

单词 让所

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管如此,我们认为促进技术让所 必 须 的一系列辅助措施也是同等重 要的。
However, we see the range of complementary measures that will be required to promote technology transfer as equally important.
[...] 组织加德满都办事处将参与四个优先领域中的三个,即优先领域 1:加强法制、施政和 人权让所有的 尼泊尔人从和平和恢复进程收益,优先领域 [...]
2:改善获取教育和医疗服 务的机会的质量,优先领域 4:为子孙后代保护尼泊尔的自然和文化财富。
UNESCO Kathmandu will be involved in three of the four priority areas, namely Priority
Area 1: Strengthen rule of law, governance,
[...] and human rights for all Nepalese to [...]
benefit from the peace and recovery process,
Priority Area 2: Improve access to and quality of education and health services, and Priority Area 4: Protect Nepal’s natural and cultural wealth for future generations.
还强 调了重要的是在计划/项目的整个存续期间,从启动一直到实施以及最后阶段 让所 有 利 益 攸关方参与进来,以确保自主权和可持续性,并且在监测期间从所有利益攸关者那里获取反 馈信息。
Also stressed is the importance of involving all stakeholders during the lifetime of the programme/project, from inception all throughout implementation and the final stages to ensure ownership and sustainability, as well as to allow feedback information from all stakeholders during monitoring.
这一点应列入按照《条约》和原子能机构规约, 与原子能机构谈判订立的协定,其唯一目的是核查核武器国家履行义务的情况, 以期为今后的裁军工作提供基线数据,并防止进一步将核能从和平用途转用于核 武器或其他核爆炸装置,且禁止以有违 1995 年审议和延期大会一致通过的关于 核不扩散与核裁军的原则和宗旨的决定及 2000 年审议大会最后文件的方式,向 非《条约》缔约国让所有与 核有关的设备、资料、材料、设施、资源或装置, 以及在核科学或技术领域提供援助。
This should be set forth in an agreement to be negotiated and concluded with IAEA in accordance with the Treaty and the IAEA statute, for the exclusive purpose of verification of the fulfilment of the obligations of nuclear-weapon States, with a view to providing baseline data for future disarmament and preventing further diversion of nuclear energy from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, as well as the prohibition of the transfer of all nuclearrelated equipment, information, material, facilities, resources or devices and the extension of assistance in the nuclear scientific or technological fields to States not parties to the Treaty in a manner inconsistent with the decision on principles and objectives for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament adopted by consensus at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference and with the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference.
在大约80个座位中,Eataly餐厅忠实反映其原始概念 让所 有 人能在时尚,简约的空间品尝,购买和学习到最好的意大利美食。
With around 80 seats, the first Eataly
[...] Restaurant at sea embodies the founding concept of the Eataly [...]
food chain, offering a stylish,
minimalist space where you can eat, buy and learn about the finest Italian food.
至关重要的是要 在多年基础上按比例增加对综合框架信托基金的捐 助,让所有最 不发达国家(含内陆国家)都能享 受到它们应得的利益。
It was critically important to scale up contributions to the Integrated Framework Trust Fund on a multi-year basis to allow all the least developed countries, including those landlocked, to enjoy its benefits.
关于审查,各位成员都知道,我们,当然还有阿 富汗当局都非常认真地对待,我们将继续致力于确保 职责范让所有人 满意,特别是让阿富汗当局满意, 我们将继续同他们密切合作,当然,我们将充分尊重 安全理事会的任务授权。
With respect to the review, which, as members are aware, we take very seriously — and the Afghan authorities, rightly, also take very seriously — we will continue to work to ensure that the terms of reference are satisfactory to everyone, in particular to the Afghan authorities, and work in close cooperation with them and, of course, with full respect for the Security Council mandate.
(g) 必须确保在早期阶段就澄清利害关系方的作用,并通过一个联络让 所有有关部门参与所有阶段。
(g) It is important to ensure that stakeholders’ roles are clarified at an early stage and that all relevant sectors are involved at all stages through a focal point.
[...] 议举办一次为期一天的开放性、包容和互动式会议,以便根据《信息社会突尼斯 议程》第 34 和 35 段让所有会 员国和其他利益攸关方特别是发展中国家利益攸 [...]
化合作问题上达成共同理解,并且请秘书长在编写其关于决议执行情况和后续行 动的报告时列入有关该会议成果的信息(第 66/184 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly invited the Chair of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development to convene, in conjunction with the fifteenth session of the Commission,
a one-day open, inclusive and interactive
[...] meeting involving all Member States [...]
and other stakeholders, particularly those
from developing countries, including the private sector, civil society and international organizations, with a view to identifying a shared understanding of enhanced cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet, in accordance with paragraphs 34 and 35 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, and requests the Secretary-General to include information on the outcome of the meeting when preparing his report on the status of the implementation of and follow-up to the resolution (resolution 66/184).
向特奥会提供这一非独家的全球永久性权利并不表示您放弃或 让所 提 交 材料的版权。
By providing Special Olympics with
this non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual
[...] right, you do not cede or assign your [...]
copyright in the materials you submit.
最有效的解决办法必须包括对国内现存的少数民族身份的承认,社会对族裔 群体贡献的承认和表彰,对各群体现状的调查和分析 让所 有 群 体在平等基础上 参加国家建构过程,为公务员和执法人员提供关于各不同族裔群体特殊需要的培 [...]
训,与媒体和在公共场合出现的种族主义和种族歧视作斗争并增强公民参与治 理。
The most effective solutions must include recognition of the identity of the constituent ethnic nationalities, social awareness and recognition of the contributions of the
ethnic groups, investigation
[...] and analyses of the situation of the groups, inclusion of all groups on [...]
an equal basis in the process
of nation-building, training for public servants and law enforcement personnel on the specific needs of the different ethnic groups, combating racism and racial discrimination in the media and public places and promotion of citizen participation in governance.
宪法》第166 条赋予人人诉诸法律的权利,表明《宪法》起草者希 让所 有公 民和外籍侨民都有权针对任何侵犯行为在法庭维护自己的权利和自由。
Article 166 of the Constitution grants everyone the right to legal recourse, thus articulating the desire on the part of the drafters of the Constitution to afford all citizens and foreign residents the right to defend their rights and freedoms in court against infringements of any kind.
在这种情况下,要特别关 注的是必让所有涉及到的本国利益攸关者参与,并获得这些国家政治领导人的承诺。
In this context, particular attention will be given to the need to involve all relevant national stakeholders and to obtain the commitment of the countries’ political leadership.
印度尼西亚是普遍定期审议机制的 一个有力支持者,该机制刚刚结束其第一个周期的 工作,目前,印度尼西亚正在采取一种具有包容性 的方式,编写其下一周期的报告 让所 有 相 关利益 攸关方都参与到这项工作中来。
A strong proponent of the universal periodic review mechanism, which had just concluded its first cycle, Indonesia was currently preparing its report for the next cycle in an inclusive manner, involving all relevant stakeholders.
为此,非盟委员会在联非盟办的支持下,已经与非索 特派团和非索特派团支助办(内罗毕)及非索特派团(摩加迪沙)建立了一个举行 双周视频会议制度让所有利 益攸关方不断讨论业务基准和相关活动的实施情 况。
To this end, the AU Commission, with the support of UNOAU, has established a biweekly videoconference with AMISOM and UNSOA (Nairobi) and AMISOM (Mogadishu) to continuously engage all stakeholders on the implementation of the operational benchmarks and related activities.
副 高级专员促请与会者继续奋力切实实施《公约》 让所 有 儿 童充分享有这些权 利,包括作出坚决的承诺,拿出充分的政治意愿和充分的资源。
The Deputy High Commissioner urged participants to continue working toward effective implementation of the Convention and the full enjoyment of those rights by all children, including through the application of strong commitment, sufficient political will and adequate resources.
[...] 议做出积极的建设性贡献,共同努力,以缔结一份具有法律约束力的国际文书, 从而最大限度地减轻非法武器让所 造 成 的影响。
As a responsible member of the international community, Viet Nam will take part in and contribute actively and constructively at the Conference, together with other
States, in striving for a legally binding international instrument to minimize the
[...] consequences of illicit transfers of arms.
同样,有担保债权人也必须确保设 保人为担保目的向其进行的转让的文件或通知在知识产权登记处适当登记,才 能避免设保人的后继让人所享有 的权利优先于对有担保债权人的担保 让所 产生的权利。
Likewise, the secured creditor will need to ensure that a document or notice of a transfer for security purposes made to it by the grantor is duly registered in the intellectual property registry in order to avoid the risk
that the rights of a
[...] subsequent transferee of the grantor will defeat the rights arising from the security transfer in favour of [...]
the secured creditor.
但委员会关注的是,学校依然收取非正式费用,尚 让所 有 父母免交额外费用, 也尚未实施义务教育。
However, the Committee is concerned that informal fees are still charged in schools, that additional costs have not been waived for all parents and that education has not been made compulsory.
由于技术大多在私 人手里,该协议主要是有关知识产权保护,而不是有关技术 让 , 所 以 我们不能确定该协 议或世界贸易组织本身是否是讨论技术转让的正确焦点。
Since technology is mostly in private hands and TRIPS is principally concerned with the protection of IPRs, rather than technology transfer, we are unsure as to whether TRIPS, rather than the WTO more generally, is the right focus for a discussion on technology transfer.
[...] 式体制框架和放在加强国家和次区域层次协调行动,在这方面 让所 有 的 利益攸 关者参与。
More emphasis needs to be placed on strengthening the required formal institutional frameworks and on the
enhanced coordination of action at the national and subregional levels, with the
[...] involvement of all relevant stakeholders.
委员会还鼓励缔约国在下一次 定期报告提交前的国家一级讨论过程 让所 有 有关各方参与,包括非政府组织和 民间社会其他成员。
It also encourages the State party to engage all the relevant actors, including non-governmental organizations and other members of civil society, in the process of discussion at the national level prior to the submission of its next periodic report.
这些努力是值得赞扬的,应当获得我们的充分 感谢,但是我们认为让所有相 关机构认识到这不是 一个涉及这个或那个实体的普通行政问题,是非常重 要的。
Those efforts are laudable and deserve our full gratitude, but we believe that it is very important to impress upon all the pertinent bodies the notion that this is not an ordinary administrative problem affecting some entity or other.
(c) 为令任何此等出售有效,董事会可授权某人转让该等股份,而由该人或其 代表签署或以其他方式签立的转让文书,应属有效,一如它是由股份的登 记持有人或让所有权 人签立般,买方无须审视购买款的运用,他对于股 份的所有权也不受出售程序中的任何不规则或无效之处所影响。
(c) To give effect to any such sale the Board may authorise some person to transfer the said shares and an instrument of transfer signed or otherwise executed by or on behalf of such person shall be as effective as if it had been executed by the registered holder or the person entitled by transmission to such shares, and the purchaser shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money nor shall his title to the shares be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings relating to the sale.
有意见认为,各国在外层空间的定义和划界事项上意见不一,很难形成一让所有各方都满意的立场,因此有必要保留这一项目并进行分析,以期达成 协商一致,使各国将来有法律文书,在空气空间的主权问题上提供确定性,同 时保障依据这些文书自由利用外层空间。
The view was expressed that the diversity of views of States on the matter of the definition and delimitation of outer space made it difficult to develop a position that would be satisfactory to all and that it was therefore necessary to retain the item and analyse it, with a view to reaching a consensus so that in the future States might have legal instruments that would provide certainty with regard to sovereignty in airspace while guaranteeing the freedom to access outer space based on those instruments.
为保证同时实现生态保护与人类发展 让所 有 人 实现长期可持续繁荣, 就必须在抓住机遇的同时,处理好技术和自然资源利用方面遇到的问题,采 纳合理的经济和政策决策,确保环境完整性和社会许可。
To ensure that ecological well-being is compatible with human well-being, and to make long-term sustainable prosperity a reality for all, it is necessary to strike the right balance between seizing opportunities and addressing threats in the use of technology and natural resources, in applying sound economic and policy decisions and in preserving environmental integrity and social licence.
关于高等教育,必须着重指出,有效支持设立玛雅大学及其运作的努力没有 成功,这个大学原可成为一个研究土著人民语言和文化的特殊学术实体,不仅让 土著有机会认识上述各方面,也 让所 有 其他愿意研究的人认识土著人民的文 化。
Where higher education is concerned, greater efforts are needed to effectively support the creation and operation of the Mayan university, which would be a specific academic body for the study of the language and culture of indigenous peoples, where not only they, but all those who wish to learn about their culture, would have the opportunity to study.
是核查核武器国家履行其根据《条约》承担的义务情况,以期为今后的裁军工作 提供基线数据,并防止进一步将核能从和平用途转用于核武器或其他核爆炸装
[...] 置,且毫无例外地禁止向非《条约》缔约国 让所 有 与核有关的设备、资料、材 料和设施、资源或装置,以及在核科学或技术领域提供援助。
This is to be set forth in an agreement to be negotiated and concluded with IAEA in accordance with its statute, for the exclusive purpose of verification of the fulfilment of the nuclearweapon States’ obligations assumed under the Treaty with a view to providing baseline data for future disarmament and preventing further diversion of nuclear energy from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices, as well as the prohibition
[...] of the transfer of all nuclear-related [...]
equipment, information, material and facilities,
resources or devices and the extension of assistance in the nuclear scientific or technological fields to States not party to the Treaty, without exception.
统一指挥中 心及其混编部队的任务是维持治安和保障选举安全,关于其能力不足的问题,索 罗总理在 2010 年 5 月 6 日给我的信中请联科行动协助加强统一指挥中心的行动 能力,以便让所有各 方和民众放心:根据《瓦加杜古政治协议》第四项补充协议 第 9 条为选举作出的必要安保安排均已就绪。
With regard to the capability deficiencies of the Integrated Command Centre and its mixed units, which are mandated to maintain law and order and provide security for the elections, Prime Minister Soro, in a
letter dated 6 May 2010
[...] addressed to me, requested that UNOCI contribute to the strengthening of the Centre’s operational capacities, in order to reassure all parties and [...]
the population that
the necessary security arrangements for the elections are in place, in line with article 9 of Ouagadougou IV.
此次的独家合作,虚宝内容不仅只有SCAR-LIGHT突击步枪,还包括曜越纪念名片与纪念喷漆,一定可 让所 有 玩 家及粉丝疯狂享受最刺激的战斗模式。
Tt eSPORTS and Cross Fire bring you more than this debut partnership and SCAR-LIGHT assault rifle; we are also going to give you the Tt eSPORTS collector’s edition cards and paints, all can be found in Cross Fire (CF) shooting game.




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