

单词 证供



deposition (law)

External sources (not reviewed)

鉴于 2008 年在提交和印发文件方面出现了前所 未有的延误,已严重妨碍到大会的工作,欧洲联盟敦 促秘书处加紧努力,以纠正这一问题,特别是 证供 第五委员会审议的文件。
In the light of the unprecedented delays experienced in 2008 in the submission and issuance of documents, which had severely impeded the work of the General Assembly, the European Union urged the Secretariat to intensify its efforts to rectify the problem, particularly for documents considered by the Fifth Committee.
为实现与客户间的高效合作,博世不仅采用了成本优化的本土化采购策略,培养和开发本土优秀供应商;并引入了先进的供应链管理系统——博世生产系统(BPS):通过与客户和供应商建立统一的供应链体系,优化整个产业链上下游物资和信息的传递,从而 证供 货 的 及时与灵活。
Bosch has also adopted the advanced Bosch Production System (BPS) which provides a unified supply chain system with both clients and suppliers, optimizes
the material and information flow throughout the system and
[...] therefore ensures the timeliness and flexibility of supplies.
2010年西部兽医大会针对大小型动物、外来物种和其他物种领域以及实践管理的关键信息和最新进展提供超过800小时的持续教育指导(AAVSB RACE #3认证供应商)。
WVC 2010 featured more than 800 hours of CE instruction (AAVSB RACE Approved Provider #3) on the essential information and most recent advances in small animal, large animal, exotics and other species areas, as well as practice management.
申请参加筹 备委员会会议或主要会议(6 月 20 日至 22 日)或这两个会议的代表一旦获得礼宾 和联络处核准,就会获得会议出证 , 供 其在 2012 年 6 月 13 日至 22 日整个期 间进出会场。
Delegates seeking accreditation to the Preparatory Committee meeting or the main Conference (20-22 June) or both, once approved by the Protocol and Liaison Service, will be issued a conference pass covering the entire period from 13 to 22 June 2012 for access to the conference site.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室支助平民证人到肯尼亚 供证 词,已经实现这些证人 100%出席对海盗的审判,并在必要时提供口译服务。
UNODC provides support for civilian witnesses to travel to Kenya to provide testimony and has achieved 100 per cent attendance of those witnesses at piracy trails, with interpretation as required.
新的《刑事诉讼法》和对《刑法》的修正案规定以刑法保护 所有受保护和受威胁证人身份,为 供证 词 保障安全,并维护证人的人格完整。
The new Law on Criminal Procedure and the amendments to the Criminal Code that prescribe the criminal law protection of the identity of all
the protected and
[...] threatened witnesses, provide for securely delivering the testimonies, and for [...]
the maintenance of witness integrity.
人力资源还推出供证书的 课程(财务和行政、供应和人力资源职能),使这些职 能领域的人力进一步专业化。
HR has also introduced certification offerings (finance [...]
and administration, supply, and human resource functions) for the
further professionalization of the workforce in these functional areas.
[...] 括使用全民教育全球监测报告(GMR)等手段进行持续的监控和 供证 据 确凿的报告,从而为 政策对话和决策提供信息。
Several speakers insisted on the need for continuous
[...] monitoring and evidence-based reports, [...]
including through the Global Monitoring
Report (GMR) to inform policy dialogue and decision-making.
[...] 审判分庭决定由分庭(而不是检方)传唤其余的证人作证,使他们能够在尽可能安 全的环境中供证词。
In order to ensure that the integrity of the proceedings would be respected, the Trial Chamber decided that the remaining witnesses would be called to testify by the
Chamber itself (rather than by the Prosecution), so that they
[...] could give their evidence in as safe an environment [...]
as possible.
(d) 同意作证的儿童见证人没有得到特别的保护措施,没有给予其足够的 保护使其免于遭受来自其供证据的 犯罪者的报复风险。
(d) Child witnesses who agree to testify do not receive special protection
measures and are insufficiently protected from the risk of retaliation from offenders against
[...] whom they have provided evidence.
预计书记官处能实现各项目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 前南斯拉夫各国在
提供信息及其他形式的援助方面予以合作;(b) 诉讼程序不会因法庭无法控制的
[...] 原因而出现延误,如被告人患病、出乎意料的材料披露、请求更换辩护律师、请 求复审已审案件、影响诉讼程序的其他动议以及没有证人对陈述予以证明及供 证词; (c) 法庭工作人员的更替率在可接受的范围内。
The Registry is expected to meet its objective and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) the States of the former Yugoslavia cooperate in the provision of information and other forms of assistance; (b) there are no delays in the proceedings for reasons beyond the Tribunal’s control, such as illness of the accused, unforeseen disclosure of material, requests for replacement of defence counsel, requests for review of cases already tried, other motions affecting the
proceedings or the
[...] non-availability of witnesses to certify statements and provide testimony; and (c) [...]
the turnover rate of the
Tribunal’s staff remains within acceptable limits.
关于违反《公约》第15 条的指称,申诉人未能供证据, 即使是间接证 据,以证明他的供词是在酷刑下作出的,只是声称缔约国没有就他的酷刑指控展 开应有的调查。
4.4 With regard to the alleged violation of article 15 of the Convention, the complainant has failed to provide even circumstantial evidence that his statement was made under torture, but simply alleged that the State party did not duly investigate his claim of having been tortured.
法院没有支持原告主张的金额为 1,951.90 加元的损害赔偿以及相 应利息,因为尽管依据 ZPP 第 219 条第 2
[...] 款的规定,原告应承担举证责任,但 是原告未能供证据对 其遭受的损害以及损害金额加以证明。
The Court rejected the plaintiff’s claim regarding compensation for damages in the amount of $1,951.90 plus
corresponding interest because the plaintiff had
[...] failed to provide evidence of the damages [...]
sustained and of their amount, although
he had the burden of proof under article 219, paragraph 2 ZPP.
目前正在进行采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负责土地证无雷 ,和一个排雷方案办公室 供 质 量 控制和 证 及 社 区建立信 任措施。
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake
this land release and a
[...] Demining Programme Office to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building [...]
In other cases, they are simply criminals who acted opportunistically in
the first place and are willing to seize the
[...] opportunity to provide evidence in order to receive [...]
a more lenient sentence.
此外近东救济工程处未能供证据证 明 对 长期未结定购单进行了定 期跟踪。
Furthermore, UNRWA
[...] was unable to provide evidence that long-outstanding [...]
purchase orders were followed up on a regular basis.
12章第19 节,移民法院不认为申诉人给出的原因,即她会被要求 供证 据 , 是没有在早些 时候提供新情况的有效借口。
The reason given by the complainant, i.e. that she would have been asked to submit proof, was not considered by the Migration Court as a valid excuse under chapter 12, section 19, of the Aliens Act for not presenting the new circumstances at an earlier stage.
在核查 2006 年氟氯化碳出口情 况期间,消耗臭气层物质进出口办通知核查员进口商已经出示了欧盟准许向 联合王国出口 32 ODP 吨 CFC-113
[...] 的证书,但消耗臭气层物质进出口办和出 口商(常熟 3F 公司)都没有供证明这 笔交易的书面单据。
During the verification of 2006 CFC exports, IEMO advised the verifier that the importer had shown the permission from EU for export of 32 ODP tonnes of
CFC-113 to UK, but both IEMO and the exporter (Changshu 3F) failed to present the
[...] written document certifying the transaction.
良好做法是克 服这些挑战,包括允许被偷运移民留在该国,协助刑事司法程序,或采用视频 链路证言及录像/录音,让已返还移民可以从本国 供证 据。
Good practices to overcome these challenges include allowing smuggled migrants to remain in the country to assist the criminal justice process, or the use of video link testimonies and video/audio recordings so that evidence may be given by migrants from the country to which they have been returned.
人民议会还有权以同样方式传召任何人到人民议会,在宣誓情况下供 证据或出示文件。
In the same manner, the People’s
Majlis also has the authority to summon any person to appear
[...] before it to give evidence under oath or [...]
to produce documents.
咨询委员会获悉,任职者将负责与包 括以下各方的各办公室和实体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅,以解决与系 统托管有关的问题供应商,涉及技术事项和设备升级;安全和安保部,涉及周 边安全进出管制;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅 证 件 数 据库;以及国际民用 航空组织。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications Technology to address issues related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and
upgrading of equipment; the Department of
[...] Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
该国政府提到了最近采取的几项将强迫失踪的犯罪者绳之以法的措施,例 如建立全国紧急搜寻机制;成立法律技术委员会;改进调查策略;支助受害者家 属;要求拒绝重新审理失踪案件的检察官 供证 明 拒 绝合理的声明;以及成立人 道主义起诉事务科。
The Government referred to several measures currently undertaken to bring to justice those responsible for enforced disappearances, such as the nationwide urgent search mechanism; the establishment of technical legal committees; better investigative strategies; the provision of support for the families of victims; the request to prosecutors who refuse to reopen cases of disappearances to provide a statement justifying the grounds for the refusal; and the creation of Prosecution Services for Humanitarian Affairs.
如运动员能供证据说 明运动员的样品 中该禁用物质或其代谢物或其标识物的浓度和(或)相关比值是病理或生理原因所致,则该样 [...]
A Sample shall not be deemed to contain a
Prohibited Substance in any such case
[...] where the Athlete proves by evidence that [...]
the concentration of the Prohibited Substance
or its metabolites or markers and/or the relevant ratio(s) in the Athlete’s Sample is attributable to a physiological or pathological condition.
他还指出,缔约国没 有供证据说 明,它为何不能建立可适当实现同样目标的替代设施,而且为何监 禁是实现这些目标的唯一可能手段。
He further submits that the State party has not demonstrated why it is unable to establish alternative facilities that can appropriately meet the same objectives and why imprisonment is the only means possible for achieving these aims.
然而,在几个方面仍面临挑战:将用于“妇女专门方案”的 分配款与直接或间接惠及妇女的公共分配款明确区分开来;订立如何确定妇女专
[...] 门方案的标准;缺乏可在一段时间后用来进行比较的系统性和持续的数据收集; 缺乏不仅收集供应方信息,也收集需求方信息,以便 供证 据 说 明资金缺口的 方法。
However, challenges still remain in several aspects: making clear distinctions between allocations towards “women-specific programmes” versus public allocations that benefit women directly or indirectly; the criteria of what is considered a women-specific programme; the lack of systematic and consistent data collection that would allow for comparisons over time; and the lack of methodologies
that capture not only the supply side information, but also the demand side,
[...] in order to provide evidence on funding gaps.
最后,妇女署在 2011 年制作的知识
[...] 管理系统和知识产品应展示规范性支助、业务运作、科研和培训这些职能合并所 产生的收益,从而供证据基 础,既支持各项规范性进程,也能支持系统地纳入 [...]
政府间机构规范性指导的外地方案,从而确保有效支持会员国实现两性平等和赋 予妇女权能的努力。
Finally, the knowledge management systems and knowledge products that UN-Women produces during 2011 should demonstrate benefits of the joined up functions of normative
support, operational, research and
[...] training, providing an evidence base that supports [...]
both normative processes as well as
field programmes that systematically incorporate the normative guidance of intergovernmental bodies and thus ensure effective support for the efforts of Member States towards the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
与提交人的儿子关押在同一牢房的六个人写信解释或 供证 词, 证实提 交人的儿子没有向他们抱怨自己健康问题或受到酷刑的事实,并说他没有 [...]
Six individuals who were detained in the same cell with the author’s
son have either written explanatory
[...] letters or given testimonies, attesting to the [...]
fact that the author’s son had not complained
to them about his health or about being subjected to torture and that he had no signs of bodily injuries.
一种建议是,由遗传资源组成或由遗传资源开发出的知识产权的申请者应该明确说明这些 资源的出处,并供证据表 明这些资源的获取是经其来源国事先知情同意的。
One suggestion is that applicants for IP rights which consist of, or are developed from, genetic resources should identify the source of these resources and provide proof that they were acquired with the prior informed consent of the country from which they were taken.
[...] 战性的方案领域,而且所有合作伙伴都认识到加强可用于 供证 据 的 各种指标、 工具和方法非常重要。
Preventing violence against children was selected as the theme for this report because it is a challenging programme area and because all
partners recognize the importance of strengthening the indicators, tools and
[...] methodologies available to generate evidence.




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