

单词 诉讼人

See also:

诉讼 pl

proceedings pl
lawsuits pl
litigations pl

诉人 n

consultation room n


litigation n

External sources (not reviewed)

This situation calls into question the impartiality and independence of the courts and makes them seem distant from the people.
司法案 件 管理制度使对 案 件的控制诉讼人 手 中转移 到 主 审法官手中, 保证了日期和结论的同步。
The judicial case management system removes the control of the case from the litigants to the presiding judges and ensures that dates and conclusions are synchronized.
在《宪法》保障的基本权利受到威胁时,任 诉讼人 都 可 以对任何 法律或法规以及行政决策违宪提起诉讼。
A constitutional challenge to any legal or regulatory provision or administrative decision may be made by any party whose fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution are threatened.
受害人只有在法 院和审判前程序中方可自述其为民 诉讼人。
The victim may establish him/herself as civil claimant only in the context of both court and pretrial proceedings.
在我们确信执法部门或人诉讼人提 出的信息要求符合适用的法律标准之前,我们不会披露任何信息。
We do not reveal information until we have a good faith belief that an information request by law enforcement or private litigants meets applicable legal standards.
诉讼人声称 ,其冬季放牧权——即《公约第一号议 定书》第一条所指的拥有权——遭到了侵犯。
The applicants claimed that [...]
their right to winter grazing — constituting a possession within the meaning of article 1 of
Protocol 1 of the Convention — had been violated.
确保扩大妇女(以法官诉讼人身份 )参与制定指标以及提出监测、评价和分 析司法制度绩效的工具的各项进程。
Ensure greater participation of women in the processes of defining indicators and introducing tools for monitoring, evaluating and analysing the performance of the justice system (as judges and as litigants).
与《宪法》赋予人类的基本权利有关的法律条款存在违宪时,如 诉讼人 向司 法机关提出该问题,且在最高法院证实其依据后,可以向宪法委员会提出抗 辩。
Any complaint regarding the unconstitutionality of a legal provision concerning fundamental human rights as recognized by the Constitution may be submitted to the Constitutional Council as long as it is invoked by the litigant before a court and the Supreme Court has made a statement on the well-foundedness of the complaint.
政府同意做出重大努力提高司法机构效率,进 诉讼人 调 解 、设立高级法院 负责审判国家最高权力者(共和国总统和政府成员)、改善法官的生活和工作条件 并发展国家司法机关的基础设施。
The Government has made significant efforts to improve the performance of the judiciary by providing easier access to it for citizens; establishing a High Court of Justice responsible for trying the highest State authorities (President of the Republic, members of the Government); improving the living and working conditions of judges; and developing the national court infrastructure.
诉讼人常常 不懂法 律程序,倾向于多次提交无关文件和材料,向书记官处提出种种不必要或不适当 的问题和请求,通常会使系统工作停滞,造成诉讼程序的延迟。
These litigants often do not understand the legal process [...]
and tend to file numerous irrelevant documents and submissions,
swamp the Registries with unnecessary or inappropriate queries and requests and generally bog down the system, causing delays in proceedings.
审 判人员如果是案件当人、诉讼代理 人的近亲属,或者认为自己与案件有利害关 系或其他关系的,必须回避。
If the judge is himself or herself a party to the case, or a close
[...] relative of one of the legal representatives, [...]
or feels that he or she has a conflict of
interest or other interest in the case, he or she must withdraw from the case.
根据经更新的《采取行动打击有罪不罚现象、保护和增进人权 的一套原则》之原则 19,尽管起诉与否主要由国家在其权限内决定,但受害人、 其家属和继承人应能个别或集体提起诉讼,特别是在刑事诉讼法承认相关程序 的国家作为要求赔偿损害的原告参与诉讼或作为 人诉讼人 提 起 诉 讼。
According to principle 19 of the updated Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through Action to Combat Impunity, although the decision to prosecute lies primarily within the competence of the State, victims, their families and heirs should be able to institute proceedings, on either an individual or a collective basis, particularly as
[...] 罪不罚现象,还要赋予妇女权能,以寻求获得补救,包括正义和赔偿,以及作为 公务员诉讼人、法 官、检察官、辩护律师、警察或狱警或武装部队成员,参与 [...]
In addition, not only must all forms of impunity be combated, but women must also be empowered to seek remedy, including justice and reparations, and to
participate in reforming institutions,
[...] whether as civil servants, litigants, judges, prosecutors, [...]
defence counsel, police or
prison officers or members of the armed forces.
案例法认为,倘若离胜算前景甚远,十有八九要败诉,而 且当胜诉看来无确切把握,对于一个有理智,尚有些财力 诉讼人 是 不 会贸然提 出这种可能劳命伤财的诉案时,那就是一桩得不偿失的无望诉案。
Case law considers that a case has no chance of success if the prospects of winning it are considerably less than losing it and if success cannot be seen as a serious possibility, to the extent that a reasonable, well-off litigant would not embark on the procedure on account of the costs they would be liable to incur.
欧盟的财政支持将使政府能够在建立全国三级会议后执行一些措施,其中 包括使司法更接诉讼人,并 有利于向最贫困的人提供司法援助。
Upon conclusion of the national consultations, with financial support from the European Union, the Government should be able to implement measures that will improve public access to justice and increase the availability of legal aid for the most disadvantaged.
它建议摩洛哥,除其他外,确保这些弱势群 体中诉讼人受益 于适当的司法,这可避免在法庭上侵犯他们的公平待遇、保护 和有效补救权。
It recommended that Morocco, inter alia, ensure that litigants from those vulnerable population groups benefit from the proper administration of justice which could avoid violations of their right to equal treatment, protection and effective redress before the courts.45
而与之最为接近的美国,增长率仅为5.5%2。中国借鉴了欧洲成熟完善的知识产权法律,同时迫于美国的压力,外 诉讼人 能 更加容易地使用中国绝大部分地区的司法体系,因此澳大利亚公司应当重新考虑在中国的知识产权采购与执法计划。
Its closest rival, the USA, saw a rate of 5.5 per cent.2 With sophisticated IP laws modelled on those in Europe, and a judicial system which in most parts of China, and under pressure from the USA, has become much more accessible to foreign litigants, Australians need to reconsider their IP procurement and enforcement programs in China.
联合来文1 指出,法律面前并非人人平等,因为法律是为有钱有势 诉讼 人、政府官员和高级军事人员服务的。98 联合来文1 补充说,法院不承认妇女 有权利提出离婚,此类案件全交由部落头领处理,而这些头领往往做出有利于男 子的裁决。
JS1 indicated that there was a lack of equality before the law as the law was applied in a manner that favoured economically powered litigants, Government officials and top military personnel.98 It added that courts did not recognise the rights of women to file for divorce, and that such cases were referred to chiefs who had the tendency to rule in favour of men.99 4.
因此,无行为能力者不可以进行一般性诉讼,但是可以对直接侵害 其利益的行为提出刑事诉讼,并顺带提出 人诉讼。
Thus persons without legal capacity may not exercise actio
popularis but may
[...] initiate criminal proceedings in respect of offences directly affecting them, bringing a private suit for the purpose.
[...] 针对性的能力建设活动,推广至刑事司法系统的其他专业群体,诸如辩护律 师、受人诉讼代理和管教人员。
One of the challenges ahead is to extend the tailored capacity-building, which currently reaches judges and prosecutors, to other professional
groups of the criminal justice system such as defence
[...] lawyers, attorneys representing victims and correctional [...]
但是,与人权事务委员会一样,在可能出现 人权问题诉讼中,人权委 员会无权代表诉讼各方或为之提供代表,也不能行使 [...]
However, as with the Human Rights Committee, the Commission does not have the
authority to represent or provide
[...] representation to parties to litigation in which human rights [...]
issues may arise nor can it act
in a judicial capacity or make binding determinations upon any matter.
第 20(1)(a)条不仅提及“人诉讼”, 而且也提及“个人程序”,以便除了债 [...]
权人在法院对债务人或其资产提起的“诉讼”以外,也包括债权人在法院系统 以外提起的强制执行措施,一些国家在某些情况下允许债权人采取这些措施。
Article 20(1)(a) refers not only to “individual [...]
actions” but also to “individual proceedings” in order to cover, in addition
to “actions” instituted by creditors in a court against the debtor or its assets, enforcement measures initiated by creditors outside the court system, measures that creditors are allowed to take under certain conditions in some States.
同样地,一份关于“通人权诉讼赋 予 穷人权力”的手册的出版也已进入同行审查阶段,该出版物涉及非政府组织开展的宣传、 [...]
Likewise, the publication of a manual on “Empowering the Poor
[...] through Human Rights Litigation”, in view of [...]
reinforcing advocacy, capacity-building
and policy-oriented action of NGOs has entered the peer review phase.
因此,申诉人不需要法庭指派的律师援助来充分宣示她的权 利,而且她也没有因在所有诉讼中 无 人 代 理而受到任何损害。
Consequently, the complainant did not need the assistance of a courtappointed lawyer to adequately assert her rights, and she has not suffered any harm as a result of not being represented in all the proceedings.
(f) 如果法官的任何家庭成员是案件 诉讼 当 事 人 或 代 表 诉讼 当 事 人 , 或 者 对于案件结果有重大利益,则该法官不得参与该案件的裁决
(f ) Judges must not participate in the determination of a case in which any member of their family is a litigant or represents a litigant, or in the outcome of which any member of their family has a significant interest
[...] 然而,大部分法域的共同之处是检察官在一方面作为国家利益捍卫者和另一方 面作为刑诉讼所涉人员的人权及其权利和自由的捍卫者所起的作用。
Prosecutors’ powers and duties in criminal proceedings varied greatly among respondent States, but common to most jurisdictions was the prosecutor’s role as a guardian of the State’s interests, on one hand, and the
guardian of human rights and rights and freedoms of individuals involved
[...] in the criminal proceedings, on the other hand.
委员会建议缔约国确保充分实施《刑事诉讼法》第21条、73条、74条和120 条,培训大批宣誓译员以保障获得口译服务的机会,同时确保不讲阿拉伯语的弱 势群诉讼当事人,特 别是阿马齐格人、萨拉威人、黑人、非国民、难民和寻求 庇护者,可以获益于正当司法。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure full application of articles 21, 73, 74 and 120 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, guarantee the availability of interpretation services by training a greater number of sworn interpreters, and ensure that litigants from vulnerable population groups who do not speak Arabic, in particular the Amazigh, Sahraouis, Blacks, non-nationals, refugees and asylumseekers, may benefit from proper administration of justice.
二、除非根据第六十七条或第七十二条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选 择协议,承运人或海运履约方提起 诉讼 寻 求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提 起的其他任诉讼将剥夺一人根据 第六十六条或第六十八条选 诉讼 地 的 权利 的,该承运人或海运履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第六十八条(两者 以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以 [...]
2. Except when there is an exclusive choice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier
or a maritime
[...] performing party that institutes an action seeking a declaration of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person of its right to select the forum pursuant to article 66 [...]
or 68 shall, at the
request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced.
委员会请缔约国在下一次报告中提供最新资料,介绍对种族歧视行为提出申 诉的情况和法院对有关刑事、民事或行 诉讼 的 判 决以及国 人 权 机 构作出的裁 决,包括对这类行为的受害者提供的恢复原状措施或其他补救办法。
The Committee requests the State party to provide in
next report updated
[...] information on complaints about acts of racial discrimination and on relevant decisions in penal, civil or administrative court proceedings and by State human rights institutions, [...]
including on
any restitution or other remedies provided to victims of such acts.




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