

单词 许愿

许愿 ()

make a wish
make a vow
promise a reward


许愿树 n

wishing Tree n


express a wish (to a deity)


buy support
confer an official position with lavish promises

See also:


wish n


External sources (not reviewed)

在报告中,我 们指明了一些安理会许愿意考虑的行动,以便加强 联合国已经发挥的重要作用。
In the report we identify a number of actions which the Security Council may wish to consider to enhance the important role that the United Nations is already playing.
一如其他国家的文化,中国人习惯将愿望挂于「祈 许愿 树 」 上;大家趁着一年之 许愿 , 祈 求梦想成真,令这习俗一直延续至今。
In China, like many other cultures in the world, there is a strong tradition of hanging wishes on a “Wishing Tree”.
东篱公主和她的妹妹Meredith和许愿是 非 常繁忙的,出席仪式和球的,总是b ...
Princess Tori and her younger sisters Meredith and Trevi are very busy, having to attend ceremonies and balls, and always b...
在下午前往罗马最著名的广场Piazza di Spagna酒店,丰塔纳许愿,广场Piazza del神殿,纳沃纳广场等。
In the afternoon visit the most famous squares of Rome: Piazza di Spagna, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza del Pantheon, Piazza Navona, etc..
许愿精灵 是小仙女的化身,象征着自信、魔力、女性化的温柔魅力以及力量。
The fragrance deepens into a magical twilight with warm white cedarwood and sensual amber adding an intense and alluring character.
软陶瓶,玻璃软陶瓶,精油香薰软陶瓶,饰品小瓶子,幸运软陶玻璃,纪 许愿 瓶 , 祈福幸运瓶,工艺瓶,漂流瓶,儿童饰品玻璃瓶;陶瓷玻璃瓶,镀彩玻璃香薰瓶,喷漆玻璃瓶,琉璃瓶适用于项链熏香吊坠,手链香薰吊坠,手机挂件熏香吊坠,汽车香薰挂件吊坠和钥匙扣熏香吊坠等。
Yiwu golden dolphin aromatherapy specializing in the production of soft, soft, bearing glass bearing essential oil bearing, adorn article aromatherapy soft small bottles, lucky ls glass bottle, a vow of blessing, lucky bottle, process bottle, drifting bottle, children's jewelry glass bottles; Ceramics glass bottle, plating glass bottle, paint color aromatherapy bottles, coloured glaze bottle, coloured glaze hang etc. Car Soft, soft, bearing glass bearing essential oil bearing, adorn article aromatherapy soft small bottles, lucky ls glass bottle, a vow of blessing, lucky bottle, process bottle, drifting bottle, children's jewelry glass bottles; Ceramics glass bottle, plating glass bottle, paint color aromatherapy bottles, coloured glaze bottle is applicable to necklace, bracelet fragrant incense pendant pendant, the mobile phone's accessories incense pendant, car aromatherapy hang pendant and key incense pendant, etc.
公司的核心项目是大溪地Noni®诺丽,但“做好事”项目除主要向大溪地社区提供支持外,2007年还向红十字会(Red Cross)许愿基金会(Make-a-Wish Foundation)、联合劝募会(United [...]
Way)、国际物资捐赠组织(Gifts in Kind International)以及Vitamin
While the core program centers around supporting the Tahitian community, the Tahitian Noni® Do Something
Good program also provided donations to the
[...] Red Cross, the Make-a-Wish Foundation, [...]
United Way, Gifts in Kind International,
and Vitamin Angels, totalling over $4.2 million USD in gifts and donations in 2007.
芬迪公司总裁兼首席执行官皮埃特罗•贝卡利(Pietro Beccari)、设计师卡尔•拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld)以及席尔瓦•文图里尼•芬迪(Silvia Venturini Fendi)携手罗马市长到场出席,并正式宣布资助计划并表示:“芬迪能够有幸资助维修罗马最著名的历史珍 宝 - 许愿 池 , 不仅展现出芬迪与罗马的不解之缘,也表现出芬迪对于美丽事物与手工艺的至高崇敬和对意大利艺术,及历史文化的传承。
Fendi Chairman and CEO Pietro Beccari with Karl Lagerfeld, Silvia Venturini Fendi and the representatives of the City of Rome have announced Fendi’s patronage project: the restoration of one of Rome’s most precious and iconic monuments, the Trevi Fountain.
新的联合国商业伙伴门户—— business.un.org——将许愿意帮助联合国的公司通过目录浏览人道需求(包括海地救济呼吁)和合作伙伴机会,或只是提交合作建议。
The new UN-Business partnership gateway –
[...] business.un.org – will allow companies willing to contribute [...]
to the United Nations to browse through
a catalogue of humanitarian needs (including appeals for Haiti relief) and partnership opportunities, or simply to submit ideas for collaboration.
My read is the EU might be willing to accept a few things that three or four years ago it wasn’t. If there was an agreement on a global approach where growth beyond 2020 was going to be covered to a large extent, they would probably find that palatable,” he said.
斯洛伐克将继续努力履行在参选理事会成员时作出的愿 许诺。
Slovakia remained committed to working towards the
[...] implementation of the voluntary pledges undertaken [...]
when presenting its candidature to the Council.
为此,智利常驻联合国代表团谨随函转递此备忘录,内含智利根据大会第 60/251 号决议作出的愿许诺和 承诺(见附件)。
In that regard, the Permanent Mission has the honour to
transmit herewith, an aide-memoire
[...] containing the voluntary pledges and commitments [...]
of Chile, in accordance with General
Assembly resolution 60/251 (see annex).
(a) 采取了哪些步骤,确保不因非医学原因违背个人意愿将任何人送入精 神病院;确保医学原因所致非自愿住院以独立精神病专家的建议作为依据;缔约 国有哪些决定许被非自愿送入 精神病院的个人提起上诉。
(a) The steps taken to ensure that no one is involuntarily placed in psychiatric institutions for non-medical reasons; that any involuntary hospitalization for medical reasons is based on the advice of independent psychiatric experts; and that decisions by the State party to involuntarily hospitalize individuals in psychiatric institutions may be appealed.
关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难 愿许 可 , 造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of
Severus which make
[...] Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally [...]
necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration
that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
它很受鼓舞的是,智愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access [...]
to education for all children, especially those from marginalized
communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
对于第二个普定审周期,法学委建议,印度尼西亚在通过普定审成果文件 期间,向理事会介绍其为履行所接受的建议和 愿许 诺 和承诺出台的全国行动计 划,39 并在成果文件通过两年之后,提交履行建议及 愿许 诺 和 承诺情况的中 期进展报告。
For the second UPR cycle, ICJ recommended that Indonesia present to the Council, during adoption of its UPR outcome document, a national plan of action for the
implementation of accepted
[...] recommendations and voluntary pledges and commitments;39 and two years after adoption of the outcome document, a mid-term progress report on the status of implementation of recommendations and voluntary pledges and commitments.40 18.
经社会还对日本提出愿意与本区域的其他国家交流其关于改善交通运 输质量的经验表示欢迎,并欣见印度提 愿 意 在 其 许 多 与交通运输有关的机 构培训道路交通运输人员、以及向本区域的其他国家提供咨询服务。
The Commission also welcomed the offer of Japan to share its experience in improving the quality of transport with other countries of the region, and the offer of India to train road transport personnel at its many transport-related institutes and provide consultancy services to other countries in the region.
罗马尼亚常驻联合国代表团向大会主席办公室致意,谨就罗马尼亚政府决定 作为候选人,在 2010 年 5 月于纽约举行的选举期间,竞选 2011-2014 年期间人 权理事会成员一事,附上罗马尼亚按照大会第 60/251 号决议、在促进和保护人 权领域合作方面的愿许诺和 承诺(见附件)。
The Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Office of the President of the General Assembly and, regarding the decision of the Government of Romania to present its candidature to the Human Rights Council for the period 2011-2014 at the elections to be held in New York in May 2011, has the honour to transmit the voluntary pledges and commitments of Romania in the field of promotion and protection of human rights (see annex), in accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/251.
按照大会第60/251号决议的第8条,会员国选择提供支持其候选国的 愿许 诺 和 承诺,作为大会文件以所有官方语言发行。
Voluntary pledges that Member States have chosen to provide in support of their respective candidacies, in accordance with paragraph 8 of General Assembly resolution 60/251, are issued as General Assembly documents in all official languages.
然而许多人和许多国 家,特别是最贫困的人和国家不能有效地和公平 地利用信息,并因此得不到发展的机会。
However, many people and nations, especially the poorest ones, do not have effective and equitable access to information, and therefore, to development opportunities.
因此, 尽管 TRIPS 协议第 31 条 b 款只是把拒绝发放愿许可作 为强制许可的先决条件,权利所 有人单方拒绝许可专利(亦被称为拒绝交易)也可被考虑作为发放强制许可的条件,事实 上也有很多国家正在考虑将其纳入专利法之中。
Thus, although Article 31(b) of the TRIPS
Agreement only refers to the
[...] refusal of a voluntary licence as a condition for the granting of a compulsory licence, the unilateral [...]
refusal to license
a patent (generally known as “refusal to deal”) can be considered grounds for granting a compulsory licence and has been contemplated in a number of national patent laws.
联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会的报告(A/64/291)载有 2008-2009 两年期订正批款和执行情况报告、2010-2011 两年期拟议预算估计数和建议 授权补充 2010-2011 两年期紧急基金愿捐款 的提议,数额不超过 200 000 美元。
The report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (A/64/291) contains the revised appropriations and performance report for the biennium 2008–2009, the proposed budget estimates for the biennium 2010–2011 and a proposal for authorization to supplement contributions to the Emergency Fund for the biennium 2010–2011 by an amount not exceeding US$ 200,000.
[...] 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不 愿 和 技 术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint
United Nations programming; and,
[...] thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers [...]
among UNCT members to put together
financial and human resources for joint activities.
拟议续设信息系统干事(P-4)职位,就维持和平经费筹措司所有 与预算、部队费用和资金监测相关的系统向该司提供系统支持,指导如何制定将 维持和平预算报告各项要求和支持维持和平经费筹措司的辅助系统纳入“团结” 系统的战略愿景, 包括向“团结”系统小组阐述与维持和平相关的特殊业务要 求,与其协调。
It is proposed that the Information Systems Officer (P-4) position be continued to provide systems support for the Peacekeeping Financing Division for all budget, troop cost and fund monitoring-related systems serving the Division, and to provide guidance for the development of strategies and a vision for integrating the peacekeeping budget submission requirements and the auxiliary systems supporting the Division into Umoja, which includes the articulation of the particular business requirements related to peacekeeping and coordination with the Umoja team.
会议提出许多其 它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
此外,“禁雷运动”指出, 该机构提出许多效 率问题都涉及联合国的作用,在这方面,“禁雷运动”对近 几个月来在非政府组织和联合国之间开始的建设性对话表示赞赏。
In addition, the ICBL noted that many efficiency issues they have raised touch upon the role of the United Nations and, in this regard, expressed appreciation for a constructive dialogue that has started in recent months between non-governmental organisations and the UN.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部
[...] 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经 许 可 进 入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its
borders and other
[...] entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or [...]
related materiel.
斯洛伐克现已确定,大部分建议具有建设 性,是有的放矢的,其中建议许多 措 施早已纳入了行动计划,目前已进入不同 的执行阶段。
The majority of recommendations had been identified as constructive and target-oriented, and many of the recommended measures had already been incorporated in plans of action and were at different stages of implementation.




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