

单词 认赔

See also:


recognize v
know v

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长建议 大会再次认,赔偿金 是对经证明的错误或疏忽导致的实际损失的赔偿,而所遭 [...]
The Secretary-General recommends that the
[...] General Assembly confirm that compensation [...]
is for actual loss sustained as a result
of the error or omission proved and that the applicant bears the onus of proof of the loss sustained.
认赔付额 我们支付联邦政府规定的认住宿赔 付 额
We’ll pay the default benefit for accommodation as set by the Commonwealth [...]
他们有权对种族主义的后果予以认 、 赔 偿 和 补偿。
They had
[...] the right to recognition, reparation and compensation [...]
for the consequences of racism.
条还规定,受种族主义、 仇外心理和相关不容忍和歧视的集体有权获得对上述侵权行为的 认 和 赔 偿。
Article 57 furthermore states that collectivities affected by racism,
xenophobia and related forms of intolerance and discrimination have
[...] the right to the recognition of the violation and reparation.
法国询问萨尔瓦多政府如何、何时并依据什么模式实现其 认 和 赔 偿 内 战 受害者的承诺,并询问搜寻失踪儿童国家委员会的具体任务授权和成员组成。
France inquired how, when and under what
modalities the Government would meet
[...] its commitments to recognizing and compensating [...]
the victims of the civil war and queried
as to the exact mandate and composition of the National Commission to Search for Disappeared Children.
[...] 状况很差,没有足够的钱来支付医疗费,并回顾酷刑 受害者的再教育医疗费用认为是一 种 赔 偿 义 务。
He submits that he is currently in very poor health, that he does not have sufficient money to pay for his medical bills
and recalls that the medical expenses for the re-education of victims of
[...] torture are considered reparation obligations.
认为,集体赔偿等 创新性措施或者可创造经 济和就业机会的措施,不仅大大有助于伸张正义,而 且也有助于实现更加广泛的建设和平目标。
We believe that innovative measures, such as collective reparations or measures that [...]
create economic and employment opportunities,
could greatly contribute not only to justice being done but also to the broader goal of peacebuilding.
人们也日认识到赔偿是 解决性别不平等问题的一个重要途径,性别不平等 是造成暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为的根源。
Reparations are also increasingly recognized as an important [...]
vehicle to address gender inequality, a root cause of violence against women and girls.
3.104 为了循序渐进地登记损失索赔,并使受影响的巴勒斯坦自然人和法人更加了解能否进行损失索 赔登记和办理登记的要求,有必要:(a) 在巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷及其周围开展 外联活动;(b)
[...] 赔表的技术援助,收集索赔表并交给位于维也纳的登记册办事处;(c) 处理收集的索赔表,并 准备好将它们提交给联合国损失登记册委员会;(d) 审查赔表,并将委员认为符合索 赔标 准赔列入登记册。
3.104 In order to accomplish progressive registration of damage claims and increased awareness on the part of the affected Palestinian natural and legal persons about the possibility of and requirements for filing damage claim forms, it would be necessary to: (a) undertake outreach activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem; (b) conduct claim intake activities, including distributing claim forms to potential claimants, providing technical assistance to potential claimants in completing the claim forms, and collecting and delivering claim forms to the Office of the Register in Vienna; (c) process the claim forms collected and prepare them for submission to the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage; and (d) review
claim forms and include in the
[...] Register those claims that the Board decides are in conformity with established criteria.
认为,要求赔偿损 失的申诉是 针对司法部的,而司法部并非是本案的当事方,而且延误的主要原因是来文提交 [...]
The Court held that the application for [...]
costs was against the Ministry of Justice which was not a party to the case and
that the primary reason for its delay was the author’s counsel request of having the necessary time for preparation before hearings take place.
该赔偿案件的弱点在 于:法院驳回了申诉人以失去其母亲的经济支持为由提出的有关金钱损害赔偿金 的主张;没有将申诉人作为其母亲的继承人对待;申诉人免受其丈夫不人道或有
[...] 辱人格的待遇的权利遭到侵犯,随之造成了物质损害,但法院没有就申诉人蒙受 的物质损害给赔偿;此外,法院不 认 其 他 的 赔 偿 形 式,缺乏确保不再发生的 担保及对今后的建议。
The weaknesses in relation to reparations include: the Court’s dismissal of the claim of pecuniary damages which was based on the deprivation of economic support from her mother; the failure to treat the applicant as her mother’s successor; the failure to compensate the applicant for material harm ensuing from the violation of her right not to be subject to inhuman or
degrading treatment by her
[...] husband; and the non-recognition of other forms of reparation and the lack of [...]
guarantees of non-repetition
and forward-looking recommendations.
办事认为 实际上赔风险最高为 12 421 486 雷亚尔。
The Office estimates the actual risk to be at the most BRL 12,421,486.
[...] 法》规定的顺风区受污染者,但目前获得 认 的 关岛 索 赔 者 仅 限于现场参与者这 一赔偿类别,而有资格列入该类别者仅限于同在岛上服兵役有关的人员,而非所 [...]
While the Pacific Association for Radiation Survivors continues to advocate for the inclusion of Guam claimants as downwinders under the Radiation Exposure
Compensation Act of Congress, the island’s
[...] claimants have been recognized only within the compensation [...]
category of on-site participants,
a classification for which only those connected with military service on the island qualify, not the total exposed population.
其他一些代表团认为,国际组织的成员国没有额外的义务为本组织的 错误行为作赔偿,或认为要视该组织的特点和规则承担次要责任。
Some other delegations considered that States members of
international organizations had no additional
[...] obligation to make reparation for the organization’s [...]
wrongful act or that subsidiary
responsibility remained subject to the characteristics and rules of the organization.
倘股票遭损坏或涂污或声称已遗失、失窃或销毁,于股东提出要求及 支付有关费用(指定证券交易所可能厘定的应付最高款额或董事会可能厘定的较低 数额)后,并须符合有关证据及赔偿保证,以及支付本公司于调查该等证据及准备 董事认为适合的赔偿保 证时的成本或合理实付开支,及就损坏或涂污而言,向本 公司递交原有股票的条款(若有),本公司可向有关股东发出代表相同数目的新股 票,惟倘已发出认股权证,则不会发出新的认股权证,以取代原已遗失者,除非董 事并无合理疑问地信纳原有认股权证已遭销毁。
If a share certificate shall be damaged or defaced or alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed a new certificate representing the same shares may be issued to the relevant Member upon request and on payment of such fee as the Designated Stock Exchange may determine to be the maximum fee payable or such lesser sum as the Board may determine and, subject to compliance with such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and to payment of the costs and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the Company in investigating such evidence and preparing such indemnity as the Board may think fit and, in case of damage or defacement, on delivery of the old certificate to the Company provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost unless the Directors are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the original has been destroyed.
关于审计联合国赔偿委员会的活动问题,理事会注意到审计委员会关于 2008 年 12
[...] 月 31 日终了期间临时账户审查情况的最后管理函 认 联 合 国 赔 偿 委 员会已 落实全部建议。
With respect to the audit of Compensation Commission activities, the Council took note that the final management letter of the Board of Auditors on the review of
the interim accounts for the period to
[...] 31 December 2008 confirmed that the Compensation [...]
Commission had no outstanding recommendations.
第二 个和平权的议题是赔偿权,赔偿不仅包括侵害者要从经济上给 赔 偿 , 还得认 过去的侵权行为并承担责任。
Another second important issue is the right to
compensation, which includes not only financial
[...] reparation, but also acknowledgment of past violations [...]
or accountability for perpetrators.
[...] 机制,以在必要时就核事故或核事件造成的人员、财产和环境损害等损害提供赔 偿,同时充分考虑到法律和技术问题, 认 为 ,严 格 赔 偿 责 任原则应适用于核事 故或核事件,其中包括运输放射性材料期间。
The Conference recognizes the importance of having in place effective and coherent nuclear liability mechanisms at the national and global levels to provide compensation, if necessary, for damage inter alia to people, property and the environment due to a nuclear accident or incident, taking fully into account
legal and technical
[...] considerations, and believing that the principle of strict liability should apply [...]
in the event of a nuclear
accident or incident, including during the transport of radioactive material.
(e) 保证教科文组织免于承担因开展本决议规定的活动而产生的任何赔偿 要求或责任,除非教科文组织和有关会员国全国委员会一 认 为 这种 赔偿要 求或责任是由重大疏忽或故意渎职引起的
(e) undertake to cover UNESCO against any claim or liability resulting from the activities provided for in this resolution,exceptw
具体地说,上 诉法认定,成功的赔人有 权获得补偿金——只要金钱可以办到——使之处于 其任用条件得到遵守的情况下本应处于的状况。
Specifically, the Appeals Tribunal has found that successful claimants are entitled to be compensated in a sum that, as far as money can do so, places them in the same position as they would have been in had their terms of appointment been observed.
任何自然人或法人如因腐败行为遭受损害,有权根据国内立法(《刑事诉讼 法》第 153-162 条)获赔偿,但由认此项权利的最终法院裁定。
Any natural or legal person who has suffered damage as a result of an act of corruption is entitled according to
the domestic legislation (articles 153-162 CPC) to compensation subject
[...] to a final court decision recognizing this right.
费,如果他们是受薪者,则还应支付他们在国外逗留期间的薪金;帮助他们 在根据国内的规定回到原籍同时找到合适的工作; d) 凡由教科文组织提供的设备,从到达交付地点之日起,即应负责维护,并承 担一切保险; e) 保证教科文组织免于承担因开展本决议规定的活动而产生的任何赔偿要求或 责任,除非教科文组织和有关会员国全国委员会一 认 为 这 种 赔 偿 要求或责 任是由重大疏忽或故意渎职引起的; f) 对教科文组织需开展的有关参与计划活动,给予 1947 年《专门机构特权和 豁免公约》所规定的各种特权和豁免权。
(c) pay, where participation is accorded in the form of study grants, the cost of the grant-holders’ passports, visas, medical examinations and salaries while they are abroad, if they are in receipt of a salary; help them find suitable employment when they return to their countries of origin in accordance with national regulations
第六,不可认,及时和适赔偿特 遣队所属装 备,不仅可促成其他潜在部队派遣国参与,而且也是 对现有部队派遣国继续需要作出的牺牲的承认和肯 定。
Sixthly, there is no gainsaying that prompt and adequate compensation [...]
for contingent-owned equipment, apart from catalysing
the participation of other potential troop-contributing countries, demonstrates recognition and appreciation of the sacrifices which troop-contributing countries are continuously called upon to make.
另外比较可取 的是赔偿确认适当 的标准,从自愿作证开始时就确定提供赔偿的义务,设置并 运作取得肇事者资产的机制,将不同的做法统一融合,并确保与其他过渡期机制 的适当协调。
It is also advisable to identify appropriate criteria for reparations, to establish the obligation to provide reparations from the beginning of voluntary depositions, to reinforce State mechanisms for accessing assets of perpetrators, to integrate differential approaches and to ensure adequate coordination with other transitional mechanisms.
提交人坚持说,是公民身份标准阻止了在捷克司法内获得其财产 赔 偿 , 他坚认为这 是一项歧视性的要求,侵犯了《公约》第二十六条,构成了他向委员会提 出申诉的事由。
The author insists that it is the citizenship criteria which barred restitution of his property before Czech jurisdictions, and that this discriminatory requirement, which violates article 26 of the Covenant, constitutes the subject-matter of his complaint before the Committee.
显然,以色列承认毁坏联合国的财产,包括愿意向联 合国提供 1 050 万美元赔偿,并没有认对巴 勒斯坦人的不法行为所具有的法 律和政治后果。
Obviously, the admission to damage to United Nations property, including Israel’s willingness to provide US$ 10.5 million in compensation to the United Nations, does not carry with it the same legal and political consequences as would admissions to wrongful conduct against Palestinians.
虽然各国对违反国际法的行为作赔 偿的义务被认为是 一项一般原则3 ——可见诸国际人道主义法文书的一些具 体规定4 ——但对国家因违反国际人道主义法而面向个人直接承 赔 偿 责 任的认却遇到了实质和程序两方的障碍。
While the
[...] obligation of States to make reparation for violations of international law is recognized as a general principle3 — manifestations of which can be found in specific provisions of international humanitarian law instruments4— the recognition of States’ direct liability vis-à-vis individuals for violations of international humanitarian law has met with legal — both substantive and procedural — obstacles.5 On a substantive ground, national jurisdictions have opposed to claimants one or more of the following arguments: first, the right to reparation as found in international [...]
humanitarian law is not
self-executing, only home States of the victims being directly entitled to this right;6 second, a peace agreement exists that precludes individual claims.
被 告认为这违反了合同,并依据《销售公约》第 74 条提出损赔偿请求;被认 为,接受货物应被视为《销售公约》第 77 条所指的意在减轻损失的简单措施。
The defendant deemed that to be a breach of contract, giving rise to a claim for damages within the meaning of article 74 CISG; in the defendant’s view, acceptance of the goods should be regarded as a simple measure intended to mitigate the loss within the meaning of article 77 CISG.




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