

单词 议员

议员 ()

member (of a legislative body)



Member of Parliament (MP) (UK Politics)


committee meeting


member of congress

External sources (not reviewed)

还在全国范围内通过所有必要的宣传方式向公众、地 议员 和 非 政府组织广 泛宣传其内容。
Its content will be widely disseminated among the public,
[...] local elected officials and NGOs throughout [...]
the country using all necessary media.
联合国人口奖委员会选出亚议员人 口与发展论坛,是为了表彰其在下列各 方面取得的杰出成就:(a) 促进亚洲和太平洋地区各国议会的作用,以通过业已 成为全球性典范的各国人口与发议 会 委 员 会 , 实现国际人口与发展会议的目 标;(b) 为非洲和欧洲设立地区议会论坛作出贡献;(c) 通过促进各国议会之间 的对话,推动议会就人口与发展问题采取行动;(d) 加强各议员的知 识和能力, 以宣传、倡导并颁布与人口和发展、生殖健康、计划生育、艾滋病毒和艾滋病、 贫困、青年问题、性别平等和消除暴力侵害妇女行为有关的立法。
The Committee for the United Nations Population
Award selected the
[...] Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in recognition of its pioneering achievements in: (a) developing the role of parliaments in the Asia and the Pacific region to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development through national parliamentary committees on population and development, which have become a worldwide model; (b) contributing to the establishment of regional parliamentary forums in Africa and Europe; (c) promoting parliamentary action on population and development issues by facilitating dialogue within and among parliaments; and (d) strengthening the knowledge and capacity of parliamentarians to advocate, [...]
initiate and adopt legislation
on population and development, reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, poverty, youth issues, gender equality and the elimination of violence against women.
此外,还收到 信息指出,在新选出议员与参 与准政治代理进程的人之间存在“政治代理”的 [...]
Moreover, information has been received of
possible cases of “political proxies” between
[...] newly elected parliamentarians and persons [...]
involved in parapolítica processes.
这一领域面临的挑战包括:普遍重视不同合作伙伴,如媒体、政府当 局议员,的对话;解决媒体部门面临的金融危机的影响;重组网络空间的视听部门。
Challenges encountered in this area include maintaining dialogue among different
partners, namely the media, governmental
[...] authorities and parliamentarians; dealing with the [...]
impact of the financial crisis that
the media sector is facing and the restructuring of the audiovisual sector in the context of cyberspace.
虽然刚果(金)武装部队情报官员告诉专家组说,Mitondeke 先生在协助筹 备在戈马举行一次起义,但促进刚果自由和主权爱国联盟代表辩称, 议员 因在2011 年选举前退出卡比拉总统的政党并加入了反对党而成为报复的对象。
While FARDC intelligence officers told the Group that Mr. Mitondeke was supporting preparations for an uprising in Goma, APCLS representatives defended the position that the Deputy was targeted in retaliation for leaving President Kabila’s party and joining the opposition prior to elections in 2011.
委员会还了解到,执行两个议员额 的 职能所需 能力无法从经济和社会事务部执行办公室转移,因为该办公室目前负责人力资源 和财务管理的六个员额已经在为一些部厅的总共 559 个员额提供方案支助服务。
The Committee was also informed that the capacity required to perform the functions of the two proposed posts could not [...]
be transferred from the
Executive Office of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs because the six posts in that Office that were currently dedicated to human resources and financial management were already providing programme support services to a combined total of 559 posts in a number of departments and offices.
苏丹教科文组织全国委员会助理秘书长、非 议员 促 进 教育论坛(FAPED)副主席、 非洲发展新伙伴关系秘书处代表和非洲发展新伙伴关系教科文组织委员会主席以及联合国系 [...]
The Assistant Secretary-General of the Sudanese National Commission for
UNESCO, the Vice-Chairperson of the
[...] Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education [...]
(FAPED), a representative of the NEPAD
Secretariat and the Chairperson of the UNESCO Committee for NEPAD, as well as representatives of other United Nations agencies and civil society organizations also attended as observers.
应作出特 别努力,与行政部门决策者议员进 行 接触,因为在批准过程或通过必要国内 立法期间需获得其支持。
Special efforts are made to engage with executive branch decision
[...] makers and with parliamentarians, whose support [...]
is needed during the ratification process
or for the adoption of necessary domestic legislation.
又表示注意到 2006 年领土政府恢复了内部宪政审查进程,宪政和选举改革 委员会开展了工作并于 2006 年 8
月编写了报告,于 2007 年举行了公开会议和其
[...] 他协商会议讨论准备提交管理国的拟议宪法修正案,以及 2008 年决定成立由领 土政府员、议会议员和律 师组成的起草小组,起草将以内部自治为基础的新宪 [...]
Taking note also of the internal constitutional review process resumed by the territorial Government in 2006, the work of the Constitutional and Electoral Reform Commission, which prepared its report in August 2006, and the holding of public and other consultative meetings in 2007 on proposed constitutional amendments to be presented to the administering Power, as well as the 2008 decision to set up a drafting team
consisting of territorial
[...] Government officials, members of the House of Assembly and [...]
lawyers to draft a new constitution,
to be based on internal self-government for public consultation and subsequent discussion with the administering Power, with the aim of seeking full internal self-government
他们提出,最初不得不离开伊 朗伊斯兰共和国的原因之一是他们曾担任律师 议员 的 父亲在阿富汗结下了很多 敌人,而这些人是现政府的官员,他们担心,仅仅是因为自己的姓氏,回国就会 [...]
They submitted that one of the reasons why they had to leave the Islamic Republic of Iran
initially was that their father, who was a
[...] lawyer and Member of Parliament, had made many enemies [...]
in Afghanistan, who are now officials
in the present Government, and they fear to be killed if returned, simply on the basis of their name.
专家组 2011 年的最后报告得出结论认为,国议 会 议员 Dieudonné Bakungu Mitondeke 先生是促进刚果自由和主权爱国联盟的一个重要财政和政治支持者。
The Group’s final report of 2011 concluded that National Deputy Honourable Dieudonné Bakungu Mitondeke was an important financial and political supporter of the Alliance des patriotes pour un Congo libre et souverain (APCLS).
然而,大多议员缺乏 经验和知识,立法程序效率 低下,议会制定的立法议程过于雄心勃勃,立法的 决策速度过快,这一切都不禁让人深深质疑将来立 法的效力,第 V 章将专门就此展开讨论。
Nevertheless, the lack of experience and knowledge of most legislators, inefficient procedural rules, the very ambitious legislative agenda that is being pursued and the speed with which legislative decisions are being taken all raise profound questions about the effectiveness of lawmaking going forward, as discussed in Section V below.
在监测《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的执行进展以及后续行动和审查方面,宣布 推出一个称为 LDC Mapper 的视觉化工具和一个推议员更积 极参与的项目。
With respect to monitoring the progress of the implementation, and the followup and review of the Istanbul Programme of
Action, a visualization tool called the LDC Mapper and a
[...] project to engage parliamentarians more actively were [...]
有两名议员提出了一份有关此案的决议,从而为调查铺平了 道路,提交人也正是利用这份报告来提出此次申诉的,但该报告本身恰恰表明, [...]
The fact
[...] that two Senators filed a resolution on the case, [...]
which paved the way for the investigation and the very same report,
of which the authors avail themselves for the present complaint, is in itself an indication that the State party cannot be accused of conspiracy to deprive the authors’ son of his right to life and his right to an effective remedy.
乌兹别克斯坦共和国议会的成立程序和法律地位由《乌兹别克斯坦共和国宪 法》(第 76-88 条)、《关于乌兹别克斯坦共和国参议院的宪法性法律》、《关于
[...] 乌兹别克斯坦共和国立法院的宪法性法律》、《乌兹别克斯坦共和国议会选举 法》、《乌兹别克斯坦共和国立法 议员 和 参 议 院 议员 的 地 位法》确定。
The procedure for the formation and the legal status of the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan are set out in the Constitution (arts. 76–88), in constitutional acts on the Senate of the Oliy
Majlis and the Legislative
[...] Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, as well as in the Oliy Majlis (Elections) [...]
Act and the Legislative
Chamber and Senate (Composition) Act.
委员会请该司继续监测与巴勒斯坦问题有关的事态发 展,在各区域举办国际社会各界都参加的国际会议,同民间社会 议员 建 立联系 和开展合作,开发和扩充“巴勒斯坦问题”网站以及联合国巴勒斯坦问题信息系 统(联巴信息系统)的文件库,编制并广泛分发有关巴勒斯坦问题各个方面的出版 物和信息材料,制订和加强巴勒斯坦权力机构工作人员的年度培训方案,以促进 巴勒斯坦能力建设。
It requested the Division to continue to monitor developments relevant to the question of Palestine,
organize international
[...] meetings and conferences in various regions with the participation of all sectors of the international community, liaise and cooperate with civil society and parliamentarians, develop and expand [...]
the “Question of
Palestine” website and the documents collection of the United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine (UNISPAL), prepare and widely disseminate publications and information materials on various aspects of the question of Palestine and develop and enhance the annual training programme for staff of the Palestinian Authority in contribution to Palestinian capacity-building efforts.
在中国南京世界城市论坛第四届会议上第一次出现了一种趋势,即国家元首 及其部长议员和市 长、青少年和妇女、专业人士和贫民窟居民、媒体和私营部 [...]
门共同参加真正交流思想的会议,进行广泛的对话和交流,相互学习各自建设更 可持续的城市未来的经验。
In a trend that first emerged at the fourth session of the World Urban Forum, in
Nanjing, China, Heads of State and
[...] their ministers, parliamentarians and mayors, young [...]
people and women, professionals and
slum-dwellers, the media and the private sector engaged with one another in a true meeting of minds and in extensive dialogue and exchange to learn from each other’s experience in forging a more sustainable urban future.
为了确保互惠互利,SSDC 应该建立在合作伙伴国家在发展需求和能力方面所做的共
[...] 同评估的基础上,这些评估应该通过有公民、被选举的 员 、 议员 和 公 民社会团体 (包括妇女权利组织、学术机构和合作双方媒体)参与其中的开放、透明、负责和 [...]
To ensure mutual benefit, SSDC should be based on joint assessments of development needs and capacities conducted by partner countries through an open, transparent, accountable and
inclusive process involving
[...] citizens, elected officials, parliaments, CSOs - including [...]
women’s rights organizations, academic
institutions and media on both sides of the partnership.
上述所有组织在《两性平等法》草案辩论期间都很活跃,组织 议 会 议员 会晤 ,向议会小组发去联合声明,出现媒体中。
All the above-mentioned organisations were active during the debate on the draft Gender
Equality Act, organising
[...] meetings with members of the Riigikogu, sending joint declarations to parliamentary [...]
groups, and appearing in the media.
传播战略还建议通过与贸发议官员 的 会 议 、 高级别会议上的互 动议员的参 与,以及通过情况介绍和与各国议会联盟的联合活动,直接将政策 制定者作为受众。
The communications strategy also recommends that policymakers be targeted directly through meetings with UNCTAD officials, through interaction at high-level sessions, by engaging parliamentarians, and through briefings and joint activities with the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
六场辩论共有 1 500
[...] 多名经认证的代表参加,包括国家元首和政府首脑议 员、部 长、来自最不发达国家和发展伙伴的高级别官员、联合国机构和其他国际 [...]
The six debates were attended by more than 1,500 accredited
participants, including Heads of States
[...] and Government, parliamentarians, ministers, high-level [...]
officials from least developed
countries and development partners, heads of United Nations agencies and other international organizations, and representatives of the business community and civil society.
此 外,特别报告员欢迎国会设立了永久稳定与和平委员会,其目的是种族武装团体 之间进行调解,特别报告员欢迎总统建立了两个由部长、国 议员 和 军 官组成的 和平谈判工作队。
Additionally, he welcomes the establishment by Parliament of the Committee for Eternal Stability and Peace, which aims to mediate between the Government and ethnic armed groups, and the
establishment by the President of two peace negotiating teams composed
[...] of ministers, members of Parliament and military officers.
首先,正如 3 月 7 日摩加迪沙内阁会议证实的那
样,行政部门已经批准并通过下列决定:第一,过渡 联邦政府的任期根据《宪章》将在 2011 年 8 月 20
[...] 日 正式结束;第二,议长议员选举将在 2011 年 7 月 进行;第三,总统选举将在 [...]
2011 年 8 月举行;第四, 需要给新政府充分的时间完成剩余的过渡任务,包括
批准宪法和建立选举委员会;第五,将根据行政部门 和安全部门目前的改革立即开始进行议会改革;第 六,新领导人将任命一个看守政府,以便建立永久国 家体制。
First and foremost, as confirmed by the Cabinet meeting in Mogadishu on 7 March, the executive branch has approved and adopted the following: first, the formal end of the TFG term on 20 August 2011, in accordance with the
Charter; secondly, the election of the
[...] Speaker and the deputies to be held in [...]
July 2011; thirdly, the election of the President
to be held in August 2011; fourthly, the new Government should be given ample time to fulfil the remaining transitional tasks, including the ratification of the constitution and the establishment of the election commission; fifthly, parliamentary reform to commence immediately in line with the ongoing reform of the executive branch and the security sector; and sixthly, a caretaker Government to be appointed by the new leadership to move the country to permanent statehood.
下列非政府组织也派观察员列席了会议:亚 议员 人 口 与发展论坛、 巴哈教国际联盟、残疾人国际-亚太分部、国际计划生育联合会、国际工会 联合会-亚太分会、最不发达国家观察组织、泰国全国妇女理事会、泛太平 洋和东南亚妇女协会、具有联合国咨商地位的非政府组织大会、世界青年大 会、世界中小型企业协会、以及世界退伍军人联合会
Observers were present from the following non-governmental organizations: Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development; Baha’i International Community; Disabled Peoples’ International Asia-Pacific; International Planned Parenthood Federation; International Trade Union Confederation-Asia Pacific; LDC Watch; National Council of Women of Thailand; Pan-Pacific and South-East Asia Women’s Association; Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations; World Assembly of Youth; World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises; and World Veterans Federation.
[...] 有负责贸易的部委,又有各种类型的政府、私营部门和民间社会利益攸关方,包 括国议员。
(f) Consultation and coordination mechanisms at the national level between government ministries responsible for trade, and a range of government,
privatesector and civil-society
[...] stakeholders, including parliamentarians, on preparing [...]
effective and coordinated public policies.
军方整个机构都支持改革,表现 在:来自军方议员通过 共同呼吁释放政治犯、对 进步法案投赞成票以及有时还支持反对党提出的动 [...]
议等方式对改革政策表示支持;由军方总司令任命 的内阁成员(国防部长、内政部长和边境事务部 长)在推动改革方面表现得较为积极。
There are several indicators
[...] of this: military members of the legislatures [...]
have backed reform measures, including by joining
calls for the release of political prisoners, voting in favour of progressive legislation and sometimes supporting opposition motions; and those cabinet ministers who are appointed by the commander-in-chief (defence, home affairs, border affairs) have been among the more proactive in pushing forward the reforms.
苏斯洛娃女士的工作主要关注,在国际(《消除对妇女歧视公约》和《行 动纲要》)和国家文件的基础上倡导妇女人权,对性别问题敏感性的培
[...] 训(非政府组织、学生等)和性别平等主流 化 ( 议员 和 议 会 工 作人员、各 个部门、政府官员等),对立法进行性别分析(平等机会法、家庭暴力法、 [...]
The main attention of Ms. Suslova’s work addresses women’s human rights advocacy at the international level (CEDAW, Platform for Action) and national documents, training on gender sensitivity
(NGOs, students, etc.) and gender
[...] mainstreaming (MPs and Parliament staff, ministries, [...]
governmental officials, etc.), gender
analysis of legislation (equal opportunity law, domestic violence law, labour code, public health system, education, penitentiary system), consultations on individual cases of gender discrimination, preparing publications on women’s human rights and gender equality.
在过去4年里,为加强 《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》实施步骤,世界知识产权组织增进了利害关系者之间的国家级 互动交流,例如,使其范围扩大到法律改革委员会官员、商会和行业联盟人员,研发机构员、议员以及 贸易部、农业部、卫生部、科技部、文化部、司法部和环境部的高级官员。
To strengthen the TRIPS implementation process during the last four years, WIPO has promoted the interaction among stakeholders at the national level to include, for example, officials of Law Reform Commissions, Chambers of Commerce and Federation of Industries, Research and Development institutions, Parliamentarians, high-level officials of Ministries of Trade, Agriculture, Health, Science and Technology, Culture, Justice, Environment, among others.
伊拉克公民的人权方面取得了具体的进展,但我们仍 然关切 2008 年底一些政治候选人和选举工作人员遭 到杀害和将近 2 400
[...] 个家庭失去了在摩苏尔的家园的 报导,我们还关切新闻工作者、教师 议员 、 人道主 义工作者、法官和律师的被杀和对他们的其他攻击。
There has been concrete progress towards ensuring the human rights of Iraqi citizens through the enactment of a law establishing an Independent High Commission for Human Rights, but we are still concerned by the killings of some political candidates and electoral workers and the displacement of nearly 2,400 families from their homeland in Mosul at the end of 2008, as well
as by killings of and other attacks on
[...] journalists, teachers, parliamentarians, humanitarian workers, [...]
judges and lawyers.
出席研讨会的邀请将发送给该问题的国际知名 专家、联合国会员国、联合国观员 、 议员 、 联 合 国系统各组织代表和其他政府间组织代表、民间社 会代表和媒体成员。
Invitations to the Seminar would be sent to internationally renowned experts on the issue, States Members of the United Nations, observers at the United Nations, parliamentarians, representatives of organizations in the United Nations system and of other intergovernmental organizations, representatives of civil society and members of the media.




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