单词 | 词藻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 词藻 —rhetoricflowery languageExamples:玩弄词藻—be a hypocrite and hide behind florid rhetoric • juggle with words (dishonestly) See also:词 n—word n • speech n 词—statement • classical Chinese poem 藻 n—algae n 藻—aquatic grasses
我们很容易在安理会 利用模棱两可或堆砌词藻的做 法来掩盖分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is all too easy for us around the Council table to try and bridge differences [...] through ambiguity or elaborate wording. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列对和平的承诺真实与否不能用空洞 的词 藻或仅 靠其谈判代表出现在谈判桌前来衡量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The truth of Israel’s commitment to peace cannot be measured by empty lip service to peace or the mere presence of its negotiators at the table. daccess-ods.un.org |
灿烂的笑容、华丽的词藻和迸 发的激情。 swatch.com | Rich, that is first of all a wide smile, a flowery language and the pulsating energy of his age. swatch.com |
有两个 主要领域具有变化的潜力:微生物病原体和有 害 藻 花。 fao.org | There are two main areas that have the potential for change: microbial [...] pathogens, and harmful algal blooms. fao.org |
海产品业(捕捞和养殖)必须 监测水体中有害海藻物种 增加的数量和海产品中 海 藻 毒 素 的增加量。 fao.org | The seafood industry (capture and farmed) must monitor [...] for an increasing number [...] of harmful algal species in the water column and for an increasing number of algal toxins in seafood [...]products. fao.org |
而且,如同第二句中的“同样”一词 所 表 示的,反过来对于 保留对之成立的其他当事各方来说也是如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | And, as the word “likewise” in [...] the second sentence indicates, the same is true conversely for the other parties with regard [...]to which the reservation is established. daccess-ods.un.org |
各区域越来越多地通过基础设 [...] 施、设备和供资参与南南合作,海委会会在需要时提供政府间平台或能力支持,例如在有关 西太平洋地区海洋灾害和藻类密 集孳生以及西非沿海区域侵蚀和气候变化的项目执行中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Increasingly, regions are pursuing South-South cooperation through facilities, equipment and funding, with IOC providing the intergovernmental platform or competences when needed, as in [...] project implementation for ocean-based hazards [...] and harmful algal blooms in WESTPAC, [...]and for erosion and climate-change impacts [...]in the coastal zones in West Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于数据收集和共享,政府间小组也正在与国际海洋学数据和信 息交换所共同努力开发一个有害藻类 信 息系统,其目的是收集下列数据:有害事 [...] 件、有害物种生物地理学、世界各地现行监测和管理系统,并将其作为致病物种 名称用法的基准点。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to data collection and sharing, the Panel is also working with International Oceanographic Data [...] and Information Exchange on the [...] development of a harmful algae information system [...]designed to compile data on harmful events, [...]the biogeography of harmful species and current monitoring and management systems worldwide, and to be a reference point for the usage of names of causative species. daccess-ods.un.org |
在底栖蓝藻发生 大规模脱离和漂移的情况下,大量漂浮 的 藻 体 浮 渣看起来 像更常见的蓝藻藻华,但通常比蓝 藻藻 华 小 得多。 acedp-partnership.org | On occasions where [...] large-scale detachment and drift of benthic cyanobacteria occurs, masses of floating clumps can look like a more usual cyanobacterial bloom, but is usually much smaller. acedp-partnership.org |
但是也有与会者指出,“优质教育” 一 词 有 过于宽泛之嫌,使得对结果进行评估或对 成果进行评价十分困难,需要有一个公认的界定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A few participants, however pointed to a danger that the term “quality education” tended to become too broad complicating any assessment of outcomes or measurement of results, and that an agreed-to definition was warranted. unesdoc.unesco.org |
会议还建议,粮农组织应在以下五个优先领域开展技术性工作,协助各国 和区域渔业管理组织实施第 61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议以及《粮农组织准则》: ㈠ 改进确认脆弱海洋生态系统的标准,并将其适用范围扩大到珊瑚、海绵、海 峰和热液喷口以外;㈡ 拟订有关减轻影响措施以及拟订和适用遭遇脆弱海洋生 态系统规则方面最佳做法的指南,特别是由区域渔业管理组织拟订;㈢ 拟订关 于应收集哪些信息以及如何收集信息的指南,以促进执行各项旨在控制渔业对脆 弱海洋生态系统影响的措施;㈣ 界定某些用词,以 助澄清如何实施《粮农组织 准则》;以及㈤ 拟订关于评估最佳做法的指南。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also suggested that FAO should undertake technical work in the following five priority areas to assist States and RFMOs implement resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 and the FAO Guidelines: (i) improving and expanding application of the criteria for the identification of VMEs beyond corals, sponges, seamounts and hydrothermal vents; (ii) developing guidance on impact mitigation measures and best practices for developing and applying encounter protocols relevant to VMEs, particularly by RFMOs; (iii) developing guidance on what and how information should be collected to implement measures for managing fishery impacts on VMEs; (iv) defining certain terms that could clarify implementation of the FAO Guidelines; and (v) developing guidance on best practices for conducting assessments. daccess-ods.un.org |
处理藻类密 集孳 生为害的方案继续注重能力建设,并举办了两个国际训练讲习班、一个加强能力专 家讲习班和一个区域藻类密 集孳生为害网络的会议(北非有 害 藻 类 网 络)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Harmful Algal Bloom Programme continues its strong focus on capacity-building; it conducted two international training workshops, one capacity-enhancing expert workshop and one meeting of a regional harmful algal bloom network (the Harmful Algae in North [...] Africa Network). daccess-ods.un.org |
经讨论后,工作组商定,对该事项的进一步审议将 包括下列方面(A/CN.9/717,第 143 段):㈠关于保护仲裁过程完整性的条文是 应当采用笼统措词的形式,还是应当载列意在具体指明的特定实例;㈡保护仲 裁过程完整性与《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》关于此问题已有的规定之间的关 系;以及㈢如何根据保护仲裁过程完整性的需要确定透明度限制的门槛。 daccess-ods.un.org | After discussion, the Working Group agreed that the questions for further consideration on that matter would include (A/CN.9/717, para. 143): (i) whether a provision on protection of the integrity of the arbitral process should be in the form of a general formulation or should contain specific instances that were meant to be specifically addressed; (ii) the interplay between the protection of the integrity of the arbitral process and the provisions in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules already dealing with that issue; and (iii) how to determine the threshold for a limitation to transparency based on the ground of the need to protect integrity of the arbitral process. daccess-ods.un.org |
有五种基本类型的荧光染料:小分子染料(如荧光异硫氰酸酯/ FITC和Alexa染料),蛋白染料(藻红蛋 白、 别 藻 蓝 蛋白、绿色荧光蛋白),串联染料,其中蛋白染料收集荧光,将它传输至小分子染料,然后串联染料发出同小分子染料(如APC-Cy7)量子点和多聚染料( 亮紫)相同波长的光波。 labome.cn | There are five basic types of fluorochromes: small dyes (e.g. Fluoroscein isothiocyanate /FITC and Alexa dyes) protein dyes (PhycoerythrinAllophycocyaninGFP) Tandem dyes, where a protein dye collects laser light, transfers it to a small dye, and the tandem emits at the wavelength of the smaller dye (e.g. APC-Cy7) quantum dots, and polymer dyes ( Brilliant Violet). labome.com |
3.15 水体富营养化:指在人类活动的影响下,生物所需的氮、磷等营养物质大量进入湖泊、 河口、海湾等缓流水体,引起藻类及 其他浮游生物迅速繁殖,水体溶解氧量下降,水质恶化。 greencouncil.org | 3.15 Eutrophication of water body: the phenomenon that under mankind’s influence, nitrogen and phosphor needed by living organisms entering in a large amount into slow-flow [...] water bodies like lakes, river estuary and [...] sea gulf, causing algae and other plankton [...]to reproduce rapidly, the level of dissolved [...]oxygen in the water to decrease and water quality to deteriorate. greencouncil.org |