单词 | 诗曰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 诗曰 —a poem goes:See also:诗 n—poet n • poetry n • verse n 曰 v —say v • speak v 诗 pl—poets pl
教科文组织与“日本信托基金”(JFIT) 合作,正在制定一个特别项目,名曰 : 阿 富汗的扫盲和非正规教育发展(LAND AFGHAN)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO in cooperation with the “Japan Funds-in-Trust” (JFIT) is working on a special project called Literacy and Non-Formal Education Development in Afghanistan, or LAND AFGHAN. unesdoc.unesco.org |
據二零一三年一月十八曰所公 佈之合併時間表更新資料,合併之最後完 成 曰 為 二零一三年三月十 五 曰。 glencore.com | As indicated in the merger timing update dated 18 January 2013, the long stop date for the merger is now 15 March 2013. glencore.com |
2009年 7月 6日,研究部就該議 題編製了一份比較表,概述初步研究結果,供委員在 當 曰 舉行 的會議上討論。 legco.gov.hk | An interim comparison table summarizing the preliminary findings of the subject was published for members' deliberation at the meeting held on 6 July 2009. legco.gov.hk |
电子招 聘,或曰“e- 招聘”通过采用筛选标准和质量标准的自动预选,将有助于迅速处理寄至教科 文组织的众多的应聘信息(2008 年 1 月至 2010 年 10 月期间人数达到 67 349 人)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | E-recruitment, a system of personnel recruitment using electronic resources, could have sped up the processing of the large number of applications addressed to UNESCO (67,349 between January 2008 and October 2010) through the use of automated pre-selection based on selection and quality criteria. unesdoc.unesco.org |
這種帶有殖民㆞色彩的妄自尊 大心態㆒直並沒有多大的轉變,只不過今時今日以花巧的名目包裝起來,美其 名 曰㆟ 權。 legco.gov.hk | This colonial arrogance has not changed very much, but nowadays it is disguised in fancy wrappings called human rights. legco.gov.hk |
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 [...] 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 [...] 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别 是 诗 歌 , 是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and [...] cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, [...] in particular, poetry as a form of [...]unique mediation between people and nature, [...]and between individuals and their fellows. unesdoc.unesco.org |
提交给执行局第一六六届会议的可行性研究所(文件 166 EX/15)尤其强调指出,国际 歌剧和诗歌研 究所(IIOP)的目标和职能与教科文组织的目标是一致的,这一点尤其体现在 以下几方面:促进保护和更好地宣传世界歌剧遗产方面的知识;促进从事歌剧 和 诗 歌 领 域工 作的艺术家的教育和培训,特别是年轻艺术人才的教育和培训;在国际、国家和地方推动繁 荣歌剧和诗歌的行动;促进当代歌剧 和 诗 歌 的 新的创作,尤其是反映新型跨文化交流的歌剧 和诗歌的创作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The feasibility study submitted to the Executive Board at its [...] 166th [...] session (166 EX/15), stressed, among other things, that the purposes and functions of the International Institute for Opera and Poetry (IIOP) are in keeping with UNESCO’s objectives, in particular regarding the promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of the world lyrical heritage; the promotion of education and training for artists working in the fields of opera and poetry, and in particular for young people of talent; the promotion of initiatives internationally, nationally and locally in these [...]two key areas; [...]and the promotion of new contemporary creative works, particularly those serving as media for new types of multicultural exchange. unesdoc.unesco.org |
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇 韵 诗 专 利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。 clarinsusa.com | Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its [...] high content of [...] flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new [...]generation Vitamin [...]C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action. clarinsusa.com |
董事欣然宣佈於二零一零年一月六曰 , 本 公司之間接非全資附屬公司永聯基地產與永泰訂立租賃協 議,內容有關租賃額外空間及續租裕美工業中心多個單位,為期兩年,以及訂立特許使用協議,內 容有關租賃裕美工業中心內三個停車位,為期二十二個月。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Directors are pleased to announce that on 6 January 2010 the Company’s indirect non wholly-owned subsidiary, Unimix Properties, entered into the Tenancy Agreements for leasing of additional spaces and renewal of the tenancy in respect of the various units in Unimix Industrial Centre for a term of two years and entered into the License Agreements in respect of three car parking spaces within Unimix Industrial Centre for a term of 22 months with Wing Tai. wingtaiproperties.com |
订单下一步是日内瓦的版本 [...] (1557年至1560年)(第一个版本承认 诗 句 分 工到文本); 主教团圣经 [...] (1568年);的兰斯和杜埃版本,根据罗马天主教主持(1582年,1609年)(仍然是标准的罗马天主教圣经); 授权版 (1611年)(最广泛分布的版本,也称为国王詹姆斯授权版本 [KJAV];工作五十四位学者从牛津,剑桥和威斯敏斯特,一个修订数很快就作出了1613年,中,1629,1638,1762和1769年),以及和修订版本的新约圣经旧约于1880年在1884年。 mb-soft.com | Next in order was the Geneva version (1557-1560) [...] (the first version to recognize the [...] division of the text into verses); the [...]Bishops' Bible (1568); the Rheims and Douai [...]versions, under Roman Catholic auspices (1582, 1609) (still the standard Roman Catholic Bible); the Authorized Version (1611) (the most broadly distributed version, also called King James Authorized Version [KJAV]; the work of fifty-four scholars from Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster; a number of revisions were soon made, in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769); and the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1880 and of the Old Testament in 1884. mb-soft.com |
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇 韵 诗 实 验 室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。 clarinsusa.com | By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea [...] with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products [...]which protects skin [...]cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions. clarinsusa.com |
對曰:「我,東海之波臣也,君豈有斗升之水而活我 哉!」周曰:「 諾,我 且南游吳越之王,激西江之水而迎子,可乎? legco.gov.hk | I am sure you have a bucket of water or two to save my life". I said, "Right, I am going to the South to talk the kings of WU and YUE into diverting the Xijiang River. legco.gov.hk |
這 會有助 盡 量減低疾 病在雞隻 之 間 蔓延的風險, 並 可改善市場的整 體 衞 生情況;以及 (c) 我們會於活家禽需求量大增 的期間實施額外的 休市清潔曰 ,並增 加 徹 底清潔和消毒攤檔的次 數。 legco.gov.hk | This will help minimize the risk of spread of disease amongst the chicken population and improve overall market hygiene; and legco.gov.hk |
無 論政府是對或錯,市民是稱讚或反對,政府和國家其實都應該重新思考 和想一想,而不是“國人皆曰賢,然後察之;國人 皆 曰 不 可 ,然後‘拉 ’ 之 ”的 ⎯⎯ 現在便是國人皆曰不可,便把他拘捕了,即是說他指出政 府有甚麼不妥當,應該要修改,於是便把他拘捕。 legco.gov.hk | No matter the government is right or wrong and whether there are praises or objections from the public, the government and the nation should, in fact, give some thoughts and conduct examination into it again. legco.gov.hk |
我有一次在“網台”上說了一個千多年前的故事,在《貞觀政要》 內,關於唐朝貞觀二年,即在唐太宗時代,有一段這樣的記載:太宗 謂黃門侍郎王珪曰:“隋開皇十四年大旱,人多饑乏。 legco.gov.hk | Once Emperor Tai Zong said to WANG Gui, an official in charge of the Edict Examination Bureau, "In the 14th year of the reign of Kai Huang in the Sui Dynasty there was a great drought and many people starved. legco.gov.hk |
在荷蘭阿納姆(Arnhem),有二十位聖徒最近 在一個青年基督徒的活動曰送出了 844 套雷瑪小 冊子包。 lordsmove.org | In Arnhem, The Netherlands, twenty saints recently handed out 844 Rhema Set One packs at a Christian young people’s day. lordsmove.org |
就此,我們給政府的忠告,是一字記 之 曰 “誡”: 切忌做出瓜田李下的舉動,又或嘗試干預傳媒自主。 legco.gov.hk | The Government should consider the feeling of the public. In this connection, we wish to tender an advice to the Government, that is, a simple word "caution": it must be cautious not to do anything to arouse suspicion or attempt to intervene with the autonomy of the media. legco.gov.hk |
各 類 投 資 有 不 同 結 算 曰 期 , 請 須 確 保 依 時 將 購 買 證 券 的 款 項 , 存 入 您 的 道 明 宏 達 理財優惠投資經紀賬戶。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Different kinds of investments have different settlement dates, and it is important to make sure that the funds for the securities you buy are in your TD Waterhouse Discount Brokerage account on time. tdwaterhouse.ca |
內㆞於十㆓月初 恢復向香港出口 冰鮮雞,從 內㆞運 往 香港的冰鮮雞數量在十㆓月六曰 至十㆓曰 期間每日平 均為 20 000 隻 ,而香港食用 的活雞數量則仍維持在每日 約 112 000 隻 的水平。 legco.gov.hk | The Mainland started to resume export of chilled chickens to Hong Kong in early December. The average daily number of Mainland chilled chickens imported to Hong Kong between 6 and 12 December is about 20 000, whereas the average daily number of live chickens consumed in Hong Kong remains at approximately 112 000. legco.gov.hk |
透明瑪瑙、墨、水彩;凹唇、凹底、圈足底完全接觸地面;一正面內畫一葉舟中三高士一舟夫仰望倒倚孤松懸絕壁,另一正面內畫四高士山中閒坐對語圖,上 題 曰 : “ 午寅杏月葉仲三作”,後鈐象徵性白文“印”篆印一枚 e-yaji.com | Transparent agate, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and a concave foot surrounded by a flat footrim; painted on one main side with three scholars in a boat being paddled by a boat-boy to view a pine growing from an overhanging cliff, the other main side with four scholars seated on a rocky plateau at [...] the foot of a cliff, [...] inscribed in draft script, ‘Executed by [...]Ye Zhongsan in the second month of the year wuyin,’ with one seal of the artist, yin (‘seal’), in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
大家看看第2.22段:“子曰:‘人而無信,不知其可也。 legco.gov.hk | Members can look at paragraph 2.22: The Master said, "If a man is not truthful, I do not know how he can get along. legco.gov.hk |
玻璃,墨,水彩; 平唇, 微凸斂底, [...] 突出圈足,圈足底為一圓棱;內畫通體十六童子於庭園中嬉戲, 題 曰 ﹕ “時在丙申重陽月,寫於都門,葉仲三”,後署白文“畫印”篆印 e-yaji.com | Glass, ink, and watercolours; with a flat lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted with a continuous scene of sixteen children playing in a [...] garden near a wutong (paulownia) tree, [...] inscribed in draft script ‘Painted by [...]Ye Zhongsan at the capital in the ninth month [...]of the year bingshen’, with one seal of the artist, huayin (‘painting seal’), in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
請按以下曰期把 款 項 存 入 賬 戶 : 在 發 出 沽 售 指 令 前 , 請 確 定 您 擬 出 售 的 證 券 或 股 票 證 書 已 存 入 您 的 道 明 宏 達 理 財 優 惠 投 資 經紀賬戶內。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Please make sure that the funds are in your account by the following dates – Important information for sellers tdwaterhouse.ca |
在委员会看来,不必提及,因为《实践指南》整个第五部分的基本原则 或 曰 基本 做法是假设 1978 年公约的有关规则适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Any reservation to that treaty made by the predecessor State in regard to the territory to which the succession of States relates daccess-ods.un.org |
玻璃、墨、水彩;凹唇,凸斂底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圓形 ; 一正面內畫丹頂鶴芍藥圖, 題曰:“ 仿元人一品富貴圖,已(原文如此)亥春二月,二仲寫”,以白文“丁”一章結尾,另一正面內畫福祿壽圖, 題 曰 : “已(原文如此)亥仿新羅山人法二仲作”後加白文“中二”一章 e-yaji.com | Glass, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and a recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted on one main side with a flying crane holding a branch of flowering peony in its beak above the reflection of the sun in [...] turbulent water, [...] inscribed in draft script ‘A Painting [symbolizing the attainment] of a first-rank official title and wealth, executed in imitation of a Yuan work by Erzhong in the second month of the year jihai,’ with one seal of the artist, Ding, in negative regular script, the other [...]main side with two deer [...]beneath a mature cypress tree beside a rock, with five bats flying overhead, inscribed in draft script ‘Executed by Erzhong in the year jihai e-yaji.com |
於二零一一年十月十九曰,本 公司之全資附屬公司 MMG Malachite Limited 以現金 8.00 加元建議收購要約,以收購 Anvil(一間於加拿大註冊成立之公司,且其普通股於多倫多證券交易所上市)之所有普通股(按全面攤薄基準) (「要約」)。 mmg.com | On 19 October 2011, MMG Malachite Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, made an all-cash recommended takeover offer to acquire all of the Common Shares in Anvil, a company incorporated in Canada with its Common Shares listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, at a price of C$8.00 on a fully-diluted basis (the Offer). mmg.com |
玻璃、墨、水彩; 凹唇,凸斂底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圓形 [...] ;一正面內畫春風得意圖,另一正面內畫美人窺園圖, 題 曰 : “ 乙未孟秋寫於都門,葉仲三”,後加白文“畫印”篆印 e-yaji.com | Glass, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and a recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted on one main side with a herdboy riding a water buffalo in the shallows of a river, reaching for his straw hat, which has just been blown away by the wind, the other main side with a young woman at a circular window, drawing apart the [...] curtains to look out on a young cypress tree, [...] inscribed in draft script ‘Painted by [...]Ye Zhongsan at the capital in the first month [...]of autumn in the year yiwei,’ with one seal of the artist, huayin (‘painting seal’), in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
玻璃、墨、水彩;微凹唇,凸斂底,突出圈足,圈足底為一圓棱;一面內繪放風箏圖,一面內繪水藻游魚圖, 題曰 “歲 在丙申夏月寫於古鄭,樹梅作”,以白文“朱”(? e-yaji.com | Glass, ink and water-colours; with a slightly concave lip and recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted on one main side with two children playing with kites, one on the trunk of a leafless willow tree flying his over a body of water, with a distant waterfall and hills beyond, the other standing on the river bank, his kite under his arm, the other main side with a catfish, two mandarin fish [...] and ten minnows among aquatic plants, [...] inscribed in draft script ‘Drawn by Shujiao [...]at Old Zheng in a summer month of the [...]year bingshen’, with one seal of the artist, possibly Zhu, in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
相 反,㆒ 次過取消所有委任議席、徹底改變功能組別的定義、毫無原則㆞開放投票權、 不理外交討論結果而另組選舉團、最終導致政制脫軌,而美其 名 曰 「 民 主」,就正如 童話㆗的魔笛㆒樣,將帶領香港㆟向海裡跳。 legco.gov.hk | However, any move, in the name of democracy, to abolish all appointed seats once and for all, to drastically change the definition of functional constituencies, to extend the franchise arbitrarily, to set up the Election Committee irrespective of previous diplomatic agreement, thus resulting in the failure of political convergence, is tantamount to casting a spell on Hong Kong people and enticing them to take a leap into the most treacherous seas by the fabled pipe. legco.gov.hk |