

单词 许下



express a wish (to a deity)

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会还指出,这几大类侵犯行 为据称是在公共机关的直接指示、唆使、同意或 许下 发 生 的。
It further noted that these generalized abuses are
allegedly conducted under the direct order from public authorities, at their instigation or
[...] with their consent or acquiescence.
发展中国家 期望发达国家履行巴厘路线图许下 的 对提供技 术、资金和能力建设上可衡量、可报告和可核实的 支持的承诺。
Developing countries expect developed countries to fulfil their commitments on “measurable, reportable, and verifiable” support on technology, financing, and capacity building.
鉴于该机构所指出的严重违规行为,我们需要采 取具体行动,而非只是为了拖时间而说一些空洞的大 话许下空头承诺。
In view of the serious facts pointed out by the Agency, we need specific actions, not empty words or promises that simply seek to gain time.
另外还包括参加PMI特许下属机 构赞助的活动 — 无论是否在下属机构或其他 类型的下属机构教育活动中担任领导职务。
This also includes activities
[...] engaged in under the auspices of a chartered [...]
PMI component organization—whether it is in a
leadership role in the component or another type of component educational activity or event.
[...] 的刑事案的具体背景,他的担心有充分理由,他相信如果被引渡回俄罗斯联邦, 在俄罗斯当局的同意或许下,他将在监狱内外遭受酷刑或甚至遇害。
The complainant submits that in the light of the specific background of his criminal proceedings, he has a wellfounded fear to believe that he would be exposed to torture or
even killed in prison or outside with the
[...] consent or acquiescence of the Russian [...]
authorities, if extradited to the Russian Federation.
网站的部分内容,就其与社会关系的需求,被 许下 载。
The website in particular parts of the web site content
[...] is authorized to download for the needs of [...]
its relationship with society.
协调发展筹资后续行动上发挥着核心作用并需要保 持这一作用以确保进程的连续性和活力,在此同时, 我们还认为,必须重申有必要继续加强包括联合国系
[...] 统、世界银行、国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织在 内的所有相关方面继续落实在蒙特雷和多 许下的 承诺。
Similarly, while reaffirming the central role of the United Nations in coordinating follow-up to financing for development and the need to maintain that role in order to ensure the process’s continuity and dynamism, we also believe it important to reaffirm the necessity of continuing to strengthen the commitment of all interested parties, including the United Nations system, the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund and the World
[...] Trade Organization, to following up implementation [...]
of the commitments made in Monterrey and Doha.
[...] 行为必须是公职人员或其他以官方身份行事的人员实施或在其唆使、同意、许 下实施 的,但前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭裁定危害人类罪背景下的酷刑定义与 [...]
It was noted that while the Convention Against Torture requires an act of torture to have been
inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the
[...] consent or acquiescence of a public [...]
official or other person acting in an official
capacity, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia decided that the definition of torture in the context of crimes against humanity is not identical to the definition in the Convention and that outside the framework of the Convention, customary international law does not impose a public official requirement in relation to criminal responsibility for torture.
As I always say, maybe next time chaps.
这应包括履行义务,许下列活动:家人 探视,提供适当的医疗服务,推动提供受教育机会,确保尊重适当程序和公正审 判权,防止虐待或残酷、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚。
This should include meeting its obligations in relation to allowing family visits, providing proper medical care, facilitating access to education, ensuring that due process and fair trial rights are respected, and preventing torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
奥地利全力支持驻科部队和欧盟驻科法 治团的重要工作,并将继续信守对这两个特派 许下 的承诺。
Austria fully supports the important work of KFOR and EULEX and will continue to keep up its commitment to both missions.
选中G2单元格,单击“数据”菜单中的“有效性”命令,弹出“数据有效性”对话框,选择“设置”选项卡,在“ 许 ” 下 拉 列 表中选择“自定义”,在“公式”框内输入“=COUNTIF(G:G,G2)=1”(公式内所有的字符使用半角英文,不包括双引号,如图1所示)。
selected, click "Data" menu in the "validity" command, the pop-up "Data
Validation" dialog box, select "Settings"
[...] tab in the "allow" drop-down list, select [...]
the "Since the definition of" in the "formula"
box enter "= COUNTIF (G: G, G2) = 1" (all the characters in the formula to use half-angle in English, does not include the double quotes, as shown in Figure 1).
独立专家提出,根据联合国大会第 60/251 号 决议,人权理事会的所有成员已经开始“遵守促进 和保护人权的最严格标准并与理事会开展充分合 作”,他很高兴能够针对负责外债和人权的任务开展 相关讨论,并帮助各国兑现它们对人权理事会和各 位特别程序任务执行许下的承诺。
Recalling that all members of the Human Rights Council had undertaken to uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights and to fully cooperate with the Council, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 60/251, he said that he welcomed the opportunity to discuss concerns regarding the mandate on foreign debt and human rights, and to work with all States in their efforts to uphold their commitments to the Council and its special procedures.
倘若本公司清盘(不论是自动清盘、监督清盘或是法院命令清盘),清盘人可在 本公司的特别决议认许及该条例要求的任何其他 许下 , 以 实物将本公司的全部 或任何部分资产(不论它们是否由同类财产组成)分派给成员,并可为此目的而 为上述须分派的任何财产设定他认为公平的价值,及决定如何分派给成员或不同 类别的成员。
If the Company shall be wound up (whether the liquidation is voluntary, under supervision or by the court), the liquidator may with the sanction of a special resolution of the Company and any other sanction required by the Ordinance, divide amongst the Members in specie or the whole or any part of the assets of the Company (whether they shall consist of property of the same kind or not) and may, for such purpose, set such value as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the Members or different classes of Members.
在 得到同样的许下,清 盘人可按其认为合适的情况,将全部或任 何部分的此等资产归予受托人,为出资人的利益而信托持有,但不得强制成员接 受任何带有债务的股份或其他证券。
The liquidator may, with the like sanction, vest the whole or any part of such assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the contributories as the liquidator, with the like sanction, shall think fit, but so that no Member shall be compelled to accept any shares or other securities whereon there is any liability.
[...] 确实或可能有人因政府当局的命令或唆使而被剥夺自由,或在其同意或 许下被 剥夺自由的地点进行查访。
Under the Optional Protocol, a State party is obliged to allow visits by the Subcommittee to any places under its jurisdiction and control where persons are or may be deprived of their
liberty, either by virtue of an order given by a public authority or at its instigation or
[...] with its consent or acquiescence.
本 基 金 将 投 资 于 一 项 核 准 汇 集 投 资 基 金 ( HSBC
MPF 'A' – VC US Equity Fund) , 从 而 再 投 资 于 两 项 或
[...] 以 上 并 在 一 般 规 例许 下 的 相 关 核 准 紧 贴 指 数 [...]
集 体 投 资 计 划 及 / 或 核 准 汇 集 投 资 基 金 。
This Fund shall be invested in an approved pooled investment fund (HSBC MPF 'A' - VC US Equity Fund), which in turn invests in
two or more underlying approved ITCIS(s) and/or approved pooled
[...] investment fund(s) as allowed by the General [...]
该编者称,该架飞机在地面停留 130 个小时,许多青年党民兵迅速地下 许多防空炮。
According to the author, the plane was on ground for 130 hours, and a very large number of anti-aircraft guns were quickly offloaded by a very large number of Al-Shabaab militia.
在最坏的情下,许多被贩运者被误认为是无正常身份 的移民,因而遭到拘留和遣返,甚至没有机会来考虑寻求救济的问题。
At worst, many trafficked persons are wrongly identified as irregular migrants, detained and deported before they have an opportunity to even consider seeking remedies.
在国际理论和应用物理学联合会妇女物理学工作组的努 下 ,许 多妇女参加了物理学国际会议。
Also, women are being enabled to participate in international conferences in physics through the IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics.
在 2012 年后气候制度发展的情下,许多关 于可持续森林管理和气候变化 的区域优先事项都旨在向各国提供战略支助。
Many regional priorities of sustainable forest management and climate change are aimed at providing strategic support to countries in the context of the development of a post-2012 climate regime.
(e) 与国际律师协会破产、重整与债权人权利分部举行的会议,关涉破产 情下许可权的处理(2012 年 5 月 20 [...]
日至 22 日,赫尔辛基)。
(e) A meeting with the International Bar Association, Section on Insolvency,
Restructuring and Creditor Rights, with regard to the
[...] treatment of licence rights in insolvency [...]
(Helsinki, 20-22 May 2012).
与他一同被捕的还有 Ahmed Said Mohamed
[...] “Faarax-Deeq”, 此人是青年党另一联营网站的管理人,他们被控 下许 多 违 反英国反恐立法的罪行。
On 28 May 2008, Godir was arrested in London, together with Ahmed Said Mohamed “Faarax-Deeq”, administrator of
another Al-Shabaab-affiliated website, and charged
[...] with a variety of offences under British anti-terrorism [...]
会议提出许多其 它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背 下 , 推 广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
在现 有的情下,许多儿 童无家可归,并变成孤儿,或者他们的家庭无法提供生活基 [...]
In the existing conditions, many children [...]
were rendered homeless and orphaned or their families were unable to provide basic
necessities, thereby causing them to resort to other means of support.
鉴于失业率高企下,许多欧 洲发达经济体进行的结构性改革以劳动力市场 为一个关键领域。
Given the high levels of unemployment, a key area for structural reform being pursued in many of the European advanced economies concerns labour markets.
除按照下许可证 提供的方式外,未经 Specification Lead 及其许可证颁发者(如果有的话)事先书面授权,本规范的任何部分均不得通过任何手段以任何形式复制。
Except as
[...] provided under the following license, no part of [...]
the Specification may be reproduced in any form by any means
without the prior written authorization of the Specification Lead and its licensors, if any.
但在 多数情下,许多发 展中国家的社会政策忽视了结构性贫穷者的需要;实际上, 许多国家中发言权较大的城市中等收入群体获益最大。
However, for the most part, the needs of the structurally poor were neglected by social policies in many developing countries; and, in practice, urban middle-income groups with a stronger voice benefited most in many societies.
相形下,许多产 业,尤其是在那些基于知识的产业中,创新的过程可能是累积和重复的, [...]
By contrast in many industries, [...]
and in particular those that are knowledge-based, the process of innovation may be cumulative,
and iterative, drawing on a range of prior inventions invented independently, and feeding into further independent research processes by others.3 Knowledge evolves through the application of many minds, building often incrementally on the work of others.
在该 部门的工下,许多民 族内外冲突通过执行土著习惯法得到解决,从而避免了监 狱中的文化异化。
Thanks to the work of this Department, many inter- and intra-ethnic conflicts have been satisfactorily resolved through the implementation of indigenous customary law, thereby avoiding cultural alienation in penitentiary institutions.




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