

单词 记录的材料

See also:

记录 v

record v
note v
log v
keep v
chart v


record (in sports etc)
record (written account)

材料 n

material n
materials pl
data n
matter n



External sources (not reviewed)

人道主义法中心汇编了有 6 000 日庭记录的材料。
The Humanitarian Law
[...] Centre has compiled material covering 6,000 days [...]
of trials.
Enter the
[...] weight of the porous material previously recorded, then press [...]
the Yes button.
投资管理司在答复中向审计委员会提供了关 于记录亏损的补充材料。
In response, the Investment Management Division had provided the Board of Auditors with
[...] additional information on the losses recorded.
该项目是劳力密集型的,需制订应纳入档案的硬拷贝的计划表,并确定 那些不应或不能被纳的硬拷贝记录( 如 司 法特 材料 、 律 师工作成果材料等)。
This project is labour-intensive and involves the creation of schedules of hard-copy records to be included in the archives, as well as the identification of
those that should not, or cannot, be included
[...] (e.g., judicially privileged materials, attorney work product materials).
我们保证严格遵守REACH,保持更新所有化 材料 、 成分 的记录,并 采取所有必要措施来履行我们对REACH的职责。
We ensure compliance with REACH by
[...] keeping up-to-date records of all chemical materials and substances [...]
and by taking all necessary steps
to meet our REACH obligations.
就弹药而言,这种检查表记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径 材料 、 数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 括弹壳和包装的详细图片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections
sheets should
[...] include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings on the cartridge and [...]
on the packaging, including
detailed pictures and descriptions of the cartridge and the packaging.
此外,还有必要收集卫生系统和其他实 的 资 料 , 将 司法档 记录合 并在一起,以此整合有关的信息。
It is also necessary to consolidate
information in this field by
[...] bringing together judicial records with information from the [...]
health system and other entities.
(g) 报告也未提材料、文件记录或根 据个人约谈或证据编 的 文 件是由委 员会掌握还是已移交联合国办事处供记录和存档,以备巴基斯坦主管部门今后需 要时用于刑事调查。
(g) It is also not mentioned whether the materials, record of documents or documents prepared [...]
on the basis of interviews or
evidence of individuals are in the possession of the Commission or have been handed over to the United Nations office for recording and preservation for their use in a criminal investigation, if needed in future by Pakistani authorities.
我们对生产或使的所有纳米材料逐 一进 行 记录 和 评 估。
We have recorded and assessed all the nanomaterials that we produce or use.
预计 2011/2012
[...] 年度该处的优先事项和挑战包括:加强联合国通行证发放制度和 联合国通行证文件的安全;旅行社平台的变化;改进业务流程;将邮件和邮袋运 送和跟踪系统扩大到尽可能的外地行动中;保存电 记录 和 档 案 材料。
The priorities and challenges that are anticipated for the 2011/12 period for the Service include: increased security enhancements to the United Nations laissez-passer and related issuing system; changes in the travel agency platform; improvement in business processes, expanding the mail and pouch shipping and
tracking systems in as many field operations as
[...] possible; and the preservation of electronic records and archival materials.
而现代摄 影术的诞生则要追溯到 1816 年,一位法国的平版印刷工,Nicephore Niepce,利用涂布了 感材料的金属板记录影像
The roots of modern photography trace back
to 1816, when Nicephore Niepce, a French
[...] lithographer, recorded images on metal plates coated with a sensitized material.
它抽记录,对比原材料收据与仓 记录 ; 采 购合同与实际购买数量;购买发票与财务记 录;生产记录与转为存的制成 品;生产数据与操作记录;增值税记录与收益表。
It sampled records of raw material receipts against warehouse records; procurement contracts with actual purchases; purchase invoices with financial records; production records against the finished product [...]
transferred to storage; production statistics with operating records; daily workshop production records against production records; income statements with revenue accounts; and VAT records with income statements.
南部金枪鱼养护委的统计文件方案和获准船 的 记录 规定,不允许各成员和合作非成员进 记录材料 不 足 或未获适当许可的南方蓝鳍 金枪鱼。
Under the CCSBT statistical document programme
[...] and record of authorized vessels, members and cooperating non-members were not permitted to allow inadequately documented or authorized southern bluefin tuna to be imported, which comprised the majority of the global southern [...]
bluefin tuna market.
这部分可涉及对缺 陷的容许程度,例如有瑕疵或不太 的材料 , 但 这种信息应列入标准的 录 或 另 一咨询 性文本中。
This section may refer to tolerances for
defects, such as
[...] blemishes or imperfect material, but this information should be contained in an appendix to the standard [...]
or in another advisory text.
在维也纳,和平利用外层空间委员 会正在制订提供会记录的替代 办法,将包括电子音频文档,并在可能的情况下 配之以上传的参考料,例如书面发言和(或)会议英文记录誊本。
In Vienna, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was developing an alternative
delivery method for
[...] its meeting records, which would consist of digital sound files supplemented, where available, with uploaded reference materials such as written statements [...]
and/or an English transcript of the meeting.
非生材料和服务记录的保存 时限须为后列三个时期中的最长者:至少三(3)个日历 年、依照公认的行业标准、或者依照客户规定。
Records of non-production materials and services shall [...]
be maintained for a minimum of three (3) calendar years, or per the
accepted industry standard, or per customer requirements, whichever is greater.
这方面开展的活动包括:建立研究所电子图书馆(多级教学图书馆已 经建立,75%有关艾滋病毒/艾滋病的图书资料被翻译成了葡萄牙文);收集并散发有关艾滋 病毒/艾滋的材料(CD录像);建立教育研究和教育内容订定者数据库(可借助研究 所网站使用);创办研究所业务通讯;建立师范教育网络(讨论各种专题,包括课程、辅 [...]
Activities conducted include: development of IICBA’s electronic library (multi-grade teaching library developed; 75% translation of HIV and AIDS library into Portuguese);
collection and distribution of
[...] HIV and AIDS materials (CD and videos); education research and content providers database (made available [...]
via IICBA website); IICBA
newsletters; teacher education network (discussion on various topics including curriculum, instruction, education planning, ICTs in Education, HIV and AIDS, etc.; and upgrading of the network through additional "Ask the Expert" facility); and the regularly-updated IICBA website.
活动侧重于通过合作伙伴关系,以及通过支持国家和地区级专业培训中心、开发和编制网 络和非网络培材料以及提倡记者和 传媒工作 的 高 尚 专业标准,来提高发展中国家进行科学著述 和科学报道的当地能力。
Action focused on strengthening local capabilities in science writing and science reporting in developing countries through collaborative partnerships and by supporting professional training
centres at national and regional levels, by
[...] developing and producing training materials online and offline, and by promoting [...]
professional standards for journalists and media workers.
到目前为止,总共制作了大约 1 400 个小时 的经编的录音材料,另 有 2 700 个小时的法庭诉讼已经进行审查并做了编辑记。
Approximately 1,400 hours
[...] of redacted audio material have been generated to date, and 2,700 hours of proceedings have been reviewed and marked for redaction.
这些建议的目的是 为承包者提供以下各方面的指导:按照《规章》应保存的账簿、账目和财 记录; 指明国际公的会计 原则;年度报告中财务 料的 列 报 格式;实际和直接勘探成 本的定义;以及实际和直接勘探支出的核证形式。
The purpose of these recommendations is to provide
guidance to contractors
[...] in relation to the books, accounts and financial records to be maintained in accordance with the Regulations, [...]
the identification
of internationally accepted accounting principles, the format for the presentation of financial information in the annual report, the definition of the actual and direct costs of exploration, and the form of certification of actual and direct exploration expenditures.
记录和分析材料即将发表。还将进一步举行磋商, 对其进行审议,并在此基础上制定政策文件,以期改善诉诸司法方 的 立 法
They would be considered at a further consultation, on the basis of which policy documents would be developed with a view to improving legislation relating to access to justice.
一名 P-3 级干事将重点进行最佳做法研究,以帮助阐述工作流程和详细的 程序和指示,支持实施符合公共部门会计准则的会计和报告制度,包括制定关于 下述事的指南:支持维持和平行 记录 部 门 资 料 , 记录 货 物和实物服务,并记 录和监测维持和平行的准备 金和或有负债。
One of the P-3 officers would focus on researching best practices for use in the articulation of workflows and detailed procedures and instructions that support IPSAS-compliant accounting and reporting, including the development of guidelines supporting the recording of segment information for peacekeeping operations, the recording of goods and services provided in kind, and the recording and monitoring of provisions and contingent liabilities in peacekeeping operations.
虽然 Vaghela 并不认识那人并称该男子也非熟人介绍,他却在没
[...] 有签署任何合同的情况下收了钱,也没有留下关于其新客户任何身份 料的记 录——甚至连姓名或电话号码都没有。
Although Vaghela did not know the individual and claimed that the man had not been referred to him by anyone he knew, he accepted the
money without signature of any contract and
[...] retained for his records no identifying information [...]
about his new client — not even a name or telephone number.
它涉及四氯化碳的年度生产总量、进口总量 和出口总量,及用作原料和非原料四氯化碳生产量的详细情况,并包括核对和确 记录, 例如生产日志、产品和其料的生产 比率、名称、进口配额和数量、货物 记 录 和 其他相 关文件。
It covers the total annual CTC production and imports, exports, and the breakdown of CTC production for feedstock and non-feedstock applications, and
includes, the checking and
[...] validation of records such as production logs, production ratios between product and its feedstock, names, quotas and quantity of imports, excise records and other related [...]
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降,
[...] 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地位的精炼厂和冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度 记的材料 ( 见 S/ 2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy
material from red-flag locations
[...] only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, [...]
para. 339).
[...] 兵队看到,登记簿的格式在原则上可以接受,但几个月没有填写;工 作人员报告说,标准的做法是在较 的 日 期将 资 料 从 每 日 记录 表 移至 登记簿,即使要求被剥夺自由者提前在一个空白登记簿上签字或按指 纹。
For example, at the Gendarmerie of Bohicon the delegation observed that the register, which in principle was acceptable as to its format, had not been filled in for several months; staff reported that it was standard
practice to transfer
[...] information from the daily log sheets into the register at a later date, [...]
even though persons deprived
of their liberty were required to sign or affix their fingerprints in advance to an empty register.
(a) 请世界银行遵守 2000
[...] 年第三十二次会议通过的关于核查消耗臭氧层物质生 产淘汰情况的准则,特别是应在核查组中包括一名具有财务和会计背景的成 员和必须对每的生产和原材料消耗 记录 进 行 审查。
(a) Request the World Bank to comply fully with the Guidelines on the verification of ODS production phase-out, adopted at the 32nd Meeting in 2000, especially with regard to the inclusion of a member in the verification team with
financial and accounting background, and the need to
[...] examine the daily production and raw material consumption records.
国 家图书馆应通过法律规定的存放国家作品的渠道收集和保存出版物,另外还有广泛详 的档 案 立法,明确规定应在何时和如何将有 记录材料 转 交 档案馆进行整理和保存。
National libraries collect and preserve publications through legal deposit of the national
production, and there is extensive
[...] archival legislation defining when and how records must be transferred to archives for selection and [...]




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