









External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 到遗憾的是,没有就侮辱、诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 了一些新到关押。
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been made on the law
concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury of civil servants, which had led to the
[...] imprisonment ofseveral journalists.
Likewise, freedom of expression was protected by the
[...] Constitution,and reportersand film makers [...]
enjoyed maximum freedom in the exercise
of their respective professions.
报告中三个常设议程项目开展工作的情况;专家会议还将报告该年预定 讨论的其他项目的工作情况。
This report will reflect work on the three Standing Agenda Items, as well as a report on the other item scheduled for discussion during that year.
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公政府持有权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.
最初,警察局的工作人员试图 将
[...] “棍鞭”的存在解释为在一个刑事案件中查获的犯罪证据;这种难以令人信 服的解释不符合高级官员对警存物品作为证据的程序――经代 表团核实适用于警察局现有其他证据项目的程序――的叙述。
Initially, staff at the police station sought to explain the presence of the “whiplash” as a piece of criminal evidence seized for presentation in a criminal case; this unconvincing explanation failed to fit with the
account, as given by the senior officer, of
[...] procedures for documenting, labelling and [...]
storing items taken in evidence by the
police – procedures verified by the delegation as being applied to other items of evidence present at the police station.
就弹药而言,这种检查表容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 括弹壳和包装的详细图片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity,markings onthe cartridge and on the packaging, including detailed pictures and descriptions of the cartridge and the packaging.
[...] 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO
chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue
[...] among studentjournalists and seasoned [...]
media practitioners from both regions; the
holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
(h) 如果设保人是前述规则未予涉及的其他实体的参与方,设保人的身份 识别特征即为创设文件中所载实体的名称 [;根据建议 22,为确定设保人的独一 特征而需要提供交易中代表该实体的每个自然人的姓名之类必要补充 信息]。
(h) If the grantor is a participant in an entity other than one already referred to in the preceding rules, the grantor identifier is the name of the entity as stated in the document creating it[; necessary, additional information, such as the names of each natural person representing the entity in the transaction to which the registrationrelates, should be required to uniquely identify the grantor in accordance with recommendation 22].
时需要维护以及需要那种类型的维护,建立预防性维 护计划,然后确定检查系统的定期计划。
Establish a preventive maintenance schedule byrecording when and what kind of maintenance is needed, and then determine a regular schedule for checking your system.
为促进妇女的人权,各位部长表示决心在国家、区域和国际各级采取合理 措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并增强妇女权能,同时还的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的社会经济战略和方案, 向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女和农村妇女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司 法服务,并增强家庭福祉。
The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national, regional and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the inherent potential of women, through inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of government services to all women particularly women with disabilities and women in rural areas, including access to health, education and justice services and strengthening family well-being.
根据联合国损失则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims
are eligible for
[...] inclusion inthe Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdictionof theRegister of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate casesand bearing inmind the [...]
varying circumstances
with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
含被拘留者的身份;拘留的日期、时间和地 点;拘留该人的机关的身份;拘留的理由;被拘留所收押的日期和时间;被拘留 [...]
者收押时的健康状况;以及任何变更情况;审讯的时间和地点与所有审讯人员的 名字;以及释放或转移到另一拘留所的日期和时间。
Registrationshould contain [...]
the identity of the detainee, the date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the
authority that detained the person, the ground for the detention, the date and time of admission to the detention facility and the state of health of the detainee upon admission and any changes thereto, the time and place of interrogations, with the names of all interrogators present, as well as the date and time of release or transfer to another detention facility.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的
I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数
[...] 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the
database of lost and stolen passports; and
[...] investigating andregistering international foundations [...]
that wanted to operate in the country.
就不能被遣返阿富汗他们提出了与原 先截然不同的新根据:第一,他们曾在瑞典寻求庇护,这在阿富汗被视为严重罪 行;第二,第一申诉人曾为在瑞典的寻求庇护者担任过口译员因而被阿富汗秘密 警案;第三,他们父亲的一些宿敌是现政府官员,他们会因暴露姓名而 被杀。
They invoke entirely new grounds against their expulsion to Afghanistan: first, that they sought asylum in Sweden, which is considered to be a serious crime in Afghanistan; second, that the first complainant is registered with the Afghan secret police because of having worked as an interpreter for asylum-seekers in Sweden; third, that some of their father’s old enemies are officials in the present Government and they will be killed because their name is known.
Any such handcuffing or use of
other restraints should be fully
[...] recorded in the relevant register andinclude the security [...]
reason and length of the use of the restraint.
同时,在《公约》的方针指引下,在其他方面也取得了进步,主要表现在颁 布了第 29478
号法,规定为残疾人参与投票选举提供便利;颁布了第 29524 号
[...] 《聋盲人法》,规定聋盲是一种单一性的残疾;出台了全国国民身份第 0269-2009 号部门决议,规定为残疾人免费办理和发放身份证件,为此类人口, [...]
Other achievements under the Convention have included the adoption of Act No. 29478, which deals with the provision of facilities to enable persons with disabilities to vote; Act No. 29524 on Deafblind Persons, which recognizes deafblindness as a single disability; Administrative Decision No.
0269-2009 of the National Identity and
[...] Civil Status Registry (RENIEC),which establishes [...]
that national identity documents
are to be issued free of charge to persons with disabilities and provides for expedited procedures for persons, especially children, who do not have a birth certificate; and legislation on health-care provisions for members of the armed forces and police.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自
[...] 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终 止雇用关系,或因违反工因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 [...]
员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出
的公民;(三) 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national
economy, which offered them the living space,
[...] as a resultof own initiative discontinuation [...]
of the employment relations without
justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
亚太信通培训中心希望在下列领域获得经社会的支持:(a) 在各 个成员国内对信通技术司和亚太信通培训中心的方案开展宣传;(b) 为信 通技术司能力建设提供预算拨款,并推动为国家和地方政府提供信通技术 培训;(c) 为亚太信通培训中心政府领导人信通技术基础知识学院这一核 心方案的开展、以及最佳实践个例研究的收集求潜在合作伙伴; (d) 在资源、专家和教员的分享方面鼓励开展区域合作,尤其是重视妇女 的参与。
APCICT seeks support from the Commission in (a) advocating for ICTD and APCICT programmes in individual member countries; (b) allocating budgets for ICTD capacity-building and promoting ICT training for national and local governments; (c) identifying potential partners for the roll-out of the APCICT core programme, the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders and the collection and documentation of case studies of good practices; and (d) encouraging regional cooperation in the sharing of resources, experts and trainers, with particular focus on the participation of women.
号牌或标志应由阿拉伯数字组成或由阿 拉伯数字加上大写的拉丁字符组成,如[1968 年]《道路交通公约》中所定义 [...]
The registration number platesor marks should be composed [...]
of either Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals and capital Latin
characters, as defined in the Convention on Road Traffic [1968].
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a 的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 HFC-134a 的 产品性能相似,必须格达夏季气温可轻易达到摄氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summertime; and information was provided on similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.
任何股份,而本公司不应以任何方式被约束或强迫认可(即使已获有关通告)任何 股份的任何衡平、或然、未来或部分权益、或股份中的任何零碎部分的任何权益,
[...] 或(除该等细则或法例另有规定者外)有关任何股份的任何其他权利,惟有关人就其整体的绝对权利除外。
Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by
law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety
[...] thereofin the registeredholder.
在以下方面存在 薄弱之处:项目监测和监督(15 个办事处);资产管理(例如,未对资产进行实物 存货、Atlas 中资本资产,以及未妥善处置陈旧资产)(13 个办事处); 对支付问题的处理(11 个办事处);差旅管理(例如,差旅报销申请不完善,以及 差旅报销申请无证明)(10 个办事处);休假和出(8个办事处);对特别服 务协定的管理(7 个办事处);征聘过程(7 个办事处);供应商管理(6 个办事处); 账户代码的使用(6 个办事处);以及电子采购的使用(5 个办事处)。
These are weaknesses in: project monitoring and oversight (15 offices); asset management (e.g. physical inventory of
assets not performed,
[...] non-capital assetsnot recordedin Atlas and obsolete assets not properly disposed of) (13 offices); processing of payment (11 offices); travel management (e.g. travel claims not completed and travel claims not supported) (10 offices); leave and attendancerecords (8offices); management [...]
of special
service agreements (7 offices); recruitment process (7 offices); vendor management (6 offices); use of account codes (6 offices); and use of e-procurement (5 offices).
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)根据第 1 款备选案文 C,当 同时有按数字和姓名编制的索引,查询人员应当能够使用其中某项索引编制标 准进行查询;及(b)插入第 4 段是为了让工作组审议设保人地址问题;及(c)设保 人及有担保债权人或其管理人的地址必须一部分,但不一定是身份识 别特征的一部分,除非需要补充信息来确定有担保债权人、其管理人或设保人 的身份。
Note to the Working Group The Working Group may wish to note that: (a)
under option C in
[...] paragraph 1, the registry should have both numerical and name indexes and searchers should be able to search with one or the other indexing criterion; and (b) paragraph 4 has been inserted for the Working Group to consider the matter of the address of the grantor; and (c) the address of the grantor and secured creditor or its representative has to be part of the record, [...]
but not necessarily part
of the identifier, except if there is a need for additional information to identify the secured creditor, its representative or the grantor.
在这方面,我们强调必须制订各种监测武装冲突 期间侵犯平民行动的办法,以及必须采取措施说服全 世界所有国家和冲突各方履行承诺,不把平民当作攻
[...] 击目标和在没有双重标准的情况下保护平民的生命、 财产及合法利益,同时完全尊重各国的主权 和不干涉它国内政的原则。
In that connection, we emphasize the need to develop methods for monitoring acts committed against civilians during armed conflicts and the need for measures to be taken to persuade all countries and parties to conflicts throughout the world to fulfil their commitment not to target civilians and to protect their lives, property and
legitimate interests without applying double
[...] standards, bearing in mind the [...]
need to fully respect the sovereignty of States
and the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs.
这包括但不限于青年才俊通过文字和图像表达对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来的显着“影响”;大学生在完全属于他们自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟
大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织和个人从更加广泛的地域给长期争论的专题注 入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能
[...] 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和娱乐性的方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research
institutions and the media, which seek, and can
[...] now find, the recorded positions of [...]
Member States on key issues in readily accessible
form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地位的精炼厂和冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4
[...] 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they
would buy material from red-flag locations
[...] only if tagged under theITRI Tin [...]
Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
必须解决的问题是:进行难民证件(身份证件会阻碍就业权);为得 [...]
到承认的难民创造融入社会的条件,并为难民融入社会和获得财政支助奠定法律 基础;为被驱逐出摩尔多瓦共和国的外国人(在利用了所有可能的上诉渠道之后 仍被拒绝给予难民身份的人员,必须在拒绝申请的最终裁决之后
15 日内离开摩 尔多瓦共和国)建立安置中心。
The problems that must be solved
[...] are: document registration ofrefugees [...]
(absence of identity documents hampers the right
to employment); creation of conditions for social integration of recognised refugees, establishment of a legal background that would regulate the integration and its financial support; absence of a placement centre for foreigners that are to be expelled from the Republic of Moldova (the person which was refused the status of refugee, after using all possibilities of appeal, must leave the territory of the Republic of Moldova during 15 days after the final decision on the refusal of the application).




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