

单词 讲解


讲解室 n

briefing room n

See also:


lecture n
speech n

as far as sth is concerned
be particular about

External sources (not reviewed)

爱沙尼亚已经培训了警察、检 察官、法官、律师、儿童保护工作者及受害者支助工作人员,向他 讲解 使用 禁止令的规定。
Estonia has trained police officers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, child protection workers, and victim support workers about provisions regulating the use of restraining order.
其主要任务是在为武装部队和民防专家 开办的课程和活动讲解和说 明有关原则。
Its main task is
[...] to describe and explain the relevant principles [...]
in classes and exercises for armed forces and civil defence specialists.
讲解显示出,较为公正的是选择抽签的办法,以 更换每个小组一半的成员。
His explanation showed that it was more equitable to opt for the solution whereby selection [...]
by lot enabled half of the members
by electoral group to be renewed.
在白俄罗斯形成了在普通教育机构内 讲解 人 权 问题的完备体系,并定期 开展人权方面的教育活动。
In Belarus comprehensive human rights instruction has been introduced in ordinary schools and events to promote human rights education are regularly held.
司法机构在机构间刑事司法委员会内部采取措施,将刑事法官、检察官、公 设辩护律师、法医、精神保健人员、警察、监狱工作人员以及其他相关人员纳入 到司法从业人员职业技能培训计划当中,向他 讲解 涉 及禁止酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国际条约和任择议定书,特别是《伊斯坦布尔 议定书》。
Through the Inter-Agency Criminal Justice Commission, the judiciary is taking steps to include criminal judges, prosecutors, public defenders, forensic physicians, mental health workers, police, prison officials and others in the training programmes for justice officials on international treaties and optional protocols on torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and notably the application of the Istanbul Protocol.
拟编列 111 200 美元差旅经费,用于举办“训练培训员”讲习班 讲解如 何 实施以下各种外地系统:电子燃料管理系统(27 800 美元)、电子口粮管理系统 (27 800 美元)、面向负责特遣队所属装备的干事的部队派遣管理系统(27 800 美 元)、维持和平政策和指导储存库及企业信息门户的企业内容管理解决方案(27 800 美元)。
An amount of $111,200 is proposed for travel to conduct train-the-trainers workshops on the implementation of field systems as follows: the electronic fuel management system ($27,800), electronic rations management system ($27,800), troop contribution management for officers responsible for contingent-owned equipment ($27,800), and the enterprise content management solution for peacekeeping policy and guidance repository and the enterprise information portal ($27,800).
观察团还继续向所 有新加入的工作人员进行上岗情况介绍 讲解 在 维 持和平过程中促进两性平等的 问题。
It also continued to deliver induction briefings on gender equality in peacekeeping to all incoming personnel.
索取参观赠票的方法已经简化, 现在合格的联合国工作人员、常驻联合国代表团人员和退休人员可以免费参加有 导讲解的参 观团,并为工作人员和代表团人员的客人提供 20%的折扣。
Access to complimentary tour tickets has been simplified, now allowing eligible United Nations staff, personnel of permanent missions to the United Nations and retirees to take a no-cost guided tour and extending to staff members and mission personnel a 20-per cent discount for their guests.
各种 公约及协议的文本用官方语言出版,媒体对其内容经常地进 讲解 , 广播电视转 播专题报道,报刊杂志上刊登各种文章和述评。
The texts of human rights conventions and agreements are given a
large print-run in the country’s
[...] official language, and explanations of their content provided [...]
regularly in the mass media,
with special radio and television programmes devoted to the issue, as well as articles and reviews in newspapers and magazines.
每项教程约一小时,重点介绍电子设备热管理关键领域的不同主题,并包含由 ATS 热管理专家提供的详尽视频讲解。
Each of the approximately one-hour tutorials focuses on a different topic in the critical arena of electronics thermal management and will include detailed visuals and narration by an ATS thermal management expert.
作为前述法律研究和建议的补充,区域 中心 2011 年 11 月在多米尼加共和国、2012 年 4 月在多民族玻利维亚国为立法人 员和决策人员举办国家法律讲习班 讲解 立 法草案并说明区域中心法律建议与国 际小武器文书的关系。
As a complement to those legal studies and recommendations, in the Dominican Republic, in November 2011, and in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, in April 2012, the Centre held national legal workshops with legislators and policymakers to disseminate the draft legislation and outline its legal recommendations as these relate to the international small arms instruments.
接下来有一章专讲解 怎样寻找和使用公有领域中的作品。
This is followed by a section dedicated to showing students how they can find and use works in the public domain.
陈律师在2008年举行的亚洲法律业务“法律工作室”(Legal Workshop)上,向行内律讲解香港 及中国大陆法律对中国知识产权事务影响的最新发展。
As a speaker at Asian Legal Business’ “Legal Workshop” in 2008, Nick trained in-house counsels and lawyers in private practice on responding to legal and business developments in the telecommunications, data privacy and protection, and information technology industries in Hong Kong and mainland China.
(a) 开展人权方面教育,包括介绍讲解 人 权 规范和原则、其所依据的基本 价值以及其保护机制
(a ) Education about human rights, which includes
[...] providing knowledge and understanding of human rights [...]
norms and principles, the values that
underpin them and the mechanisms for their protection
儿童基金会在其“为儿童伸张正义方案”中,培 训了人权、司法、青年和体育、劳动和社会事务、教育和健康等部门的 271 名工 作人员讲解如何 向被拘留的儿童提供法律援助。
As part of its Justice for Children programme, UNICEF trained 271 staff from the Ministries of Human Rights, Justice, Youth and Sport, Labour and Social Affairs, Education and Health on the provision of legal assistance to detained children.
[...] Watt连续第三年受邀从北京来为代表 讲解 中 国 当前形势,为教师和管理人员提供了极具价值的见解。
For the third consecutive year Iain Watt, Minister Counselor to the Chinese government in Beijing, was invited to update delegates at the
2010 English Australia Conference on the current context in China,
[...] providing valuable insights to teachers [...]
and managers.
生产植物制成医药品和植物制成工业产品的隔离防范 分析和关键控制点计划》可作为参考文档,指导制定具有各公司特 色的 CACCP 计划,详讲解了与其各自的植物寄主生产系统相一 致的操作程序和规则。
Containment Analysis and Critical Control Point Plan for Production of Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals and Plant-Made
Industrial Products,
[...] which is intended for use as a reference document in developing company-specific CACCP plans, detailed operating procedures, [...]
and disciplines consistent
with their respective plant host production systems.
作为2012年第九届上海双年展特别讲座之一,来自柏林空间实验室的两位建筑师兼艺术家本雅明•弗尔斯特 (Benjamin Forster- Baldenius )和弗洛里安•施蒂尔纳曼 (Florian Stirnermann) 于2012年7月5日在德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处就他们之前做过的有关城市公共空间与建筑的项目向观众做了一个又详尽又生动的介绍 讲解。
On July 5th, 2012, as one of the lectures in conjunction with the 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012, architect-artists Benjamin Forster-Baldenius and Florian Stirnemann from Raumlaborberlin gave the audience at the German Consulate in Shanghai’s Culture and Education Department a detailed and lively introduction and explanation of their previous programs related to architecture and the opening of new city spaces.
本章中提供的安全准则旨在向操作 讲解 所 有 安全方面的问题,以便操作 员可以安全地使用本喷码机。
The safety guidelines provided in this chapter are intended to educate the operator on all safety issues so that the operator can operate the printer safely.
在 1918 年“地理评论”杂志的一篇文章中,罗伯特·J·弗拉哈迪(Robert J. Flaherty,1884–1951
[...] 年)详细叙述了这个故事,当时他在加拿大哈得逊湾东海岸搜寻铁矿石矿藏,维特托克向 讲解 了 哈得逊湾错综复杂的岛屿体系,还把这幅非常精确的爱斯基摩地图借给他看,弗拉哈迪也在文章中再现了这份地图。
In an article in the Geographical Review in 1918, Robert J. Flaherty (1884–1951) recounted the story of how, while he was searching for iron ore
deposits on the east coast of Hudson
[...] Bay, Canada, Wetallok explained the intricacies [...]
of the bay’s island system and shared
with him this remarkably accurate Eskimo map, which Flaherty reproduced in the article.
This seminar offers an excellent introduction to hydronic balancing, while dealing with the three conditions necessary for hydronic control, how to identify faults in the hydronic system and how to use balancing to ensure optimum indoor climate.
本次活动特别邀请到德国VDA-QMC中国区总经理 MR ROBERT
FRANK,由他本人亲自对VDA6.2 的最佳实践及在中国的前景展望作了介绍;
[...] TÜV南德意志集团南中国区VDA项目经理蔡志勇先 讲解 了 如 何提升汽车服务业的质量管理系统VDA6.2;来自香港生产力促进局制造科技部顾问周汉荣先生深入分析了借鉴VDA [...]
Mr. Robert Frank, General Manager of Germany VDA-QMC China, introduced the best practices and the prospect of VDA6.2 in
China; Mr. Cai Zhiyong, TÜV SÜD China
[...] VDA project manager, explained how to improve the [...]
quality of automotive service management
system VDA6.2; Mr. Zhou Hanrong, Manufacturing Technology Advisor from Hong Kong Productivity Council gave deep analysis on how to upgrade the professionalism level of Shenzhen car services with reference to VDA 6.2 standards.
今次在北京举行的产品说明会,旅游局邀请当地41间旅行社(全为“出国游”组团社)及30多间传媒机构的代表出席,向他 讲解 澳 门旅游业最新情况,以及介绍澳门旅游产品和设施。
MGTO will invite 41 travel agencies (i.e. for outbound tours) and 30 some representatives of the media organizations in Beijing to take part in the tourism
product presentation,
[...] illustrating the most updated condition of the Macau tourism industry, and introducing to them the latest Macau [...]
tourism products and facilities.
注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello
[...] Word”换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中要专 讲解 字 体 问题,中文显示也就迎刃而解了,如果不能正确显示中文,也就没有必要翻译本文了。
Add (new Paragraph (" Hello World "));" the string "Hello Word" into Chinese, such as "This is my first PDF file", the result must let you disappointed, as PDF documents generated by the Chinese did not show up, do not worry, in Chapter 9
should be devoted to the issue of fonts, Chinese
[...] show will be solved, if not correctly [...]
display the Chinese, it there is no need
for translation of this article.
多位来自中国政府部门,包括中国保监会、国家税务局、全国人民代表大会及中国最高人民法院的知名演讲嘉宾 讲解 了 中 国保险业的最新政策及条例。
Eminent guest speakers from Chinese government including
CIRC, SAT, NPC and the Supreme People's
[...] Court of the PRC explained the latest policies [...]
and regulations in China insurance industry.
2月23日,事业女性组邀请了内政部属下的新加坡复员技训企业管理局 (SCORE) 职员,向20名本会会讲解雇主 如何通过提供职位空缺,协助前囚犯重返社会。
On February 23, CWG invited SCORE, a statutory board under the Ministry of Home Affairs, to introduce to 20 SCCCI members on how they could help ex-offenders re-integrate into the society by providing employment opportunities.
并特别针对目前菲律宾地区较易罗患的肺癌、乳腺癌、结肠 讲解 了 几 种新的治疗微创治疗技术,分别是:纳米技术使用、碘粒子植入、氩氦刀冷冻术、生物免疫疗法、介入栓塞,同时提供具体患者案例,证明了这些肿瘤治疗的新技术是安全有效的,能明改善显患者生存质量,延长生命周期;还介绍了世界卫生组织WHO目前推行的肿瘤患者“带瘤生存”的理念。
These techniques are nanotechnology, iodine seed implantation, Ar-He knife cryotherapy, immunotherapy, interventional embolization etc. Simultaneously, Prof Peng listed patients of each specific case on the above treatments to prove that these new techniques are significantly safe and effective in improving the patients’ qualities of life and prolonging the life cycle.
希望在 2011 年能够恢复有导讲解的参 观以及在翻修后的会议楼内举行简 报会,这取决于基本建设总计划的进展和是否有供旅游团集合的空间,还要在北 草坪临时会议楼留出展览空间,当然新闻部将日益侧重于设计巡回展览。
Contingent on developments relating to the Capital Master Plan, and the availability of space for tour groups to congregate, it is hoped to resume audio and guided tours as well as briefings in the renovated Conference Building in 2011, with spaces reserved in the temporary North Lawn Conference Building for exhibits, although the Department will increasingly focus on designing travelling exhibits.
然后可以逐步将面对面的授课机会用于 其他目的,比讲解学生学习中的难点,通过做练习来复习已学过的内 [...]
Face-to-face sessions with lecturers could then increasingly [...]
be used for a variety of other purposes for example covering
aspects which students are finding difficult, working through exercises on the topics covered or conducting seminars in which students give presentations to their classmates.




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