

单词 证据法

See also:

法证 pl

forensics pl

External sources (not reviewed)

刑事诉讼证据法》业经修正,并 确立了审前拘留的时限。
The Criminal
[...] Procedure and Evidence Code had been [...]
amended, and time limits for pretrial custody had been established.
1984 年的《警察和犯证据法》明 确规定,不得以歧 视的方式进行拦截和搜查,特别是,一个人的宗教决不应被作为拦截和搜查的理 由。
The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 made clear [...]
that stop-and-search must not be conducted in a discriminatory way
and in particular that a person’s religion should never be considered a reason to stop and search them.
刑事诉法和证据法》[第9:0章] 规定,建立一个维护被传唤出席作 证所有弱势证人的保护受害者法庭。
The Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07] [...]
which provides for a victim friendly court to all vulnerable witnesses who
are called upon to give evidence in court.
在整个审判过程中,各方都会提出申请,要求各种补救,诸如采 证据 ,法 官之间需要对这些申请进行讨论和审议,并在审判室之外起草裁决。
Throughout the trial proceedings, motions are filed by the parties, requesting various types
of relief, such as
[...] the admission of evidence, which require discussion and deliberation among the Judges and drafting [...]
of decisions outside of the courtroom.
法院提及《苏证据法》, 该法允许 司法诉讼程序承认通过非法手段取得的证词。
The court made reference
[...] to the Sudanese Evidence Act, which permits [...]
the admission to judicial proceedings of statements
obtained by unlawful means.476
专家组指出,在这方面,不断有证据显示,进 证据法 索 , 武器和弹药是 从布基纳法索领土通过公路转移到科特迪瓦北部(见 [...]
S/2010/179 第 117 段和上文 武器一节第 92-94 段)。
The Group notes, in this
[...] regard, ongoing evidence of weapon and [...]
ammunition transfers by road from the territory of Burkina
Faso into northern Côte d’Ivoire (see S/2010/179, para. 117 and paras. 92-94 of the Arms section above).
根据向法院提交证据,法院拒 绝认定开曼程序 可作为外国主要程序,不过还是批准了关于承认的第 [...]
15 章申请,将其作为外国 非主要程序,尽管有证据表明各基金在开曼群岛不曾设有《示范法》所界定的 “营业所”。
Based on the evidence presented the court, [...]
it declined to find that the Cayman proceeding qualified as a foreign main proceeding,
though it granted the Chapter 15 petition for recognition as a foreign non-main proceeding, despite the evidence that the funds did not have an “establishment” in the Cayman Islands, as that term is defined in the Model Law.
特别是亟需通过新的刑法、刑事诉 法 和 证据法 案 等等法律的修订案。
In particular, there was an urgent need to adopt the new revised Penal Code, the
[...] Criminal Procedure Code and the evidence bill.
[...] 将伊斯兰教法、不成文法和国际人权法结合在一起的全新刑法;新的判刑法案; 新的刑事诉法;证据法案; 国家安全法案;1 警方法案;2 拘留程序法案;假 [...]
In addition to the strengthening of the judiciary through constitutional reform (including through the creation of the new Supreme Court and the Judicial Services Commission), Maldives has also tabled, and in many cases enacted, a wide range of detailed bills, including: a completely new Penal Code, which successfully combines sharia law, common law and international human rights law; a
new sentencing bill; a new Criminal
[...] Procedures Code; an evidence bill; a national [...]
security bill;1 a police bill;2 a bill
on detention procedures; a parole bill; a bill on the judicature and a Judicial Services Commission bill.
儿童权利委员会赞赏地注意到伯利兹修改《刑 法 》 和 《 证据法 》 的提 案,以及 2003 年全国家庭与儿童委员会完成的对伯利兹法律的审查。
CRC noted with appreciation Belize’s proposals to reform the
[...] Criminal Code and the Evidence Act, and the review [...]
of the laws of Belize completed in 2003
by the National Committee for Families and Children.
如 果法院确定存在违反第 16(3)条所持推定证据,法院在 决定债务人主要利 益中心所在地时应当参考这些因素。
When the court determines that there is proof contrary to the presumption in Article 16(3), the court should consult these factors in determining the location of the debtor’s centre of main interests.
关于逮捕问题的法律,1981 年的《刑事诉法和证据法》规 定了应该采取的 程序和方法,以避免对嫌犯实施酷刑、不人道和有辱人格待遇。
With regard to laws relating to issues of arrest, there is already
in place the
[...] Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act 1981 which lays [...]
down procedures and methods that should be adopted to avoid
instances of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment of suspects.
大 韩 民国高兴 起注意到,巴巴多斯通过了更重视复 原 的 《刑事制度改
[...] 革 法 》 和 增 加 了有关警察审 讯 录 音 和录像 规 定的证 据法》 。
The Republic of Korea noted with delight that Barbados had adopted the Penal System Reform Act,
which puts greater emphasis on
[...] rehabilitation, and the Evidence Act with its provisions [...]
for audio- and video-taping police interviews.
年,开发计划署表示,在《2009 年证据法》中 改革了四项法律做法, 从而在其法律中实现性别平等迈出了重要的步伐。
In 2009, UNDP stated that the Parliament had made important strides towards gender equality in its law by changing four legal practices in the Evidence Act 2009.
1 虽然宪法禁止酷刑尚未在国家的刑法中专门设立一项酷刑罪 名来配合,但刑法中已确定了威胁性暴力、共同攻击、造成人体实际伤害的攻击、
[...] 造成人体严重伤害的攻击等罪名,以及法官守则 证据法 令 等 法律法规都已生效, 从而使禁止酷刑产生效果。
The prohibition of torture, inhuman or degrading punishment or other treatment is absolute in that even in situations of public emergency this provision is non-derogable.1 Even though the Constitutional prohibition of torture is not yet supported by the creation of a specific offence of torture under the country’s criminal law, the offences in the Criminal Code such as threatening violence, common assault, assault causing actual bodily harm, assault causing grievous bodily harm
and laws and regulations such as the Judges
[...] Rules and the Evidence Act have also [...]
been put in place to give effect to the prohibition of torture.
2009 年通过了《刑事诉讼证据法》修 正案,规定可将患有精 神病的已决犯移送精神病院治疗。
An amendment to the Criminal
[...] Procedure and evidence Act was passed [...]
in 2009 that provides for the transfer of mentally ill
convicts to forensic hospital.
然而,经评估现有证据,即检验机构出具的证书和专 证据 , 法 院认 定所供货物与合同不符,因为买方不得不将其中大部分货物制成鱼粉,用于动 物饲料。
However, having assessed the evidence available,
[...] namely the certificate issued by the inspection agency and the expert evidence, the court concluded that [...]
the goods had not
been in conformity with the contract, given that the buyer had had to set the bulk of them aside for conversion into fish flour for use in animal feed.
法院认定,阿根廷没有为这 一指控提证据。法院还 认为,“阿根廷没有令人信服地说明乌拉圭拒绝按第 36 条的规定参与这种合作,因而违反了该条的规定”。
It also considered “that Argentina has not convincingly demonstrated that Uruguay has refused to engage in such co-ordination as envisaged by Article 36, in breach of that provision”.
[...] 是,据报关于遭受酷刑的独立医疗证明不能作 法 庭 证据 , 法 官 和 检察官只接受 司法部下属法医研究所提交的报告。
The Committee is also concerned by reports that independent
medical documentation of torture are
[...] not entered into evidence in court rooms and that [...]
judges and prosecutors only accept reports
by the Ministry of Justice’s Forensic Medicine Institute.
[...] 尔富尔司法机构针对 40 名乡村法院的法官就苏丹刑法、刑事诉讼以 证据法问 题组织了一个讲习班。
In an effort to strengthen the rule of law, especially in rural areas, UNAMID, UNDP and the Western
Darfur judiciary held a workshop on Sudanese criminal law, criminal
[...] procedure and laws of evidence for 40 rural court judges.
我们赞赏两法庭在报告所述期间继续本着专业 精神为国际刑事法的诉法和证据法 作 出 了贡献。
We appreciate that, during the reporting period,
the Tribunals continued to contribute to
[...] procedural and evidentiary international criminal law in a professional manner.
与会者讨 论了这一领域可能的良好做法,如利用技术和加 证据法 统 一等替代解决办法。
Participants discussed potential good
practices in this area, such as the use of technology and alternative solutions such as
[...] enhanced harmonization of evidence law.
[...] 事处所有时间都在澳大利亚,但由于美国公司真诚地提出了质疑这一事 实证据,法院得出结论认为,不能仅靠推定,必须考虑所有证据。
In this case, the debtor’s registered office was at all times in Australia, but because the United
States company had in good
[...] faith introduced evidence questioning this [...]
fact, the court concluded that it could not rely solely
on the presumption and must consider all the evidence.
通过了关 于电子证据的具体规则(载于 证据法 》第 35 和 36 条)以确保实现这一目 标。
Specific rules on
[...] electronic evidence (contained in sections 35 and 36 of the Evidence Act) were adopted [...]
to ensure that goal.
48 大赦国际、津巴布韦人权组织指出,《刑事诉讼 证据法 》 和 《警察 常规命令》制约逮捕和囚犯最低限度待遇事宜。49 [...]
津巴布韦人权组织指出,由 于存在其他非正式治安行为者( 民兵、退伍军人) ,在选举时期骚扰和恐吓公民, 民众的人身安全受到影响。
IBAHRI noted numerous reports of arrests and excessive use of force by the
police.48 AI, ZHRO indicated that the
[...] Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act (CPEA) and the [...]
Police Standing Orders regulate instances
of arrests and minimum treatment of detainees.49 ZHRO indicated that the security of persons is compromised due to the existence of other informal security actors (militias, war veterans) who harass and intimidate citizens during electoral periods.50 ZHRO noted that selective application of the criminal laws has resulted in some known perpetrators not being arrested.51ZHRO recommended that a guarantee on security of the person be enshrined in the Constitution.52 27.
根据《精神健康条例》,精神紊乱人士如被定罪或控告,基于医生提供证据,法院或 裁判官可命令把该人士收纳入惩教署精神病治疗中心或精神病院, [...]
13.3 MHO provides that if a mentally
disordered person is convicted or charged
[...] with an offence, the court or magistrate may [...]
order the admission of the person to the
CSD Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital for treatment subject to the evidence provided by medical practitioners.
证据法第4 节( 第五章第3段) 规定,依据这一法律以及其他有效的书面法律,普通法的有证据规 则和原则应在参照圭亚那具体情况下尽可能适用。
Section 4 of the Evidence Act Chapter 5:03 enacts that subject to this Act and any other written law in force, the rules and principles of the common law relating to evidence shall as far as [...]
they are applicable to
the circumstances in Guyana, be enforced.
该战略设想实现下列人权目标:修订《刑事诉讼 证据法 》 , 保护犯罪受 害者的权利;撤销莱索托对《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的保留;批准两项 [...]
《公民权利和政治权利国际公约任择议定书》;修订《宪法》第18 条“经济、 社会、文化权利的可审理性”;设立国家人权委员会并建立证人保护制度;并根
据《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》发表声明,鼓 励提交申诉。
The strategy envisaged the following
human rights goals: amendment of the Criminal
[...] Procedure and Evidence Act to provide [...]
for protection of the rights of victims
of crime; withdrawal of Lesotho’s reservation to CEDAW; ratification of the two Optional Protocols to ICCPR; amendment of section 18 of the Constitution, justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; establishment of a National Human Rights Commission and establishment of witness protection system and declaration under CAT facilitating submission of complaints.




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