单词 | 诙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 诙 —humorousless common: whimsical Examples:诙谐 adj—witty adj 诙谐—jocular • zany
在德国,德国对话框编辑器传说埃伯哈德Storeckand演员德克·巴赫说写的原始声音,屏幕上的动作有关 的 诙 谐 诗 被冠以了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In Germany, witty poems relating to the screen action were dubbed over the original sound, written by German dialog editor legend Eberhard Storeckand spoken by actor Dirk Bach. seekcartoon.com |
伦敦的插画公司 Shotopop与Leo Burnett上海合作为Coca-Cola最新的夏季宣传创 作 诙 谐 的 平面广告,广告中展示了代言人吴尊和QQ象征性的企鹅。 ba-repsasia.com | London-based illustration agency, Shotopop worked with Leo Burnett Shanghai to create a whimsical print ad featuring Wu Zun and the iconic QQ penguins for Coca-Cola’s latest summer promotion. ba-repsasia.com |
做派融合了文艺复兴时期的技巧,但排斥15、16 世纪欧洲艺术十分盛行的经典肖像与 诙 谐 风 格。 wdl.org | Mannerism incorporated the techniques of the Renaissance but rejected the classical imagery and harmonious style that is the hallmark of much 15th- and 16th-century European art. wdl.org |
第二个视频以更诙谐的 语调展现了两个身在中国的外国人通过饶舌表演,表示他们对中国夏天的热爱(同时对花露水的感情)。 labbrand.com | The second video strikes a more comical tone and shows two foreigners rapping in Chinese about their love of summer weather (and thus of Hua Lu Shui). labbrand.com |
就拿我自己来说,当我被某个不熟悉的人“炮制”的恶作剧惹恼时,会通 过 诙 谐 的 调侃,配上一个笑容向这个人表达出来。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | When I’m upset by an unexpected event perpetrated by a stranger, I express my displeasure in a humorous way and with a smile so that I make sure to connect with the perpetrator. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
该讽刺作家Crotus Rubianus Euricius Cordus,诙谐的epigrammatist,和优雅的诗人和快乐的同伴,Eobanus Hessus,属于还向爱尔福特循环。 mb-soft.com | The satirist Crotus Rubianus Euricius Cordus, the witty epigrammatist, and the elegant poet and merry companion, Eobanus Hessus, belonged also to the Erfurt circle. mb-soft.com |
正如前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭一位诙 谐 的 法官曾经指出的,一些国内法官一 旦走上国际舞台,感觉就像在缺氧的稀薄大气中漂浮的宇航员。 daccess-ods.un.org | As noted in the past by a witty judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, some domestic judges, once catapulted into the international arena, feel like astronauts floating in a rarefied atmosphere with no oxygen. daccess-ods.un.org |
2013年,卡地亚推出了表盘镶嵌钻石的新款Crash腕表,继续打破常规,不走寻常路,并 将 诙 谐 幽默与高贵优雅的元素融入其中。 wthejournal.com | In 2013, Cartier continued to shake up and subvert convention, introducing humor and elegance with the Crash and its bezel set with diamonds. wthejournal.com |
这种方式在银行业中十分常见,因为这种方法可以给人一种灵 巧 诙 谐 的 感觉,从而让标语能够更快的被记住。 labbrand.com | It is common in the banking industry, since this can show a sense of lightheartedness, thus rendering the slogan easier to remember. labbrand.com |
我把简单构图、诙谐俚 语的T恤带到上海,从不被接受到竞相效仿,也是上海时尚概念的进步吧。 vantageshanghai.com | I guess you can say this is progress in fashion concepts in Shanghai. vantageshanghai.com |
Dr Jeffrey以诙谐有 趣的方式叙述他是如何从牙科辗转步入企业界,他同时也分享了不少打理业务以及创业上的建议。 systematic.edu.my | He currently runs multiple F&B outlets such as Capriciossa Pasta, House, Mr Wish and Morganfield’s. Dr Jeffrey gave an interesting talk on how he stumbled upon entrepreneurship from his dentistry days, and provided plenty of helpful advice for aspiring entrepreneurs on starting and managing a business. systematic.edu.my |
双月刊PRIME杂志涵盖关于全球钢铁业的资讯、专家访谈、分析、价格行情、行业专栏和撰文,此外还包括钢铁业以外的热点话题,笔调风 趣 诙 谐。 steelorbis.cn | Bimonthly PRIME Magazine presents news, expert interviews, analyses, price reports, sectoral columns and articles about the worldwide steel industry, as well as contemporary and non-sectoral topics in a light hearted and entertaining format. steelorbis.com |
在作品中不断地画着一张凝视着我们的脸庞,以至于我们不知为何却无法凝视它,分不清变化着的是眼前的影像,还是我们自己……相对而言,艺术家 Laurina Paperina 和 Martin Sastre 则更喜用诙谐的 方式表达他们的作品:幽默地调侃艺术家和艺术品商之间的关系,“面对面”地向我们展现当代艺术的世界。 magda-gallery.com | Something is changing in the image, or maybe in ourselves… The show will also features works by Laurina Paperina and Martin Sastre that are more aimed at passing on laughing mode : both these artists make fun of the snobbish contemporary art world with its face à face and combats between famous artists or art dealers. magda-gallery.com |
Song 和 Johan Olin 两人合作设计同一品牌,诙谐的 概念贯穿其中:企鹅装,双跟鞋,胡须保温膜,真菌形状的粪便和其他古怪的事物,每一样东西都引起观赏者的会心微笑。 visitfinland.com | The same brand of witty conceptualism runs through everything designed by Song and creative partner Johan Olin: penguin suits, double-heeled shoes, beard warmers, fungus-shaped stools and other quirky items each guaranteed to raise a smile. visitfinland.com |