

单词 讲电话




See also:

讲话 n

speech n
address n


a speech


phone number
phone call

External sources (not reviewed)

对于员工每天都花大量时讲电话的 各种规模的办公室来说,是一个理想的解决方案。
It’s an ideal solution for offices of all sizes, where employees spend a moderate amount of time on the phone.
很快,他 们会学讲电话,先是呀呀而语,继而用三两个单词。
Soon they begin to
[...] imitate a phone conversation with babbling [...]
and later with words.
善待您的耳朵 一讲 8 个小时电话,这对您的耳朵无疑是一个沉重的负担。
Be kind to your ears Talking on the phone for eight hours a day can be hard on your ears.
6 月 23 日,总理向伊拉克人民发电视讲话 ,他指出,百日计划的总体指数和最后结果显示,大部分 [...]
In a speech televised to the Iraqi people [...]
on 23 June, the Prime Minister stated that the general index and the final outcome
of the 100-day plan showed that the performance of most ministries was between average and good.
切勿将开机状态的移电话或对讲机 置 于距离 MEDUMAT Transport 1 米以内的范围内,否则有可能造成功能故障。
Do not place a
[...] switched-on cellular phone or radio closer than 1 [...]
m from the MEDUMAT Transport, as this could cause malfunctions.
传播及信息部门的助理总干事讲话 中 谈到了四 个基本问题:信息与传播技术在教育、科学、文 化及传播领域的作用;教科文组织必须努力解决 的“数字鸿沟”问题;必须优先考虑伦理问题, 文化多样性,使用多种语言及普及利 电 脑空 间;新闻自由,公共广播及社电台 的 重要性。
In that respect, the Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information identified four basic issues of
concern in his
[...] presentation: the essential role of ICTs in education, science, culture and communication; the need for UNESCO to address the “digital divide”; the need to give priority attention to ethical issues, cultural diversity, multilingualism and universal access to cyberspace; and the importance of media freedom, public service broadcasting and community radio.
北草坪建筑启用拖延,包括一些会议室没 电话 , 讲 台 座 位数 目有限,以及对表决软件进行必要的调整,也影响了业务活动。
Start-up delays in the North Lawn Building, including
[...] the absence of telephones and limited podium [...]
seating in some rooms and necessary
adjustments to voting software, had affected operations as well.
为解决对妇女的最严重形式的暴力之一,人权高专办和 总理办公厅及部长理事会联合发表了简短 电 视 讲话 , 要 求解决对被控施行巫术 者的暴力问题。
To address one of the worst forms of violence against women, OHCHR and the Office of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers jointly launched a short television segment highlighting the issue of violence against women accused of practicing witchcraft.
值得一提的是,作为一个非常设机构,我们对这些 工作组的参与主要是通电话会议 和电子邮件的方式实现的。
It is worth noting here that, as a non-resident agency, our participation in these theme groups is done
[...] mainly through teleconferencing and emails.
联合国电台现在通过新规则的网站更频繁地向全球用户提供最新内容; 电 台一方面担任音频新闻服务的提供者,提供精悍简短 讲话 片 断 、短新闻,另一方面 又担任深入专题报道和杂志节目的提供者。
With newly programmed websites, United Nations Radio now provides more frequently updated content to its worldwide clients, serving in one capacity as an audio news service that delivers sound bites and short news reports/bulletins, and in another as a provider of in-depth features and magazine programmes.
专家组还将在可行的和其成员商定的情况下利用闭会期间协调活动(如 会议电话会议、电子会议和讲习班)所提供的机会。
The expert group will also use opportunities provided by intersessional coordination events, such as meetings, teleconferences, electronic meetings and workshops, as feasible and as agreed by its members.
俄罗斯联邦外交部对格鲁吉亚总统的和平倡议提出了挑战,声称格鲁吉亚总 统的言论对格鲁吉亚的“邻国”怀有敌意,并称 2010 年 1 月 25 日由第一高加索 电视台以俄语广播的听电话直播电 视 讲话 含 有 对“新的共和国”的“隐性威胁”。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation challenges the peace initiative of the President of Georgia by claiming that the rhetoric of the President is hostile to Georgia’s
“neighbouring States” and
[...] that the televised phone-in address aired by the Russian language First Caucasus Television (PIK) made on 25 January 2010 contained [...]
“hidden threats” to the “new republics”.
按照工作组的工作范围和工作方法,专家组除了在闭会期间举行会议电 话会议、电子会议和讲习班等协调活动之外,还将按事先所商定的,在科学和 技术小组委员会及委员会的年度届会间隙或期间举行几次会议。
Consistent with the terms of reference and methods of work of the Working Group, the expert group will hold meetings on the margins of and/or during the annual sessions of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Committee, as agreed in advance, in addition to intersessional coordination events such as meetings, teleconferences, electronic meetings and workshops.
教科文组织执行局主席章新胜先生 讲话 中 提 到各国全国委员会在教科文组织活动中 [...]
的重要作用,回顾了执行局就本组织最关键的计划文件 34 C/4 和 34 C/5 的意义所进行的讨 论,强调了教科文组织目前正在实施的各项战略目标和主要优先事项,特别是在全民教育方
面,谈到了与全面审查重大计划 II 和 III 有关的预期目标。
In his speech, Mr Zhang Xinsheng, [...]
Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board, referred to the important role of National Commissions
in UNESCO’s activities, recalled the discussions by the Executive Board on the relevance of the 34 C/4 and 34 C/5 as key programme documents of the Organization, highlighted the various strategic objectives and principal priorities currently pursued by UNESCO, in particular with respect to EFA, referred to the expectations associated with the overall review of Major Programmes II and III.
这 项 培训将由匈牙利的 新闻工作者提供 , 欧 安组织关于媒 体 自由的代表也将 在 训 练 班讲话。
The training will be given by journalists from Hungary, and the representative of OSCE on freedom of the media will intervene in this course.
泰国总理的这讲话一方 面是明显威胁要单方面取消一个法律文件,即2000 [...]
年 6 月 14 日柬埔寨王国政府和泰王国政府签署的谅解备忘录,另一方面是明显 威胁使用军事力量解决边界划分问题,而 1904 年的《公约》、1907 年法国和暹罗 签订的《条约》以及根据上述《公约》成立的法国和暹罗委员会绘制的地图都已
This statement of the Prime Minister of Thailand
[...] constitutes on the one hand an obvious [...]
threat to cancel unilaterally a legal
document, namely the memorandum of understanding signed on 14 June 2000 between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand for the demarcation of the border, and on the other hand a clear threat to use military force to settle the problem of the demarcation of the border, which has been clearly demarcated by the Convention of 1904, the Treaty of 1907 between France and Siam and the maps produced by the Franco-Siamese Commission set up by the above-mentioned Convention.
[...] 业务需求,emerald集强大的读卡器和控制器功能于一身,并采用完全集成的网电 话 (VoIP) 对讲系统 和一系列远程应用程序,提供全新全面的门禁体验。
Available in three options to suit a range of business needs, emerald is a powerful reader
and controller in one, featuring a
[...] fully integrated VoIP intercom and a range of Remote [...]
Applications that provide a whole
new multifaceted access control experience.
监督厅提出关于审计适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘书处审查了这些标准费用,并尽量根据订正费率拟订 2011/12 年度预算拟议新 设员额的经常性费用项下所需资源,如房地租金、办公室用品和设备、商营通信 费用(传真费电话费)和信息技术维护服务级协议和基础设施费用的所需资源, 以及非经常性费用项下所需资源,如购买家具和包括计算机 电话 在 内 的办公设 备,以及改建或装修。
Following the report of OIOS on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat has reviewed the standard costs and, to the extent possible, has applied the revised rates in the formulation of the requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises, office supplies and equipment,
[...] communications costs (fax and telephone charges) and service-level agreements and infrastructure costs for information technology maintenance and repair; and under non-recurrent costs, such as those for the purchase of furniture and office equipment, including computers and telephones, and alterations [...]
or improvements, for
newly proposed posts in the 2011/12 budget.
在发展中国家,移电话正 在 解决两个主要的接入问题,即终端设备的投资成本和数字扫盲的“入门”费 [...]
In the developing world, mobile telephones are addressing [...]
two of the major access issues, namely the investment costs for
terminals and the “getting started” costs of digital literacy as preconditions for the use of digital services.
[...] 者将协助该部现有工作人员起草来往公文,就东道国关系、雇用及合同事项提供 咨询意见,编写会议记录,并起 讲话 或 说 明。
As indicated in the proposed budget, the incumbent of the additional post would assist the existing staff of the Department in drafting correspondence, providing advice related to
relations with the host country, employment and contractual matters, and in preparing
[...] minutes and drafting speeches or notes.
通过互联网和内部网网 站、内部和外部培训、简讯电子 教学 、 讲 习 班 以及进行业连管演练等,仅仅是 业连管教育得以落实的众多形式中的几个。
Sharing knowledge via internet and intranet sites,
internal and external training,
[...] newsletters and e-learning, workshops and performance of [...]
BCM exercises are just some of the forms
in which education on BCM can be delivered.
在此值得指出的是,教科文组织是一个非驻地机构,并且是在财政资源和人员不足的 情况下参与大量会议,因此,参与国家工作队和联合国次区域工作队以及各种联合国专题和 联合小组会议(牙买加境内会议除外)的次数受到限制,并且主要通过电子邮件 电话 会议 (在可能情况下)参与会议。
It is worth mentioning that, as a non-resident agency and in the face of inadequate financial resources and staff to carry out missions to participate in the numerous meetings, UNESCO’s participation in meetings of the UNCTs, UNSTs and various United Nations theme and joint groups (outside of the ones in Jamaica) is limited, and done mainly through e-mail contributions and teleconference (where possible).
在 2012 年 4 月 23 日第 1 次会议上,大会主席办公室主任代表大会主席作讲话,经济及社会理事会主席、毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任、秘鲁(代表 联合国会员国中的 77 国集团成员和中国)、南非(代表联合国会员国中的非洲 国家组成员)、印度(代表联合国会员国中的亚洲太平洋国家组成员)、厄瓜多 尔(代表联合国会员国中的拉丁美洲和加勒比国家组成员)和丹麦(代表联合 国会员国中的欧洲联盟成员国)作了发言。
At the 1st meeting, on 23 April 2012, a message was delivered by the Chef de Cabinet, Office of the President of the General Assembly, on behalf of the President of the Assembly, and statements were made by the President of the Economic and Social Council, by the Executive Director of UNODC, by Peru (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China), by South Africa (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of African States), by India (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of Asia-Pacific States), by Ecuador (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States) and by Denmark (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union).
瓦塔拉总统在 3 月 15 日发表的全讲话中表 示, 他已接受非洲联盟和平与安全理事会的决定,并阐明 了他的设想,重点是民族和解,其中包括组建民族团 结政府和真相与和解委员会,以及执行《瓦加杜古政 治协议》的未竟任务。
In an address to the nation on 15 March, President Ouattara stated that he had accepted the decisions of the African Union Peace and Security Council and outlined his vision, with an emphasis on national reconciliation, including the formation of a Government of national unity and a truth and reconciliation commission, as well as the implementation of the unfinished tasks in the Ouagadougou Political Agreement.
然而,美国商业部 长骆家辉(Gary Locke)在总统科学技术顾问委员会 讲话 中曾 经这样评论:“美国的创新生态系统有失完整,从而不能有效地激 励人们或者分配资源去产生新的创意并在这些创意的基础上进行 集中的研究,之后再把它们商业化进而创造好的工作机会。
However, as Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, remarked to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “America has a broken innovation ecosystem that does not efficiently create the right incentives or allocate enough resources to generate new ideas; develop those ideas with focused research; and turn them into businesses that can create good jobs.
最近的例子包括:(a) 为实施非洲联盟边界方案于 2009 年 11 月 9 和 10 日, 在阿克拉召开的海洋划界和大陆架问题泛非会议,海洋事务和海洋法司协助召集会
[...] 议的非洲联盟向与会者介绍了《公约》有关海区的制度,特别侧重于大陆架以及有 关划定海上边界的规定;(b) 关于海电缆和海洋讲习班 ,海洋事务和海洋法司 协助主办机构新加坡国立大学国际法中心向参与者介绍《公约》有关的海底电缆的 [...]
Recent examples include (a) the Pan African Conference on Maritime Boundaries and the Continental Shelf, organized as part of the implementation of the African Union Border Programme, and held in Accra on 9 and 10 November 2009, in which the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea assisted the convener of the conference, the African Union, in providing participants with an overview of the Convention’s regime concerning maritime zones, with particular emphasis on the continental shelf, as well as its provisions relating to maritime boundary
delimitation and (b) the
[...] workshop on submarine cables and the law of the sea, in [...]
which the Division assisted the convener, the Center for International Law of the National University of Singapore,
in providing participants with an overview of the legal regime in the Convention regarding submarine cables.78 The workshop was aimed at promoting an understanding of the existing legal regimes and identifying gaps.
方法以及使对话有效、可信的条件的立场,尤其是在 大会 2007 年举行的关于宗教间和文化间理解和合作
[...] 以促进和平的高级别对话期间和黎巴嫩共和国总统 阁下 2008 年发讲话,支 持沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜 拉·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹提出的对话倡议。
The position of Lebanon on the aims, value and methodology of dialogue, as well as on the conditions that make it credible and effective, have been clearly stated on many occasions, notably during the General Assembly’s 2007 High-level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace and in the address of the His Excellency
the President of the Lebanese
[...] Republic in 2008 in support of the dialogue initiative [...]
of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.
联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金)副执行主任在她 讲话 中 , 强调 应该将减少孕产妇死亡率和增加妇女有意义的政治参与,作为今后行动的 高度优先工作。
The Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), in her statement, emphasized reducing maternal mortality and increasing women’s meaningful political participation as high priorities for future action.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅度折扣;(b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 地减少本组织网络意外停机时间;(c)
[...] 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最终用 电话 程 序
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach provides the following benefits: (a) significant worldwide discounts for all locations; (b) speedier diagnosis of problems, thereby minimizing unplanned downtime of the Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple
vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user
[...] procedures for telephones at all offices.
还支持 了由亚洲广播联盟(ABU)组织、韩国广播系统(2003 年 6 月)在韩国的水原和汉城承办电视记录片讲习班
The Organization equally provided support for a television documentary workshop organized by the Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU) and hosted by the Korean Broadcasting System in Suwon and Seoul, South Korea (June 2003).




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