

单词 证明文件

证明文件 noun ()

identification form n

See also:

证明 n

evidence n
certification n
certificate n
substantiate n


confirm the truth of

证明 v

evidence v
show v
justify v
show that v
prove v


state in writing (laws, rules etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

在以往的长篇报告中我们曾经 指出,我们很晚才收到财务报表和我们审计所选项目 证明文件。
Our previous long form reports have reported on
significant delays in receiving the financial
[...] statements and supporting documentation for the items selected [...]
for audit.
Most people
[...] cannot obtain such documentation at a reasonable [...]
time and cost, fuelling their insecurity.
譬如,国家当局可 以在不暗示法律承认事实上的当局的情况下承认其所提供的关于一个人身份的初 步推定事证明文件。
National authorities, for instance, may recognize papers provided by de facto authorities as
prima facie factual proof of personal status without
[...] this implying legal recognition of the entities providing the papers.
一些执行的建议没有实施下去,因为缺少正式、非正式或不完整 证明文件 , 它 们的等 级关系在表格中体现不明显。
Some recommendations that have been implemented are
not signed off because
[...] the supporting documentation, sometimes purely formal in nature, is not supplied in full or in part, and their ranking is not clearly shown in the tables.
在这种情况下,由寻求庇护者提交一份个人就 证明文件 , 然 后在寻求庇 护者临时身份证件中注明该个人有权获得就业,同时注明雇主。
In this case the
[...] persons present a document which certifies that the person [...]
is employed; subsequently in the temporary identity document of the asylum seeker it is mentioned
that the person holds the right to employment and the employer is also mentioned.
[...] 迪瓦边境哨所的海关官员和警察进行多大程度和范围的培训和交流,才能解决金 伯利进程机制如何运作、需要哪 证明文件 以 及在大多数情况下如何识别毛坯钻 石的问题。
This raises an interesting issue and challenge for the implementation of the Kimberley Process in Côte d’Ivoire, namely, the level and reach of training and communications for customs officials and police at Ivorian border posts
concerning how the Kimberley Process mechanism
[...] operates, what documentation is needed and [...]
how to identify rough diamonds in most cases.
(d) 人力资源——人员招聘中存在弱点,过程缺乏透明度和竞争性;招聘过 程证明文件不足
(d) Human resources – Weakness in the recruitment of
personnel, with
[...] processes lacking transparency and competitiveness; and inadequate documentation to support the recruitment [...]
由于以色列政府实行封锁,在其控制下,限制进口到加沙的燃料数量,因 此,近东救济工程处只能口头发出燃料订单,没 证明文件 来 核 实定购数量和收到 数量,这不符合近东救济工程处《采购手册》第 [...]
3.3.1 段的要求。
The fuel orders were made verbally by UNRWA, as necessitated by the blockade that limits the amount of fuel that can be imported into Gaza as
controlled by the Government of Israel,
[...] and there was no supporting documentation to verify the quantity [...]
ordered against the quantity
received, which was not in compliance with paragraph 3.3.1 of the UNRWA Procurement Manual.
他们别无选择,必须返回南部取得适当 证明文件。
They have little choice but to travel south
[...] to obtain proper documentation.
委员会审查了各实体现有的非消耗性财产安排,并注意到下列各种缺陷的实 例:(a) 盘存报告中开列的某些物品已经不知下落,或者已经过时;(b) 没有足 够的实物盘点程序或者没有始终如一地进行实物清点;(c) 实物清点的物品与固
定资产登记册中的物品之间存在出入;(d) 某些实体保持人工固定资产登记册,
[...] 容易出错,其数据的进出因设计而变得难以操控;(e) 在没证明文件的情况下 调整固定资产登记册;(f) 没有始终如一地对实物盘存和固定资产登记册进行对 [...]
账;(g) 有些物品并未一贯列入盘存报告;(h)
资产管理程序不够充分,例如给 各项资产加标签以及固定资产登记册中适当记录资产的详细情况。
The Board reviewed the existing non-expendable property arrangement across entities and noted the following examples of deficiencies: (a) the inventory reports included items that could not be located or were obsolete; (b) there were inadequate physical inventory count procedures or physical counts were not always performed; (c) there were discrepancies between items physically counted and the items in the fixed asset registers; (d) some entities maintained manual fixed asset registers, which were prone to error and by design had weak data-access control; (e)
adjustments were made to fixed asset
[...] registers without supporting documents; (f) reconciliation [...]
was not always performed between
physical inventory and the fixed asset register; (g) items were not always included in the inventory report; and (h) inadequate asset management procedures, such as tagging of individual assets and properly recording details of assets in the fixed asset registers.
秘书处注意到精心编写的哥伦比亚国家淘汰计划执行情况综合进展报告以及有证 明文件,包 括关于哥伦比亚消耗臭氧层物质国家消费量的乐观的核查报告。
The Secretariat noted the comprehensive and well written progress report on the implementation
of the Colombia NPP,
[...] together with the supporting documents, including the [...]
favourable verification report on national ODS consumption in Colombia.
提交 开支报告及相应证明文件即可 满足这一要求。
This requirement can be satisfied by submitting an expense report
[...] with appropriate supporting documentation.
在特别谈到序言部分第四和第五段,以及执行部分 第 2 和第 4
[...] 段时,她强调,菲律宾代表团的立场是 家庭团聚和汇款自由流动权应当适用于所有移徙 者,不论有证明文件。
Speaking specifically with regard to the fourth and fifth preambular paragraphs and operative paragraphs two and four, she stressed that it was the position of her delegation that the
right to family reunification and to the free flow of remittances should apply to all
[...] migrants, whether documented or not.
技经 评估组或有关技选委员会在收 证明文件 后 可在有关报告印发后以更正的方式 对报告中的事实错误加以订正。
Any factual errors in the reports may be rectified through a corrigendum following publication, upon receipt by TEAP or the TOC of supporting documentation.
希望作为罗马尼亚国会议员参与欧洲议会选举的欧盟公民除提交必要的标 准文件外,还需提交:一份陈述本人国籍、罗马尼亚住址、不在其他任何成员国 内参加欧洲国会议员选举的事实的宣誓书、原籍国相关国家当局发布 证明文件 证明没有 任何禁止申请人作为候选人参加选举的法院命令,以及有效身份证件复 印件。
EU citizens who wish to stand for election as Romanian MPs in the European Parliament are requested to file, along with the standard necessary documentation, the following: an affidavit stating nationality, their Romanian address, and the fact they are not standing for election as European MP in any other member state, documentary proof, issued by the relevant national authorities in the country of origin, that the applicant has not been subject to any court order banning him to stand as a candidate; valid photographic ID.
这笔拨款的目的是帮助防止恐怖主义、减少欺诈行为、提 高身证明文件的可读性和准确性。
The grant funding was to help to prevent terrorism, reduce fraud, and improve the readability
[...] and accuracy of identification documents.
无法提供适证明文件的人 ,在居住国没有合法的身份,可能无法得到保护、无法享受服务并有可能受到处罚。
But those without proper documentation risk having uncertain [...]
legal status in their country of residence, potential loss
of access to protections and services, or other possible penalties.
测试报告 确定以测试报告形式提供证明文件。
Identify the need for documentation in the form of [...]
test reports.
如 你 已 符 合 上 述 任 何 一 种 情 况 , 你 只 需 填 妥 〔 「 累 算 权 益 申 索 表 格 」 (
[...] HAPW) 〕 , 并 连 同 所 须证 明 文 件 一 并 交 回 予 强 积 金 行 政 [...]
管 理 人 即 可 。
If you meet any one of the above criteria, you should complete a [ Claim Form
for Payment of Accrued Benefits (HAPW)] and return them with
[...] the necessary supporting documents to our MPF Administrator.
许多 国家为了婚姻目的要求在身 证明文件 中 表 明宗教 信仰。
Many countries
[...] required an indication of religion in identity documents for marriage purposes.
各缔约方局可能要求就商标的某些成分,如纹章、徽章、肖像、勋章、称号、厂 商名称或非申请人的姓氏、或者其他类似说明,所提供的合法性使用 证明文件 ,除 原属局确认之外,应免除一切认证和证明。
Documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the use of certain elements incorporated in a mark, such as armorial bearings, escutcheons, portraits, honorary distinctions, titles, trade names, names of persons other than the name of the applicant, or other like inscriptions, which might be required by the Offices of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization as well as from any certification other than that of the Office of origin.
认证的方法与认证加拿大公 证明文件的 方法一样。
This can be certified in the same way that
[...] you certify your proof of Canadian Citizenship documents.
虽然该决议 草案序言部分第四和第五段,以及执行部分第 2 段 都提到了持证移徙者,而且执行部分第 4 段提到了
[...] 合法移徙,但是,墨西哥代表团的立场是,所有的 移徙者应当都享有这些权利,不论他们的法律地位 如何,包括那些没证明文件的移 徙者。
Although the fourth and fifth preambular paragraphs and operative paragraph two of the draft resolution referred to documented migrants and operative paragraph four referred to legal migrants, it was the position of his
delegation that those rights should be enjoyed by all
[...] migrants, whatever their legal status, including undocumented migrants.
第 60/47(b)(七)号决定要求,应该销毁 24.4 公吨未药用等级氟氯化碳,并且应该作 为本次核查报告的一部分,提供有关运输、储存和处理 证明文件。
Decision 60/47(b)(vii) requires that the 24.4 mt of non-pharmaceutical-grade CFCs should have been destroyed and documentation on the transport, storage, and disposal should be provided as part of the current verification report.
(g) 任证明文件(须附 于申请之后并予以编号,如果是译文,须加以说明)。
(g) Any supporting documentation (annexed and numbered, including, if translated, an indication thereof).
任何人被承认为难民以后将获得难得资格,并获发出身 证明文件 及 旅游 证件,并获得如其他在澳门合法居留的人的同等对待。
A person who is recognized as a refugee and
granted refugee status shall be entitled to
[...] identification and travel documents, and shall be [...]
treated in the same manner as
any other person legally authorized to live in the MSAR.
Family or identity documents in the possession [...]
of internees may not be taken away without a receipt being given”.
(c) 从政府机构借调的工作人员的任用书,经该工作人员和秘书长本人或其 代表签字后,连同会员国和该工作人员同意借调的条款和条件的有 证明文件, 应 作为在任用书中所称期间从政府机构借调到本组织一事的存在和效力的证据。
(c) The letter of appointment of a staff member on secondment from government service signed by the staff member and by or on behalf of the SecretaryGeneral, and relevant
supporting documentation
[...] of the terms and conditions of secondment agreed to by the Member State and the staff member, shall be evidence of the existence [...]
and validity of secondment
from government service to the Organization for the period stated in the letter of appointment.
在“有限质量保证”和“有限 最高功率保证”下,维修或更换组件的退货及重新发货的海运费用,且为合理的、符合规则 的、证明文件的, 只有在我司客服部的书面认定下,浚鑫太阳能会将这个费用偿还客户。
In connection with both the “Limited Product Warranty” and “Limited Peak Power W arranty”, J etion Solar sh all r eimburse Cu stomer for reaso nable, c ustomary and documented t ransportation char ges by sea freig ht f or bo th the return of th e modules a nd reshipment of any rep aired or rep laced modules, only if th is c ost is aut horized by Jeti on S olar Customer service department.
除在华沙或蒙特利尔公约界定的国际运输中运送的托运行李或非托运行李外,如乘客托运之行李内含有受行李运输一般条款所禁止盛载之物品,而该等物品引至托运行李内的物件有任何丢失、损害或延误,我们在任何情况下均无须承担责任,包括但不限于在乘客托运行李内的易碎或易毁消的物品、钥匙、艺术品、相机、金钱、珠宝、贵金属、银器、医药、药物、危险物品、商业物品、不正常大小的物品、可流转文件、证券,或其他贵重物品、商业文件、样品或护照及其它身 证明文件。
Except for checked or unchecked baggage carried in the course of international carriage as defined by the Warsaw or Montreal Convention, we are not liable, in any way whatever, for loss of, damage to or delay in the delivery of articles which you include in
your baggage despite their inclusion being
[...] prohibited by our General Conditions of Carriage for [...]
Passengers and Baggage.




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