

单词 词干



stem priming

See also:

classical Chinese poem


interfere v
work v
do v


stem n
cadre n

External sources (not reviewed)

正如帕斯科先生提到的那样,无可 辩驳的证据包括:众多平民伤亡,许多医院遭到攻击, 许多学校和财产被摧毁,以及在这场战争中犯下暴行 的以色列士兵的最近词;若干机构和非政府组织已 经发表关于这些事实的证据确凿的报告。
The irrefutable evidence includes the high number of civilian casualties, targeted hospitals, destroyed schools and property, and the recent testimony of Israeli soldiers who committed atrocities in that war, documented reports of which have been issued by several bodies and non-governmental organizations, as Mr. Pascoe mentioned.
专家小组建议财务与行政委员会考虑修改决定草案第 8 段的词,将“敦请”干事改 为“请”干事,并在“要求”之前加上“进一步”。
The Group of Experts recommends to the Financial and
Administrative Commission to consider
[...] changing the wording of paragraph 8 of the Draft Decision from “urges” the DirectorGeneral to “requests” [...]
the Director-General
and to add the word “further” before “requests”.
为了提供一份不受文本结构词汇 和文 体 干扰 的 清晰文件,他删除了方括号、脚注和备选方案。
In order to offer the reader a clear
document free from intrusions in the
[...] text’s structure, vocabulary and style, he has [...]
deleted square brackets and footnotes as well as options.
但就一些悬而未决的问题,则有必要使用 新的词和作若干结构调整,从而使文本结构更符合逻辑,文体流畅。
In certain cases, it was necessary to reconcile some outstanding issues by suggesting new language and to restructure the text to endow it with a more logical structure and an easier-flowing style.
干事的开幕词见附件 II。
The Director-General’s address appears in Annex II.
词中,总干事谨 对本组织现在可以就保护耶路撒冷老城文化遗产,即自 1967 年以 来列入教科文组织议事日程中的这一问题“同有关各方一道,本着合作精神拟定综合建议” 事宜表示欣慰。
In his address, the Director-General welcomed the fact that it was now possible for the Organization to start working on the preparation of a “comprehensive proposal in a spirit of cooperation with all the concerned parties” for the safeguarding of the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem, an issue that has been on the agenda of UNESCO’s governing bodies since 1967.
专家组从当地民众的干证词中获 悉,在该国南部的一些道路上,宪兵和 警察参与了非法征税行动。
In a number of testimonies, the Group [...]
was informed by local people that the gendarmerie and the police were participating
in illegal taxation on certain roads in the southern part of the country.
在致开词之后,总干事通 知委员会成员和观察员,他决定 将管理 1954 年《海牙公约》及其两项(1954 年和 1999 年)《议定书》的这项工作以及相应 的工作人员和计划资源移交给文物和非物质遗产处。
Following his opening statement, the Director-General informed the Committee members and observers of his decision to transfer the management of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols to the Division of Cultural Objects and Intangible Heritage, with the corresponding personnel and programme resources.
这一点,教科文组织干事在其开 词 中 已 给予确 认。
This has been confirmed by the Director-General of UNESCO in his opening speech.
在 2001 年 10 月 2 日执行局第一六二届会议的开词中 , 总 干 事 告 知执行局,阿联酋 要求在教科文组织支持下在沙迦建立阿拉伯地区教育规划中心。
In his opening address to the Executive Board at its 162nd session, on 2 October 2001, the Director-General informed the Board about the request from the United Arab Emirates for the establishment, with support from UNESCO, of a Centre for Educational Planning for the Arab Region, to be located in Sharjah.
在教科文组织执行局第一六二届会议的开 词 中 , 总 干 事 欢 迎阿拉伯 酋长国提出的关于在沙迦(阿联酋)建立地区教育规划中心的请求。
In his opening address to the Executive Board of UNESCO at its 162nd session, the Director-General welcomed the request of the United Arab Emirates to establish a Regional Educational Planning Centre in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates).
干证词表明,以色列士兵是在近距离射击死者的背部 和胸部的,当时他由于最初的子弹伤,躺在甲板上。
There are several witness accounts which suggest that [...]
Israeli soldiers shot the deceased in the back and chest at close
range while he was lying on the deck as a consequence of initial bullet wounds.
专家组收到的干证词表明 ,一些全副武装的团伙 对卡车、公共汽车和其它汽车实施抢劫和袭击的事件越来越多。
It received several testimonies regarding [...]
the increasing number of robberies and criminal assaults on trucks, buses and
vehicles perpetrated by heavily armed gangs.
在开词中,总干事对在公约制定过程中发挥了杰出作用的《公约》缔约方、观察员国、国 际组织以及非政府组织的所有代表表示了欢迎。
In his opening address, the Director-General welcomed all the representatives of the Parties to the Convention, observer States and international organizations, in addition to NGOs which had played a significant role during the Convention’s drafting phase.
刑事调查局在调查过程中,收集了 18 位巴勒斯坦证人和有关部队干士 兵词。
In the course of this investigation, the MPCID collected testimony from eighteen Palestinian
[...] witnesses and a number of soldiers from the [...]
relevant force.
但在某些情 况下则有必要就一些重大的问题协调立场,并使用新的 词 和 作 若 干 结 构调整,从而使文本 结构更符合逻辑,文体流畅。
In some cases, it had been necessary to reconcile some outstanding issues by suggesting new wording and to restructure the text so that it would have a more logical structure and would read more easily.
第四,无论保护平 民或保护责任都不是军干预的代名 词 , 这 两个概 念的范围更广。
Fourthly, neither the protection of civilians nor the responsibility to
[...] protect is synonymous with military intervention.
如果你只希望出现干词语中 的某一个,可使用 OR 操作符(请注意:您必须以全字母大写方式输入 [...]
If you want to specifically allow
[...] either one of several words, you can use the [...]
OR operator (note that you have to type ‘OR’ in ALL CAPS).
干事在闭幕词中赞 扬国际科学委员会及其主席的工作,希望新一届科学委员会利用 其专门知识、经验和精力对恢复项目的活力产生新的推动力。
In his closing speech, the Director-General complimented ISC and its Chairman for their work, hoping that the renewed ISC would bring a fresh boost of expertise, experience and energy to revitalize the Project.
这宗案件目前处 于 调 查 阶 段,正 在 听 取干证人词 ,代表团预计 这项调 查将很 快 结 束 。
This case is in the stage of investigation, a number of witnesses are being heard, and the delegation expected this investigation to be finished very soon.
应检方请求,审判分庭于 2009 年 2 月 11 日裁定,推迟听取干证人的证词。
In its decision of 11 February 2009, the Trial Chamber adjourned, at the prosecution’s request, the hearing of certain witnesses.
我 们提议添加关于不得进行外国军干 涉 的 措 词 , 但未 获考虑,基于北非发生的众所周知的事件,我们不得 不警觉起来。
Our proposals for wording on the non-acceptability of foreign military intervention were not taken [...]
into account, and, based
on the well-known events in North Africa, that can only put us on our guard.
教科文组织干事在其开词中概 括了自 2008 年 10 月以来召开的历次教育会议上出现的三个 主要方向:即教育政策绝对必须倡导全纳,反对边缘化;必须确保良好的学习条件和学习成果,特 别是要重视教师;教育必须在传播价值观和改善人类处境方面发挥伦理作用。
These are the absolute necessity for education policies to promote inclusion and combat marginalization; the need to ensure successful learning conditions and outcomes with a particular focus on teachers; and the importance of education’s ethical role in transmitting values and improving the human condition.
干证人词重点 说明了骨肉分离的痛苦;由于以色列禁止从叙利亚的戈兰到被占领的 [...]
Several witness testimonies focused on [...]
the suffering of family separation; despite short distances, families were unable
to meet due to an Israeli ban on travel to and from the Syrian Golan and the occupied Syrian Golan.
对外关系及合作部门的助理总干事 Sayyad 先生在代表干事致开幕词时强 调了教科文 组织重视这次会议,尤其是重视“全民教育(EFA)圆桌会议”和“青年问题公开论坛”预 期取得的成果。
In his opening remarks, Mr Sayyad, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Cooperation, representing the Director-General, emphasized the importance ascribed to the meeting and, in particular, to the expected outcomes of the Round Table on Education for All and the Open Forum on Youth.
14这 一条文所引起的第二种批评是其中采用“ 干 规 定” 一 词 。 有人指出,这方面的 解释是“因为十分适当地希望排除那些过于笼统和含糊15 而结果取消条约的强 制性的保留”,但似乎应该问一问,这项考虑是否“应该放进第2 条中。
It has been noted that this expression was justified “out of the very commendable desire to exclude reservations that are too general and imprecise15 and that end up annulling the binding character of the treaty”, a consideration regarding which it might be queried whether it “should be placed in article 2.
教 科文组织每年通过干事致词、总 部和总部外办事处会议和外联活动,纪念消除种族歧视国 际日(3 月 21 日)、促进容忍国际日(11 月 16 日)、废除奴隶制国际日(12 月 2 日)和国 际人权日(12 月 10 日)等。
Every year UNESCO has celebrated through messages from the Director-General, conferences and outreach activities at Headquarters and field offices, among others, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), the International Day for the Promotion of Tolerance (16 November), the International Day of the Abolition of Slavery (2 December), and the International Human Rights Day (10 December).
举办关于知识和技术转让的培训班、研讨会、讲习班和会议(如: 国际讨论会和讲习班,题为“热带潮湿地区的森林--水--人:土地和 水资源综合治理水文研究的过去、现在和未来”,马来西亚,吉隆 坡,2000 年 7 月 30 日--8 月 4 日;教科文组织干事致闭幕词)。
Organization of training courses, seminars, workshops and meetings for knowledge and technology transfer (e.g. international symposium plus workshop entitled “Forests – Water – People in the Humid Tropics: Past, Present and Future Hydrological Research for Integrated Land and Water Management”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30 July-4 August 2000; closing address made by the Director-General of UNESCO).
但是也有与会者指出,“优质教育” 词 有 过于宽泛之嫌,使得对结果进行评估或对 成果进行评价十分困难,需要有一个公认的界定。
A few participants, however pointed to a danger that the term “quality education” tended to become too broad complicating any assessment of outcomes or measurement of results, and that an agreed-to definition was warranted.
会议还建议,粮农组织应在以下五个优先领域开展技术性工作,协助各国 和区域渔业管理组织实施第 61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议以及《粮农组织准则》: ㈠ 改进确认脆弱海洋生态系统的标准,并将其适用范围扩大到珊瑚、海绵、海 峰和热液喷口以外;㈡ 拟订有关减轻影响措施以及拟订和适用遭遇脆弱海洋生 态系统规则方面最佳做法的指南,特别是由区域渔业管理组织拟订;㈢ 拟订关 于应收集哪些信息以及如何收集信息的指南,以促进执行各项旨在控制渔业对脆 弱海洋生态系统影响的措施;㈣ 界定某些词,以 助澄清如何实施《粮农组织 准则》;以及㈤ 拟订关于评估最佳做法的指南。
It was also suggested that FAO should undertake technical work in the following five priority areas to assist States and RFMOs implement resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 and the FAO Guidelines: (i) improving and expanding application of the criteria for the identification of VMEs beyond corals, sponges, seamounts and hydrothermal vents; (ii) developing guidance on impact mitigation measures and best practices for developing and applying encounter protocols relevant to VMEs, particularly by RFMOs; (iii) developing guidance on what and how information should be collected to implement measures for managing fishery impacts on VMEs; (iv) defining certain terms that could clarify implementation of the FAO Guidelines; and (v) developing guidance on best practices for conducting assessments.




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