

单词 许廑父

See also:


father n

External sources (not reviewed)

至如今许多单 身父母得 不到抚养费干脆就认了,甚至都没有尝试到法庭上去保护其子女的权 利。
Until now, many single parents simply accepted the [...]
fact that maintenance was not paid and did not even try to protect the
rights of their child in court.
挂图还表明许多国家经父母同 意的合法结婚 年龄仍然偏低,而且青少年生育率是大多数国家关注的重大问题。
The wallchart also shows that the legal age
[...] for marriage with parental consent remains low [...]
in many countries and that adolescent
fertility is a major concern in a majority of countries.
许多父母和 其他家庭成员最初移徙时都不带儿 童,而后来设法将他们接到东道国。
Many parents and other family [...]
members initially migrated without children, but subsequently planned to bring them to a host country.
许多情况下父母在 女生7 年级后中断她们的学业, 不让她们离开本岛去另一岛屿上中学――主要由于这些岛屿没有适当的食宿设 施。
In many instances, parents curtailed education [...]
for girls after the seventh grade by not allowing them to leave their home
island for another island with a secondary school, mostly due to lack of proper accommodation facilities in these islands.
然而,缔约国并不认为根据《公约》其有义务 许 提 交 人及 父 亲 在 其领土 上享有家庭生活。
However, the State party does not
find that it is obliged under the
[...] Covenant to permit the author and his father to enjoy their [...]
family life in its territory.
妇女结婚最低 年龄为 18 岁,但许在父母同 意情况下在较小年龄结婚。
The minimum age of marriage for women is 18 years, but marriages at an
[...] earlier age with parental consent are allowed.
我们强烈建议年龄在13岁以上的未成年人在通过互联网向任何人士发送任何与之有关的信息之前首先获 父 母 的 许 可。
We strongly recommend that minors over the age
[...] of 13 ask their parents for permission before [...]
sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet.
[...] 于使用未经全面测试的药物,在这种困难情况下,许父母或法定监护人给予同意,是合理的,特别是在 [...]
In difficult circumstances where the life of a person depended on the use of medication that
had not been fully tested, it would be
[...] reasonable to allow parents or legal guardians [...]
to be able to give such consent, especially
in cases of road accidents, albeit within legal limits.
这里许多父亲是 流亡的劳工,他们一直无法回到叙利亚,也没有能力保护自己的家庭。
Many of the fathers are migrant labourers [...]
who have not been able to go back to the Syrian Arab Republic and have brought their families to safety.
委员会考虑到上述情况,认为在提交人最初要求被 许 与 其 父 亲 团聚时, 提交人继续与其父亲保持仅限于年度探访和经济支持的家庭生活并不符合提交人 [...]
Considering the above circumstances, the Committee is not convinced that it would have been in the best
interest of the author, when he originally
[...] requested to be allowed to reunite with [...]
his father, to continue to maintain a family
life with his father limited to annual visits and financial support.
这是许的,父亲可 能是由上许多分歧neccessitated个别点,错误,但他们仍然可以被计算并作为父亲读了那么只要满足这些一般要求(见尤。
It is allowed that fathers may be in error [...]
on individual points, as neccessitated by the many disagreements, but they can
still be counted and read as fathers so long as they satisfy these general requirements (cf. esp. the cases of Origen and Tertullian).
新《民法》(2002年) 除其他外特别规定:在家庭中男女完全平等;确定平
[...] 等分割婚姻期间所获得的财产为一项既定的财产规则;赋予婚姻内外出生子女同 样的继承权;许单亲父母领 养儿童,并载有各类禁止侵害妇女暴力的条款。
New Civil Code (2002), inter alia, establishes full equality of men and women within a family, sets the equal division of property acquired during marriage as a default property regime, gives equal
inheritance rights to children born out
[...] of wedlock, allows single parents to adopt children [...]
and contains various clauses to
prevent violence against women.
(b) 废除了《犯罪法》中许父母出于管教的目的在家中对儿童使用暴力 的内容; [...]
(c) 通过了2009 年《移民法
(b) The repeal
[...] of the defence permitting the use of force [...]
against children in the home for the purposes of parental correction in the Crimes Act
委员会感到关切的是,存在“秘密”收养的做法,法律 许 被 领 养儿童用收父母的姓名登记,亦许隐瞒生身 父 母 的身份,法律不要求保存关于儿童出身 的信息,特别是关于生身父母身份的信息和病史。
The Committee is concerned about the practice of “secret”
adoption and that
[...] legislation allows for adopted children to be registered with the names of the adoptive parents and for the identity of the biological parents not be revealed, [...]
and that the law
does not require the preservation of information concerning the child’s origin, in particular information concerning the identity of the biological parents, as well as the medical history.
提交人称缔约国拒绝许他与其父继 续 生活在一起违反了《儿童权利公约》第九条以及《公约》第二十四条的规定, 尤其是在其母无法照顾他且她目前也不知下落的情况下。
The author alleges that the refusal of the State party to
[...] allow the author to remain with his father violates article [...]
9 of the Convention on the Rights
of the Child and, accordingly, article 24 of the Covenant, in particular since his mother is unable to look after him and her whereabouts are currently unknown.
人权事务委员会依照《公民权利和政治权利国际公约任择议定书》第五条第 四款的规定行事,认为,不许提交 人与 父 亲 在 缔约国境内团聚的决定以及要 求其离境的命令如得到执行,将构成违反《公约》第二十三和二十四条的规定的 [...]
8 The Human Rights Committee, acting under article 5, paragraph 4, of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, is of the
view that the decisions not to allow the reunification
[...] of the author and his father in the State party’s [...]
territory and the
order to leave the State party would, if implemented, entail a violation of articles 23 and 24 of the Covenant.
国家制定了 相关的法律来 保证怀 孕 妇 女的工作权和休 产假的权利 ,同时也许 父 亲 们在孩 子 出 生 后可以请 假照顾 孩 子 。
Uruguay has regulations guaranteeing the right of pregnant women to work and enjoy maternity benefits, and progress has been made in the granting of paternity leave.
在二十世纪六十年代里,拉玛泽国际和其他机 构成功地游说以许父亲走进产房。
During the 1960s, Lamaze International
and other childbirth organizations succeeded in changing the
[...] rules, so that fathers could be present [...]
in the labor room.
虽然还存在一些障碍,尤其是一些公立小学领导根据学生父母支付 的非强制性协作费来决定儿童的入学, 许 多 父 母 选 择公立学校而不是学费通常 很高的私立学校。
Despite certain persisting obstacles, particularly the insistence of certain public elementary school
directors to require
[...] payment of parents' association fees, supposed to be optional, many parents prefer sending [...]
their children to
public elementary schools rather than private ones, which are often expensive.
结束 所有对儿童体罚现象全 球倡议”指出,在家中对儿童体罚 是合法 的,《刑法》第 297 和 298 条许父母和 有权管理儿童者使用“轻”罚。
The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children (GIEACPC) indicated that corporal punishment of children is lawful in the home and that
Articles 297 and 298 of
[...] the Penal Code permit the use of “light” punishment by parents and those with authority [...]
over children.
(c) 当前的立法许父母仅仅根据其是否残疾选择将新生儿或儿童推给国 家照料,却不考虑儿童的最大利益
infant or child to State care on the sole basis of him or her having a disability, without taking into account the best interests of the child
在这些特殊情况下,委员会认为,不 许 提 交 人与 父 亲 在缔约国境内团 聚的决定以及要求提交人离开缔约国的命令如得到执行,将会由于未能向提交人 提供作为未成年人应得的保护措施而构成对家庭的干预,违反了《公约》第二十 [...]
7.5 In these very specific circumstances, the Committee
considers that the
[...] decisions not to allow the reunification of the author and his father in the State party’s [...]
territory and the
order to leave the State party, if implemented, would constitute interference with the family contrary to article 23 and a violation of article 24, paragraph 1 of the Covenant, due to a failure to provide the author with the necessary measures of protection as a minor.
巴哈马在评论体罚 问题时 指出,就 儿童而言,巴哈马法律许父母使用 体罚来纠正 16 岁以下儿童的不端或忤逆合法要求的行为;法律也 许父 母 授 权校 长实施这种 纠 正 措 施。
In commenting on corporal punishment, the Bahamas noted that,
with respect to
[...] children, Bahamian law permits parents to use corporal punishment to correct a child under the age of 16 for misconduct or disobedience of a lawful command; it is also permissible for a parent to delegate such [...]
power of correction to a schoolmaster.
儿童权利委员会敦促斯洛伐克改革许 父母放弃医院外育 婴箱中 婴 儿的 “ 育 婴箱计划”,以便 [...]
向 家庭提供心理社会和经济支 助 , 避 免 子 女与其家庭的分 离。
CRC urged Slovakia to reform the incubator
[...] programme, which gives parents the possibility [...]
to abandon their new born children in incubators
outside hospitals, in order to provide families with psychosocial and economic support to avoid the separation of children from their families.
尽管注意到现行第 300/2005 号《刑法》( 经修订) 将对儿童实施酷刑和虐待
[...] 的行为定为罪行并予以惩罚,但委员会关注在家中传统上仍然 许父 母 和 监护人 施行体罚作为一种约束形式
(as amended) criminalizes and punishes the torture and ill-treatment of children, the Committee expresses concern at the permissibility of corporal punishment in the home where it
traditionally continues to be accepted and practised as a form
[...] of discipline by parents and guardians (arts. [...]
7 and 24).
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没父母 照 管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 [...]
女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during
the ownership reform, children and young
[...] people without parental care, disabled [...]
people, elderly people, families with many
children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者父母 或监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to
the immoral behaviour or
[...] disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, [...]
rule that the minor
shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
除了宪法保障的基本权利 之外,该法令进一步规定了儿童的生存和发育权;姓名权;国籍权;健康和卫生 服务等权利;隐私权父母关 爱、保护和养育权;需要特别保护措施的儿童的权 利;胎儿受保护免受危害等的权利;获 父 母 财 产的权利;社交活动权; 父母 在 一起的权利;受保护免受有害的社会和风俗习惯影响的权利;受抚养的权利; 和在所有情况下获得法律援助的权利。
In addition to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution, the Act further provides for the right to survival and development of children; right to name; right to nationality; right to health and health
services, etc; right to
[...] privacy; right to parental care, protection and maintenance; right to a child in need of special protection measures; right of the unborn child to protection against harm, etc; right to parental property; right [...]
to social activities;
rights to social activities; contractual rights of the child; right to opinion; right to education; child’s right to stay with parents; protection from harmful social and customary practices; right of child to be maintained and the right of children to legal aid in all cases.




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