

单词 讲评

讲评 verb ()

criticize v

See also:


lecture n
speech n


speak v
explain v

as far as sth is concerned
be particular about

External sources (not reviewed)

总体讲,评估组 认为,非集中化过程中建立多国办事处的想法是重要的和有价 [...]
Overall, the evaluators assessed the [...]
cluster concept to be important and of value in the decentralization process.
从概念讲,评价职 能是对一项正在进行的(中期)或已完成的(终期)活动、项 [...]
The evaluation function can be conceptualised [...]
as a systematic and objective assessment of an ongoing (mid-term) or completed
(terminal) activity, project or programme.
无论如讲,评注将 提及在 通知中可以使用一套外国字母的其他制度,只要登记处能够依赖一套规则,按 [...]
In any case, the commentary may refer to other [...]
systems where a set of foreign characters may be used in the notice as long
as the registry is able to rely on a set of rules for the transliteration of names with foreign characters in the alphabet of the official language(s) of the enacting State.
小册子、概况介绍、挂图、资料袋:非洲经委会伙伴关系概况;关于新出现的关键问 题的战略政策文件;为内外部用户准备常规新闻材料(1);编写和发表执行秘书的讲、评论和文章(1)
(iii) Booklets, fact-sheets, wallcharts, information kits: ECA partners profile; strategic policy papers on key emerging issues; production of regular public information materials for internal and
external users (1); preparation and
[...] publication of speeches, commentaries, articles delivered [...]
by the Executive Secretary (1)
为切实做好6S管理推行工作,使6S管理理念深入到每一位员工心中,公司领导十分重视此次工作:组织各部门召开6S管理推进会,总 讲评 6 S 管 理 的现状、问题、形势;拟订下发了6S管理行动计划,制订具体的工作任务;全面启动了内部检查,加大日常对现场的检查力度,程总亲临现场指导工作,及时对发现的问题进行改进。
Preparation for a really good job 6S management to carry out the work of the 6S management philosophy deep into the hearts of every employee, company leadership attaches great importance to the work: To organize various departments convening of the  6S management promotion
conference, to summarize the current
[...] situation of the commenting 6S management, problem, [...]
situation; issued 6S management
action plan, Formulate specific tasks of the 6S management; launched a comprehensive internal checks, increase the day-to-day on-site inspection efforts, process the total went to the site to guide the work in a timely manner to improve the problems found.
还通过训练班讲习班、评估和 调查,以及通过 资助购买新设备和资助国家专家参加区域和全球会议,提供了技术援助。
Technical assistance was provided through training
[...] courses, workshops, assessments and surveys, as [...]
well as through financial support for
the purchase of new equipment and the participation of national experts in regional and global meetings.
自我评估是通过同业务程序主管举办 的有专人主持的讲习班来进行的讲 习 班 评 估 联 合国用于减少风险的主要监管工 作的效率和效力,探讨改进工作的有关解决办法。
Control self-assessment is conducted through workshops facilitated with business process owners where an
organization’s key controls that are used to
[...] mitigate its risks are assessed for efficiency [...]
and effectiveness and appropriate solutions for improvement are explored.
同时还与联合国大学共同举办了一期关于城市生态系 评估 的讲习班 ,为提高对城市生态在可持续发展方面的作用的认识做出了贡献。
In that context, at the same time, a small workshop was held
[...] jointly with UNU on Assessment of Urban Ecosystems, [...]
contributing to improving
understanding of the role of urban ecology in sustainable development.
编列经费 35 000
[...] 美元作为旅费,供安保和安全处副处长以及枪械训练教 官参加联黎部队的一讲习班,以评 估 和 测试最新的教学、枪械训练和政策制订 [...]
An amount of $35,000 is proposed for travel for the Deputy Chief of the Security and Safety Service and the
firearms training instructors to
[...] attend a workshop at UNIFIL to assess and test updated [...]
instruction programmes, firearms training and policy developments.
专家组还讨论了第二阶段各项内容的执 行情况以及可持续发展教育十年监测 评 估 讲 习 班的能力建设问题。
The group also discussed the implementation of the Phase II components as well as
[...] capacity-building for DESD M&E workshops.
2000 年和 2001 年举办过 21 期地讲习班;评估结果 表明,参加者的满意程度相当高;所有会员国至少参 [...]
加过一期讲习班;对教科文组织的调查做出反应的程 度提高;对会员国提供统计资料能力的调查反应程度 提高。
Holding of 21 regional workshops held in 2000 and 2001; [...]
Attainment of a high level of satisfaction among participants, indicated
by findings of evaluations; Participation of all Member States in at least one workshop; Increase of response rates to UNESCO surveys; Increased responsiveness of surveys to Member States’ capacity to deliver statistics.
[...] (c)发展国际航天项目的并行设计能力,(d)发展中国家参与国际大型空间项目,(e)过去联合国/欧空 局基础空间科讲习班成就评估个 案研究,(f)太阳系天体物理学和空间科学。
Programme topics for that workshop would be, among others, (a) access to data and imagery from space missions through international data archives, (b) space mission project development, (c) concurrent design capability for the development of international space-related projects, (d) participation of developing countries in large international
space-related projects, (e)
[...] case studies in the evaluation of the achievements [...]
of past United Nations/ESA workshops on basic space science
and (f) astrophysics and space science of the solar system.
拉加经委会开发了各种方法和数据库,以改善对中小型企业竞争力的评价工作;为解决中小型 企业的筹资困难做出了努力,举办了这方面的培 讲 习 班 ;并 评 估 筹 资困难和创新信贷形式 提供了技术援助。
ECLAC has developed methodologies and databases to improve the evaluation of competitiveness of the small- and medium-sized enterprises; has worked on addressing their financing
difficulties and
[...] organized training workshops in this area; and has provided technical assistance on assessing financing difficulties [...]
and on innovative forms of credit.
[...] 回收和再循环制冷剂;收集氟氯化碳回收量数据;在回收和再循环及将氟氯化碳改型为碳 氢化合物的培讲习班结束评价制 冷技师的表现;确保改型碳氢化合物项目得到良好执 [...]
行;在区域联络点支持下收集全国的第 7 条数据;参加制冷行业培训和制冷技师协会会
议;跟踪发放给制冷技师的设备和材料的使用情况,组织关于消耗臭氧层物质进口条例有 效性的调查研究。
The main objectives were to assist refrigeration technicians in recovery and recycling refrigerants; collect data on the recovered quantities of CFCs; evaluate the performance of
the refrigeration technicians at the
[...] end of the training workshops on recovery and recycling [...]
and on the retrofitting of CFCs
to hydrocarbons; ensure the good execution of the project for retrofitting to hydrocarbons; collect the Article 7 data across the country with the support of the focal points in the regions; take part in the training in the refrigeration sector and in the meetings of the associations of refrigeration technicians; follow the use of the equipment and material distributed to the refrigeration technicians, organize investigations and studies on the effectiveness of the regulation on the imports of ODS.
增加了一些采用照片和视频文档的 讲座,并组织了同一些学生的访谈;所编纂的访谈、照片以及 讲 者 和 学校评 论意见每天张贴在联合国访客中心的脸书粉丝页面上。
Some of the presentations with photos and videos were documented, and interviews were organized with some students; compilations of interviews, photos and comments by speakers and schools were posted on a daily basis on the United Nations Visitors Centre Facebook fan page.
应各国际组织实体(见第 3 段)、各国主要 组织者(见表 4)和各期联合国/欧空局基础空间 科学讲习班学员的请求,收集了有关 1991 至 2000
[...] 年举办的讲习班的资料,以 便 编写可能于 2001-2002 年定稿讲习班成绩评估报告。
At the request of the international organizing entities (see para. 3), principal national organizers (see table 4) and participants of United Nations/ESA workshops on basic space science, respectively, information on the workshops held
between 1991 and 2000 was gathered for the
[...] preparation of an assessment of the achievements [...]
of the workshops that could be finalized in 2001-2002.
在国家层面上,参与性需评估和国 家 讲 习 班 使得研究成果 得到利益攸相关的证实,并推动了宣传工作和伙伴关系的建立。
At the country level, advocacy and partnership
building was promoted by
[...] participatory needs assessment exercises or national workshops where [...]
results of those studies were validated by stakeholders.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一 评价 目 前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期讲习班
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support
account, design, deliver,
[...] upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two [...]
groups of 40 candidates.
分别在老挝人民民主共和国的万象和泰国的华欣举办了关于技术和职业教育与培训的 管理评估的分地讲习班 ,从而提高了政府官员们推动技术和职业教育与培训系统改革的 [...]
The technical capacity of the governmental officials to improve their TVET systems was built up through
two subregional training workshops on
[...] the management and evaluation of TVET organized in [...]
Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic
Republic, and in Hua Hin, Thailand.
大西洋金枪鱼养护委员会在加 勒比地区(圭亚那,2009
[...] 年)举办了数据收集和改进的讲习班,并在地中海地区(摩 洛哥,2009 年)举办了关于参数估计和基本种评 估 模型 的 讲 习 班
The International Commission conducted training workshops on data collection and improvement in the Caribbean region
(Guyana, 2009) and on parameter estimation
[...] and basic stock assessment modelling in the [...]
Mediterranean region (Morocco, 2009).
此 外,她还对收到的答复进行评估― ―是 讲 到 委 员会在后续行动中提出的所有 要点,所提供的资料是否满足委员会的关注,以及是否还需要进一步的资料。
In addition, she has assessed the responses received [...]
as to whether all the items designated by the Committee for follow-up
(normally between three and six recommendations) have been addressed, whether the information provided responds to the Committee’s concern, and whether further information is required.
[...] 有力的技术合作方案,通过在区域和国家一级举办培训班、需 评 估 、 研讨会讲习班 ,协助《国际海上人命安全公约》签署国履行其对海上安全的义务,并在 [...]
IMO also maintains a vibrant technical cooperation programme, assisting contracting Governments to SOLAS in meeting their obligations with respect to maritime
security through training
[...] courses, needs assessment missions, seminars and workshops on [...]
a regional and national basis; and
providing information and advice at relevant conferences and meetings on maritime security.
[...] 衡平国际人权教育中心联手为隶属政府或非政府组织的教育者举办人权培 评估 讲习班 ;与欧洲欧盟成员国外部边界行动合作管理局合作为欧洲联盟边境警卫人 [...]
Examples of international activities include the Human Rights Orientation Programme for Diplomats, implemented jointly with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research in Geneva and New York, to enhance Government officials’ understanding of the United Nations human rights protection system; workshops for educators belonging
to governmental and non-governmental
[...] organizations on evaluation of human rights [...]
training, co-organized with Equitas; cooperation
with the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union in developing human rights training materials for European Union border guards; and efforts to strengthen national capacity for human rights training of military, police and other staff deployed to peace missions.
气象组织(WMO)代表申明,由于气象组织和教科文组织不同的区域组合,教科文 组织–气象组织联合举办的国家水资 评 估 能 力培 讲 习 班只是针对拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 部分国家,而不是所有国家。
The representative of WMO clarified that the joint
UNESCO-WMO training workshops
[...] on assessment of national capabilities for the evaluation of water resources [...]
targeted some – not
all – countries of the LAC region due to different regional groupings of the WMO and UNESCO.
这包括 (a) 向海地部署三名工作人员(两次),以支持国家办事处在 2010 年 1 月地震后
不久制定风险管理策略;(b) 给改革管理办公室借调一名高级审计员,担任全球风
[...] 险管理协调人;(c) 在几个国家办事处举办风险和监控自 评 估 讲 习 班 ;(d) 提供 有关现金转移统一办法的指导意见和咨询意见;及(e) [...]
对新代表培训工作提供支 持并为新兴人才倡议参与人举办讲习班。
These included (a) deployment of three staff to Haiti (twice) to support the country office in developing its risk management strategy shortly after the earthquake in January 2010; (b) secondment of one senior auditor to the Change Management Office to act as the global risk
management focal point; (c) holding of risk
[...] and control self-assessment workshops in a number [...]
of country offices; (d) provision of
guidance and advice on HACT; and (e) provision of support during the training of new representatives and workshops for those in the New and Emerging Talent initiative.
[...] 况的能力建设会议,举办了一次用于电子政务自我评价的电子政务就绪状态衡量评价工具讲习班 ,并列出了一项电子政务发展战略提纲。
In collaboration with the Government of Iraq and UNDP, the Division delivered a capacity-building session to assess the
e-government readiness of Iraq, a
[...] METER workshop of e-government self-evaluation, and outlined [...]
a strategy for e-government development.
China Med
[...] 2009更上层楼,密集安排各项前沿专题研讨会,包括医学影像设备高峰论坛、2009全国医院设备科管理大会、临床医学检验讲座、新医改下的医疗信息化应用走向、现代立体定向新技术、脑损伤的康复、欧美医疗市场准入论坛、数字医学图像技术研讨会、医药物流与医疗设备质量控制、肿瘤影像诊断新进展、大型设备质 评 估 、口 腔 讲 座 、首届国际现代放疗技术学术论坛、第二届创伤骨科研讨大会等。
CHINA MED 2009 has strived for further improvement in diversified forefront symposiums, such as the Medical Imaging Equipment Summit Forum, 2009 National Conference on Management of Equipment Departments in Hospitals, Clinical Laboratory Science Lecture, Application Tendency of Medical Information under New Medical Reform, Modern Stereospecific Technology, Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, Forum of European and US Medical Market Admittance, Symposium of Medical Digital Imaging Technology, Medicine Logistics and Medical Equipments Quality Control, New Progress in
Tumor Imaging Diagnosis, Large-size
[...] Equipments Quality Assessment, Lecture on Stomatology, [...]
the 1st International Modern Radiotherapy
Technique Academic Forum, the 2nd Orthopaedic Trauma Seminar, etc.
2009 年全年一直需要全球讲卫生运动分组快速反应小组开展工作, 该小组被捐助方和分组利益攸关评 为 对增 强 讲 卫 生 运动的应对能力作出重要 贡献的单位。
The Global WASH Cluster Rapid Response Team, continually in demand
[...] throughout 2009, was evaluated as a valuable contributor [...]
to the WASH response capacity
by donors and cluster stakeholders.
录像与动画大专课程毕业的毕业生可以从事摄影师、编剧、视频编辑、工作室经理、电视及电影导演、制片、编剧、制作经理、 评 人 、 电影研 讲 师。
Graduates of the Diploma in Video & Animation programme can pursue careers including: Videographer, Screenwriter, Video Editor,
Studio Manager, TV & Film Director, Producer, Scriptwriter, Production
[...] Manager, Film Critic, and Film Studies Lecturer.
[...] 法方面的单元;为空间法方面的本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国 家空间立法和政策框架;组讲习班 、研讨会和其他专业活动以促进加深理解 [...]
空间法;为法律研究提供财务和技术支助;编写空间法方面的专门研究报告、 文件和出版物;支助空间法模拟法庭竞赛;支助青年专业人员参加与空间法有
关的区域和国际会议;为积累经验提供培训和其他机会;支助专门从事空间法 研究的实体。
Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of
national space legislation and policy frameworks;
[...] organizing workshops, seminars [...]
and other specialized activities to promote greater
understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting the participation of young professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law.




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