单词 | 访 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 访verb—visitvless common: seekv investigatev 访—call oninquireExamples:访问v—accessv 访问n—visitspl 访问pl—interviewspl
作为访问中国行程的一部份,法国经济、工业及就业部部长克里斯蒂娜 · 拉嘉德 (Christine Lagarde) 女士於2009年10月29日至30日访港。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Being a part of her official visitto China, Ms. Christine Lagarde, Minister for Economy, Industry and Employment, was presentin Hong Kong on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th [...] October 2009. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
为确保调查结果的质素,我们培训负责的访问员,指导他们致电跟进及到访公司的技巧,并由采访部督导监察调查过程、核对及修正交回问卷的资料。 ipass.gov.hk | These included proper training [...] of interviewers [...] responsible for telephone follow-up calls and field visits, monitoring of process, editing of the returned [...]questionnaires and validation [...]of the collected data by fieldwork supervisors. ipass.gov.hk |
董事亦有机会到访本集团的行业资产并与雇员讨论业务观 点,以及定期与本集团主要部门的主管会面。 glencore.com | Directors are also given the [...] opportunityto visit theGroup’s [...]industrial assets and discuss aspects of the business with [...]employees, and regularly meet the heads of the Group’s main departments. glencore.com |
於11月14日,众法国及香港代表皆出席假在法国总领事官邸举行的巴黎市长Bertrand Delanoë先生访港欢迎晚会。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | A cocktail reception was held at the "Residence de France", on the 14th of November, in honour of the Mayor of Paris, Mr. Bertrand Delanoë. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
受访企业表示 加薪的主要原因是员工流失加上招聘困难,以及因实施法定最低工资而导致行内人手短 缺。 labour.gov.hk | Responding enterprises indicated [...] that the main reasons for wage increases were staff turnover together with recruitment [...]difficulty and labour shortage in the sector owing to the implementation of SMW. labour.gov.hk |
(c) 拆卸现时设有通讯室、收押室、大闸看守室及探访室的大樓,继而建 造 1 座新的多用途大樓,以原地重置这些设施。 csd.gov.hk | (c) demolition of the existing block accommodating [...] the communication room, reception office, [...] gate lodge and visit room and in-situ [...]reprovisioning of these facilities in a [...]new multi-purpose block to be constructed. csd.gov.hk |
3.2 在上述期间,精确市场研究中心的访问员到访三个展舘的每个展位,向每名符合条件的 参展商(即在「美食博览 2011」售卖或推广预先包装食物的参展商)亲自派发统计调查 问卷,并邀请他们填写问卷,及将填妥的问卷在 2011 年 8 月 15 日或之前亲自交回访问员,又或以传真或电邮方式交回精确市场研究中心。 cfs.gov.hk | 3.2 During the said period, enumeratorsof the Consumer Search visited each booth in the three halls, delivered questionnaires to each eligible exhibitor (i.e. those exhibitors who sold or promoted prepackaged food products during the Food Expo 2011) by hand, and invited the exhibitors to complete and return the questionnaires to theenumerators onor before 15 August 2011 by hand, fax or email. cfs.gov.hk |
一位成员认为政府可以以安全理由提供这類豁免,特别是在国 家级元首访问或运输署批准的巡游举行的时候。 forum.gov.hk | A member agreed that the Government might grant such exemption for security purpose, especially during thevisit ofhead of states, and for events such as parade authorized by the Transport Department. forum.gov.hk |
我们强烈建议您访问生产商和经销商的官方网站以获得有关其产品和服务之精确,确切和正式的资料。 hkcarworld.com | We strongly [...] advice youto visittheofficial [...]websites of the manufacturers and dealers in order to get accurate, precise [...]and official information regarding their products and services. hkcarworld.com |
受访企业表示每月合约工时减少的主要原因是因实施法定最低工资而导致勞 [...] 工成本上涨及勞工以外的成本上涨。 labour.gov.hk | Responding enterprises indicated [...] that the main reasons for reducing monthly contractual hours were increase in labour costs [...]owing to the implementation of SMW and increase in costs other than labour costs. labour.gov.hk |
牙医本人、代其行事的人士或获其容许的人士不得以主动探访、致电、传真、电子通讯或刊物宣传其服务。 dchk.org.hk | Dentists’ services may not be promoted by means of [...] unsolicited visits, telephone calls, [...]fax, electronic communications or publications [...]by dentists or persons acting on their behalf or with their forbearance. dchk.org.hk |
只问上题中回答「一半半、几反对、非常反对、唔知道或拒答」的被访者,次样本为564人,包括25人拒答追问】你话你【一半支持、几反对、非常反对、唔知道、唔愿答,因应上一题答案而定】呢个2016方案,系因为你认为呢个方案太急进定系太保守? hkupop.hku.hk | Only for those who answered "half-half, quite oppose, very much oppose, don't know or refuse to answer" in the previous question, sub-sample size: 564 including 25 people who refused to answer this follow-up question] You mentioned that you [partly support, quite oppose, very much oppose, don't know, refuse to answer, subject to respondents' answers in the previous question] this 2016 proposal, is it because you think it is too radical or too conservative? hkupop.hku.hk |
一边走过美轮美奂的宴会厅,访客将会惊叹於这艘着名船舶的辉煌,还有为该展览特别重塑出来的 27 尺高豪华大阶梯、头等 船舱与邮轮的散步甲板等。 yp.mo | Marvel at the splendour of this famed ship, while walking through the beautifully and accurately recreated ballroom, 27-foot-high Grand Staircase, First Class cabin and the ship’s promenade deck. yp.mo |
虽然有上述规定,但「被豁 免方」不包括 (i) 本次诉讼中过去或现在指定的任何其他被告;(ii) 任何其他随後追加或加入 本次诉讼的被告;(iii) 任何其他通谋者;和/或 (iv) 被和解团体律师认定为已拒绝合理之合作 请求,即拒绝参与访问、提供申述或宣誓书、参与庭外作证或出庭作证的 Lufthansa 任何前 任雇员、管理人员或董事(行使不自证其罪权应被视为拒绝合作)。 aircargosettlement.com | Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Released Parties” does not include (i) any other defendant formerly or currently named in the Actions; (ii) any other defendant subsequently added or joined in the Actions; (iii) any other co-conspirator; and/or (iv) any former Lufthansa employee officer or director who is determined to have refused to cooperate with reasonable requests for interviews, declarations or affidavits, depositions or trial testimony by Settlement Class Counsel (an invocation of the right of self-incrimination shall be deemed a refusal to cooperate). aircargosettlement.com |
调查结果显示,三成九 (38.8%) 的被访者表示有信心学生验毒的结果,不 会被其他不应该知道验毒结果的人知道,三成五 (34.6%) 表示没有信心, 一成六 (16.4%) 表示「一半一半」。 bauhinia.org | Survey results show that 38.8% ofthe respondents were confident that students’ drug test results would not be made known to those who were not supposed to know the results, and 34.6% were not. 16.4% of the respondents answered “fifty-fifty”. bauhinia.org |
同其他国家相比,请问你认为[受访国家]既对外政策,道德水平方面,系比平均高、差唔多抑或比平均低呢? hkupop.hku.hk | Do you think that, compared to other countries, the morality of [Country's] foreign policy is above average, about average, or below average? hkupop.hku.hk |
该调查会询问受访者他们的PC在去年安装了多 少套何种类型的软体、有多少比例是新采购或 升级的、这些软体是否在电脑采购时已随附, 以及这些软体是否安装在新电脑或是2010年之 前所采购的电脑上。 globalstudy.bsa.org | Respondents areasked how many software packages, and of what type, were installed on their PC in the previous year; what percentage were new or upgrades; whether they came with the computers or not; and whether they were installed on a new computer or one acquired prior to 2010. bsa.nl |
在合作夥伴入口网站,您可以方便地造访到和您的合作级别相对应的所有功能。 acronis.com.tw | The Partner Portal gives you convenient one-stop access to all the features that fit your partnership level. acronis.eu |
SA2100伺服器为具成本效益及灵活之数码影院应用技术, 采用无缝管道传输可替换内容;不同形式之内容如现场访问、萤幕广告及主题电影均可编排播放, 毋须重新设定伺服器及╱或投射器以配合不同之影像格式。 gdc-world.com | The SA2100 server is a cost-effective and flexible solution for digital cinema and alternative content sources to be playout in a seamless pipeline; various formats of content suchas live interview, on-screen advertisement and feature films can be programmed to playout without the need to re-initialise the server and/or projector for different image formats. gdc-world.com |
调查结果显示,六成七 (66.9%) 的被访者表示赞成如果学生被验出曾经吸 毒,警方可以向该学生调查毒品來源,一成八 (18.1%) 表示不赞成,百分 之九 (9.5%)1 表示「一半一半」。 bauhinia.org | Survey results show that 66.9% ofthe respondents agreed that the police should question those students with a positive drug test result about the drug sources, and 18.1% did not. 9.5% answered “fifty-fifty”. bauhinia.org |
(i) 组织贸易访问团的费用,以及个 人/公司参与研究代表团/贸易访问团的费用。 itf.gov.hk | (i) organization of trade missions, participation fees at study/trade missions for individuals/ companies. itf.gov.hk |
虽然受访专家很少认为推动创业的特定政府规划是一项优势(1%)或弱点(7%),建 议政府实施特定政府规划的专家仍有 17%。 gemconsortium.org | Although specific government programs to promote entrepreneurship were seldom cited as either strengths (1 percent) or weaknesses (7 percent), 17 percent of expert recommendations asked the government to implement specific programs. gemconsortium.org |
作品元素包括怀旧东洋色彩(蜷川经常自称是1913年成立,由全女班组成的「宝塚歌剧团」的宣传大员;首出执导长片《恶女花魁》发生在江户时代)、盛开的花卉(《ACID [...] BLOOM》一书花了三年时间拍摄花朵)和彩色的金鱼群(走访上海、香港及泰国等地搜罗影像)。 think-silly.com | Her consistent use of nostalgic Japanese elements, (She is a self-claimed PR for Takarazuka Revue, a all-girl theatre established in 1913; ‘Sakuran’, the first feature film produced by Ninagawa is set in Edo period) floral in full bloom, (she spent three years photographing flowers for her photography title ‘Acid [...] Bloom’) and multi-colour goldfish (She took images of them in [...] various placessuch as Shanghai, [...]Hong Kong and Thailand). think-silly.com |
当您访问的页面时,Web服务器存储我们的主机供应商,以保证系统的安全,访问者的IP地址,访问的日期,URL访问的内容的访问,并在连接过程中的信息传递。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Whenyouvisit the page, the web server stores our hoster to maintain system security, the IP address of the visitor and the date of access, the URL toaccess content on the Accessed [...] and was transferred [...]during the connection information. en.developmentscout.com |
5.2 受访的560 名参展商当中,52.0%(291 名受访参展商)在 2010 年和 2011 年均参加了 「美食博览」,而余下的 48.0%(269 名受访参展商)却只参加了 2011 年的「美食博览」 而没有参加 2010 年的展会。 cfs.gov.hk | 5.2 Of all the 560 exhibitors who took part in the Survey, 52.0% (291 enumerated exhibitors) participated in the Food Expo in both 2010 and 2011, while the remaining 48.0% (269 enumerated exhibitors) took part in the Food Expo in 2011 but not in 2010. cfs.gov.hk |
出口与再出口包含加密的硬体或软体,须遵守美国商务部工业安全局规范 (如需详细资料,请造访www.bis.doc.gov),且其进口与於美国以外地区的使用均会受到控管。 seagate.com | The export or re-export of hardware or software containing encryption may be regulated by the U.S. Department of [...] Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (for [...] more information, visit www.bis.doc.gov) [...]and controlled for import and use outside [...]of the U.S. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. seagate.com |
本网站可能也会蒐集一些有关您拜访的资讯,例如网际网路服务提供者的名称、网际网路通讯协定(IP) 的地址,您拜访本网站的日期及时间,您拜访本网站的网页,以及您直接连结到本网站的网站它的网际网路地址。 synology.com | The Site may also collect certain information about your visit, such as the name of the Internet service provider and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you access the Internet; the date and time you access the Site; the pages that you access while at the Site and the Internet address of the Website from which you linked directly to our site. synology.com |
我们亦会定期与现有股东及准股东会面,以为他们 [...] 提供有关本公司的资料或向他们介绍本公司,并会定期安排到访业务资产以令分析师及主要股东更加了解本公司如何管理业务。 glencore.com | We also regularly meet with existing and prospective shareholders to update or [...] to introduce them to the Company and [...] periodically arrangevisits to the business [...]to give analysts and major shareholders [...]a better understanding of how we manage our operations. glencore.com |