

单词 证言



sworn testimony

External sources (not reviewed)

实验室不得从事可能招致对个人主权或反兴奋剂计 划开展的工作在科学上的有效性提出质疑的检查项目或专 证言。
The Laboratory should not engage in testing or expert testimony that would call into question the integrity of the individual or the scientific validity of work performed in the anti-doping program.
日本与联合国大学向不扩散条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会共同提交题为“推 动与民间社会合作,建立无核武器世界”的联合工作文件,其中的建议包括举办
[...] 民间社会和各国政府共同参加的裁军与不扩散教育全球论坛,以及采用现代数码 技术记录原子弹爆炸幸存者证言并 流 传后世。
Japan submitted a joint working paper with the United Nations University, entitled “Disarmament and non-proliferation education: promoting cooperation with civil society towards a world without nuclear weapons” for the 2010 NPT Review Conference, which included proposals such as holding a global forum on disarmament and non-proliferation education that would bring together civil society and Governments and
employing modern technologies to digitally record
[...] Hibakusha’s testimonies and to disseminate [...]
them to future generations.
21 “禁止不当利用被拘留人或被监禁人的处境而进行逼供,或 迫其以其他方式认罪,或作出不利于他人 证言 ”。
Principle 21 of the Body of Principles prohibits taking “undue advantage of the situation of a detained or imprisoned
person for the purpose of compelling him to confess, to incriminate himself
[...] otherwise or to testify against another [...]
此类援助包括调查,扣押资产,从金融机构和其他法律实体收集信息、文件 和证据(包括金融数据),采证言, 寄 送相关文件和其他物项的原件或复印件, [...]
Such assistance included investigations, seizure of assets, collection of information, documents and evidence (including financial data) from
financial institutions or other legal entities,
[...] collection of statements, sending originals [...]
or copies of relevant documents and
other items, the submission of legal documents, interviewing persons and experts and the identification, freezing and/or confiscation of property.
(c) 加强法律,确保《任择议定书》所列罪行的受害儿童或儿童证人的视证言被作为证据接受。
(c) Strengthen laws to ensure that video
[...] recordings of testimonies by child victims or witnesses of offences under the Optional Protocol are always accepted as evidence.
良好做法是克 服这些挑战,包括允许被偷运移民留在该国,协助刑事司法程序,或采用视频 链证言及录 像/录音,让已返还移民可以从本国提供证据。
Good practices to overcome these challenges include allowing smuggled migrants to remain in the country to assist the criminal
justice process, or the use
[...] of video link testimonies and video/audio recordings so that evidence may be given by [...]
migrants from the country
to which they have been returned.
若干发言者提出了通过采用视频会议方式获 证言 的 可 靠性问 题。
Some speakers raised the issue of the reliability of testimonies obtained by the [...]
use of videoconferencing.
它进一步感到关切的是,虽然法律允许事先 证言 录 制 为 视频,但是法官有可能不愿接受受害儿童或儿童证人的视 证言 , 常 常要求他们 本人出庭。
It is further concerned that despite the
law which allows for
[...] early deposition of testimonies on video recordings, judges can be reluctant to accept such testimonies by child victims or witnesses and often [...]
request their physical presence in the court.
有时,为了能够真正克服诊断所带来的震惊,您需要聆听一些有过相同体验并真正理解您感受的人 证言。
Sometimes, to truly get Beyond The Shock of a diagnosis, you
[...] need to hear the testimony of someone that has [...]
shared your experience and really understands how you feel.
[...] 由,再考虑到卷宗资料对于申诉中对所指称事实是否存 证 人 证言 相 互矛盾,委 员会得出结论,提交人未能充分证实其申诉以满足受理要求,并宣布根据《任择 [...]
Taking into account the arguments of the State party to justify the degree of force used during the arrest operation and given the contradictory
information contained in the file as to the
[...] existence of witness testimonies on the facts alleged [...]
under this claim, the Committee concludes
that the author failed to substantiate this claim, for purposes of admissibility, and declares it inadmissible under article 2 of the Optional Protocol.
受 Louisiana Office of Conservation 和 Mississippi Oil and Gas Commission
[...] 的委托从事储层工程研究和交付利用专 证人 证言、为E&P 和环境立法进行工程研究、提供各种各样的内部技术、金融和经营改 [...]
Conducted reservoir engineering studies and delivered unitization
[...] expert witness testimony before the Louisiana [...]
Office of Conservation and the Mississippi
Oil and Gas Commission; performed engineering studies for E&P and environmental litigation; and provided various internal technical, financial, and business improvement consulting.
实质性问题: 生命权;酷刑、残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或 处罚;任意羁押;及时获见法官的权利;向法院提 起诉讼的权利;享有人道主义待遇和尊严受到尊重
[...] 的权利;无罪推定权;受审时间不被拖延的权利; 获取法律援助的权利;不被强迫作不利于自己证 言或强迫承认犯罪的权利。
Right to life; torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; arbitrary detention; right to be brought promptly before a judge; right to take proceedings before a court; right to humane treatment and respect for dignity; presumption of innocence; right to be tried
without undue delay; right to legal assistance; right not to
[...] be compelled to testify against oneself or to confess guilt.
2001 年 5 月在纳米比亚的温得和克组织题为“十年 以来:评估、挑战与前景”的讨论会,在商业广播行 业中的专业传媒组织和社区与教育广播行业的传媒组 织之间建立合作关系,2000 年 5 月在日内瓦举行的 圆桌会议上就“如何在证言论自 由权、保证地方媒 体编辑独立权的前提下反对战争与仇恨的宣传”起草 建议案。
Organization of the Conference, Ten Years On: Assessment, Challenges and Prospects in Windhoek (Namibia) in May 2001; Reaching of accord of cooperation between media professional organizations in commercial broadcasting and those in community and educational radio broadcasting; Drawing up of recommendations at the round table held in Geneva in May 2000 on How to combat war and hatred propaganda without undermining press freedom and editorial independence of local media.
需要加强,有时甚至创建各领域机 构,包括建立坚实的宪法和法律基础、发展代表性政 党和证言论自由。
It requires the strengthening, and sometimes the creation, of institutions in various areas, including a firm
constitutional and legal basis, the development of representative political parties and the
[...] guarantee of freedom of expression.
此外,虽然第 92 条之三是法 庭内部节约时间的一项措施,据此,可提交书面声明以取代口 证言 , 但 审判分 庭必须分析有时多达数百页的书面证据,这会增加编制判决书所需的时间。
In addition, although rule 92 ter constitutes an in-court
time-saving measure by which written evidence is submitted in place
[...] of viva voce testimony, the Chamber must analyse the written evidence, which in some cases [...]
is hundreds of
pages, and that may add to the time required for the preparation of the judgement.
第 15 条第 1 款有关继承证言的规 定,因为它与伊斯兰教法相抵触。
Article 15, paragraph 1, in connection with matters of
[...] inheritance and testimony, as it is inconsistent [...]
with the provisions of Islamic law.
阿拉伯联合酋长国认为,该款违反伊斯兰教法关于签订合同的法律行为能 力证言和权 利的戒律,因此对该条款提出保留,并且不接受该条款规定的约束。
The United Arab Emirates, considering this paragraph in conflict
with the precepts of the sharia
[...] regarding legal capacity, testimony and the right to [...]
conclude contracts, makes a reservation
to the said paragraph of the said article and does not consider itself bound by the provisions thereof.
其中仅有 7 名将亲自出席审判分 庭提交全部证据,141 名将在必要时出席交叉质证,另外 239 名证人证言将以 书面形式提交。
Of these, only 7 will give their full evidence in person before the Trial Chamber, 141 will be available to appear for cross-examination if required and the evidence of a further 239 witnesses will be adduced in written form.
[...] 或被监禁者的处境进行逼供,或迫使其以其他方式认罪,或作出不利于他人证 言;并 强调这种原则,即审问被拘留者时不得对其施以暴力、威吓或采用损害其 [...]
In this respect, the SPT would like to highlight the prohibition to take undue advantage of the situation of a detained or imprisoned person for the purpose of compelling him to confess, to incriminate himself otherwise or to testify against any other person, and the principle that no detained person while being interrogated shall be subject to violence, threats or methods of interrogation which impair his
capacity of decision or his judgment.22 The
[...] SPT considers an evidence-led, and not confession-led, [...]
criminal investigation to
be one of the fundamental safeguards, as it would render having recourse to extracting confessions by means of ill-treatment meaningless, and thus reduce considerably the risk of ill-treatment of persons in police custody.
[...] 亡。 委员会回顾称,权衡证据或重新评估围绕有关事实做出 证言 或 相 关国家 机构的可信度,并不是它的任务。
10.2 The Committee recalls that it is not its task to
[...] weigh the evidence or to reassess the statements made [...]
regarding the facts or the credibility
of the relevant national authorities.
下面是我们收到的其中一段客证言 : 花旗银行澳门分行的 John CK Choi [...]
先生很欣 赏“与客户跟进申请进展”这一点。
Here is for example one of the many
[...] customers’ testimonials we received: [...]
Mr John CK Choi, CITIBANK NA, MACAU appreciated
the “Follow-up with client on progress of application”.
然而委员会没有直接处理当前的 事实纠纷,而是做出了令人震惊的声明,称“权衡证据或重新评估围绕有关事实 做出证言或相 关国家机构的可信度,并不是它的任务。
Yet rather than engaging directly with the factual disputes at hand, the Committee’s opinion instead makes the shocking pronouncement that
“it is not its task to
[...] weigh the evidence or to reassess the statements made regarding the events in question or the credibility [...]
of the relevant
national authorities” (see para. 10.2 above).
根据《刑法》的若干规定,妨碍司法系统有效运作被定为犯罪:第 434-14 条 (提供虚证言)、第 432-15 条(唆使他人作伪证)、第 [...]
433-3 条(威胁和恐吓 公职人员)以及第 431- 12 条(在国外犯伪证教唆罪)。
Obstructing the effective functioning of the justice system is criminalized
under several provisions of the Penal Code:
[...] 434-14 (false testimony), 432-15 (subornation [...]
of perjury), 433-3 (threats and intimidation
towards a public official) and 431-12 (subornation committed abroad).
来自加沙的图景令人揪心,这是不容置疑的,同样不容置疑的是,人权活动 家和医生对以色列针对加沙手无寸铁的百姓发动的战争的残酷性和极端性而感 到震惊,不带感情色彩地作出 证言证 词。
The heart-wrenching images that are coming out of Gaza cannot be disputed; neither can the impassioned testimonies of human rights activists and doctors who have been shocked by the brutality and extremism of Israel’s war against Gaza’s defenceless population.
有了残疾和预防医学委员会的证明及内政部的残疾人证件的双面复印件,驾驶证,曾经使用过这项优惠次数的书 证言 , 尽 管使用次数是无限制的,下一步是去财政部。
The next step is going to the Finance Ministry with the report from Compín, photocopies of both sides of the record from the Registro Nacional de Discapacidad as well as of the Driver's License, and an affidavit which sets forth how many times you have had this benefit, even if there is no limit.
而危机组织则相信有充足的理由认为,自由巴布亚运动(TPN/OPM)涉嫌指挥其中的一个或多个行动,因为其声称对其中一些事件而非全部袭击负责,而目击者 证言 也 能 证 实 这 一点。
Crisis Group believes there is a stronger case to be made for the involvement of one or
more TPN/OPM
[...] commands, because of statements claiming responsibility for some but not all of the attacks and various witness testimonies.
除了政治地位问题外,工作队决定听取关于社会问 题的证词,但没有听取任何波多黎各政党当选官员 证言 , 只 听取了一个环保专 家、一个保健专家、四个岛屿政党成员的证词。
In addition to the question of political status, the Task Force had decided
to hear testimony on social issues
[...] but they did not hear the testimony of any elected officials [...]
of Puerto Rico’s political
parties; instead, they heard an environmentalist, a health expert and four members of the island’s political parties.
他将其毕生的学识以及经验以法律顾问和专家组成员的形式贡献给了地方、国家以及国际(如总统环境质量委员会法律专家组),并加入多个国际组织(如联合国粮农组织、欧洲重建和发展银行、联合国教科文组织美国理事会)以及环境非政府组织(如环境法研究所),在国会听证会上提 证言 , 并且作为成员和代表出席国际会议(如1972年的斯德哥尔摩大会、1992年的里约大会以及2002年约翰内斯堡峰会)。
He has contributed his extensive knowledge and expertise at the state, national and international levels in such forms as legal advisory or board member services to governments (Legal Advisory Committee to the President's Council on Environmental Quality), international agencies (FAO, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
American Council for
[...] UNESCO) and ENGOs (Environmental Law Institute); provision of congressional testimony; and participation [...]
in delegations to
global fora such as the 1972 Stockholm Conference, the UNCED at Rio in 1992 and the Johannesburg Summit in 2002.
此外,学员可以在语言班的不 同阶段参加国际认可的欧洲言证书 考 试(telc),以此测 定自己的语言水平。
At various stages of the course program, you can have your improvement documented by taking the internationally recognized telc examinations.




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