

单词 讨底

See also:

marry (a woman)
send armed forces to suppress
demand or ask for
denounce or condemn
discuss or study


bottom n
base n
background n
lip n

towards the end of (last month)
the end of a period of time

External sources (not reviewed)

为筹备和丰富此讨论,三月底将散 发一份资料性文件。
In order to prepare and
[...] contribute to the debates, an information document will be distributed at the end of March.
我们经深入讨后,在2002年底公布 ,未来的公营房屋计划,将集中于为有需要的家庭提供资助租住房屋,而平均轮候时间将维持在现时约3年的水平。
Following a thorough review, we announced at the end of 2002 that [...]
we would in future focus our public housing activities
on providing basic subsidized rental housing for families in need, within the existing average waiting time of around three years.
最后一场讨会给 2009 年底从安理会离任的会员国的代表提供了一个机 会,就其过去两年的经历交流心得和想法。
This concluding session provided
representatives of Member States
[...] leaving the Council at the end of 2009 with an opportunity [...]
to share insights and reflections
on their experiences over the past two years.
在专家咨询人的协助下举行了专门培训 讨 会 , 并将于 2010 年底结束 ;专家咨询人还帮助编写了培训材料,包括防止灭绝种族罪行手册。
The specialized training seminars were held with the assistance [...]
of expert consultants, who also helped to develop training
materials, including a manual on genocide prevention, which will be completed by the end of 2010.
在这方面,日本提议讨在今年底 之前以适当方式举行这样一次非正式对话的可能性。
In that regard, Japan proposes to explore the possibility of holding such an informal
[...] dialogue before the end of this year in an [...]
appropriate manner.
关于代昆迪、乌鲁兹甘、塔哈尔和萨尔普勒这其他 四个办事处的最后安排,目前正在继续与合作伙 讨 论 , 将于 底 前 搞 定。
Discussions with partners on final
arrangements for the other four offices in Daikundi, Uruzgan, Takhar and Sari Pul
[...] are continuing and will be finalized by year end.
他还指出,这些复杂的问题仍讨论 , 将在 2009 年 11 月底粮农组织大会上进行审议。
He also indicated that these complex
[...] questions were still under discussion and would be considered by [...]
the FAO Conference in November 2009.
关于“区域”,国际海底管理局开展了与勘探和开发非生物资源有关的能力建 设活动/举措,包括举办讲习班,讨 深 海 海 底 矿 物 开采的科技性、这种勘探对环境 的影响以及各种科研机构收集的资料和信息如何标准化及与成员国共享问题。
With respect to the Area, the International Seabed Authority undertakes capacity-building activities and initiatives relating to the exploration and exploitation of non-living resources, including
through workshops on the scientific and
[...] technical nature of deep-seabed mining of minerals, [...]
the environmental impacts of such
exploration and how the data and information collected by the various scientific institutions can be standardized and shared with its member States.
代表团表示,鉴于其他论坛正讨论与海底捕捞 和脆弱海洋生态系统有关的问题,不宜在审查会议续会上讨论 这些问题。
The view was expressed that, since
[...] issues relating to bottom fishing and vulnerable marine ecosystems were being discussed in other forums, [...]
it would not be
appropriate for the resumed Review Conference to deal with those issues.
这在某种程度上是蓄意的行动,有必要 底 检 讨 为 什么国际人道主 义法培训受到忽略,为什么地面部队不遵守国防部和军队将领发布的命令。
To the extent that these are deliberate actions, it
[...] is necessary to thoroughly review the reasons [...]
why the training received in international
humanitarian law is being ignored, and why soldiers on the ground do not comply with directives issued by the Ministry and the army command.
关于深海海底,海洋地理研究所和摩纳哥阿尔贝 二世亲王基金会去年 10 月组织了一次题为“深海, 走进未知的世界”的会议,讨了 深海 海 底 生 物 多样 性、矿产资源和能源开发以及治理问题。
With respect to the deep seabed, last October our Oceanographic Institute — the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation — organized a
conference entitled “The
[...] Deep Seas, Journey into an Unknown World”, which explored the biodiversity of the deep seabed, the exploitation [...]
of their mineral
and energetic resources, and issues of governance.
但是由于这种做法会占用太多时间以及无法底 讨论食典委的核心职能,因此同意先审议与标准制定相关的主要议题,然后再审议其他 [...]
However, as this practice could take up too much
[...] time and prevent thorough discussion of the core functions [...]
of the Commission, it had been
agreed to consider the main items related to standard-setting before other items of a more general nature.
有意见认为,必须开始就外层空间的定义和划界进行 底讨 论 ,即使是在 理论层面进行讨论,以便在实际问题出现之前建立某些机制。
The view was expressed that it was
[...] important to begin thorough discussions on the definition [...]
and delimitation of outer space,
even at the theoretical level, in order to have certain mechanisms in place before real problems occurred.
简短展望一下移徙者融合政策 和讨论一下各种问题,就会发现需要更 底 和 全面 地 讨 论 和 研究影响移徙者权利 的各种问题。
A short outlook of policies of
integration of migrants and brief discussion of issues would underscore the
[...] need for more thorough and comprehensive discussion and review [...]
of the questions affecting the rights of migrants.
关于底拖网捕捞,有代表团提请注意即将举行讲习 讨 论 大 会关 底 拖 网 捕 捞对脆弱海洋生态系统和深海鱼类种群长期可持续性的影响的第 61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议有关段落的执行情况。
With regard to bottom trawling, attention
was drawn to the
[...] upcoming workshop to discuss implementation of relevant paragraphs of General Assembly resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 on the impact of bottom fishing on vulnerable [...]
marine ecosystems
and the long-term sustainability of deep sea fish stocks, which was seen as the most suitable forum to deal with the technical aspects of bottom fishing.
国家竞争考试必须继续符合现有的标准, 任何改变的建议必须底经过大会讨 论。
The national competitive examination must continue to meet existing standards; any proposed
[...] change must be thoroughly discussed by the General [...]
中期 计划的编制能够提供一个更加系统的预期工具,“为了确定本组织的各项政策及其工作重点 能够进行广泛而底的讨论” ,这种考虑在 1984 年执行局成立临时委员会(见下文)和 1996 年成立大会结构和职能问题工作组(见下文)时重新提出。
Medium-term planning could provide a more systematic tool for anticipation “allowing a broad and thorough discussion to determine the Organization’s policies and its lines of work”, a concern which was to resurface later in the context of the Temporary Committee established by the Executive Board in 1984 (see below) and the Working Group on the Structure and Function of the General Conference set up in 1996 (see below).
举例来说,根据知识产权 法,“彻底转让以外的转让”这一用语可能表示许可人向被许可人转让部分排他
[...] 性权利而同时由许可人保留某些权利(关于知识产权 底 转 让 的 讨 论 ,见 A/CN.9/700/Add.1,第 5-7 段)。
For example, under intellectual property law, the expression “transfer other than an outright transfer” may denote a transfer of parts of exclusive rights from a licensor to a
licensee where the licensor retains some
[...] rights (for a discussion of outright transfers of [...]
intellectual property, see A/CN.9/700/Add.1, paras. 5-7).
联合国发展集团(UNDG)将在 2010 年 2 月底的会议上讨论是 否试行一种方法,将节 省的经费主要通过联合国各基金和计划用于国家计划。
The United Nations Development
[...] Group (UNDG) will discuss at its upcoming meeting at the end of February 2010 [...]
whether it should adopt
on an experimental basis a proposed approach for the deployment of cost savings into country programmes, principally by United Nations funds and programmes.
专家组准备在2012年6 月底之前完成讨会培训教材的定稿,并在2012 年下半年举办第一期培训研讨会。
The LEG intends to finalize the training materials
[...] for the workshops by the end of June 2012 and to conduct [...]
the first training workshop in the second half of 2012.
b. 认识到没有从制度上预防孕产妇死亡,就是没有尊重和保护妇女的生命 权;重申认识到孕产妇死亡率和发病率的原因还包括侵犯其他人权,其中包括享 有能达到的最高标准身心健康和完整性的权利以及平等、无歧视地获得基本保健 的权利;呼吁人权理事会在 2009 年底之前讨论与 这一根本人权问题有关的义 务;c. 明确确认应通过以下等方式消除工业化国家和发展中国家之间以及各
b. A recognition that systemic failure to prevent maternal deaths constitutes a failure to respect and protect women’s right to life; a reiteration of the understanding that the causes of maternal mortality and morbidity also involve violations of other human rights, including the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and integrity as well as the right to equality and non-discrimination in access to basic health care; and a call to the Human Rights Council to discuss the obligations related to this essential human rights issue before the end of 2009
全球产品战略》包括设定的企业要在 2018 年底以前完成充分评估其
[...] 商业流通中的化学品安全的目标日期,和企业在 2012 底前报告和讨论其 在进行 这些评估方面的进展情况的中期目标日期。
The Global Product Strategy includes a 2018 target date for companies to have fully assessed the safety of their chemicals
in commerce and an interim 2012 target for
[...] companies to report on and discuss their progress in making [...]
these assessments.
底讨论跨 国有组织犯罪所产生的所有问 题,确实是极其重要和及时的。
It is indeed extremely important
[...] and timely to discuss all issues stemming [...]
from transnational organized crime in a thorough manner.
特派团执行保护平民措施的问题在 关于延长联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团/联合国
[...] 刚果民主共和国稳定特派团任务期限的辩论中进行 了底讨论,并且应当由安全理事会决定在数周内延 [...]
长非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动任务期限时进 行讨论。
The issue of the implementation of protection of civilians measures at the mission level was thoroughly discussed in the debate about the extension of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo/Organization Stabilization Mission
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
[...] and should be addressed by the Security [...]
Council when deciding about the renewal
of the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur in a few weeks’ time.
一些代表团还表示他们赞赏提前收到国际法委员会报告的第二和第三章,同 时强调应在第六委员会审议该报告之前早早收到报告全文,这很重要,因为这有 利于更全面底地进行讨论。
Some delegations also expressed their appreciation for the practice whereby they received in advance chapters II and III of the report of the Commission, while stressing the importance of their receiving the report as a whole well in
advance of its consideration in the Sixth Committee, which would
[...] facilitate a more thorough and comprehensive discussion.
[...] 及大会第 65/259 号决议,其中要求秘书长底检讨 特别政治任务目前的筹资和支助安排,以确定可能的 [...]
Recalling that the General Assembly, in resolution 65/259, had
requested the
[...] Secretary-General to conduct a thorough review of the current [...]
funding and backstopping arrangements for the special political missions with
a view to identifying possible alternatives, the Group looked forward to examining the corresponding report as a matter of priority.
在所有法律和政治问题在大会得到 底讨 论 并达成协议前,所有会员国应 暂停执行针对某些非洲联盟成员国国家官员发出的逮捕令。
All Member States should impose a moratorium on the execution of arrest warrants issued against State officials of certain African Union member States until all the legal and political issues have been discussed exhaustively at the level of the General Assembly and agreement reached.
最近一次听证会于 2011 年 11 月底举行,着讨论了 为一个更加和平与繁荣的世界加强政治问责的 问题,同时也提到青年和民间社会更有效参与的形式、预算透明、以及联大在加 强全球政治问责方面的作用。
It addressed modalities for more effective youth and civil society participation, budget transparency and the role of the Assembly in strengthening global political accountability.
根据向咨询委员会所作的解释,特别代表办公室将由多方捐 助信托基金供资,直至 2010 年 7 月底。目前正讨论如果大会不能在第 六十五届会议开始以前审议秘书长的提案可采取何种临时供资安排。
It was explained to the Committee that the Office of the Special Representative would be funded
from the multi-donor trust
[...] fund until the end of July 2010 and that discussions were currently [...]
under way regarding possible
interim funding arrangements in the event that the General Assembly was unable to consider the SecretaryGeneral’s proposals before the beginning of its sixty-fifth session.
尽管在事实上整个联合国系统对《指导方针》的内容曾进行 过底讨论并 予以通过,但联合国系统各组织、甚至是开发署本身都没有予以严 格实施,从而使报告、监测、评价和知识管理等工作受到了影响。
Consequently, reporting, monitoring, evaluation and knowledge management have suffered.




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