoints
[...] targeted in good faith towards consensusbuilding.
我郑重声明并承诺:本着忠诚谨慎, 心诚意 执 行 联合国国际公务员 的职务;律己从公,只为联合国的利益着想;在执行职务时,决不寻求或接 [...]
I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all
[...] loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted [...]
to me as an international civil
servant of the United Nations, to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization.
所有各方都必须为实现这些目标而 心诚意 地 采取 行动。
All parties
[...] must act truthfully and sincerely towards achieving [...]
these objectives.
工作人员细则和条例中对利益冲突的定义实质上来源于工作人员条例 1.1(b)
[...] 规定所有工作人员均需签署的书面宣言(亦称“就职宣誓”)(见 ST/SGB/2011/1): “我郑重声明并承诺:本着忠诚谨慎, 心诚意 执 行 联合国国际公务员的职 务;律己从公,只为联合国的利益着想;在执行职务时,决不寻求或接受任 何政府或本组织以外任何来源的指示。
I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as an international civil servant of
the United Nations, to
[...] discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view, and not [...]
to seek or accept instructions
in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization.
斯里肯邦安世纪学院讲师同时也是活动顾问Miss Maria Valantine Rao为学生诚心想要协助流浪动物的 意 表 示 祝贺。
Miss Maria Valantine Rao, SEGi College Seri Kembangan (SCSK)
lecturer and advisor of the project, congratulated the
[...] students for being committed to sincerely helping the stray animals.
对联合国气候中立倡议迄今所取 得成就的分析证明,全系统的管理机关和工作人员都表现了很大 诚意 和 热 情,心进一 步努力做好下列工作:系统解决危险废物、污染物、水和空气污染等其 他严重问题以及楼房建筑和管理及可持续采购。
The analysis of the achievement so far made in the climate-neutral United Nations initiative confirms the existence of system-wide commitment and enthusiasm among the administrations and the staff to go further and to address systematically such other acute issues as hazardous waste, contaminants, water and air pollution, as well as building construction and management and sustainable procurement.
挪威承认,普遍定期审议要取得成功,需要持续的努力和政 意 愿 , 挪威 希望就所有问题和该国暂不支持的建议进行 诚 布 公和包容性的对话。
Norway acknowledged that the success of the universal
periodic review would
[...] require sustained efforts and political will, and looked forward to an open and inclusive dialogue on all the issues [...]
and recommendations
that could not be currently supported.
你们凭着一股坚实的勇气,心诚意 地 从 四面八方来到这里,带着友好和兄 弟之情,带着坚定信仰,决定在崭新非洲的崭新道路上竖起四座里程碑。
Buttressed by the bedrock of their audacity, you, men and women of good will, of friendship and fraternity, from every corner of the world, steadfast in your faith, have gathered here to raise four massive pillars to serve as milestones along the new roads of the new Africa.
因此,这需要各方心诚意地采 取行动,达成 公正与持久的解决办法的目标,并且需要安全理事会 采取行动,恢复中东的和平与稳定。
This in turn requires all
[...] parties to act sincerely to achieve the objective of a just and lasting [...]
solution and action to be
taken by the Security Council to restore peace and stability in the Middle East.
因此,令人遗憾的是,亚美尼亚没有选择 心诚意 地 进 行谈判以尽快达成一 项基于国际法准则和原则的持久解决冲突方案,而是决定采取与国际社会的立场 对抗的行动,继续孤立自己,推行注定不会实现的毁灭性政治议程。
It is therefore regrettable that Armenia, instead of negotiating in good faith with a view to finding a durable solution to the conflict as soon as possible, based on the norms and principles of international law, decided to act in a manner contrary to the position of the international community and remain in isolation with its destructive political agenda that is fated never to be realized.
我们希望,这代表着 对解决我们地区挑战再次表示 心诚意 和 慷 慨的承 诺。
We hope that it represents a genuine and generous recommitment to our regional challenges.
因此,我国代表团意在 这 里重申瓦塔拉总统的愿望,即在为了恢复科特迪瓦 长治久安而开展的一切建设性对话进程的框架内,大 力诚心配合联合国、非洲联盟和西非经共体的工作。
My delegation would therefore like to reaffirm here the desire of President Ouattara to cooperate fully and with goodwill with the United Nations, the African Union and ECOWAS in the framework of any process of constructive dialogue aimed at restoring lasting peace and security in Côte d’Ivoire.
核武器国必诚心实意地致 力于彻底销毁核武器,没有 彻底销毁核武器才是《条约》问题的根源,在实现该目标之前,没有根据地关注 [...]
The nuclear-weapon
[...] States must work sincerely and seriously towards [...]
the total elimination of nuclear weapons.
在此特定问题上,我借此机会向你保证,南苏丹共和国将继续在你的主持下 一诚意开展 谈判,以就有争议和有权利主张的地区立即达成协议;但是南苏丹 [...]
共和国不接受将谈判延续至 2012 年 8 月 2 日之后,以避免不确定性及再次发生 冲突的可能。
On that particular matter, I take the opportunity to assure you that the Republic of South
Sudan will continue under your auspices to
[...] negotiate in good faith to secure a prompt [...]
agreement on the disputed and claimed
areas, but that it will not accept any extension of the negotiations beyond 2 August 2012, in order to avoid uncertainty and a potential resumption of conflict.
[...] 通过黎巴嫩领导的政治进程来进行,尽管只有外部行为体停止对真主党的军事支 持,并且该团体本诚心同意讨论 其武器库问题,这项工作才能取得进展。
I remain convinced that the disarmament of armed groups in Lebanon, particularly Hizbullah, can best be achieved through a Lebanese-led political process, though this process cannot make headway until
external actors cease their military support to Hizbullah and the
[...] group itself accepts to discuss its arsenal in good faith.




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