单词 | 证监会 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 证监会 —China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)Examples:中国证监会—China securities regulatory commission CSRC 中国证券监督管理委员会—China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) See also:监—prison • jail • supervise • firm
该公司由山西煤炭进出口集团有限责任公司注册成立,并于 [...] 2009 年在上交所工 业板块(中国证监会将其 分类为采掘业类)上市(SSE:600546)。 eisourcebook.org | The company was solely incorporated by Shanxi Coal Import & Export Group Company [...] Limited and it was listed on the SSE (SSE: 600546) in the [...] industrials sector (CSRC Extractive Industry [...]category) in 2009. eisourcebook.org |
但是,Alfred Little和匿名做空者并不属于经美国 证监会 、 金 融业监管局(FINRA),或加拿大任何其它监管机构登记或批准的实体。 tipschina.gov.cn | Alfred Little and the Anonymous Shorters are not however entities registered with or approved by the SEC, FINRA or any other regulatory authorities in Canada. tipschina.gov.cn |
2003 年,紫金矿业首先在香港交易所上市(SEHK:2899),2008 [...] 年,公司在上交所 工业分类下上市(SSE:601899)(中国 证监会 分 类 为采掘业)。 eisourcebook.org | Zijin Mining was first listed on the HKEx [...] (SEHK: 2899) in 2003, and was listed in the [...] material sector (CSRC’s extractive industry) [...]of the SSE (SSE: 601899) in 2008. eisourcebook.org |
在1998 年,兖州煤业在港交所(SEHK:1171)、上海证券 交易所(SSE:600188)工业板块(中国 证监会 分类 为采掘业)和纽约证券交易所(NYSE: YZC)上市。 syntao.com | In 1998, Yanzhou listed on the HKEx (SEHK: 1171), SSE (SSE: 600188) industrials sector (CSRC’s extractive industry classification) and NYSE (NYSE: YZC). syntao.com |
该公司于2006年在港交 [...] 所(SEHK:1898)上市,并于2008年在上交所工业板 块上市(证监会分类为采掘业)。 syntao.com | It was listed on HKEx (SEHK: 1898) in 2006 and in [...] the energy sector (CSRC category: extractive [...]industry) of the SSE (SSE: 601898) in 2008. syntao.com |
2001年,公司在上交所工业板块上市(SSE: 600028)(证监会分类为采掘业)。 syntao.com | In 2001, the company was listed on the SSE (SSE: 600028) in [...] the energy sector (CSRC’s extractive industry [...]category). syntao.com |
陈惠卿接受香港银行学会 (HKIB)内部杂志“Banking [...] Today”采访,就证券及期货事务监察委 员 会 ( 证监会 ) 和香港金融管理局(金管局)為打击 [...] 香港金融业“不当销售”和控制其风险而采取不同监管措施分享其专家观点。 chi.mazars.cn | Annie Chan shared her expert insight with Banking Today, the in-house magazine of the Hong Kong Institue of Bankers [...] (HKIB), on the different regulatory [...] measures taken by the Securities and Futures Commission [...](SFC) and the Hong Kong Monetary [...]Authority (HKMA) to combat and control the risks of “mis-selling” within the financial industry in Hong Kong. mazars.cn |
其母公司宝钢是生产量排名世界第三的钢铁生产商。82 宝山于 2000 [...] 年在上交所(SSE: 600019)工业板块上市(证监会分类为金属制造业)。 eisourcebook.org | Baosteel is the world’s third largest steel [...] producer by production.82 Baoshan listed on the SSE (SSE: 600019) material sector [...] (manufacturing-metal of CSRC) in 2000. eisourcebook.org |
82 宝山钢铁于2000年在上交所(SSE: 600019)工业板 块上市(证监会分类为金属制造业)。 syntao.com | Baosteel is the world’s third largest steel [...] producer by production.82 Baoshan listed on the SSE (SSE: 600019) material sector [...] (manufacturing-metal of CSRC) in 2000. syntao.com |
公司被上交所划为工业类行业,被 证监会 归 为 金属 制造业。 syntao.com | The CSRC qualifies Baotou Steel as part [...] of the manufacturing-metal industry. syntao.com |
Alfred Little 与匿名的做空者并不属于经美国 证监会 、 OSC或BCSC登记或批准的实体? tipschina.gov.cn | Alfred Little and Anonymous Shorters are not entities registered or approved by the SEC, OSC, or BCSC? tipschina.gov.cn |
博源基金会理事会由国际知名人士组成,其中包括前中国招商局集团董事长秦晓,瑞银投资银行副主席何迪,全国人大常委、财政经济委员会副主任委员、前中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵,中国投资有限公司总经理高西庆,中国投资有限公司副总经理汪建熙,中国银行首席经济学家曹远征, [...] 中国国际金融有限公司董事长、前国务院发展研究中心副主任李剑阁,美国斯考克罗夫特集团主席、美国前国家安全事务助理斯考克罗夫特(Brent Scowcroft),瑞银投资银行副主席、前欧盟委员会副主席列昂••布列坦(Leon [...] Brittan),香港特别行政区行政委员会成员、汇丰投资亚洲控股有限公司非执行主席、前中 国 证监会 副 主 席史美伦(Laura Cha)。 sanyaforum.org | Board of Trustees:Qin Xiao (Former Chairman of China Merchants Group), He Di (Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank), Wu Xiaoling (NPC Standing Committee Member, Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee and Former Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China), Gao Xiqing (President & CIO of China Investment Corporation), Wang Jianxi (Executive Vice President & CRO of China Investment Corporation), Cao Yuanzheng (Chief Economist of the Bank of China), Li Jiange (Chairman of China International Capital Corporation ,Former Deputy Director of Development Research Center of the State Council), Brent Scowcroft (Chairman of the Scowcroft Group and Former U.S. National Security Advisor), Leon Brittan (Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank ,Former Vice Chairman of the EU Commission), Laura Cha (Member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong [...] Special Administrative Region, Non-Executive Chairman of HSBC Investment Asia [...] Holdings Ltd, and Former Vice Chairman of CSRC). sanyaforum.org |
同时,国内上市也几乎被搁置了一段时间,因为中 国 证监会 停 止 审批新的上市申请以支撑中国喷发的股市。 youngchinabiz.com | Meantime, new domestic IPOs have also been largely on hold for a while, [...] as the Chinese regulator stopped approving [...]most new offerings to prop up the country’s sputtering stock markets. youngchinabiz.com |
而早在2010年4月,时任科技部副部长的杜占元曾公开介绍,科技部正会同财政部、人民银行、税务总局、 银 监会 、 证监会 、 保 监会研究制定《进一步加强科技金融合作的若干意见》,其中“加大中关村科技园区代办股份转让系统的试点力度,并争取尽快扩大试点范围”已成为科技金融工作重点。 galdit.cn | As early as in April 2010, when he was Vice Minister Du Jim has publicly introduced, the ministry is the Ministry of Finance, the [...] People's Bank, State Administration of [...] Taxation, the CBRC, CSRC and CIRC research to [...]develop "further strengthen financial [...]cooperation in science and technology number of opinions ", which“Increase the share transfer agent of Zhongguancun Science Park, the intensity of the pilot system, and strive to expand the scope of the experiment as soon as possible”Technology has become a financial focus. galdit.cn |
23 中国证券监 督委员会(以下简称“证监会”)也宣布要深化金 融体系改革,加速金融体制结构化调整。 syntao.com | In 2009, China’s State Council declared that by 2020, Shanghai would establish itself as one of the world’s pre-eminent [...] international financial [...] centres.23The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has also announced [...]it will deepen financial [...]reforms and accelerate structural reorganization of the financial sector as a whole.24 An important contributor to these developments is the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). syntao.com |
XEMarkets.com是位于塞浦路斯利马索尔的TRADING POINT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS LTD的一个交易品牌,受塞浦路斯 证监会 ( Cy SEC)监管并获得欧盟所有授权,包括英国金融服务管理局(FSA)、德国联邦金融监管局(BaFIN)、荷兰金融市场管理局(AFM)、西班牙国家证券市场委员会(CNMV)、瑞典金融监管局(FI)和芬兰金融事务监管局(FIN)的授权。 tipschina.gov.cn | XEMarkets.com is a trading name of TRADING POINT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS LTD based in Limassol, Cyprus, regulated by CySEC and with full European Union authorization, including UK''s FSA, Germany ''s BaFIN, Netherland''s AFM, Spain''s CNMV, Sweden''s FI, and Finland''s FIN. tipschina.gov.cn |
公司严格按照《公司法》、《证券法》、《企业内部控制基本规范》等法律法规和中 国 证监会 有 关 上市公 司的规范性文件的要求,结合公司所处行业和自身特点,不断完善和规范公司内部控制组织架构和运行机制,为 公司经营管理合法合规、资产安全、财务报告及相关信息真实完整提供了合理保证,推动公司各项业务活动有效 实施,促进公司战略的达成。 zte.com.cn | In light of the industrial characteristics and the characteristics of the company itself, the company has been constantly improving and standardizing its internal control organization frameworks and operating mechanisms to guarantee the compliance of operations and management, security of assets, and the truth and integrity of financial reports and other relevant information of the company. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
90 中海油服于 2002 年在港交所(SEHK: 2883)上市,并于 2007 年在上交所(SSE: 601808)综合板块上市(证监会分类 为采掘业)。 eisourcebook.org | COSL possesses the largest fleet of offshore oilfield services facilities in China.90 COSL has been listed on the HKEx [...] (SEHK: 2883) since [...] 2002, and on the SSE (SSE: 601808) energy sector (extractive company by CSRC’s classification) [...]since 2007. eisourcebook.org |
Holchin B.V. 及其一致行动人具备实施本次增持的主体资格要求;Holchin B.V. 及其一致行动人实施本次增持已履行了必要的信息披露义务;Holchin B.V. [...] [...] 及其一致行动人的本次增持行为符合《上市公司收购管理办法》第六十三条第二款第一项规定的可以免于以要约方式增持华新水泥股份且可以免于向中 国 证监会 提 出 豁免要约申请的情形;Holchin [...] B.V. 及其一致行动人在本次增持过程中不存在证券违法行为。 huaxincem.com | Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it are all legally incorporated and existing under the laws of the country where the company is incorporated, and they are qualified to carry out the Share Increase; Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it have performed necessary obligations regarding information disclosure concerning Share Increase; the Share Increase conducted by Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it satisfies the requirements stipulated in Paragraph 2 (1) of Article 63 of the Administrative Measures on Takeover of Listed Companies , according to which the investor could be [...] exempted from the tender offer and the [...] application to the CSRC for a waiver; Holchin [...]B.V. and the party acting in concert [...]with it did not conduct any illegal activities during the Share Increase. huaxincem.com |
Stubofsky先生在为政府客户及其他公共部门提供审计服务方面是一位专家,他也擅长为其他私营企业提供审计及其 他 证监会 相 关的财务报告服务。 bpaccountants.com | Mr. Stubofsky is an expert in the area of audit engagement for government clients, as well as public sector clients including the city of Peekskill, the New Jersey State [...] Department of Human Services, the Jersey City Housing Authority, and the Passaic Housing Authority, as well as private [...] sector audits and filings with the SEC. bpaccountants.com |
江西铜业在上交所的工 业板块,被证监会分类为金属制造业。 eisourcebook.org | Jiangxi Copper is in the “material” sector of the SSE index, and in the [...] manufacturingmetal of CSRC’s category. eisourcebook.org |
所有投资部门(私募股权、房地产、GSO 及 Blackstone 另类资产管理)均通过在证监会注册 的投资顾问开展业务。 china.blackstone.com | All of our investing units (Private Equity, Real Estate, GSO and Blackstone Alternative Asset Management) conduct business through SEC-registered investment advisers. blackstone.com |
UBS AG香港分行(稳定市场经办人)或任何代其行事的人士根据《证券及期货(稳定价格)规则》在稳定价格期间作出的稳定价格行动如下:(1)于国际发售中超额配售498,255,000股H股,占行使超额配售权之前根据全球发售初步发售H股数目的15%;(2)按每股H股8.47港元至9.05港元的价格范围(不包括应付的1%经纪佣金、0.004%香 港 证监会 交 易征费、0.005%香港交易所交易费)于市场接连购入H股。 cmbc.com.cn | The stabilizing actions undertaken by the UBS AG, Hong Kong Branch as the stabilizing manager, or any person acting for it, in compliance with the Securities and Futures (Price Stabilizing) Rules, during the stabilizing period were: (1) Over-allocations of an aggregate of 498,255,000 shares in the International Offering, representing 15% of the Offer Shares initially offered under the Global Offering before any exercise of the over-allotment option; (2) Successive market purchases which purchases were made in the [...] price range of [...] HK$8.47 to HK$9.05 per Share (excluding [...]brokerage of 1.0%, SFC transaction levy of 0.004% and Hong Kong Stock [...]Exchange trading fee of 0.005%). cmbc.com.cn |
60 在中国的报告制度中,特别针对采掘业披露信息规则制定了条款 。 证监会 要 求 上市 公司披露其会计政策、石油及天然气资产的会计估算、折耗摊销方法、采矿许可证的会 [...] 计处理方法、储量估计、石油和天然气资产的期初期末额及其增减情况。 eisourcebook.org | The China Securities [...] Regulatory Commission (CSRC) requires public [...]companies to disclose on its accounting practices, estimates [...]of oil and gas assets, depletion, license cost, the evaluation standard for its reserves, and list the balance and accrual and decrease of oil and gas assets.61 In 2006, the Ministry of Finance issued the progressive Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.27 eisourcebook.org |
英文报道;中文报道)同时,南方出版传媒也向中 国 证监会 提 交了上市申请,为传媒业的投资者提供了有吸引力的选择,可利用该公司与中国最具开拓性的一个媒体集团的联系。 youngchinabiz.com | (English article; Chinese article) Meantime, [...] Southern Publishing has also filed with [...] the Chinese securities regulator for an IPO, providing [...]an interesting choice for media [...]investors looking to tap into the company’s ties with one of China’s most ground-breaking media groups. youngchinabiz.com |
作为上市公司,Blackstone 集团 向美国证监会提供 有关其经营和财务表现的广泛信息, 并遵守纽约证券交易所有关企业治理方面的规定。 china.blackstone.com | As a publicly traded company, The Blackstone Group files extensive information with the SEC about its operations and financial performance and is subject to the NYSE's rules relating to corporate governance. blackstone.com |
为此,就本次超额配售,本公司以全球发售的H股每股发行价格(即每股9.08港元,不包括应付的1%经纪佣金,0.004%香 港 证监会 交 易 征费,0.005%香港联交所交易费)额外发行117,569,500股H股。 cmbc.com.cn | In this regard, 117,569,500 shares of over-allotment shares will be issued and allotted by the Bank at HK$9.08 per Share (excluding brokerage of 1.0%, SFC transaction levy of 0.004% and Hong Kong Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005%), being the Offer Price per Share in connection with the Global Offering. cmbc.com.cn |
内容提要】国际金融论坛2009年会第二次会议的主题是“中国经济金融形势与展望”,中国银监会副主席蒋定之、中 国 证监会 副 主席刘新华、中国保监会副主席李克穆分别在会上发表主题演讲。 ifforum.org | Summary] At the 2nd session of IFF 2009 with a theme of “China’s Economic and Financial Situation and Prospects”, Mr. Jiang Dingzhi, vice [...] chairman of the CBRC, Mr. Liu Xinhua, vice [...] chairman of the CSRC, and Mr. Li Kemu, [...]vice chairman of the CIRC, deliver the keynote addresses. ifforum.org |
China Southern Fund Management Company (CSFMC)南方基金 是国内首批获中国证监会批准 的三家基金管理公司之一,是中国证券投资基金行业的起始标志,于1998年3月在中国深圳正式成立。 skyworthttg.com | In March [...] 1998, with the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), China Southern [...]Fund Management Company [...](CSFMC), the first regularized fund management company, was officially established, based in Shenzhen, China. skyworthttg.com |
透过命令状,针对拘捕、羁押或监禁 合 法性的司法 听 证会须 立 即进行;如宣告拘禁为违法,须立即将被拘留之人释放。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through this writ, a [...] judicial hearing on the legality of the arrest, detention or imprisonment must be held [...]immediately, followed [...]by an order for release, if appropriate. daccess-ods.un.org |